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To Egyptians elsewhere from Oromo Nationalist

Post by AbebeB » 14 Feb 2020, 18:03

To resolve your water problem permanently, follow national power alignment in the Horn of Africa specifically as related to Ethiopia and Eritrea.

Nations in the Empire of Ethiopia can be classified into two categories: Colonial Imperial line (Amhara Emperors and to some extent Emperors from Tigray and Eritrea) and the subject people (mainly from south of the modern Ethiopia – aged about 150 years). Eritrea used to be part of Ethiopia (Tigray) until seceded.

Imperial lines (Amhara line and Tigray line including non-Cushitic Eritreans’ line) have common features: interest to dominate at the horn of Africa, anti-Islam sentiment, control of resources mainly water of Nile river and many others. In line with this, it is elites of Amhara imperial lines who are opposed to the undercurrent deal on Nile river.

On the other hand, nations from southern part of the contemporary Ethiopia, mainly Oromos are struggling to regain their freedom. These struggles are mainly lead by Oromo nation, the single largest nation in the horn, even greater than Amhara, Tigray, Afar, Somali, Eritrea etc united.

Therefore, I recommend Egyptians to do two things:
1. Help Oromo nation’s national struggle lead by Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) or its army Oromo Liberation Army (OLA).
2. Avoid or reduce your counsel with Eritrea on the issue.

Then you will secure you water demand.

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Re: To Egyptians elsewhere from Oromo Nationalist

Post by sun » 14 Feb 2020, 19:34

Really? :lol: :lol:

Leave Oromo issues to the Oromos alone rather than sitting in Tigray, Maqale and giving lectures about Oromo issues just for the purpose of grabbing power and building concentration camps. OLF have already been granted grand amnesty and on that basis went back home to participate in free and fair democratic elections. End of the story! :P

So no use for a mouse lecturing the cats, especially Egyptian Cats.
"In a cat's eye, all things belong to the cats." ~Joseph. W.

AbebeB wrote:
14 Feb 2020, 18:03
To resolve your water problem permanently, follow national power alignment in the Horn of Africa specifically as related to Ethiopia and Eritrea.

Nations in the Empire of Ethiopia can be classified into two categories: Colonial Imperial line (Amhara Emperors and to some extent Emperors from Tigray and Eritrea) and the subject people (mainly from south of the modern Ethiopia – aged about 150 years). Eritrea used to be part of Ethiopia (Tigray) until seceded.

Imperial lines (Amhara line and Tigray line including non-Cushitic Eritreans’ line) have common features: interest to dominate at the horn of Africa, anti-Islam sentiment, control of resources mainly water of Nile river and many others. In line with this, it is elites of Amhara imperial lines who are opposed to the undercurrent deal on Nile river.

On the other hand, nations from southern part of the contemporary Ethiopia, mainly Oromos are struggling to regain their freedom. These struggles are mainly lead by Oromo nation, the single largest nation in the horn, even greater than Amhara, Tigray, Afar, Somali, Eritrea etc united.

Therefore, I recommend Egyptians to do two things:
1. Help Oromo nation’s national struggle lead by Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) or its army Oromo Liberation Army (OLA).
2. Avoid or reduce your counsel with Eritrea on the issue.

Then you will secure you water demand.

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Re: To Egyptians elsewhere from Oromo Nationalist

Post by gagi » 14 Feb 2020, 23:00

This treacherous appeal is the proof how you the TPLF rats are fully defeated! Adios, back to your Banda legacy!

We crushed you in a matter of a generation. How sweet to see you kissing Daud Ibsa’s, then Jawar’s and now Egyptian arse! A bunch of human trash!

Sam Ebalalehu
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Re: To Egyptians elsewhere from Oromo Nationalist

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 14 Feb 2020, 23:53

Well, Abebe b, it was tried. At the time the TPLF ruling was coming to a close, many Oromo refugees showed up in Cairo. It was a strange happening Abebe. Ethiopia and Egypt has no a common border. Those who suddenly " found themselves in Cairo"-- pay attention to the quotation my friend -- must have been delivered. From Wellega one only could emigrate to Sudan, assuming he or she did not fly using a legal passport. Once in Sudan, he or she could apply to another country to emigrate through UN immigration agency. Egypt has not been known of accepting Ethiopian refugees from Sudan. Many Ethiopian politicians, I believe, believed the Oromo activists operating from USA allied with Egypt to sabotage the Ethiopian dam construction. For those who have doubted that allegation, Abebe b, you wiped out with your post here their suspicion. But my friend Ethiopia will prevail.

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Re: To Egyptians elsewhere from Oromo Nationalist

Post by EthioRedSea » 15 Feb 2020, 10:21

Stupid, AbebeB! TPLF has backstabbed Ethiopia. They killed Amhara farmers in Gonder near the Sudanese border to give away the land to Sudan. TPLF and OLF should be destroyed. TPLF landlocked Ethiopia and Ethiopians suffered years of underdevelopment for the lack a port, which belonged to Ethiopia.TPLF is trash and should never be allowed to join the parliament. They should be arrested and put in prison until they change their mind and are ready to defend Ethiopia's interest

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Re: To Egyptians elsewhere from Oromo Nationalist

Post by AbebeB » 15 Feb 2020, 12:31

hi all,
How come all habeshas seem ignorant in their response? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

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Re: To Egyptians elsewhere from Oromo Nationalist

Post by AbebeB » 15 Feb 2020, 12:38

Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
14 Feb 2020, 23:53
Well, Abebe b, it was tried. At the time the TPLF ruling was coming to a close, many Oromo refugees showed up in Cairo. It was a strange happening Abebe. Ethiopia and Egypt has no a common border. Those who suddenly " found themselves in Cairo"-- pay attention to the quotation my friend -- must have been delivered. From Wellega one only could emigrate to Sudan, assuming he or she did not fly using a legal passport. Once in Sudan, he or she could apply to another country to emigrate through UN immigration agency. Egypt has not been known of accepting Ethiopian refugees from Sudan. Many Ethiopian politicians, I believe, believed the Oromo activists operating from USA allied with Egypt to sabotage the Ethiopian dam construction. For those who have doubted that allegation, Abebe b, you wiped out with your post here their suspicion. But my friend Ethiopia will prevail.
Menelik approached Russia, France, Portugal and UK for armament and military advice to help him conquer Oromos and all the south subject peoples. What is wrong if Oromo nation (and other subject peoples of the south) lobby Egypt to undo the conquer? You always fail to be logical. kkkkkkk

Sam Ebalalehu
Posts: 3639
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Re: To Egyptians elsewhere from Oromo Nationalist

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 15 Feb 2020, 13:02

Why Egypt? Because Egypt does not want the Abay dam to be completed, and the Oromo activists help to achieve her goal. My dictionary spells out that treason. Not only Amharas, Abebe b, the majority of Oromos agree with that translation. For how long Menilik has resided in your little brain, I do not know. But it is time to kick out Menilik from his current residence. The conflict is not between Oromos and the gohst of Menilik. The conflict now is between enlightened and backward Oromo politicians. It is time to settle that difference first. By the way the enlightened have the support of the majority of Ethiopians. Always keep that in mind.

Sam Ebalalehu
Posts: 3639
Joined: 23 Jun 2018, 21:29

Re: To Egyptians elsewhere from Oromo Nationalist

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 15 Feb 2020, 13:02

Why Egypt? Because Egypt does not want the Abay dam to be completed, and the Oromo activists help to achieve her goal. My dictionary spells out that treason. Not only Amharas, Abebe b, the majority of Oromos agree with that translation. For how long Menilik has resided in your little brain, I do not know. But it is time to kick out Menilik from his current residence. The conflict is not between Oromos and the gohst of Menilik. The conflict now is between enlightened and backward Oromo politicians. It is time to settle that difference first. By the way the enlightened have the support of the majority of Ethiopians. Always keep that in mind.

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Re: To Egyptians elsewhere from Oromo Nationalist

Post by Ethoash » 15 Feb 2020, 14:07

አበበ ቢ

እኔ በደንብ ነው የምደግፈው ኦሮሞዎች ከግብፅ ጋራ መስራታቸው። ለምን በለኝ አንደኛ አማሮች መች አረፉ ጁሐርን ለአሜሪካኖች አሳልፈው አልስጡትም ወይ። ምንም አይቀልዱም በስልጣናቸው የመጣውን ሁሉ ገድለው ቢረማመዱበት ደንታም ቅምም አይላቸውም ። አሁን በነሱ ብሶ ኦሮሞ ከማን ጋራ ጎደኝነት እንደሚመስርት ይነግሩሀል።

ጁሀር ብርቱካን ያቺ ልጅ ወልዳ ወይዘሪት በሉኝ ብላ የምትሟገተው ። ወይ ወዳው ወይ ልታገባው ፈልጋ ዜግነት ልታስጠው ፈልጋም ይሁን እኔ አላወቅም ግን የሆነ ይሁን ኢትዬዽያኖች አንዴ የአሜሪካንን ፓስፕርት ካስጣሉት በኋላ ዜግነት ቢያዘገዩበት በያስለምኑት ማረግ ያለበት የግብፅ ዜግነት መጠየቅ ብቻ ነው።

ኦሮሞ አድዋ ላይ ተዋድቆ፤ ኦጋዴንና ኤርትራ ላይ በጦርነት አንድላይ ተዋድቆ ምንድነው ያተረፈው ከስድብ በስተቀር። ስለዚህ እነዚህ ሰውች እስከጥጋቸው መንገርና ልክህን ማሳየት አለብህ ። እንደኔ ከሆነ እዚህ ላይ ማቆም የለብንም አረቦቹ ጋ ሄደን የአረብ ጠላቶች አማሮች መሆናቸውን መናገር አለብን ። ለምን በነሱ ጥፋት ሌላው ኢትዬዽያ በአንድ ሞቀጃ ይወቀት።

እንድውም ከአማርኛ በስተቀር የማይችሉትን አማሮች በሙሉ ከአረብ አገር ማሰውጣት የሚቻልበትን መንገድ ማመቻቸት ነው። እነሱ አረብ በእርሻ ላይ ልስማራ ሲሉ አረቦች ከአገራችን ይወጡ አላሉም ወይ እስከመቼ ደረስ ነው በኢትዬዽያ ስር ሆነው የአረብ ጥላቻቸውን የሚዘሩት ። እዚህ ላይ ያቆማል ።።። ይህ ሲገርማቸው የወዱን እና ታላቁን መሪያችንን መሪ ቃል በመጠቀም አባይ ለኦሮሞ ምኑ ነው በማለት የግብፅን ስራዊት ሽዋ ላይ መሬት መስጠት ነው ። የዛን ግዜ ሽገር የአማራ ናት ካሉ ከግብፅ ጦር ጋራ መነጋገር ይችላሉ ። በዚህም ኦሮሞ ስላም አግኝቶ በስላም ይኖራል ለምን ብሎ ነው ለጦርነት ገንዘብ የሚያፈሱት ግብፆች ከአማራ ሲከላከሉለት። አማሮች ኦሮሞ በአማርኛ መቀደስ አለበት ብሌው ኦሮሞን አይዳፈሩም ። ክርስትና ስትነሳ የኦሮሞ ስምህን ጥለህ የአማራ ስም ተቀበል የሚሉትን ቀልድ ያቆማሉ ። ክሰማይ ታቦት ወረደም የሚሉትንም ጫወታ ያቆማሉ። ይህ ከሆን ኦሮሞ በስልጣኔ ተገስግሳለች ማለት ነው።

እንግዲህ ተረዳልኝ አባይ ግድብና አባይ ወንዝ ሁለት የተለያየ ነገር ነው። አባይ ግድብ ያለው ጉሙዝ ውስጥ ነው። ያንን ለግብፅ ኦሮሞ አሳልፎ አይስጥም ግን የቀረውን ወሃ አማራ ብቻቸውን ከግብፅ ጋራ ይፍጩ እኛ ምን አግብቶን ነው ከነሱ ጋራ የምንለፋደደው ። ወይ ስላም አውርደው ከግብፅንም ተጥቃሚነትን አክብረው መደራደር ያንንም አፈገመድ ድጉን ከተደራዳሪዎች ውስጥ አስወጥቶ ቀልጠፍ ያለ የመርካቶ ደላላ አረብኛ አቀላጥፎ የሚያውቅ ቢላክ ወንድሜ በአጭር ግዜ ነበር ድርድሩን የሚዘጉት አሁን በሶስት አመት የመሙላት ግዜ ቀርቶ ለስባት አመትም እሺ በለን ወሉን አላገኘንም የምን ወደ ውኋላ መሄድ ነው።

if it is my way.. the Amhara only should deal with Nile river they should left their hand over the Nile dam that have nothing to do with the Nile dam.. 89% Golden own the bond sale so it belong to them as share company so let the Golden make the deal or accept defeat to Egypt ...

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Re: To Egyptians elsewhere from Oromo Nationalist

Post by Ethoash » 15 Feb 2020, 14:18

Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
15 Feb 2020, 13:02
Why Egypt? Because Egypt does not want the Abay dam to be completed, and the Oromo activists help to achieve her goal. My dictionary spells out that treason.

Sam Ebalalehu እነዚህ ሽማግሌ ቅሌታሞች ፖሊሶችን አይተው ፀባይ ያሳምራሉ ለምን ገፍተው አይገቡም ነበር። እንዲህ እያረጉ ነበር የአባይ ግድብን ቦንድ እንዳይሽጥ እና መንግስትን ለአሜሪካ መንግስት ደረስ ከሰው ያለፍቃድ ቦንድ ይሽጣሉ በለው ሚስኪን አገራችንን ፭ ሚሊዬን ዶላር አስቀጥተዋል መቶ ሺህ ዶላር ለማግኘት ብለን። just listen what they were saying they telling everyone not to buy Nile bond had the Amhara supported Nile dam with all the corruption the dam would have been finished and we would not be Egypt mercy today under Abiy ..

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Re: To Egyptians elsewhere from Oromo Nationalist

Post by tlel » 15 Feb 2020, 15:08

It is now known there are the Oromos within OLF acting like Shabia against Ethiopia that is why they keep attacking amara in fact every population in Ethiopia where ever they are, not just about amara, it is now clear the aim is against Ethiopians period and their bliefe is no different from tplf and shabia.

When the amara activists who did extensive research on the massacare of Arba Gugu killings, when tplf first took over, they found out that it was OLF (Lencho Letta, Dima Negewo, as leaders). But they got the green light through shabia and tplf protecting their backs. At that time they discussed with Tplf like today, they want to disintegrate Ethiopia and form Oromia (look at the ESAT program Dima Negewo was interviewed he did say at that time in early 90s when they came in with shabia and tplf, it was still the same as today to create Oromia as a nation. He but denied the Olf did not do any killings at Araba Gugu, still they deny it but now it is clear they lied because when they came back to Ethiopia after dr Aby took over, the massacre of Ethiopians continued after dr Aby invited them, this time these leaders are too old so they passed the baton to the new generation olf Jawar and co.

2 things:
1. Olf when they controlled Ethiopia with tplf and shabia in 90s wanted to disintegrate Ethiopia (see Esat interview) it still remains to be true.
2. The killings of Arba Gugu that took place in the 90s still continued when Dr Aby took over 2 years ago throughout Ethiopia.
It is fact that shabia, tplf and olf see eachother's back but at the same time balme eachother to confuse the population who is behind the killings and distabilizing. Abay wenz is useful for Oromo people as well not just for Amara, this shows, how they are against even their own interest! If they believe they have another ajenda and long term plan, they just need to look at the global situation how other countries stronger than them are not going to stand and allow them to get the benefit, they would say to them, "thank you for disintegrating Ethiopia, now keep an eye on my resources" that is what is awaiting them. When you get smaller, you can only disappear! kkkkkkkkkk their reverse logic is sickening.

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Re: To Egyptians elsewhere from Oromo Nationalist

Post by AbebeB » 15 Feb 2020, 17:57

Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
15 Feb 2020, 13:02
Why Egypt? For how long Menilik has resided in your little brain, I do not know.
Because Egypt is enemy of habesha and our friend.
Menelik is virus or carrier of T. Bacillus. There is no curing medicine for that medicine. So until, curative remedy will come (Free Oromia ), it will continue itching me.

Thank you.

dram # 1 was Arbagugu theater. Actors: TPLFites
drama #2 is alleged kidnapping of Amhara women from Dembidollo Uni. Actors: Bilginas

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Re: To Egyptians elsewhere from Oromo Nationalist

Post by Selam/ » 16 Feb 2020, 12:12

“I will hand the Egyptians over to the power of a cruel master, and a fierce king will rule over them, declares the Lord, the LORD Almighty. The waters of the river will dry up, and the riverbed will be parched and dry. The canals will stink; the streams of Egypt will dwindle and dry up. The reeds and rushes will wither, also the plants along the Nile, at the mouth of the river. Every sown field along the Nile will become parched, will blow away and be no more.” Isaiah 19:4-7

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Re: To Egyptians elsewhere from Oromo Nationalist

Post by Abere » 16 Feb 2020, 12:49

AbebeB & Ethoash,

ከዚህ ፎረም ላይ ምን ጉዳይ አላችሁ። ለምን ግብፅ ጠቅልላችሁ አትሄዱም። ኢትዮጵያ የእናንተ አገር አይደልችም - ፍፁም አታውቃችሁም።የወያኔነት ብቻ ሳይሆን ድንቁርና ቁንጮውን የደፋባችሁ አጎምባሽ ምስኪን ፍጡር ናችሁ። ደግሞ ኦሮሞ ነኝ የምትለው አበበ እና ትናንት በኦሮሞ ስትቀልድ የነበርከው Ethosah ዐመድ ፊት ሁለታችሁም ወያኔዎች ናችሁ - ለኦሮሞ ያዘናችሁ መስላችሁ ቅቤ እየጠበሳችሁ የምትልሱ ድመቶች። ኦሮሞ ሁልጊዜ ጅል ነው በእናንተ ቤት። ምናልባት ፍሬው ዓርእያ (ዳውድ ኢብሣ)፣ ጁሃር : ኅዝቅዔል ገብረመድኅን (ጋቢሣ) እና ፀጋዬ አራርሣ( ሀጎስ) ሊያምኗችሁ ይችላሉ።

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Re: To Egyptians elsewhere from Oromo Nationalist

Post by Follower » 16 Feb 2020, 13:33

AbebeB wrote:
14 Feb 2020, 18:03
Eritrea used to be part of Ethiopia (Tigray) until seceded.
You ye qen jib agame,eritrea was always separate kiflehager, stop associating yourself with Eritrea that's not gonna happen . Qomal ... L-KJVoKSPM

Sam Ebalalehu
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Re: To Egyptians elsewhere from Oromo Nationalist

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 16 Feb 2020, 14:00

Abebe b, Egypt an enemy of Ethiopia is not a logical assumption. That she wants a weak Ethiopia that cannot build a dam? Of course. That does not mean she is the enemy. As being her a friend of Oromos, it is news to me. Those Oromo refugees who were “delivered” attest to that fact that it is new news.

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Re: To Egyptians elsewhere from Oromo Nationalist

Post by Ethoash » 19 Feb 2020, 10:45

Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
16 Feb 2020, 14:00
Abebe b, Egypt an enemy of Ethiopia is not a logical assumption. That she wants a weak Ethiopia that cannot build a dam? Of course. That does not mean she is the enemy. As being her a friend of Oromos, it is news to me. Those Oromo refugees who were “delivered” attest to that fact that it is new news.
Sam Ebalalehu,

if Egypt, wants a weak Ethiopia that cannot build a dam? then u should admit you were weak for the last 150 years of Amhara rule because u never build the dam ... in the same time u should say thanks to Golden kid Meles for building the Dam .. not only that u buda people opposing the dam just because the Golden people build it ... instead of pointing your figure only to Egypt .. why not admit buda Amhara was the worst enemy of Ethiopia by large measure... if not for buda Amhara had they contributed money or buy Nile bond and encouraging the Golden to finished the dam fast and if TPLF to buy political gain had they finished the dam with in five years we will not be in this Bs with Egypt and delaying the filling by 21 years and losing the use of water for irrigation ...

if Egypt try to weaken Ethiopia i understand them .. even i will do the same if i have only one water resources ... is that not why Ethiopia fought 40 years not to lose Assab port? saying Ethiopia will die without port... only golden boy to remind you that u dont die just because u have no port and show u the way we can live without port the same way we have to show Egypt they can live without Nile or less Nile water..
for starter they have to modernizing their irrigation system ... they cant cry for more water while using flood irrigation .. they cant polluted Nile water and cry for more water ... the also start using their underground water and seawater distillation... the major one is stopping flood irrigation that alone will provided Ethiopia enough water for irrigation .. but there is no one who can tell this to Egypt and we going to lose the argument and we will have the worst deal then what King milk II signed in 18xx... those Amhara FM, who cant speak two word of English send to negotiate without reading the art of the deal making, Book by trump then u will lose big time this time u cant blame the golden thanks God!

Sam Ebalalehu
Posts: 3639
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Re: To Egyptians elsewhere from Oromo Nationalist

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 19 Feb 2020, 10:56

Abebe b, I do not know about the 150 years of Anhara’s rule. The guys have become a punching bag for the guys like you for no reason. That Amhara’s rule you are talking about lives only in the mind of you and your colleagues.

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Re: To Egyptians elsewhere from Oromo Nationalist

Post by Ethoash » 19 Feb 2020, 11:10

Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
19 Feb 2020, 10:56
Abebe b, I do not know about the 150 years of Anhara’s rule. The guys have become a punching bag for the guys like you for no reason. That Amhara’s rule you are talking about lives only in the mind of you and your colleagues.

if Ethiopia was undeveloped uneducated, then we call it an Amhara rule .. do u know when Italy left we have equal economy like South Korea and we give aid to Saudi Arabia ... u might say the Saudi Arabia discover oil .. that is buda talking i will tell u the story of oil.. King Haile was supper power and loved by America ... Saudi ARabia is like today Somalia .. King Haile have everything going for him.. he was the leader of the whole Africa an independent nation and Christian i am talking about 70 or 80 years ago .. the American value relgion at that time and they would have gone with king haile then Saudi ARabia Islam nation ...

here is the full story .. the American come first to Ethiopia to find the oil ..the king haile said okay go and find the oil but tell me what is my share.. he think Ethiopia is his personal property.. the American said u get 25% and we get 75% ... king haile was insulted and demanded 50 % 50% share the America refused and left to Saudi Arabia the king did not even bother to ask how much is his share...let the oil come out first and we talk later attitude... the American used to take the Saudi Arabia oil almost for free. and kept the Saudi Arabia in poverty .. then the king declare oil embargo and the price rises and the Saudi Arabia become rice.. that means they risk war to get what the deserved ... had the Saudi kept the embargo longer America would have envied Saudi , but the Saudi know how much to push and they did not over their limit and make agreement and the rest is history.. now tell me to provided u Google as evidence what a moron

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