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Re: Ethio Telecom CEO Frehiwot introduces up to 72% huge discount and up to 4x faster broadband upgrade

Post by Ethoash » 27 Feb 2020, 20:21

ይህቺ ለማጅ ጠቅላይ አስተዳደር ጉድ እንዳተረገው ቴሌን በቅናሽ ተራኝነት።
ለምን ተብሎ ነው የሚቀነስው ቅንሽ ማረጉ ባልከፋ ነበር ግን ፍጣን አገልግሎት የሚስጡ ከሆነ ለምን ያንን በወድ ዋጋ አርጎ ። ግናሽ ዝቅተኛ ፍጥነት ላለው ቢያረጉ ቅናሹ ትንሽ በትንሹ ቢሆን ገበያው እየታየ። የተለያየ ዋጋ መኖሩ ራሱ ገበያ ያደራል።

ለምሳሌ አንድ ጫማ ለመሽጥ ከፈለግህ አንዱን አምስት መቶ ብር ትላለህ ሁለተኛውን መቶ ብር ትላለህ ሶስተኛውን አስር ብር ትላለህ ። ይህ ማለት ብዙ ሰዎች የመቶ ብሩን ነው የሚገዙት ። ብዙ ግዜ ሰዎች የምስላቸዋል ርካሹን የሚገዙ ግን የስወ ተፍጥሩ በጣም የሚገርም ነው። አምስት መቶ ወይም አንድ ሺህ የምያወጣ ጫማ መኖሩ ገዛተኛውን ያስደነግጠዋል ግን ለሱ የሚሆነውን ዋጋ ሲያገኝ እሱን ይገዛል ። ከአቅሙ በታች እንዳይገዛ ደግሞ ሌላው የአንድ ሺህ ጫማ እየገዛ እኔ ይህ የመቶ ብር ጫማ ያቅተኛል ብሎ ገዝቶ ይሄዳል።

ሁለተኛ ደግሞ ጫማዎቹን በሙሉ አስር ብር በሉዋቸው የሚገዛ የለም ለምን ብትል የድሃ ጫማ ይመስላቸዋል ። ዋጋ ተመን ሲውጣ በጣም በጣም ሳይንስን የሚጠይቅ ነው በምን ያህል ሕዝቡ ይገዛል የሚለው መታየት አለብት ለሁሉም አንድ አይነት ዋጋ ማውጣት ማለት አቅም ያለው ሰው ከአቅሙ በታች ይከፍላል ማለት ነው።

የእንተርኔት ፍጥነቱን ለማሻጫ መጠቅም ሲቻል በጅምላ መቀነሱ እኔ የሚያዋጣ አይመስለኝም ።ለምን ተብሎ ነው ፸% በአንዴ የሚቀነስው ለምን ትንሽ በትንሽ አይቀነስም ገበያው እየታየ። አሁን ፸% ቅናሽ ተደርጎ የማያዋጣ ከሆን እንዴት ብላ ነው ዋጋ የምትጨምረው።

Posts: 3743
Joined: 28 Dec 2014, 21:18

Re: Ethio Telecom CEO Frehiwot introduces up to 72% huge discount and up to 4x faster broadband upgrade

Post by temari » 27 Feb 2020, 20:47

she is the right person at the right time. she grasps what a telecom infrastructure is all about. it is not about surfing the internet, it is way more than that. it is a market place and infrastructure so that many internet based companies can flourish. dr. abiy and CEO frehiwot have grasped the core essence of telecomm infrastructure like no other official before. It is found that improvements in telecommunications accounted for up to 37 percent of annual growth in total economy-wide productivity and on average for 25 percent annual productivity growth. With good and affordable telecom infrastructure fintech companies, mobile based services, call centers, software outsourcing projects from abroad, online book and movie stores, market places like ebay and many many more business can florish.

the previous regime officials had never grasped the huge potential behind the telecom infrastructure. they saw it only as a means for surfing and facebook :lol: Without the telecom infrastructure, the global economy as we know it and companies like amazon, ebay, facebook, google, paypal etc. would have been impossible. the CEO had her goals set on the wider economic impact rather than collecting expensive fees with a very poor service. she is determined to enable and help as many companies as possible. that is what telecom is all about. kudus to her!

here she explains why she is doing this

Ethoash wrote:
27 Feb 2020, 20:21

Posts: 3743
Joined: 28 Dec 2014, 21:18

Re: Ethio Telecom CEO Frehiwot introduces up to 72% huge discount and up to 4x faster broadband upgrade

Post by temari » 29 Feb 2020, 18:26

thanks to the CEO, Ethoipian ICT infrastructure is finally arriving to the 21st century. go girl go!

Posts: 3743
Joined: 28 Dec 2014, 21:18

Re: Ethio Telecom CEO Frehiwot introduces up to 72% huge discount and up to 4x faster broadband upgrade

Post by temari » 16 Apr 2020, 16:46

This meme shows how Ethio Telecom CEO Frehiwot has earned the respect and love of millions of Ethiopians.

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