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Joined: 14 Nov 2018, 07:26

Dr. Andy Thomson ጴንጤ ነብዮች በጌታ ስም የሚፈጥሩትን ፈውስ በማንም ስም መፍጠር የሚቻል ፕላሴቦ መሆኑን አስተማሩ::

Post by clear12 » 29 Jan 2020, 12:23

መናፍቃን መረጃዎቹን ነጻ ሆናችሁ ሃይማኖቴን ነኩብኝ አካኪ ዘራፍ ከሚል መንፈስ ውጪ ረጋ ብላች ሁ አድምጡት::

The last decades have seen a significant increase in scientific research endeavours that attempt to identify and understand processes relevant to the somewhat enigmatic phenomenon known as ‘placebo’ or, more precisely, the ‘placebo response’. By definition, placebo refers to ‘a reduction in a symptom in an individual that results from ones perception of the therapeutic intervention. This response may be considered both a biological and psychological event’ [1]. Critical to such research is the finding that placebo responses involve expectation, optimism and other states of motivational, emotional or cognitive appetence or aversion