Ethiopian News, Current Affairs and Opinion Forum
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Re: ETHIOPIA:"መጨረሻው የርስ በርስ ጦርነት ይሆናል! Elections = farce. Yugoslavia-style civil war likely". A Regime insider's predict

Post by TGAA » 16 Mar 2020, 07:19

You Egyptian cakroroch, Ethipians will crush you one by one to ground. Ethopia is no Yugoslavia though your booblly head tell's you otherwise.

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Re: ETHIOPIA:"መጨረሻው የርስ በርስ ጦርነት ይሆናል! Elections = farce. Yugoslavia-style civil war likely". A Regime insider's predict

Post by Somaliman » 16 Mar 2020, 14:59

"Yugoslavia-style civil war likely"


Civil war has been long overdue in Ethiopia to properly shuffle Habesha classical cards. In the long run, it can only be beneficial for every Ethiopian, except for Habesha!

Hola, ¿qué tal, hermano?

Posts: 4077
Joined: 15 Jun 2018, 17:40

Re: ETHIOPIA:"መጨረሻው የርስ በርስ ጦርነት ይሆናል! Elections = farce. Yugoslavia-style civil war likely". A Regime insider's predict

Post by Za-Ilmaknun » 16 Mar 2020, 15:14

Somaliman wrote:
16 Mar 2020, 14:59
"Yugoslavia-style civil war likely"


Civil war has been long overdue in Ethiopia to properly shuffle Habesha classical cards. In the long run, it can only be beneficial for every Ethiopian, except for Habesha!

Hola, ¿qué tal, hermano?
How did Somalia fare with reshuffling the deck after the Civil War? Ohh I forgot they still are reshuffling after 30+ years.. :lol: We all hope it won't come to that..but if it does, you will again be disappointed once and forever. :mrgreen:

Posts: 4950
Joined: 09 Nov 2007, 20:12
Location: Heaven

Re: ETHIOPIA:"መጨረሻው የርስ በርስ ጦርነት ይሆናል! Elections = farce. Yugoslavia-style civil war likely". A Regime insider's predict

Post by Somaliman » 16 Mar 2020, 16:34

Za-Ilmaknun wrote:
16 Mar 2020, 15:14
Somaliman wrote:
16 Mar 2020, 14:59
"Yugoslavia-style civil war likely"


Civil war has been long overdue in Ethiopia to properly shuffle Habesha classical cards. In the long run, it can only be beneficial for every Ethiopian, except for Habesha!

Hola, ¿qué tal, hermano?
How did Somalia fare with reshuffling the deck after the Civil War? Ohh I forgot they still are reshuffling after 30+ years.. :lol: We all hope it won't come to that..but if it does, you will again be disappointed once and forever. :mrgreen:

Of course, it doesn't go without saying that a civil war is also destructive.

Believe it or not, in Somalia, we've gained via the civil war more than we've lost. Currently, we're in recovery mode and, like any recovery, it takes time.

Posts: 1685
Joined: 02 Jul 2015, 20:56

Re: ETHIOPIA:"መጨረሻው የርስ በርስ ጦርነት ይሆናል! Elections = farce. Yugoslavia-style civil war likely". A Regime insider's predict

Post by free-tembien » 16 Mar 2020, 17:06

yaballo wrote:
16 Mar 2020, 04:45
:lol: kunta kunte, you wish :lol: መስሎሻል abiy is preparing for every eventuality. all qerros are now hired as liyu police in oromia.
even now any uprising is met with fast response with federal dula :lol: . ask everywhere they will tell you how currently any noise is met with fast federal police dula :lol: ask also why everything has become calm in the last weeks and months. do you think some hooligans became saints? no, abiy started dispatching the federal dula fast and the result is everywhere is becoming peaceful.
any noise during the election will be met with fierce dula believe me. don't fool yourself and hope some hooligans will bring the government down.
times are very different. woyane had zero support from the public, abiy has huge support so don't expect the same result if some hooligans start making noise. the public will stand with abiy to enforce law and order. there is big difference between now and then. don't be delusional.

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Re: ETHIOPIA:"መጨረሻው የርስ በርስ ጦርነት ይሆናል! Elections = farce. Yugoslavia-style civil war likely". A Regime insider's predict

Post by simbe11 » 16 Mar 2020, 17:15

እርግጠኛ ነኝ አንተ አውሮፓ ወይ አሜሪካ ቁጭ ብለህ ነው እንዲህ የምትለው::
አገር ቤት ካለህ እንደ ትግሬዎች አባባል "ልብ ሃሳብካ ይግበረልካ":: ያሰብክውን ይስጥህ::
ኢትዮጵያ ገና ለዘላለም ባንድነት ትኖራለች::
yaballo wrote:
16 Mar 2020, 04:45
ETHIOPIA: "መጨረሻው የርስ በርስ ጦርነት ይሆናል! Elections are a farce. Prepare yourselves for a Yugoslavia-style civil war". A Regime insider's prediction.

"አሁን በኢትዮጵያ ያለውን የፖለቲካ ሁኔታ ስናጤን

ከዚህ ቀጥሎ ያለው ስጋት እንጂ ሟርት አይደለም፤ ልብ ያለው ግን ልብ ይበል፣

*አሁን በተጨባጭ አሃዳውያን የመንግሥትን ሥልጣን ተቆጣጥረዋል፣

*በነሐሴ ይካሄዳል ተብሎ የተያዘው ቀጠሮ ይሳካል ብሎ የሚያስብ ካለ ራሱን ባያጃጅል ይሻላል፣

*ለምርጫ የሚጋብዝ ተቋማዊ፣ ሥነልቦናዊም ሆነ ቁሳዊ መደላድል የለም፣

*እየታሰበ ያለው ለአብይ ብልፅግና ሌጂትማሲ ለመስጠት ነው፣

*ሀገሪቱን እየገዛ ያለው መንግሥት ነፃ ምርጫም አያካሄድም ሥልጣኑንም አይለቅም፣

*በገዢው ቡድን የተቋቋመው የምርጫ ቦርድ ገለልተኛም አይደለም፤ ምርጫንም ለመምራት ተቋማዊ ብቃት የለውም፣

*አሁን ያለው የአብይ አህመድ መንግሥት ከሌሎች አሃዳውያ ጋር ብቻ የጥምር መንግሥት ሊያቋቁም ይችላል፣

*ምናልባት የኦሮሞ ፓርቲዎች በምርጫው የሚሳተፉ ከሆነ ጥቂት ወንበር ይሰጣቸው ይሆናል፣

*የኦሮሞ ፓርቲዎች ይህን ስለማይቀበሉ ኦሮሞ ወደ ትግል መመለሱ አይቀርም። ትግሉ ሰላማዊ ወይም የአመፅ ሊሆን ይችላል፣

*የኦሮሞ የፖለቲካ መሪዎች ሊታሰሩም ሊገደሉም ይችላሉ፣

*የአሃዳውያኑ መንግስት አንዱንም የኦሮሞ ጥያቄ አይመልስም፣

* የደቡብ ብሔርና ብሔረሰቦች የክልልነት ጥያቄም አይመለስም፣

*ትግራይ ላይ ሙሉ በሙሉ ህወሃት ያሸንፋል፤ ሆኖም በፓርላማው ውስጥ ምንም ተፅዕኖ አይኖረውም፤ ስለዚህ ህወሃት ፓርላማ ለማድመቅ ብቻ ላይገባ ይችላል፣

* የደቡብ ሕዝቦችም የኦሮሞን ፈለግ መከተላቸው አይቀርም፣

*የአሃዳውያኑ መንግሥት አመፁን በኃይል ለመደፍጠጥ ይሞክራል

*የደቡቦች አመፅ ከትግራይ ሞራላዊ ድጋፍ ሊያገኝ ይችላል ነገር ግን ብዙ ብዙ ፍጅት ይከተላል፣

*መጨረሻው የርስ በርስ ጦርነት ይሆናል፣

*ትግራይ ልክ እንደ ፑንት ላንድና ሶማሌ ላንድ ነፃነቷን ሊታውጅ ትችላላለች ወይም ከደቡቦች ጋር ተደርባ አሃዳውያንን ለመዋጋት ትሰለፍ ይሆናል፣

*ኤርትራ አብይን ለመደገፍና ህወሃትን ለመበቀል ትቃጣ ይሆናል፤ ይህ ቀውሱን የበለጠ ያባብሳል፣

*የርስ በርስ ጦርነቱን የከፋ የሚያደርገው በችጋር፣ በረሃብና በተላላፊ በሽታ መታጀቡ ነው፣

* የርስ በርስ ጦርነቱ ፊሽካ ከተነፋ ታይቶ የማይታወቅ ስደት ይኖራል፤ ስደቱ ደግሞ የአካባቢውን ሀገሮች በሙሉ ያናጋል (ኤርትራ፣ ሱዳን፣ ኬንያ፣ ጅቡቲ፣ ደቡብ ሱዳን
ይናጋሉ) ኡግንዳና ታንዛኒያም ገፈቱ ይደርሳቸዋል፣

*አልሸባብ ነፃ ቀጠና ሊያገኝና በተቀጣጠለው እሳት ላይ ቤንዝን ያርከፈክፋል፣

*የኢትዮጵያ መዳከም የሚፈልጉ ሀገሮች በተለይ ግብፅ ክብሪት ሊታቀብል ትችላለች፣

* ይህን እየመጣ ያለውን አደጋ ለማስቀረት አማራጭ ካልተፈለገ በአሃዳውያን ውረድ እንውረድ እየተገፋ አይኑን ጨፍኖ ስልጣን ወይም ሞት ብሎ ከበሮ እየደለቀ ያለው
የአብይ አህመድ ቡድን ራሱም ወድሞ ኢትዮጵያንም እንደ ይጎዝላቪያ ከታሪክ ገፅ ይፍቃታል"።

Posts: 4077
Joined: 15 Jun 2018, 17:40

Re: ETHIOPIA:"መጨረሻው የርስ በርስ ጦርነት ይሆናል! Elections = farce. Yugoslavia-style civil war likely". A Regime insider's predict

Post by Za-Ilmaknun » 16 Mar 2020, 17:46

Somaliman wrote:
16 Mar 2020, 16:34
Za-Ilmaknun wrote:
16 Mar 2020, 15:14
Somaliman wrote:
16 Mar 2020, 14:59
"Yugoslavia-style civil war likely"


Civil war has been long overdue in Ethiopia to properly shuffle Habesha classical cards. In the long run, it can only be beneficial for every Ethiopian, except for Habesha!

Hola, ¿qué tal, hermano?
How did Somalia fare with reshuffling the deck after the Civil War? Ohh I forgot they still are reshuffling after 30+ years.. :lol: We all hope it won't come to that..but if it does, you will again be disappointed once and forever. :mrgreen:

Of course, it doesn't go without saying that a civil war is also destructive.

Believe it or not, in Somalia, we've gained via the civil war more than we've lost. Currently, we're in recovery mode and, like any recovery, it takes time.
Please return to your real identity so that we can deal with you for who you are. I don't want to say bad things about our neighbors just because a fake wanna be is here ill wishing to my country and its people. You are mocking the Somali people telling us that they are having a better time now when their Cities are full of carnage.

Noble Amhara
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Re: ETHIOPIA:"መጨረሻው የርስ በርስ ጦርነት ይሆናል! Elections = farce. Yugoslavia-style civil war likely". A Regime insider's predict

Post by Noble Amhara » 16 Mar 2020, 17:52

What tribe is Zomaliman Is he a Isaac aka the most hated tribe in Zomalia or a Darrod the Cowards of Zomalia . :lol:

Posts: 4950
Joined: 09 Nov 2007, 20:12
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Re: ETHIOPIA:"መጨረሻው የርስ በርስ ጦርነት ይሆናል! Elections = farce. Yugoslavia-style civil war likely". A Regime insider's predict

Post by Somaliman » 16 Mar 2020, 18:20

Noble Amhara wrote:
16 Mar 2020, 17:52
What tribe is Zomaliman Is he a Isaac aka the most hated tribe in Zomalia or a Darrod the Cowards of Zomalia . :lol:

MRed, Afarwarrior...........................

Introduce me to your sister, provided she's fuckable to my standards, and she'll feed back to you not only about who I'm, but also the firing capabilities of my guided missile. That's a fair deal, I guess.

No matter how many times you come up with another idiotic username, or claim another ethnicity, I'll recognize you better and faster than drug dealers can recognize cops.

Despite my advice for you to focus on your Community College and get a girlfriend, instead of indulging in ga.y por.n, I believe you've finally dropped out from school. What a loser! I'm so sorry for your parents who think they've a son!

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