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Halafi Mengedi
Senior Member+
Posts: 45806
Joined: 30 May 2010, 23:04

North Tigray army what are you waiting for, cross to south Tigray with your units and equipments now???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 24 Feb 2020, 12:35

You will be treated as Tegadelti not Issayas soldiers and Tigray will not disarm you rather will provide you everything you need to clean the primitive evil criminals and you will control north Tigray people to live peacefully. One of the command posts is needed to show the rest of them and Issayas will move all his soldiers to north of Hamassien to hide them. This will be the perfect scenario to move in to Akele Guzay, Seraye and Barantu to lead the people. Tigray arm forces will join you to help you to control the areas and provide all necessary food and equipments and you will have a country from Barantu to Seraye to Akele Guzay liberated from the evil criminals. The rest of northern regions will join with you immediately and all criminals will run away to Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries immediately by boat without bloodshed. One command unit with his army with his equipments must cross to Tigray and pave the way for others to do and Issayas will remove all securities south of Hamassien and you will walk in to Akele Guzay, Seraye and Barantu without one gun fire to the air and you will set up an administration immediately and the rest will be history. Why wait when you have an opportunity to liberate north Tigray from the primitive savage evil criminals???

Who destroyed your way of life, it is Issayas and his followers???

Halafi Mengedi
Senior Member+
Posts: 45806
Joined: 30 May 2010, 23:04

Re: North Tigray army what are you waiting for, cross to south Tigray with your units and equipments now???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 24 Feb 2020, 12:50

I wonder the Bushiteen and the brainless will go home and help the criminals???

Halafi Mengedi
Senior Member+
Posts: 45806
Joined: 30 May 2010, 23:04

Re: North Tigray army what are you waiting for, cross to south Tigray with your units and equipments now???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 24 Feb 2020, 12:56

Akele Guzay nationalists who live in Diaspora and Tigray should push this message to the arm forces to cross to Tigray and will be received as hero liberators and others will follow and Issayas will remove all his units to nor the of Hamassien before they cross and you will have vacate Akele, Seraye and Barantu. Do not die one by one by the evil criminals, make history and liberate north Tigray now.

Posts: 349
Joined: 10 Apr 2018, 00:39

Re: North Tigray army what are you waiting for, cross to south Tigray with your units and equipments now???

Post by Lovetarik » 24 Feb 2020, 12:58

The two people have no blood relation. Hamasien people are different from Tigray people. Read about it and learn:

በቬሮኒካ መላኩ
አዲስ አበባ፣ ኢትዮጵያ

ትግራዮች በተለምዶ ትግሬዎች እየተባሉ ይጠራሉ። ይሄ ትግሬ የሚለው ስም ሌላ ኤርትራ እና ሱዳን ውስጥ ካለ ትግረ (ሐይሻ) በሚል ከሚጠራ ብሔር ጋር እንዳይመሳሰል ላስገነዝብ ወዳለሁ። ኢትዮጵያውያን ትግሬ እያልን የምንጠራቸው ባብዛኛው አሁን ትግራይ እየተባለ በሚጠራው ክልል ውስጥ በአደዋ፣ ሽሬ(ሽረ)፣ መቀሌ(መቐለ) የሚኖሩትን ትግርኛ ተናጋሪዎች ሲሆን አሁን ያሉት እነዚህ ከላይ በተጠቀሱት ቦታዎች የሚኖሩ ትግርኛ ተናጋሪዎች ራሳቸውን በክልላቸው ስም ትግራይ እንዲሁም ተጋሩ እያሉ መጥራትን ይመርጣሉ ። እኔም በዚህ ፁሑፍ ላይ መጠራት በፈለጉበት ስያሜ ትግራዮች እያልኩ እጠራቸዋለሁ።

ወደ ዋናው ነገራችን ስንመጣ ብዙ ወገኖች ትግራዮች እና የኤርትራ ብሄረ ትግርኛ አንድ አይነት ብሔር ይመስሉዋቸዋል። በመሰረቱ ግን ሁለቱ ፍፁም የተለያዩ ነገዶች ናቸው። ትግራዮች "የኤርትራ ብሄረ ትግርኛን ትግራዮች ናቸው አንድ ብሔር ነን" ብለው ያስባሉ። ብዙ ትግራዮችም ኤርትራዊ የመሆን ፍላጎት አላቸው። የባድመ ጦርነት ከመነሳቱ በፊት ብዙዎቹ ትግራዮች ራሳቸውን ኤርትራዊ እያሉ ይጠሩ ነበር። ከባድመ ጦርነት በሁዋላ እነዚህ ትግራዮች ከፍተኛ የሆነ የማንነት ቀውስ ውስጥ ገብተዋል። በተቃራኒው የኤርትራ ብሄረ ትግርኛዎች ስለ ትግራዮች ያላቸው ስሜት ምን እንደሆነ ሲጠየቁ ትግራዮች ወይም አጋሜዎች እያሉ ይጠሩዋቸዋል። (Hassan Adem, M.T., Tekle B, 2010) እነዚህ ኤርትራውያን ብሄረ ትግርኛዎች ትግራዮችን የማይታመኑ እና ልባቸው የማይገኝ አድርገው በአሉታዊ መንገድ ይስሉዋቸዋል። ”Eritreans sometimes contemptuously refer to them- cannot be trusted and never could.” (Smith,et al. 2003, Africa, volume 73, p.377) ።

በኤርትራውያን ብሄረ ትግርኛዎች ላይ በተደረገው በዚህ አንትሮፖሎጅካል ማህበራዊ ጥናት ላይ አንድ የ EPLF ታጋይ የነበረ ለፕሮፌሰር ሪድ ”አባቶቻችን እና ቅድመ አያቶቻችን እነዚህ ትግራዮች አደገኛ ናቸው በደንብ እናውቃቸዋለን ብለው አስጠንቅቀውናል” ብሎ ኤርትራውያን ነፃነታቸውን ባወጁበት ዓመተምህረት በአውሮፓ አቆጣጠር በ1991 ወይም በ1983 ኢ.አ ምስክርነት ሰጦ ነበር። “Be careful, these people are dangerous, we know them well!” (Smith,et al. 2003, Africa, volume 73, p.377 )

የኤርትራ ብሄረ ትግርኛዎች ከትግሬዎች የተለየ ማንነት እንዳላቸው እያሳወቁ ትግሬዎች የኤርትራ ብሔረ ትግርኛዎችን እንደራሳቸው ብሄር አድርገው ለምን ይቆጥሩዋቸዋል?

የኤርትራ ብሄረ ትግርኛዎች ኤርትራዊ የሚባል ሃገራዊ ማንነት ሲገነቡ ትግራዮች ከየኤርትራ ብሄረ ትግርኛዎች የተለየ ብሔራዊ ማንነት መገንባት ለምን ተሳናቸው?

በትግራዮች ዘንድ የሚታየው የማንነት ቀውስ ምንጩ ምንድን ነው? ለመሆኑ ይህ የኤርትራ የብሔረ ትግርኛዎች ለትግራዮች ያላቸው አሉታዊ አመለካከት እንዴት ሊመጣ ቻለ?

የነገድ ማንነት ትርጉም በተለያዩ የማህበራዊ ሳይንስ ተመራማሪዎች እና ፀሐፊዎች የተለያየ ፍች ይሰጠዋል። ነገድ ጎሳ እና ብሄር የሚሉት ቃላት ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ አሁን ባለው ተቀራራቢ ፍች ነው ያላቸው። ብሔር ከሀገር ጋር ጎሳ ከቁዋንቁዋ ጋር ስለሚዛመዱ ethnicity ለሚለው የእንግሊዘኛ ቃል በጣም ተቀራራቢ የሆነው ቃል ነገድ የሚለው ስለሆነ ነገድ እያልኩ እጠቀማለሁ።

ማክስ ዌበር የነገድ ማንነትን ተመሳሳይ የሆነ ውጫዊ አቁዋም ወይም ልምድ ስላለን አንድ የጋራ የነገድ ምንጭ አለኝ ብሎ የማመን ግላዊ እሳቤ ነው ይለዋል። የአንድ ነገድ አባልነት እውነተኛ የደም ትስስር ቢኖረም ባይኖረም ዋና አላማው ፖለቲካዊ ቡድን ወይም ማህበረሰብ መፍጠር ነው ይላል።

“Those human groups that entertain a subjective belief in their common descent because of similarities of physical type or of customs or both, or because of memories of colonization and migration; this belief must be important for group formation; furthermore it does not matter whether an objective blood relationship exists…ethnic membership does not constitute a group; it only facilitates group formation of any kind, particularly in the political sphere. On the other hand it is primarily the political community, no matter how artificially organized, that inspires the belief in common ethnicity.” (1978, Max Weber, p. 389)

ፕሮፌሰር ጆሹዋ ደግሞ የነገድ ማንነት የሚወሰነው በዋናነት በስነልቦና ነው ይላል። አንድ ሰው የአንድ ነገድ አባል ነኝ ብሎ ራሱን ማሳመን እና መግለፅ ይኖርበታል ይላል።

The psychological dimension of ethnicity is perhaps the most important because, regardless of variations in the biological, cultural, and social domains, if a person self-identifies as a member of a particular ethnic group, then he or she is willing to be perceived and treated as a member of that group. Thus, self-ascribed and other-ascribed ethnic labels are the overt manifestations of individuals’ identification with a particular ethnicity. (2001, Joshua A. Fishman, p.115)

የነገድ ማንነት ከሃይማኖት ከቋንቋ እና ባህል ጋርም ይያያዛል። ግን በሃይማኖት እና ቋንቋ መቀራረብ አንድ የጋራ ነገድን አይፈጥርም። ለምሳሌ ጀርመኖች እና ኦስትርያዎች ተመሳሳይ ቋንቋ አና እምነት እንዲሁም ተቀራራቢ ባህል እና ወግ ቢኖራቸውም ራሳቸውን እንደ ሁለት የተለያዩ ነገዶች ነው የሚያዩት። ሁቱ፣ ቱትሲ እና ትዋ ሶስቱም ነገዶች ሩዋንዳ ሩንዲ የተባለ ተመሳሳይ የአፍ መፍቻ ቋንቋ ነው ያላቸው። ሃይማኖታቸውም ባመዛኙ ተመሳሳይ ካቶሊክ ነው። ባህላቸውም ተቀራራቢ የባንቱዎች ባህል ነው። ነገር ግን ራሳቸውን እንደተለያዩ ነገዶች ነው የሚቆጥሩት። በደቡብ ሱዳን ያሉ ዲንቃዎች ቋንቋ ብዙ አይነት አነጋገር ቢኖረውም አንድ ዲንቃ ነገድ ነን ነው የሚሉት። የ ኑዌሮች እና የ ሺልቆች (Shilluk) ቋንቋ በጣም ተመሳሳይ ቢሆንም ሁለቱ ራሳቸውን እንደተለያዩ ነገዶች ነው የሚያዩት።

ለየኤርትራ ብሄረ ትግርኛ ነገድ ትግርኛ የቋንቋቸው መጠሪያ እና የነገዳቸው መጠሪያ ስያሜ ምንጭ ነው።

”In official papers distributed by the Eritrean Government, the ‘language’ (Tigrinya) is used as an ethnic term of the group” (1998, Kjetil Tronvoll, P. 30).ኤርትራ ውስጥ ያሉ ሌሎች ነገዶችም የቋንቋቸው ስም የነገዳቸው መጠሪያ ሁኑዋል። ”Nearly all the ethnic groups in Eritrea are also named after their language, including the Tigre, Kunama, Afar, Nara, Saho, Hedareb, and Bilen” (Hassan Adem, M.T., Tekle B, 2010)

ብዙ በዓለም ላይ ያሉ ነገዶች ስም እና ቋንቋ የተመሳሰለበት ግዜ አለ። አማራ እና አማርኛ ፣ ኦሮሞ እና ኦሮምኛ፣ እንግሊዝ እና እንግሊዘኛ፣ ፍሬንች እና ፈረንሳይኛ ወዘተረፈ። በ 1990ዎቹ በተደረገ ጥናት አብዛኛዎቹ የኤርትራ ብሄረ ትግርኛዎች ራሳቸውን የሚገልፁት ሐማሴን፣ አካለ ጉዛይ እና ሰራዬ በሚል ነበር።

“However, people from the highlands do not speak of themselves as “Tigrinyans.” When asked they would usually reply as did Tewolde, a 60-year old villager from Mai Weini: “Tigrinya is just the language, it is not the tribe (aliet). The tribe is Kebessa (highland). Or, when in the highlands, the tribe is Akele-Guzai, Seraye or Hamasien”( Kjetil Tronvoll, P. 30,1998 )”

የመጀመሪያው በትግርኛ የተፃፈ ፅሁፍ የተገኘው የአሁኗ ኤርትራ ውስጥ ሲሆን ትግርኛ ቋንቋ ሁለት አይነት የአነጋገር ዘየዎች አሉት። የአስመራ እና የትግራይ። የትግርኛ ቋንቋ መደባዊ ቋንቋ የአስመራ ዘዬ ነው ። ሃማሴኖች በንጉስ ላሊበላ እና በአፄ ሰርፀ ድንግል ከወሎ እና ጎንደር በውትድርና የሄዱ እንደሆኑ ብዙ የታሪክ ድርሳናት ያትታሉ።

ከእንግዲህ በየኤርትራ ብሄረ ትግርኛ በትግራይ እና በየኤርትራ ትግረ መካከል ያለው ዝምድና ”ትግ” የምትለው ቃል ናት። ይህም እነዚህ ሶስት ህዝቦች ከዘመናት በፊት ከአንድ ተቀራራቢ የዘር ሐረግ መጠው ሊሆን ይችላሉ። ዳሩ ግን ከዘመናት በፊት ሁሉም የሰው ልጅ ከአንድ የዘር ግንድ እንደተነሳ ይታመናል። በዘመናት ሂደት ይህ አንድ የሰው ዘር በቦታ እና በአካባቢ ልዩነት የራሱን ቋንቋ እና ባህል እንዲሁም ነገድ ማህበራዊ ቡድን እየፈጠረ እንደመጣ ይታመናል።

ከእንግዲህ እነዚህ የኤርትራ ብሄረ ትግርኛዎች ራሳቸውን ከትግራዮች ጋር እንደ አንድ ነገድ የማያዩት ለምድን ነው? ምክንያቱም ተመሳሳይ የሆነ ስነልቦና እና አብሮ የመኖር ትስስር ስለሌላቸው ነው። የኤርትራ ብሄረ ትግርኛዎች እና ትግራዮች ለዘመናት የተለያዩ ግዛቶች እንደነበሩ በታሪክ ተጠቅሱዋል። አብዛኛዎቹ የኤርትራ ብሄረ ትግርኛዎች ጎንደሬዎች ቤጃዎች እና በለዎች እንደሆኑ በስፋት ተጠቅሱዋል።

“The 9th century Arab geographer Al-Ya’qubi wrote of six Beja kingdoms located in what is today Eritrea. Beja place names are found throughout the central and northern highlands of Eritrea, suggesting widespread Beja interaction with other communities (Schmidt, Curtis, Teka , p. 284, 2008)”

የኤርትራ ብሄረ ትግርኛ እና ትግራዮች ተቀራራቢ ቋንቋ ቢጠቀሙም የተለያዩ ሁለት ነገዶች መሆናቸውን በአካባቢው ጥናት ያደረጉ ተመራማሪዎች ፅፈዋል። ሮይ ፓተማን የኤርትራ ብሄረ ትግርኛ እና ትግራዮች ሁለቱ የተለያዩ ነገዶች መሆናቸውን እንዲህ አስቀምጦታል። አስትርያዎች ጀርመኖች እና የተወሰኑ ስዊዞች ጀርመንኛ ቢናገሩም ሁሉም የተለያዩ ህዝቦች እነሆኑት ሁሉ በኤርትራ ከፍታማ ቦታዎች የሚኖሩት እና ትግራዮች ከጥንት ጀምሮ የተለያዩ ነገዶች ናቸው ስል ፅፉዋል።

“Even in those distant times, however, it is clear that the land and people of highland Eritrea were distinct from people of Tigray, even though they spoke the same language-just as the Austrians, Swiss Germans and the Germans of today are very different people (Roy Pateman, P.33, 1998).”

ከላይ እንደገለፅኩት ሁቱ እና ቱትሲ ተመሳሳይ የአፍ መፍቻ ቋንቋ እና ተመሳሳይ ሃይማኖት ቢኖራቸውም ራሳቸውን እንደ ሁለት የተለያዩ ነገዶች ነው የሚቆጥሩት። ፖርቹጋላዊው ፍራንሲስኮ አልቫሬዝ በ 16ኛው ክፍለ ዘመን ወደ ምስራቅ አፍሪካ በመጣ ግዜ ያየውን እንዲህ ገልፁዋል።

”ይህ መረብ የተባለው ወንዝ ባህረ ነጋሽ እና ትግራይን የሚለያይ ድንበር ነው” ”Here; this river, the Mareb, separates the country of the Bahar Nagash from that of Tigray” ( Francisco Alvarez al et , P. 91, 1540)።

ባለባበሳቸው እና በባህላቸውም የተለያዩ መሆናቸውን ገልፁዋል

”The men (of Medri-Bahri) wear different costumes; so also the women who are married or living with men. Here (Tigray), they wear wrapped round them dark coloured woolen stuffs, with large fringes of the same stuff, and they do not wear diadems on their heads like those of the Barnagasi (Midri-Bahri people)”. ( Francisco Alvarez, P. 91-2 ,1970)

ስኮትላንዳዊው ጀምስ ብሩስም ባህረ ነጋሽ የአሁኑ ኤርትራ ከትግራዮች የተለየ መሆኑን እና ድንበራቸው መረብ ወንዝ መሆኑን አስቀምጡዋል። በምዕራብም በኩል የትግራይ ድንበር ተከዜ ወንዝ እንደሆነ ቁልጭ አድርጎ አስቀምጡዋል። ትግራዮች ከየኤርትራ ብሄረ ትግራይ ጋር በታሪክ አብረው የኖሩበት ግዜ አልተመዘገበም። የአሁኖቹ አንዳንድ የትግራይ ምሁራን ከየት አምጥተው ነው የኤርትራ ብሄረ ትግርኛን እና ትግራይን የለያየው ምንሊክ ነው የሚሉት? ከዚሁ ጋር በተያያዘ ወልቃይት ጠገዴ ጠለምት እና ታች አርማጭሆን አፄ ምንሊክ ነው ወደ ጎንደር ያስገቡት የሚሉት ሁሉ ውሸት መሆኑን የጀምስ ብሩስ ማስረጃ ያሳያል።

“The greatest length of Tigre (Tigray) is two hundred miles, and the greatest breadth one hundred and twenty. It lies between the territory of the BaharNagash (which reaches to the river Mareb) on the east, and the river Tacazze on the west.” ( James Bruce, p.83,1860)

በ1838 ወደ አካባቢው ያቀናው አሳሽ ጆን ሚልስም የትግራይ እና የባህረ ነጋሽ ድንበር መረብ ወንዝ መሆኑን ቁልጭ አድርጎ አስቀምጡዋል። ”መረብ የትግራይ እና የባህረ ነጋሽ ግዛት ድንበር ነው”። እውነታው ይህ ሁኖ ሳለ የማንነት ቀውስ ያለባቸው አንዳንድ የትግራይ ልሂቃን በፈጠራ እኛ እና የኤርትራ ብሄረ ትግርኛ አንድ ነበርን ምንሊክ ነው የለያየን የሚል የሐሰት ክስ ያቀርባሉ። እውነቱ ግን ምንሊክ ሳይወለድ በፊት ትግራይ እና የኤርትራ ብሄረ ትግርኛ በአንድ ግዛት ኑረው አያውቁም። አንድ ነገድ ሁነውም አያውቁም።

“the Mareb, which forms the boundary between Tigre (sic, Tigray) and the Kingdom of Baharnagash.” ( John R. Miles, P. 131,1846)

በ19ኛው ክፍለ ዘመን ወደ አካባቢው ያቀናው እንግሊዛዊው ፕሎውደን ትግራዮች የኤርትራ ብሄረ ትግርኛን እንደ ራሳቸው ነገድ አያዩትም ነበር ሲል ቁልጭ አድርጎ አስፍሩዋል። ” ከራስ ሚካኤል ግዜ ጀምሮ የሐማሴን እና ሰራዬ ሕዝብ ከትግራዮች ጋር ተመሳሳይ ቁዋንቁዋ ቢናገሩም ትግራዮች በየኤርትራ ብሄረ ትግራይ ላይ ተደጋጋሚ ጦርነት ያደረጉባቸው ሲሆን አንድ ነን ብለውም አያስቡም”

“The people of Hamazain and Serowee, since the time of Ras Michael, though speaking the same language, are still scarcely (hardly) considered by the people of Teegray as a portion of that country whose governors, since that period, have made war on them….” (Walter Chichele Plowden, P. 39, 1868)

ከእንግሊዝ ጋር ተዋውለው የእንግሊዝን ጦር አቅጣጫ እየጠቆሙ በትግራይ በኩል በማስገባት የባንዳነት ሥራ የሰሩት እና በመቅደላው ጦርነት አፄ ቴዎድሮስ እጅ አልሰጥም ብለው ራሳቸውን ከሰዉ በሁዋላ በእንግሊዞች መሳሪያ እርዳታ ስልጣን የያዙት ብዝብዝ ካሳ ወይም አፄ ዮሐንስ ወደ ባህረ ነጋሽ ጦራቸውን ልከው ከፍተኛ ጭፍጨፋ መፈፀማቸው ይታወቃል። በወሎ እና ጎጃም ሕዝብ ላይ የጅምላ ፍጅት የፈፀሙት በዝብዝ ካሳ ወደ ኤርትራም ራስ አሉላን ልከው ሁለት ሶስተኛ የሚሆነውን የባህረ ነጋሽ ሕዝብ ጨፍጭፈዋል። (, Lyda Favali and Roy Pateman, p. 36, 2003 ) (, Hagai, and Erlikh, p.35, 1996) (Hassan Adem, M.T., Tekle B, 2010)

አፄ ዮሐንስ አደዋ ላይ ከእንግሊዙ አድሚራል ሂወት ጋር በተዋዋሉት በሕወቴ ውል (Hewett Treaty) መሰረት ለእንግሊዞች አግዘው በመሰለፋቸው ድርቡሾች መተማ ላይ በተደረገ ጦርነት ገለው አንገታቸውን ወስደውታል። አፄ ዮሐንስ ከሞቱ በሁዋላ ራስ አሉላ በምንሊክ ከመገዛት ነፃ የትግራይ መንግስት ለማቁዋቁዋም ለጣልያኖች ከመረብ ማዶ ያለውን ባህረ ነጋሽ እንዲወስዱ ስምምነት ማድረጋቸውን የታሪክ ፕሮፌሰር ጌታቸው መታፈሪያ እና የፖለቲካ ሳይንስ ፕሮፌሰር ጳውሎስ ሚክያስ The Battle of Adwa: Reflections on Ethiopia’s Historic Victory Against European Colonialism በተባለው መፃህፋቸው አስፍረዋል። (Milkias, Metaferia, p.69, 2005)

ትግራዮች የኤርትራ ብሄረ ትግርኛን እንደራሳቸው አንድ ነገድ አድርገው እንደማያዩ ራስ አሉላ ከዚህ በታች ለጣልያኖች ያቀረቡት የድርድር ሃሳብ ፍንትው አድርጎ ያሳያል።

”ቤታችሁን ለመስራት እርሻ ለማረስ ቤተክስርስቲያናችሁን ለመገንባት እስከ መረብ ድረስ ሀገር ከፈለጋችሁ ምኒልክ ሳይሆን እኛ ለናንተ እንሰጣችሁዋለን። የጣሊያን ወታደሮች ወደ አድዋ ይምጡ እንደ ወዳጅ አስተናግዳቸዋለሁ” “You want the country to the Mareb (Eritrean highlands/Medri Bahri) to cultivate your gardens, to build your houses, to construct your churches….? We can give it to you. [And not menilek.] Let the Italian soldiers come to Adwa, I shall come to meet them like a friend.” (1996, Ḥagai Erlikh, P. 164)

ራስ አሉላ እና ሌሎች የ19ኛው ክፍለ ዘመን የትግራይ መሳፍንት ሙሉ በሙሉ ባህረ ነጋሽን ጣሊያኖች እንዲጠቀሙ ነበር የተስማሙት። የኤርትራ ብሄረ ትግርኛዎችን እንደ ራሳቸው ነገድ ቆጥረዋቸው አያውቁም።
” እናንት ጣሊያናውያን ለምን እሩቅ ወዳጅ ትፈልጋላችሁ? እኛ ጎረቤታሞች ነን እርስ በርስ መጠቃቀም እንችላለን። መንገድ እንዲከፈትላችሁ ትፈልጋላችሁ እኔም እፈልጋለሁ። እናንተ እስከ መረብ ድረስ ያለውን ጠብቁ እኔም እስከ ጎንደር እና ከጎንደርም አልፎ ያለውን እጠብቃለሁ። በእግዚአብሔር እርዳታ ሀገራችንን ትግራይ ለማልማት ወደ ባህሩ ዳርቻ ድረስ በመሄድ መነገድ አለብን። ምኒልክ ሩቅ ነው ለናንተ የሚጠቅማችሁ ነገር የለም። በመካከላችን ወዳጅነት እንመስርት” (ራስ አሉላ)

“And you (Italians), why do you need to look for distant friends? We are neighbors (meaning Medri Bahri and Tigray) and can serve each other. You want the road to be open and I want the road to be open. You should guard to the Mereb River and I will guard it to Gondar and even beyond Gondar. We must be able to go to the coast to trade in order that our country (meaning Tigray) would flourish, with the help of God, Menelik is too far to be of any use to you. Let us make friendship between us. (1996, Ḥagai Erlikh, 164)”

አሁን ከምኒልክ በሁዋላ ባሉት 100 አመታት ያለውን እንኩዋ ብናይ ትግራይ እና የኤርትራ ብሄረ ትግርኛ አንድ ነገድ ሁነው አያውቁም። የኤርትራ ብሄረ ትግርኛዎች ትግራዮችን ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ካሉ ነገዶች ሁሉ እንደ ዝቅተኛ እና ተንኮለኛ አድርገው ነው የሚያዩዋቸው። ከባድመ ጦርነት በፊት ብዛት ያላቸው ትግራዮች በተለያዩ የጉልበት እና የቤት ሰራተኝነት ስራዎች ላይ ተሰማርተው ኤርትራ ውስጥ በሚሰሩበት ጊዜ የኤርትራ ብሄረ ትግርኛዎች ትግራዮችን እንደ አንድ የራሳቸው ነገድ አይተዋቸው አያውቁም። በመሰረቱ የኤርትራ ብሄረ ትግርኞች የነፃነት ትግል ባደረጉበት ግዜም በኤርትራ ሃገራዊ ማንነት ላይ የታገሉ ሲሆን ትግራዮች ደግሞ በነገዳቸው ስም ነው የታገሉት። ሁለቱ አንድ ነገድ ቢሆኑ ኑሮ ከደርግ ውድቀት ማግስት የራሳቸውን አንድ ሀገር ለመገንባት የሚያግዳቸው አካል አልነበረም።

እውነቱ ግን የኤርትራ ብሄረ ትግርኛዎች ትግራዮችን እንደ አንድ ነገድ አይተዋቸው አያውቁም። ደርግን ለመጣል ስልታዊ ትብብር ከማድረግ ያለፈ ምንም አይነት የተለየ ግንኙነት የላቸውም። የኤርትራ ብሄረ ትግርኞች በነገዳቸው ላይ ያነጣጠረ ጥቃት ስላልደረሰባቸው እና አሁን ያለውን የኤርትራ ሃገራዊ ማንነት በመገንባት ሂደት ጉልህ ሚና ስለተጫወቱ ወደ ብሄረ ትግርኛ የነገድ ማንነታቸው የሚያስገባ ምንም አይነት ምክንያት የለም። አሁን ኤርትራ ውስጥ አለ የሚባለውም አምባገነናዊ አስተዳደር እንጂ ብሄርተኛ ወይም በነገድ ላይ ያነጣጠረ ጥቃት የሚፈፅም ስርዓት አይደለም።

የትግራይ ብሄርተኞች አሁን ከገቡበት የፖለቲካ አጣብቂኝ ለመውጣት የሌለ ትግራይ ትግርኛ የሚባል ማንነት ለመፍጠር ቢሞክሩም መሬት ላይ ያለው እውነት ግን ”ልቢ ትግራይ” ነው የሚለው። የትግራይ ብሄርተኞች በምስራቅ አፍሪካ ከታሪክ አንፃር ፣አብሮ ከመኖር (በክፉም በደጉም)፣ ከባህል እና ከስነልቦና አንፃር ከማንም በላይ የሚቀርባቸው እና የተዛመዳቸው የአማራ ሕዝብ ላይ በወልቃይት በወሎ እና በመላው የሀገሪቱ ክፍሎች ጦርነት ሲያውጁበት እና ታይቶም ተሰምቶም የማይታወቅ ግፍ ሲፈፅሙበት ያኔ ነው በምስራቅ አፍሪካ እና በዓለም ላይ ያላቸውን አጋር ሕዝብ ያጡት። ያኔ ነው ለልጅ ልጅ የሚተላለፍ ጥል ቁርሾ እና ቂም የተከሉት።

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Re: North Tigray army what are you waiting for, cross to south Tigray with your units and equipments now???

Post by tarik » 24 Feb 2020, 13:01


Halafi Mengedi
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Re: North Tigray army what are you waiting for, cross to south Tigray with your units and equipments now???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 24 Feb 2020, 13:04

tarik wrote:
24 Feb 2020, 13:01
Entay Belka Issayas Tirit???

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: North Tigray army what are you waiting for, cross to south Tigray with your units and equipments now???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 24 Feb 2020, 13:18

For Debretsion, the only thing to do is to set up Agaazian department to be led by Zeray Deres and professor Mahari Yohannes and give them TV and Radio air time one hour per day to broadcast to north Tigray by the voice of north Tigray people to tell north Tigray Army to cross and everything will be done within weeks. Debretsion, you have been slow action taker, this is the best scenario for you to remove the evil criminals from north Tigray. No time need to contemplate about the idea since the rest of strategies are costly but this one is a penny cost and no time consuming north Tigray to be liberated promptly.

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: North Tigray army what are you waiting for, cross to south Tigray with your units and equipments now???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 24 Feb 2020, 14:56

Enkan do Tiritey Kbil, Nbaeley ewun Nai Gomiday Issayas Tirit Koyne Terife, wey Ane Gualu???

Posts: 2303
Joined: 10 Nov 2019, 14:58

Re: North Tigray army what are you waiting for, cross to south Tigray with your units and equipments now???

Post by kebena05 » 24 Feb 2020, 14:59

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Halafi Adgi
Remember you told us a few years back that the "entire Eritrean forces crossed the border and surrender" to you? Who is left behind then now if your calling them to come to you? :lol: :lol:
Weyanians know no shame, no wonder why for generations we look down on you Agames who are considered sub-humans by us.
The Eritrean Army will cross to Tigray of course but to crash the remaining Weyanians who are hiding in Mekele and become a nuisance to E. Africa.

Halafi Mengedi wrote:
24 Feb 2020, 12:35
You will be treated as Tegadelti not Issayas soldiers and Tigray will not disarm you rather will provide you everything you need to clean the primitive evil criminals and you will control north Tigray people to live peacefully. One of the command posts is needed to show the rest of them and Issayas will move all his soldiers to north of Hamassien to hide them. This will be the perfect scenario to move in to Akele Guzay, Seraye and Barantu to lead the people. Tigray arm forces will join you to help you to control the areas and provide all necessary food and equipments and you will have a country from Barantu to Seraye to Akele Guzay liberated from the evil criminals. The rest of northern regions will join with you immediately and all criminals will run away to Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries immediately by boat without bloodshed. One command unit with his army with his equipments must cross to Tigray and pave the way for others to do and Issayas will remove all securities south of Hamassien and you will walk in to Akele Guzay, Seraye and Barantu without one gun fire to the air and you will set up an administration immediately and the rest will be history. Why wait when you have an opportunity to liberate north Tigray from the primitive savage evil criminals???

Who destroyed your way of life, it is Issayas and his followers???

Halafi Mengedi
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Posts: 45806
Joined: 30 May 2010, 23:04

Re: North Tigray army what are you waiting for, cross to south Tigray with your units and equipments now???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 24 Feb 2020, 15:01

Hasiyom Zhaswu ""???
kebena05 wrote:
24 Feb 2020, 14:59
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Halafi Adgi
Remember you told us a few years back that the "entire Eritrean forces crossed the border and surrender" to you? Who is left behind then now if your calling them to come to you? :lol: :lol:
Weyanians know no shame, no wonder why for generations we look down on you Agames who are considered sub-humans by us.
The Eritrean Army will cross to Tigray of course but to crash the remaining Weyanians who are hiding in Mekele and become a nuisance to E. Africa.

Halafi Mengedi wrote:
24 Feb 2020, 12:35
You will be treated as Tegadelti not Issayas soldiers and Tigray will not disarm you rather will provide you everything you need to clean the primitive evil criminals and you will control north Tigray people to live peacefully. One of the command posts is needed to show the rest of them and Issayas will move all his soldiers to north of Hamassien to hide them. This will be the perfect scenario to move in to Akele Guzay, Seraye and Barantu to lead the people. Tigray arm forces will join you to help you to control the areas and provide all necessary food and equipments and you will have a country from Barantu to Seraye to Akele Guzay liberated from the evil criminals. The rest of northern regions will join with you immediately and all criminals will run away to Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries immediately by boat without bloodshed. One command unit with his army with his equipments must cross to Tigray and pave the way for others to do and Issayas will remove all securities south of Hamassien and you will walk in to Akele Guzay, Seraye and Barantu without one gun fire to the air and you will set up an administration immediately and the rest will be history. Why wait when you have an opportunity to liberate north Tigray from the primitive savage evil criminals???

Who destroyed your way of life, it is Issayas and his followers???

Posts: 2303
Joined: 16 Feb 2013, 01:19

Re: North Tigray army what are you waiting for, cross to south Tigray with your units and equipments now???

Post by Follower » 24 Feb 2020, 15:05

Halafi Mengedi wrote:
24 Feb 2020, 12:35
You will be treated as Tegadelti not Issayas soldiers and Tigray will not disarm you rather will provide you everything you need to clean the primitive evil criminals and you will control north Tigray people to live peacefully. One of the command posts is needed to show the rest of them and Issayas will move all his soldiers to north of Hamassien to hide them. This will be the perfect scenario to move in to Akele Guzay, Seraye and Barantu to lead the people. Tigray arm forces will join you to help you to control the areas and provide all necessary food and equipments and you will have a country from Barantu to Seraye to Akele Guzay liberated from the evil criminals. The rest of northern regions will join with you immediately and all criminals will run away to Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries immediately by boat without bloodshed. One command unit with his army with his equipments must cross to Tigray and pave the way for others to do and Issayas will remove all securities south of Hamassien and you will walk in to Akele Guzay, Seraye and Barantu without one gun fire to the air and you will set up an administration immediately and the rest will be history. Why wait when you have an opportunity to liberate north Tigray from the primitive savage evil criminals???

Who destroyed your way of life, it is Issayas and his followers???

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Re: North Tigray army what are you waiting for, cross to south Tigray with your units and equipments now???

Post by sebdoyeley » 24 Feb 2020, 15:09

Halafi Mengedi wrote:
24 Feb 2020, 12:35
You will be treated as Tegadelti not Issayas soldiers and Tigray will not disarm you rather will provide you everything you need to clean the primitive evil criminals and you will control north Tigray people to live peacefully. One of the command posts is needed to show the rest of them and Issayas will move all his soldiers to north of Hamassien to hide them. This will be the perfect scenario to move in to Akele Guzay, Seraye and Barantu to lead the people. Tigray arm forces will join you to help you to control the areas and provide all necessary food and equipments and you will have a country from Barantu to Seraye to Akele Guzay liberated from the evil criminals. The rest of northern regions will join with you immediately and all criminals will run away to Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries immediately by boat without bloodshed. One command unit with his army with his equipments must cross to Tigray and pave the way for others to do and Issayas will remove all securities south of Hamassien and you will walk in to Akele Guzay, Seraye and Barantu without one gun fire to the air and you will set up an administration immediately and the rest will be history. Why wait when you have an opportunity to liberate north Tigray from the primitive savage evil criminals???

Who destroyed your way of life, it is Issayas and his followers???

agame i hate to brast your bable but the Eritreans call you agame for reason that means you are low IQ basterd and twisted heart double taung. so no Eritrean with the right mind will go to the least important kilil :lol: :lol: :P

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: North Tigray army what are you waiting for, cross to south Tigray with your units and equipments now???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 24 Feb 2020, 15:21

Agame is a region but there is concrete reason and rational to call you Bolonga maids and Bandaland

Simi Tiblaee adika, Zerbabi hakay melhasu???

Posts: 2303
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Re: North Tigray army what are you waiting for, cross to south Tigray with your units and equipments now???

Post by Follower » 24 Feb 2020, 15:31

Halafi asked his mum,,
እኖይ ምስ መትካስ ጥሕሎ'ዶ ግነ?የግነይ ,እኮ ቆሎ?እጎ
ምስ መትካ ሰራውት ኤርትራ,ኦሮሞ ወይ ዉን ኣማራ ኣየድሕንካይ,ስኽ ኢልካ ላብ መቃብርካ ምእታይ ለኾነይ።

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Re: North Tigray army what are you waiting for, cross to south Tigray with your units and equipments now???

Post by Hawzen » 24 Feb 2020, 19:48

Halafi Mengedi wrote:
24 Feb 2020, 12:35
You will be treated as Tegadelti not Issayas soldiers and Tigray will not disarm you rather will provide you everything you need to clean the primitive evil criminals and you will control north Tigray people to live peacefully. One of the command posts is needed to show the rest of them and Issayas will move all his soldiers to north of Hamassien to hide them. This will be the perfect scenario to move in to Akele Guzay, Seraye and Barantu to lead the people. Tigray arm forces will join you to help you to control the areas and provide all necessary food and equipments and you will have a country from Barantu to Seraye to Akele Guzay liberated from the evil criminals. The rest of northern regions will join with you immediately and all criminals will run away to Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries immediately by boat without bloodshed. One command unit with his army with his equipments must cross to Tigray and pave the way for others to do and Issayas will remove all securities south of Hamassien and you will walk in to Akele Guzay, Seraye and Barantu without one gun fire to the air and you will set up an administration immediately and the rest will be history. Why wait when you have an opportunity to liberate north Tigray from the primitive savage evil criminals???

Who destroyed your way of life, it is Issayas and his followers???
Professor Ayte Halafi,

As long as the coward evil TPLF is the leader of the least important killil Tigray, TPLF led Agame will remain the worst enemy of Eritrea and the Eritrean people. Regardless, Eritrea will never have any political relationship with the dead Tigray Republic....EVER!!! Because it has been proven in the last 30 years that it does not work at all.....

For now, dreaming is just free...

Dedebit is always dedeb
R.I.P Abay Tigray and TPLF

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: North Tigray army what are you waiting for, cross to south Tigray with your units and equipments now???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 24 Feb 2020, 23:35

Per my subscription, woyane never been enemy of Shaebia rather they are fertilizers for Issayas to commit more crimes. If I were the leader I could have end him long time ago and people could have been living peacefully and all the people displaced and killed could have been saved and a productive society today.

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Re: North Tigray army what are you waiting for, cross to south Tigray with your units and equipments now???

Post by Merhano » 25 Feb 2020, 01:21

Halafi Mengedi wrote:
24 Feb 2020, 12:35
You will be treated as Tegadelti not Issayas soldiers and Tigray will not disarm you rather will provide you everything you need to clean the primitive evil criminals and you will control north Tigray people to live peacefully. One of the command posts is needed to show the rest of them and Issayas will move all his soldiers to north of Hamassien to hide them. This will be the perfect scenario to move in to Akele Guzay, Seraye and Barantu to lead the people. Tigray arm forces will join you to help you to control the areas and provide all necessary food and equipments and you will have a country from Barantu to Seraye to Akele Guzay liberated from the evil criminals. The rest of northern regions will join with you immediately and all criminals will run away to Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries immediately by boat without bloodshed. One command unit with his army with his equipments must cross to Tigray and pave the way for others to do and Issayas will remove all securities south of Hamassien and you will walk in to Akele Guzay, Seraye and Barantu without one gun fire to the air and you will set up an administration immediately and the rest will be history. Why wait when you have an opportunity to liberate north Tigray from the primitive savage evil criminals???

Who destroyed your way of life, it is Issayas and his followers???

There is no topic like this, that makes Trit Issias pee in their pants! It looks like even, Debretsion now knows where the Achilles tendon is.
The mere mentioning of joining the TPLF army, makes them come out in mass. Finally, the PFDJ government is left with lumpens and "duryes" as its supporters!
The eventual downfall is here, indeed the game is over for the psychopath!

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Re: North Tigray army what are you waiting for, cross to south Tigray with your units and equipments now???

Post by Deqi-Arawit » 25 Feb 2020, 01:27

:lol: :lol: :lol:

What happened to the "union" 🙄. With the support of the union you had a plan to Flash the tigrigna speaking People of Eritrea into the red sea but once you lost Menelik palace, you are trying to sxxck our [deleted].

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: North Tigray army what are you waiting for, cross to south Tigray with your units and equipments now???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 25 Feb 2020, 01:45

Deqi-Arawit wrote:
25 Feb 2020, 01:27
:lol: :lol: :lol:

What happened to the "union" 🙄. With the support of the union you had a plan to Flash the tigrigna speaking People of Eritrea into the red sea but once you lost Menelik palace, you are trying to sxxck our [deleted].
Nothing changed since then but Woyane excuse has been about the damage to the ordinary people if war breaks despite Issayas was doing everything to undermine woyane and Tigray for 18 years now. Back then there were no Agaazian nationalists from Hamassien and some from Akel but today they are many of them and the north Tigray people are very keen to it but the south Tigray are dormant no help to the Agaazians the real generals to liberate north Tigray without bloodshed and woyane must wake up now and finance Agaazians and they will do the job to liberate the people without human and resources cost for both. This is were Debretsion is so slow and does not know even investment but despite many fault Issayas does the one thing he is good, long term investment, woyane cannot see beyond their bellies and noses.

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Re: North Tigray army what are you waiting for, cross to south Tigray with your units and equipments now???

Post by Deqi-Arawit » 25 Feb 2020, 07:16

Halafi Mengedi wrote:
25 Feb 2020, 01:45
Deqi-Arawit wrote:
25 Feb 2020, 01:27
:lol: :lol: :lol:

What happened to the "union" 🙄. With the support of the union you had a plan to Flash the tigrigna speaking People of Eritrea into the red sea but once you lost Menelik palace, you are trying to sxxck our [deleted].
Nothing changed since then but Woyane excuse has been about the damage to the ordinary people if war breaks despite Issayas was doing everything to undermine woyane and Tigray for 18 years now. Back then there were no Agaazian nationalists from Hamassien and some from Akel but today they are many of them and the north Tigray people are very keen to it but the south Tigray are dormant no help to the Agaazians the real generals to liberate north Tigray without bloodshed and woyane must wake up now and finance Agaazians and they will do the job to liberate the people without human and resources cost for both. This is were Debretsion is so slow and does not know even investment but despite many fault Issayas does the one thing he is good, long term investment, woyane cannot see beyond their bellies and noses.
ሱቅ በል, ለኽባጥ ቆማል. መትከል ትፈልጦ ዲኻ እንታይ ከምዝኾነ. ሕጂ ምስ ጠፈሽክን ኣሕዋትዶ ጅኒ ዕፍሪት ኣይኣድለየናን እዩ ንሕና. እቲ ሸፈጠ, ሕብርካ ከም ነፋሒቶ ምቅያር ግደፎኦ, ምኽንያቱ ኩሉ ሰብ ፈሊጥክን እዩ. እንተ እታ ኣዲስ አበባ ኮይኑ, ዕድመን ጥዕናን ን ዶክቶር ኣቢ, ከምድላይና ንኣትዋን ንወጻኣላን ኣለና. ኣነ ርግጽኛ እየ ደም ከምዝጥዕመክን ብውሽጥክን.....

ሕጂ ካባኽን ዘድልየና ሱቅ ጥራይ እዩ .

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