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Re: ቴድሮስ የሚባል ሰው ከቅሌት ለመዳን ሪዛይን ቢያረግ ነው!! አቢይና ብልጽግና ከዚህ ተማሩ ??

Post by Horus » 11 Apr 2020, 00:48


To appreciate the principles of uncertainty and predominance of chaos rather than global not even human but political power order of China - Oriental Despotism .. consider this

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Re: ቴድሮስ የሚባል ሰው ከቅሌት ለመዳን ሪዛይን ቢያረግ ነው!! አቢይና ብልጽግና ከዚህ ተማሩ ??

Post by Horus » 11 Apr 2020, 00:59

And, this is what Gagi needs to learn how to do rather than be a pawn in China's own problem solving scheme. China is using Africa as a tool. Ditto !!!

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Re: ቴድሮስ የሚባል ሰው ከቅሌት ለመዳን ሪዛይን ቢያረግ ነው!! አቢይና ብልጽግና ከዚህ ተማሩ ??

Post by gagi » 11 Apr 2020, 13:55

Thanks Dawi, for the editing you made on my intervention. You are absolutely, right. Those words were not necessary. I do not condone such things, but I think the stress of life at the time of pandemic, could explain it.

Horus, do you know the Canadian author and high profile activist, Naomi Klein. The “shock doctrine: disaster capitalism” is one of her signature books that she wrote years back, and which I read as soon as it was released. I am mentioning this just to let you know that I have some little knowledge about how capitalism works hard to flourish out of every form disasters, shock.

This time it is different. Yes, Africa, Ethiopia owe China so much debt. So is US. Have you heard what some evangelical leaders in the US are calling Trump to do - they are asking him to make China pay a hefty price for putting the world under such devastation due to the virus. Some Senators, are interestingly, asking that China should be forced to waive the 1.1 Trillion that US owes to her. So why are you surprised by the Ethiopia’s debt from China. China is emerging as the leader of the new order. US and the global conservatives are fighting hard to stop this process - but it seems that we are in a fascinating course of history that one cannot avoid the outcome. Where do you wish to stand, Horus?

Digital Weyane
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Re: ቴድሮስ የሚባል ሰው ከቅሌት ለመዳን ሪዛይን ቢያረግ ነው!! አቢይና ብልጽግና ከዚህ ተማሩ ??

Post by Digital Weyane » 11 Apr 2020, 14:09

ቴድሮስ <ለምን ሞተ?> ቢሉ
እንደዚህ ብላችሁ፣ ንገሩ ለሁሉ
ሳትሸፋፍኑ፣ ሳትደብቁ ከቶ
እጁን በሳሙና፣ ሳይታጠብ ቀርቶ
አትሰብሰብ ሲሉት፣ ስብሰባ አብዝቶ
የትም ሲንጦሎጦል፣ ቤት መሆንን ጠልቶ
ከጂን ፒንግ ተጨባብጦ፣ ከቻይና ተጠጋግቶ
ከትራምፕ ተኳርፎ፣ ከቦሪስ ተጣልቶ
ዘመድ ወገኖቹን፣ ለክፎ ለሞት አጭቶ
ሞተ በቃ ሞቶ።

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Re: ቴድሮስ የሚባል ሰው ከቅሌት ለመዳን ሪዛይን ቢያረግ ነው!! አቢይና ብልጽግና ከዚህ ተማሩ ??

Post by Horus » 11 Apr 2020, 16:06

ነገሮችህ ሁሉ ተደባለቁ።
አንድ፣ ካፒታኢዝም በቀውስ ማደግ ብቻ ሳይሆን፣ ለማደግ ሲል ቀውስና ጦርነት ሁሉ እንደ ሚፈጥር እኛ ብቻ ሳይሆን ውሾቻችን ያውቁታል ። ያ አይደለም የዚህ ገጽ አላማ ።

ሁለት፣ ግሎባሊዝም አለ ወይስ የለም? ግሎባሊዝም እያበበ ነው ወይስ እየወደቀ የሚለው ሌላ ራሱን የቻለ ጉዳይ ነው ። ያ የዚህ ገጽ አላማ አይደለም ።

ሶስት፣ ይህ ኮሮና ሆን ብሎ ካፒታሊዝም የፈጠረው ነው? የኬሚካል ጦርነት ነው ወይስ አይደለም የሚለው ራሱን የቻለ ሌላ ጉዳይ ነው ። ያ የዚህ ገጽ አላማ አይደለም ።

ስለዚህ ወደ ጉዳዩ ተመልስ !

ቴድሮስ ወያኔው የቻይና ገመና ለመሸፈን ደብቆ ወይም አደጋውን አቃሎ ለአለም ሕዝብ ያለበትን አላፊነት አልተወጣም፤ ስለዚህ ሪዛይን የማደርግ ሞራል ግዴታ አለበት ነው የሚለው የዚህ ገጽ ጉዳይ ። ካሻህ ያንን መልስ ፣ በቃ !
Last edited by Horus on 11 Apr 2020, 17:11, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ቴድሮስ የሚባል ሰው ከቅሌት ለመዳን ሪዛይን ቢያረግ ነው!! አቢይና ብልጽግና ከዚህ ተማሩ ??

Post by gagi » 11 Apr 2020, 16:43

እነኝህ የተደባለቁ የመሰሉህ ነገሮች እኮ የተያያዙ ስለሆኑ ነው::

ቀደም ሲል የነገርሁህ መሰለኝ:: ዶር ቴዎድሮስማ ተገፍቶ ከሃላፊነቱ መነሳቱ የማይቀር ይመስላል:: ቴዎድሮስ ግን ጀግና ሲሄድም one who spoke truth to power ተብሎ ነው በታሪክ የሚታሰበው:: የኢትዮጵያዊነት ማሳያ ነው::

ዶር ቴዎድሮስ ሁኔታዎቹ በደረሱበት ደረጃ የቀረቡለትን መረጃዎች ለዓለም አድርሱእል:: መረጃዎቹ ክፍተት አልነበራቸውም? ሊኖራቸው ይችላል:: Hindsight is always 20/20. ነገር ግን ሆነ ብሎ ለቻይና ፍላጎት እና ጥቅም ሰርትዋል ለሚለው አንዳች መረጃ የለም::

The denial of science that started by some corners in the US in denying climate change has reached a level where every scientific information has been shunned by them including the President and look what happened to the “greatest power on Earth”. It is leading the world in all respects - in exposures to the virus and sadly the number of body bags and mass graves, as well!

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Re: ቴድሮስ የሚባል ሰው ከቅሌት ለመዳን ሪዛይን ቢያረግ ነው!! አቢይና ብልጽግና ከዚህ ተማሩ ??

Post by sun » 11 Apr 2020, 16:58

Hawzen wrote:
10 Apr 2020, 19:08
Horus wrote:
09 Apr 2020, 01:59
This [deleted] agame is trying to create bogus claim of racism to get support from Africans....I think he all of a sudden forgot when his regime deported Eritreans because of the colour of our eyes.... God knows home many Oromo, Amhara, Somali and other Ethiopians died when the same unqualified person covered up outbreaks in Ethiopia....I just hope that this incompetent criminal gets fired immediately and joins his agame brothers in prison in Ethiopia.....

Dedebit is always dedeb
R.I.P Abay Tigray and TPLF
Hmm... 8)

I am not a politician but yet how can you be so sure that some of those xenophobic non entity lunatic orientals suffering from inferiority complex are not blood thirty racist mad Apes.?

For their own good they must be incorporated back in to mother China and learn a lesson or two about manners, morals and civilized 2st century nice behaviors.

Last but not least, and even if Dr. Teodros have done wrongs we better condemn him for the bygone mistakes and misbehavior while supporting him and encouraging him right now so that he may pay back his wrong doings by doing all the good jobs for all of us.

What is positive change/transition then both in the individual and communal lives if we don't encourage people to do the right and the good jobs instead of the bygone wrong and the bad jobs.

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Re: ቴድሮስ የሚባል ሰው ከቅሌት ለመዳን ሪዛይን ቢያረግ ነው!! አቢይና ብልጽግና ከዚህ ተማሩ ??

Post by Horus » 11 Apr 2020, 17:07

በቃ ይህን እዚሁ እናብቃው ። ያለም የጤና ድርጅትኮ በአለም ላይ ስንት ወፍራም ደሞዝ የሚበሉ ኤክስፐርቶ መድቦ ያለ ግዙፍ ተቋም ነው። ስራቸው ቁጭ ብለው መንግስት የሚልክላቸው ፕሮፓጋንዳ መልሰው ማወጅ አይደለም። የእኔ ሞኝነት ከዎያኔ ሞራል ቫልዩ መጠበቄ ነው። ቴዎድሮስ ብቃት የለውም ፣ የፈለገ የፕለቲካ ድጋፍ ሊሰጠው ይችላል ። ያ ደሞ አዲስ አይደለም፣ ኢትዮጵያን የሚገዟት ሁሉ የዉሸት ምሁራን ስለሆነ !!

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Re: ቴድሮስ የሚባል ሰው ከቅሌት ለመዳን ሪዛይን ቢያረግ ነው!! አቢይና ብልጽግና ከዚህ ተማሩ ??

Post by sun » 11 Apr 2020, 17:09

gagi wrote:
10 Apr 2020, 20:20
አንተ ድንጋይ ራስ

This is a new world order in the making. Autocratic China is the only functioning super power. Look what is happening- China is the global saviour. The life saving medical equipments and advice are being shipped to the old world. The fact that the US death from the pandemic becoming way high from that of China is a proof of the new order to come.

Obviously, the West is retreating fast from globalization that themselves created. But that makes them even smaller and loser. It is Asia’s and Africa’s turn despite the ሚጢጢ ቡችላዎች like you.

They might push out Dr. Tewodros in the next few days, but the reality remains. The change in the world order is already happening.
Hmm... :P

Well said!

At a personal level I am the person of the West more than being the person of the East but yet trends, realities and facts matter most.
That is why I like people who see trends the realities and facts in the face from all angles and then tell it as it is! China just built a huge hospital for some 1500 patients on a large parking area within two weeks. Mind boggling indeed!

These unparalleled efficiency and competency makes some nations and some leaders walking backward and walking forwards in utter confusion, very jealous and envious deep down to their bones, behavior which is understandable and natural to say the least since citizens compare and contrast their leaders and others very quickly and easily.

Can any one out there come out and tell me if any other country on our planet can build multi functional 21st century luxurious specialized hospital for 1500 patients even within in a year not to talk of the unbelievable two weeks time frame?

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Re: ቴድሮስ የሚባል ሰው ከቅሌት ለመዳን ሪዛይን ቢያረግ ነው!! አቢይና ብልጽግና ከዚህ ተማሩ ??

Post by Horus » 14 Apr 2020, 20:31

America has cut of funding to WHO and Ethiopians are getting infected in hundred inside a South Dakota meat factory - shameless Tedros still in power. The world crisis is just starting.

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