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ዳዉድ ኢብሣ በስዊድን ንግግራቸው ውስጥ ፊንፊኔ፣ ድሬዳዋና ወዘተ በኦሮሚያ አስተዳደር ስር እንዲመለሱ ከመንግስታዊ ታርቲ ጋር የተደረሰውን መግባባት ፓርቲዎቹ ይፋ እንዲያደርጉ ጠየቁ፡፡

Post by AbebeB » 25 Jan 2020, 14:18

ጃል ዳዉድ ኢብሣ በስዊድን ንግግራቸው ውስጥ ፊንፊኔ፣ ድሬዳዋና ወዘተ በኦሮሚያ አስተዳደር ስር እንዲመለሱ ከመንግስታዊ ታርቲ ጋር የተደረሰውን መግባባት ፓርቲዎቹ ይፋ እንዲያደርጉ ጠየቁ፡፡

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Posts: 7694
Joined: 15 Oct 2016, 10:31

Re: ዳዉድ ኢብሣ በስዊድን ንግግራቸው ውስጥ ፊንፊኔ፣ ድሬዳዋና ወዘተ በኦሮሚያ አስተዳደር ስር እንዲመለሱ ከመንግስታዊ ታርቲ ጋር የተደረሰውን መግባባት ፓርቲዎቹ ይፋ እንዲያደርጉ ጠየቁ፡፡

Post by AbebeB » 25 Jan 2020, 17:11

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Posts: 7694
Joined: 15 Oct 2016, 10:31

Re: ዳዉድ ኢብሣ በስዊድን ንግግራቸው ውስጥ ፊንፊኔ፣ ድሬዳዋና ወዘተ በኦሮሚያ አስተዳደር ስር እንዲመለሱ ከመንግስታዊ ታርቲ ጋር የተደረሰውን መግባባት ፓርቲዎቹ ይፋ እንዲያደርጉ ጠየቁ፡፡

Post by AbebeB » 25 Jan 2020, 17:13

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Posts: 4311
Joined: 30 Aug 2016, 03:47

Re: ዳዉድ ኢብሣ በስዊድን ንግግራቸው ውስጥ ፊንፊኔ፣ ድሬዳዋና ወዘተ በኦሮሚያ አስተዳደር ስር እንዲመለሱ ከመንግስታዊ ታርቲ ጋር የተደረሰውን መግባባት ፓርቲዎቹ ይፋ እንዲያደርጉ ጠየቁ፡፡

Post by Dawi » 25 Jan 2020, 18:17

AbebeB wrote:
25 Jan 2020, 14:18
ጃል ዳዉድ ኢብሣ በስዊድን ንግግራቸው ውስጥ ፊንፊኔ፣ ድሬዳዋና ወዘተ በኦሮሚያ አስተዳደር ስር እንዲመለሱ ከመንግስታዊ ታርቲ ጋር የተደረሰውን መግባባት ፓርቲዎቹ ይፋ እንዲያደርጉ ጠየቁ፡፡
Check the following Clip.

ዳዉድ ኢብሣ should be grateful that Oromo were incorporated into Ethiopia by Menilk. Let alone claim additional "loots" of their past invasions. I know he has aspirations to rule all the way to Yemen but........don't push your luck.

Posts: 7694
Joined: 15 Oct 2016, 10:31

Re: ዳዉድ ኢብሣ በስዊድን ንግግራቸው ውስጥ ፊንፊኔ፣ ድሬዳዋና ወዘተ በኦሮሚያ አስተዳደር ስር እንዲመለሱ ከመንግስታዊ ታርቲ ጋር የተደረሰውን መግባባት ፓርቲዎቹ ይፋ እንዲያደርጉ ጠየቁ፡፡

Post by AbebeB » 25 Jan 2020, 19:11

Dawi wrote:
25 Jan 2020, 18:17
AbebeB wrote:
25 Jan 2020, 14:18
ጃል ዳዉድ ኢብሣ በስዊድን ንግግራቸው ውስጥ ፊንፊኔ፣ ድሬዳዋና ወዘተ በኦሮሚያ አስተዳደር ስር እንዲመለሱ ከመንግስታዊ ታርቲ ጋር የተደረሰውን መግባባት ፓርቲዎቹ ይፋ እንዲያደርጉ ጠየቁ፡፡
Check the following Clip.

ዳዉድ ኢብሣ should be grateful that Oromo were incorporated into Ethiopia by Menilk. Let alone claim additional "loots" of their past invasions. I know he has aspirations to rule all the way to Yemen but........don't push your luck.
leper (Dawi),
Funny guy,
You post the video before reading a thread I already attached to it. Their ego never been reality. Read this thread posted yesterday.

@Ethio 360፡ ሀብታሙ አያሌው በሞቴ ይህችን ብቻ ሞክራት፡፡ አማራ ስለመኖሩ የዘር ሀረጉንና ጎሳዎቹን አመጣጥ አስረዳንና እኔ ደግሞ ኦሮሞ ግዛቶቻችሁን ለቆ ወዲያው እንዲወጣ አደርጋለሁ፡፡

ሀብታሙ አያሌው፣
በሞቴ ይህችን ብቻ ላስቸግርህ፡፡ ግን እኮ እኛማ በኢንቬንተሪ ካርዳችን ላይ አንተንም በኦሮሞነት ገቢ አድርገናል፡፡ የቅድሜ አያትህን ስም ስላላወከው/ስለደበከው ያው ኦሮሞ ስለሆነ ነው በማለት፡፡ መቼም አንተ ጎን የነበረው ትልቁ አጭቤ በሞጋሣ ነው ሳይለኝ አይቀርም፡፡ አዚህ ፎረም ላይ ለጥፌው የነበረውን ፈላልገህ እይማ፡፡ ገቢ አልሆንኩም፣ ይግባኝ የምትል ከሆነ ደግሞ እስኪ እንስማው፡፡
ይህችን ብቻ ግን ላስቸግርህ፡፡ ልክ ኦሮሞ አራቱ ጎሳዎች ከመደመላቡ ተነስተው ተስፋፉ እንዳልካት ሁሉ የአማራንም የጎሣ አመጣጥና መነሾ በአንተው አንደበት አስረዳን፡፡ ወይም አትጨቅጭቀን በለኝና ችግርህ በደንብ ይግባኝ፡፡
ከዚያ በኃለ በአማራ ተይዘው የነበሩ ክልሎች ብለህ የዘረዘርካቸውን (ፈጠጋራ. ባሊ፤ ቢሲዲሞ ወዘተ) በሙሉ እኔ ግዛታችሁን አስለቅቅልሃለሁ፡፡ አንተም እንደምታውቀው ኦሮሞ የሌላን ሰው ሀብትና ንብረት አይሻም፡፡
ስለዚህ የአማራን ዘርና ማህበራዊ አመጣጥ (genealogy and social anthropology) ከዘረዘርክ በማግስቱ እኔ ግዛታችሁን ካላስለቅቅልሃለሁ ዋሾ በለኝ፡፡ ካለደረግሁ እንደ እናንተው ወሬኛ፤ ቀጣፊ ና የሚያምታታ ብለህ ቁጠረኝ፡፡ ከዚያ ተደመርን እልሀለሁ አልኩልሻ!

Posts: 9325
Joined: 15 Sep 2013, 16:00

Re: ዳዉድ ኢብሣ በስዊድን ንግግራቸው ውስጥ ፊንፊኔ፣ ድሬዳዋና ወዘተ በኦሮሚያ አስተዳደር ስር እንዲመለሱ ከመንግስታዊ ታርቲ ጋር የተደረሰውን መግባባት ፓርቲዎቹ ይፋ እንዲያደርጉ ጠየቁ፡፡

Post by sun » 25 Jan 2020, 19:32

AbebeB wrote:
25 Jan 2020, 14:18
ጃል ዳዉድ ኢብሣ በስዊድን ንግግራቸው ውስጥ ፊንፊኔ፣ ድሬዳዋና ወዘተ በኦሮሚያ አስተዳደር ስር እንዲመለሱ ከመንግስታዊ ታርቲ ጋር የተደረሰውን መግባባት ፓርቲዎቹ ይፋ እንዲያደርጉ ጠየቁ፡፡

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Hmm... :P

I am not a politician but yet I will move the cursor to 3000th minute to listen to the new truth since the age of Mamma Ethiopia is also alleged to be 3000 years, hence creating universal congruence and universal truth, nothing but the truth. Last but not least we have to get nice looking identity cards and then secure our election cards in order to go and campaign for our dreams (Finfinne & Dire Dawwa must be under Oromiyya the beautiful) so as to come up with the winning agenda based on popular mandate from citizens who listened to your promises and practice. Now it is not time for this and that past Jettejettes but time to act peacefully and effectively as agreed in order to get what you want legitimately according to the games of the times and days. After that even the Sun can shine during the darkest of hours and days.

Posts: 9325
Joined: 15 Sep 2013, 16:00

Re: ዳዉድ ኢብሣ በስዊድን ንግግራቸው ውስጥ ፊንፊኔ፣ ድሬዳዋና ወዘተ በኦሮሚያ አስተዳደር ስር እንዲመለሱ ከመንግስታዊ ታርቲ ጋር የተደረሰውን መግባባት ፓርቲዎቹ ይፋ እንዲያደርጉ ጠየቁ፡፡

Post by sun » 25 Jan 2020, 19:40

Dawi wrote:
25 Jan 2020, 18:17
AbebeB wrote:
25 Jan 2020, 14:18
ጃል ዳዉድ ኢብሣ በስዊድን ንግግራቸው ውስጥ ፊንፊኔ፣ ድሬዳዋና ወዘተ በኦሮሚያ አስተዳደር ስር እንዲመለሱ ከመንግስታዊ ታርቲ ጋር የተደረሰውን መግባባት ፓርቲዎቹ ይፋ እንዲያደርጉ ጠየቁ፡፡
Check the following Clip.

ዳዉድ ኢብሣ should be grateful that Oromo were incorporated into Ethiopia by Menilk. Let alone claim additional "loots" of their past invasions. I know he has aspirations to rule all the way to Yemen but........don't push your luck.


Like always you are coming here to tell us your fake folktales based on your wet pink bright red ar$$ hole baboon chimp day dreams and pathological night mares. If it were not for the egalitarian and democratic Oromos who invented Mamma Ethiopia and kept it in place with their tears blood and bones by now your types of fanatic Judas would have been reduced to jungle savage animals and living in Ugandan forest mountains.

Posts: 7694
Joined: 15 Oct 2016, 10:31

Re: ዳዉድ ኢብሣ በስዊድን ንግግራቸው ውስጥ ፊንፊኔ፣ ድሬዳዋና ወዘተ በኦሮሚያ አስተዳደር ስር እንዲመለሱ ከመንግስታዊ ታርቲ ጋር የተደረሰውን መግባባት ፓርቲዎቹ ይፋ እንዲያደርጉ ጠየቁ፡፡

Post by AbebeB » 25 Jan 2020, 21:02

sun wrote:
25 Jan 2020, 19:40
Dawi wrote:
25 Jan 2020, 18:17
AbebeB wrote:
25 Jan 2020, 14:18
ጃል ዳዉድ ኢብሣ በስዊድን ንግግራቸው ውስጥ ፊንፊኔ፣ ድሬዳዋና ወዘተ በኦሮሚያ አስተዳደር ስር እንዲመለሱ ከመንግስታዊ ታርቲ ጋር የተደረሰውን መግባባት ፓርቲዎቹ ይፋ እንዲያደርጉ ጠየቁ፡፡
ዳዉድ ኢብሣ should be grateful that Oromo were incorporated into Ethiopia by Menilk. Let alone claim additional "loots" of their past invasions. I know he has aspirations to rule all the way to Yemen but........don't push your luck.

Like always you are coming here to tell us your fake folktales based on your wet pink bright red ar$$ hole baboon chimp day dreams and pathological night mares. If it were not for the egalitarian and democratic Oromos who invented Mamma Ethiopia and kept it in place with their tears blood and bones by now your types of fanatic Judas would have been reduced to jungle savage animals and living in Ugandan forest mountains.
they have nothing to do with Judah also. They were claiming to unrelated kinship. Instead, they should have claimed to belong to Esau (Arabs).
By the way, I agree with your response to my thread above.

Posts: 4311
Joined: 30 Aug 2016, 03:47

Re: ዳዉድ ኢብሣ በስዊድን ንግግራቸው ውስጥ ፊንፊኔ፣ ድሬዳዋና ወዘተ በኦሮሚያ አስተዳደር ስር እንዲመለሱ ከመንግስታዊ ታርቲ ጋር የተደረሰውን መግባባት ፓርቲዎቹ ይፋ እንዲያደርጉ ጠየቁ፡፡

Post by Dawi » 25 Jan 2020, 21:18

sun wrote:
25 Jan 2020, 19:40
Oromos who invented Mamma Ethiopia and kept it in place with their tears blood and bones by now your types of fanatic Judas would have been reduced to jungle savage animals and living in Ugandan forest mountains.
suni, :P

But, I am talking to AbebeB who comes from the "conquered Oromo clan" per Merera; these Dawed & clans are claiming "reparation for slavery" "ልዩ ጥቅም" from AA, Dire Dawa etc..such feeling of inferiority is what is driving them. I don't think it has anything to do with you. Am I wrong?

Trust me, I can't make up that story; It is absolutely not "based on your ones wet pink bright red ar$$ hole baboon chimp day dreams and pathological night mares." LOL!

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