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የፊንፊኔ ህዝቦች ፍጥና ዴሞክራሲያዊ ፓርቲ ሊቀመንበር [Girma Gutema's OMN]

Posted: 17 Feb 2020, 12:53
by Masud
Guys what is "ፍጥ"?
Look how your future president dressed and speak. Girma Gutema's OMN is funny. Does OMN has an Editor in Chief?
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Re: የፊንፊኔ ህዝቦች ፍጥና ዴሞክራሲያዊ ፓርቲ ሊቀመንበር [Girma Gutema's OMN]

Posted: 17 Feb 2020, 14:38
by Masud
Hahaha OMN corrected the caption of the video and said "OMN:ቆይታ ከውባሩዲን ሙሰማ (ፕሬዚዳንት ማሜ) የፊንፊኔ ህዝቦች ፍትህና ዴሞክራሲያዊ ፓርቲ ሊቀመንበር( Feb 17,2020)". But still wrong! OMN ታጥቦ ጭቃ! The name the guest is not "ውባሩዲን" but ባሃሩዲን. The elementary duty of the journalist is to know the name of his/her guest and to pronounce it correctly and write it correctly.

Re: የፊንፊኔ ህዝቦች ፍጥና ዴሞክራሲያዊ ፓርቲ ሊቀመንበር [Girma Gutema's OMN]

Posted: 17 Feb 2020, 17:28
by free-tembien
Masud wrote:
17 Feb 2020, 12:53
Guys what is "ፍጥ"?
Look how your future president dressed and speak. Girma Gutema's OMN is funny. Does OMN has an Editor in Chief?
agame masud, the ሰገጤ ነሚቺs are a laughing stock of addis ababans. :lol: this is pure entertainment :lol: አዬ የሰገጤ ነገር

Re: የፊንፊኔ ህዝቦች ፍጥና ዴሞክራሲያዊ ፓርቲ ሊቀመንበር [Girma Gutema's OMN]

Posted: 17 Feb 2020, 17:49
by Abere
የጫት አስመጭ እና ላኪ ብሬዝዳንት ተጠሪነቱ ለጁሃር አባ ምራቃን ይሆናል። ጨዋታው ደራ::

Re: የፊንፊኔ ህዝቦች ፍጥና ዴሞክራሲያዊ ፓርቲ ሊቀመንበር [Girma Gutema's OMN]

Posted: 17 Feb 2020, 19:31
by @@
Masud wrote:
17 Feb 2020, 12:53
OMN is becoming a joke :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: የፊንፊኔ ህዝቦች ፍጥና ዴሞክራሲያዊ ፓርቲ ሊቀመንበር [Girma Gutema's OMN]

Posted: 17 Feb 2020, 21:19
by tolcha
Both Jawar and President Mame are the same -chew Khat daily. If you see this guy, his concentration/ attention is not right, sweating, his eyes are starring... Girma Guatemala is unfit for that position. Gallas became laughingstock!!!

Re: የፊንፊኔ ህዝቦች ፍጥና ዴሞክራሲያዊ ፓርቲ ሊቀመንበር [Girma Gutema's OMN]

Posted: 17 Feb 2020, 21:31
by Selam/
WTF - I first thought he is reading Chinese. He kind of lowered Merara’s high-value.
@@ wrote:
17 Feb 2020, 19:31
Masud wrote:
17 Feb 2020, 12:53
OMN is becoming a joke :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: የፊንፊኔ ህዝቦች ፍጥና ዴሞክራሲያዊ ፓርቲ ሊቀመንበር [Girma Gutema's OMN]

Posted: 17 Feb 2020, 21:37
by sun
tolcha wrote:
17 Feb 2020, 21:19
Both Jawar and President Mame are the same -chew Khat daily. If you see this guy, his concentration/ attention is not right, sweating, his eyes are starring... Girma Guatemala is unfit for that position. Gallas became laughingstock!!!

Ante balage. Stop talking vulgar and becoming ridiculous laughingstock & sitting alone on the dry basalt rock. What does the case got to do with the "Gallas" when two individuals are probably or improbably chewing grass in order to stand daily pains while seeking the worldly gains.
Tultullaa hullaa! :P

Re: የፊንፊኔ ህዝቦች ፍጥና ዴሞክራሲያዊ ፓርቲ ሊቀመንበር [Girma Gutema's OMN]

Posted: 17 Feb 2020, 22:31
by Masud
Girma Gutema must resign or fire the the Editor in Chief of OMN. This is laughable and insulting the audience. Somebody in the OMN must take responsibility for this.

Re: የፊንፊኔ ህዝቦች ፍጥና ዴሞክራሲያዊ ፓርቲ ሊቀመንበር [Girma Gutema's OMN]

Posted: 18 Feb 2020, 01:26
cracking me up

Re: የፊንፊኔ ህዝቦች ፍጥና ዴሞክራሲያዊ ፓርቲ ሊቀመንበር [Girma Gutema's OMN]

Posted: 18 Feb 2020, 03:02
Wow-- omn plummeted down faster than Musud's standards of professional journalism . germa gutema failed to sholder the huge responsiblity that was given to him by ayatola jawar. What musud doesn't seem to understand is that president Mame mame as a torchbearer of ayatla jawar . someone has to pay him his due, I for one want him to be the mayor of Addis Ababa --if this man is the best you can offer us we will take him. laughter is in short supply in Addis given his demonstration to make an a---s of himself, this guy is going to crack us up till the next election. That brother mesud is pricless.

Re: የፊንፊኔ ህዝቦች ፍጥና ዴሞክራሲያዊ ፓርቲ ሊቀመንበር [Girma Gutema's OMN]

Posted: 19 Feb 2020, 11:34
by Ethoash
Masud wrote:
17 Feb 2020, 12:53
Guys what is "ፍጥ"?
Look how your future president dressed and speak. Girma Gutema's OMN is funny. Does OMN has an Editor in Chief?
Sanna Marin
Prime Minister of Finland
The new Prime Minister’s age is notable. At 34 years-old, she is the youngest prime minister in the world. She joined the recently elected prime ministers of New Zealand, Salvador and Ukraine in the under 40 years-old group

ማሜ ማሜ በጣም ነው ያስደስተኝ። ትንሽ መብስል ቢቀረውም ያመጣው ነገር በጣም ደስ የሚል ነው ፣ ለምን ወጣቶች ሄደው ለአገር ይሰዋሉ ግን ለስልጣን አትበቁም ይባላሉ። ማነው ነበር ኢህፓን የሚመሩት ። ወጣቶች በሙስና የተጨማለቁ ስላልሆኑ ተስፈኞችም ስለሆኑ በእድገት እንደሚገስግሱ የታወቀ ነው። ምን አለኝ በለኝ ከማሜ ማሜ በኋላ ቡዙ ወጣት ፖለቲከኞች ወደመድረኩ እንደሚመጡ ምንም ጥርጥር የለኝም። ግን ማሜ ማሜ ታሪክ ስርቶዋል

ጋዜጠኛዋ ሳትማር ሳትመራመር ልምድ ሳይኖርህ ምነው ልትመራን ፈለግኸ ላለችው ጥያቄ በደንብ መልሶታል። የተኛው የትማረ ሰው ነው ኢትዬዽያንን የመራት። በእፍሪካም በጣም ተማሩ የሚባሉ ነበር የመሪነቱን ቀንበር የያዙት እንደሙጋቤ እንደ ስራሊዬን መሪ በአሜሪካ ትምህርት የቀስሙ የጋና መሪ አንዱ ከኬኔዲ ጋራ የተማር በእንግሊዞች ግዜ የትማሩ የተመራመሩ ነበር ግን ምንም ቅም የሚል ስራ አልስሩም አንዳንድ ሰዎች በተፈጥሮ ተስጥቶ ያላቸው ሰዎች አሉ ሳይማሩ እወቀት የተለገሱ። መሪ ሁሉ ነገር ማወቅ የለበትም ኤክስፕርቶችን ማነጋገርና የሚጠቅመወን መወስን ነው። በኢትዬዽያ ብሊዬኖሮች ሁሉም በሚያስበል ሁኔታ የተማሩ አይደሉም ። በሐይሌም ግዜ በመለስም ግዜ። ደሀው እኮ ተማርኩኝ ተመራመርኩኝ የሚለው ነው ስሙ እንደጎፈሬው አጎፍሮ ዶክተር በሉኝ እያለ በስም የሚኖረው።
በዚህ ላይ ደግሞ የኢትዬዽያ ሕገ መንግስት የተማረ ምረጡ አይልም እድሜወ ለእቅመ አዳም የደረስ ብቻ ነው የሚለው። ስለዚህ ማሜን ማሜ ማንቋሽሽ አይቻልም ሌላው ቢያጣ ፓርለመት መቀመጫ ካገኘ ትልቅ እምርታ የሚያመጣ ሰው ነው ብዬ አምናለሁ። ፓርላማ ለመቀጥሉት ጥቂት አመታት መቀመጡ ጥሩ ብስል ያረገዋል ብዬ አምናለሁ።

በጣም የሚገርመ እኮ ዶክተር ዱላ እና ያ ከብት ቧ ያለው ተምረዋል ወይ የወያኔ አለቆቻችን ስንቱ ነው የተማረው እንደዛ ጥርት ባለ ሁኔታ ስመሩን የነበርው በእግዝሔር ስጦታ አነበረም ወይ ። ከተማሩት በእጅጉ ልቀው ለዚህ እድገት ያደረሱን የት ተምረው ነው ጦር ሜዳ ነው ወይ ።