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this is what Dr. Abiy did to Abdi Iley once he found the oil ..

Posted: 13 Jan 2020, 15:19
by Ethoash
ጠ/ሚ ዐቢይ በኢኳቶሪያል ጊኒ የጋዝ ማውጫ ስፍራ ያደረጉት ጉብኝት...የጊኒን ጋዝ ላይ ከማቆመጥ ለምን የሱማሌውን ጋዝ ለሁሉም ባለድርሻዎች የሚደርሳቸውን ደርሻ ስጥተህ ጋዙን በብዛት ማምረት አይቀልም ውይ።

#ESTV አማረኛ ድፍድፍ ነዳጅ ከኢትዮጵያ ሶማሌ ሀምሌ/2010ዓ.ም.
Abdi Iley , ሁለት ጀሪካን ይዞ አንዱ ለአመድ አንዱ ለኔ ብሎ ሲል ስሙት ፤ ታድያ ይህንን ሰው ነው ማስረ የሚገባን

TPLF GIVE sOMALI OIL AND Abdi Iley................ይህንን ሰው ነው ውይ አንተ ድክተር ፍቅር ያስርከ ። ዘይቱን ብቻህንን ልትበላ ፈልገኸ። ወደድክም ጠላህም ተፈተዋለህ። የነዳጁን ደርሻ አንድ እጅ ለአብዲ አሊ ወደድክም ጠላህም መክፈል አለብህ ስላም ከፈለግህ እና አቀኛ ከሆንክ ልክ ዘይቱን ሲያወጣልህ እሱን እስር ቤት አስረህ ለስልሳ አመት ማወጣት እቀቶህ በአራት አመት ወስጥ አብዲ አሊ ስለረዳህ ስፈሩን በስላም ይዞልህ ። አረ ግፍ ነው። ይህንን ፊዲዬ ተመልከት ፷ አመት ፷ አመት ፈጅብህ ። ግን ስላም አብዲ አሊ አመጣልህ አለበልዚያም በፊት የነበሩት ቻይናዎችን አረደዋቸው ነበር ዘይት እንዳይወጣ ። አረ ግፍ ነው።

watch this video it tell u the full story..

እንደው ከግኒ ትምህርት ቀስመህ ትመጣለህ ብዬ እገምታለው። ነገ ዛሬ ሳትል ሱማሌ የነዳጁን ፴ስላሳ% ስጥተህ አንተ ደግሞ ፸ ሳባ% ወስደህ ሱማሌን በኢኮኖሚ ከቀየርካት ሁሉም አስተዳደር ና እኛ ጋ ና እኛ ጋ ብለው ነው የሚሽቀዳደሙብህ ግን ሱማሌን በደህነት ገዝተህ አንተ ጋዙን መቶ በመቶ የኢትዬዽያዊን ሁሉ ነው በማለት ምንም ሳታስተርፍላቸው ጋዙን ከወሰድክ ግን ይዘገያል እንጂ ጥል ያስከታላል። ተከፍሎ መብላት ነው የሚያዋጣው። አለበለዚያ ግን ልክ እንደናጀሪያዋች ጋዙ እርግማን ይሆንብናል።

ነዳጁ ድፍድፉ ለሲሚንቶ ፋብሪካ መሆኑ ለመስታወት ፋብሪካ መሆን ብቻ ትልቅ ትልቅ ዜና እና ግልግል ነው ። አሜሪካኖች በድሮ ዘመን በቀላሉ በልተወሳሰበ መንገድ ነዳጅ ከድፍድፍ ማቅለጥ ከቻሉ እኛም ይህንን ቀላል ዜዴ ተጠቅመን የነዳጅ ማጣሪያ ስርተን ለራሳችን በጋዝ መቻል ከቻልን ታላቅ ነገር ነው። ለዚህ ታድያ ሱማሌዎችን ሳላሳ እጅ ብንስጣቸው ምን ይገደናል ምን ያስመቀኝናል እነሱ በኢኮኖሚ ካደጉ ጋዛቸው የኢኮንሚያቸው መስረት መሆኑን ካወቁ ። የጋዙን ኢንቨስትመት አያቃጥሉትም እንደ እይወታቸው ይጠብቁታል። ግን ይህንን ለቡዳ ሕዝብ ማስረዳት በጣም ከባደ ነው። ምናባታቸው ጋዙ የመላው ኢትዬዽያ ነውና ምንም ማግነት የለባቸውም ሁሉም ኢትዬዽያ እኩል ይካፋላል የሚል ስለሚበዛ ምክሬ በድንጋይ ላይ ውሃ ስለሚሆን በዚሁ ላቁም

Re: this is what Dr. Abiy did to Abdi Iley once he found the oil ..

Posted: 13 Jan 2020, 20:31
by Selam/
Red-eye Woyane rat - Your jealously is becoming out of control. Let me give your daily dosage: #1- You remember what Abdi Iley said? “I Was a Tool for TPLF.” So, shut the fvck up about his release. #2 - Buda Woyanes want to take the credit for the oil exploration in Calub and Hilala oil sites when in fact this is something that was going on for the last 70years. What the cruel Woyane thugs and their donkey Abdi Iley did was they evicted the Ogaden people from their pastoral lands because of the search for gas. You basically burnt their homes and farms and arrested them all. Haile Selassie and Derg didn’t do that. ONLF got enough of your cruelty and kicked the hell of out of you. Now, you cry Weyo! Weyo!, Weyo! KIFU!

Ethoash wrote:
13 Jan 2020, 15:19
ጠ/ሚ ዐቢይ በኢኳቶሪያል ጊኒ የጋዝ ማውጫ ስፍራ ያደረጉት ጉብኝት...የጊኒን ጋዝ ላይ ከማቆመጥ ለምን የሱማሌውን ጋዝ ለሁሉም ባለድርሻዎች የሚደርሳቸውን ደርሻ ስጥተህ ጋዙን በብዛት ማምረት አይቀልም ውይ።
ESTV አማረኛ ድፍድፍ ነዳጅ ከኢትዮጵያ ሶማሌ ሀምሌ/2010ዓ.ም.
Abdi Iley , ሁለት ጀሪካን ይዞ አንዱ ለአመድ አንዱ ለኔ ብሎ ሲል ስሙት ፤ ታድያ ይህንን ሰው ነው ማስረ የሚገባን

TPLF GIVE sOMALI OIL AND Abdi Iley................ይህንን ሰው ነው ውይ አንተ ድክተር ፍቅር ያስርከ ። ዘይቱን ብቻህንን ልትበላ ፈልገኸ። ወደድክም ጠላህም ተፈተዋለህ። የነዳጁን ደርሻ አንድ እጅ ለአብዲ አሊ ወደድክም ጠላህም መክፈል አለብህ ስላም ከፈለግህ እና አቀኛ ከሆንክ ልክ ዘይቱን ሲያወጣልህ እሱን እስር ቤት አስረህ ለስልሳ አመት ማወጣት እቀቶህ በአራት አመት ወስጥ አብዲ አሊ ስለረዳህ ስፈሩን በስላም ይዞልህ ። አረ ግፍ ነው። ይህንን ፊዲዬ ተመልከት ፷ አመት ፷ አመት ፈጅብህ ። ግን ስላም አብዲ አሊ አመጣልህ አለበልዚያም በፊት የነበሩት ቻይናዎችን አረደዋቸው ነበር ዘይት እንዳይወጣ ። አረ ግፍ ነው።

እንደው ከግኒ ትምህርት ቀስመህ ትመጣለህ ብዬ እገምታለው። ነገ ዛሬ ሳትል ሱማሌ የነዳጁን ፴ስላሳ% ስጥተህ አንተ ደግሞ ፸ ሳባ% ወስደህ ሱማሌን በኢኮኖሚ ከቀየርካት ሁሉም አስተዳደር ና እኛ ጋ ና እኛ ጋ ብለው ነው የሚሽቀዳደሙብህ ግን ሱማሌን በደህነት ገዝተህ አንተ ጋዙን መቶ በመቶ የኢትዬዽያዊን ሁሉ ነው በማለት ምንም ሳታስተርፍላቸው ጋዙን ከወሰድክ ግን ይዘገያል እንጂ ጥል ያስከታላል። ተከፍሎ መብላት ነው የሚያዋጣው። አለበለዚያ ግን ልክ እንደናጀሪያዋች ጋዙ እርግማን ይሆንብናል።

ነዳጁ ድፍድፉ ለሲሚንቶ ፋብሪካ መሆኑ ለመስታወት ፋብሪካ መሆን ብቻ ትልቅ ትልቅ ዜና እና ግልግል ነው ። አሜሪካኖች በድሮ ዘመን በቀላሉ በልተወሳሰበ መንገድ ነዳጅ ከድፍድፍ ማቅለጥ ከቻሉ እኛም ይህንን ቀላል ዜዴ ተጠቅመን የነዳጅ ማጣሪያ ስርተን ለራሳችን በጋዝ መቻል ከቻልን ታላቅ ነገር ነው። ለዚህ ታድያ ሱማሌዎችን ሳላሳ እጅ ብንስጣቸው ምን ይገደናል ምን ያስመቀኝናል እነሱ በኢኮኖሚ ካደጉ ጋዛቸው የኢኮንሚያቸው መስረት መሆኑን ካወቁ ። የጋዙን ኢንቨስትመት አያቃጥሉትም እንደ እይወታቸው ይጠብቁታል። ግን ይህንን ለቡዳ ሕዝብ ማስረዳት በጣም ከባደ ነው። ምናባታቸው ጋዙ የመላው ኢትዬዽያ ነውና ምንም ማግነት የለባቸውም ሁሉም ኢትዬዽያ እኩል ይካፋላል የሚል ስለሚበዛ ምክሬ በድንጋይ ላይ ውሃ ስለሚሆን በዚሁ ላቁም

Re: this is what Dr. Abiy did to Abdi Iley once he found the oil ..

Posted: 14 Jan 2020, 08:01
by Ethoash
Selam/ wrote:
13 Jan 2020, 20:31
Red-eye Woyane rat - Your jealously is becoming out of control. Let me give your daily dosage: #1- You remember what Abdi Iley said? “I Was a Tool for TPLF.” So, shut the fvck up about his release. #2 - Buda Woyanes want to take the credit for the oil exploration in Calub and Hilala oil sites when in fact this is something that was going on for the last 70years. What the cruel Woyane thugs and their donkey Abdi Iley did was they evicted the Ogaden people from their pastoral lands because of the search for gas. You basically burnt their homes and farms and arrested them all. Haile Selassie and Derg didn’t do that. ONLF got enough of your cruelty and kicked the hell of out of you. Now, you cry Weyo! Weyo!, Weyo! KIFU!

it doesnt matter how evil Abdi iley is ... u partnered with him finding the oil and now u got the oil u must share with him... not only release him he must share with the oil and must live like a king in Oganda as he deserved as royal family....

about 70 years 40 years was under Buda Amhara rule ..they could not find the oil.. the rest of 30 years the rebel could not allowed the oil to be taken out .. but the golden start the exploration not with America but with the right partner with China .. that is why the America was mad as hell they could not find the oil for the last 50 years .. the America never find oil for Afirca ask Sudan the same story then Al Bashir call the Chinese and the Chinese take out the oil in just five years and build oil pipe line all this in just five years but the American took them 70 years in Sudan too. the American did not like the switch so they start broadcasting the humanitarian abuse in Sudan.... and ask yourself did the human right abuse stop i dont think so...

had the tplf was in power they would have shared the oil with Abdi iley and Ogden people they would never arrested him .....the killing started because of Dr. Abiy betrayal and try to remove him from power once he got him oil...Abdi iley willing to share the oil ... unheard of in any part of Ethiopia the Amhara want what the oromo have the oromo want to enjoy their resource by themselves without sharing but Abdi iley want to share and look the result ................. all this Church burning was started after Abdi iley because the idiot start copycatting what happened in Ogden Somali region ...// it is waste of time teaching u the basic but my hope is other will read and learn something that is why i reply for you .. otherwise u r dead to me.. waste of human value .. empty head without knowledge... sad to share country with u...

Re: this is what Dr. Abiy did to Abdi Iley once he found the oil ..

Posted: 14 Jan 2020, 10:12
by Selam/
Buda Woyane - Abdi is having fun with comrade Bereket and Kinfe in the Knast. Please leave him alone. He doesn’t even want to defend his criminal case. The other Woyane snake Dawit Kebede is joining the expanding party. Why don’t you go and have him released if you have balls? No one likes him in Somali region and Planet Hotel is fully occupied by hyenas. What are you going to do with him? Private cash cow? You’re hallucinating. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Let me give you some historical accounts about oil exploration if your rock heart gets it. Oil search in Libya for example started in 1900 but the first successful production started in 1955. Read Lawrence in Arabia by Scott Anderson and learn how Americans had been intensively looking for oil prior to World War I but they only discover it 50 years later. Likewise, it took colonialists more than 60 years to explore and discover oil in subsaharan Africa, including Nigeria, Chad and Cameroon.

Monkey woyane, you think Woyane started oil exploration in Somali region from scratch and hit the jackpot overnight. You Idiot should actually give credit to Mengistu for even attempting given the decades turmoil in the region. Greedy thug, let me ask you: why is Somalia not exploring oil and other resources while sitting on humongous reserves, including uranium, iron ore, tin, gypsum, bauxite, copper, salt and natural gas? Is it because they don’t have mercenary Abdi Iley & co? Shut the fvck up. KIFU!

Ethoash wrote:
14 Jan 2020, 08:01
Selam/ wrote:
13 Jan 2020, 20:31
Red-eye Woyane rat - Your jealously is becoming out of control. Let me give your daily dosage: #1- You remember what Abdi Iley said? “I Was a Tool for TPLF.” So, shut the fvck up about his release. #2 - Buda Woyanes want to take the credit for the oil exploration in Calub and Hilala oil sites when in fact this is something that was going on for the last 70years. What the cruel Woyane thugs and their donkey Abdi Iley did was they evicted the Ogaden people from their pastoral lands because of the search for gas. You basically burnt their homes and farms and arrested them all. Haile Selassie and Derg didn’t do that. ONLF got enough of your cruelty and kicked the hell of out of you. Now, you cry Weyo! Weyo!, Weyo! KIFU!

it doesnt matter how evil Abdi iley is ... u partnered with him finding the oil and now u got the oil u must share with him... not only release him he must share with the oil and must live like a king in Oganda as he deserved as royal family....

about 70 years 40 years was under Buda Amhara rule ..they could not find the oil.. the rest of 30 years the rebel could not allowed the oil to be taken out .. but the golden start the exploration not with America but with the right partner with China .. that is why the America was mad as hell they could not find the oil for the last 50 years .. the America never find oil for Afirca ask Sudan the same story then Al Bashir call the Chinese and the Chinese take out the oil in just five years and build oil pipe line all this in just five years but the American took them 70 years in Sudan too. the American did not like the switch so they start broadcasting the humanitarian abuse in Sudan.... and ask yourself did the human right abuse stop i dont think so...

had the tplf was in power they would have shared the oil with Abdi iley and Ogden people they would never arrested him .....the killing started because of Dr. Abiy betrayal and try to remove him from power once he got him oil...Abdi iley willing to share the oil ... unheard of in any part of Ethiopia the Amhara want what the oromo have the oromo want to enjoy their resource by themselves without sharing but Abdi iley want to share and look the result ................. all this Church burning was started after Abdi iley because the idiot start copycatting what happened in Ogden Somali region ...// it is waste of time teaching u the basic but my hope is other will read and learn something that is why i reply for you .. otherwise u r dead to me.. waste of human value .. empty head without knowledge... sad to share country with u...

Re: this is what Dr. Abiy did to Abdi Iley once he found the oil ..

Posted: 14 Jan 2020, 14:38
by Ethoash
Dr. Selam

i talk about this long time ago . no America find u oil end of story.. those colonizer did not find oil because of the technology... today we r not talking about 1900 but 2020 advance digital age and satellite age and Gps mapping ....

The American, the Icelandic company or any Western Nation doesn't give tool of production .. let even assumed oil exploration take 60 years.. how about geothermal energy plant that America and Icelandic company took them over 70 years.. and only produce 7MW Aluto Langano Geothermal Pilot Plant. will wasting billion of dollar but the next door Kenya give the project to China and the Chinese give them geothermal plant in just five years.. today Kenyan generating over 200mw vs 7 mw Ethiopia


look this fat British saying she try to dis the Geothermal energy which is totally green energy.. she saying the chemical from underground come with the water and destroying the plant around it.. that is fact but the Chinese in Kenya find a way to re inject the hot water back to ground to be recharge and to be used again and again and avoiding all the problem this fat British saying..

also mark my word and investigated all the oil that the America found the country is at war? the oil become cursed .... can u investigate this and come back to me .

Re: this is what Dr. Abiy did to Abdi Iley once he found the oil ..

Posted: 14 Jan 2020, 20:04
by Selam/
Buda Woyane - You always get derailed from the topic. Are you blaming haileselassie or Mengistu for the level of exploration technology the world was using during their time? In the same manner, are you taking credit for the advanced technology China developed during Woyane thugs time? You kind of remind me of my አቢሿም classmate in high school who used to recite a book in its entirety but he quite often mixed up paragraphs with paragraphs and one chapter with another. KIFU!
Ethoash wrote:
14 Jan 2020, 14:38
Dr. Selam

i talk about this long time ago . no America find u oil end of story.. those colonizer did not find oil because of the technology... today we r not talking about 1900 but 2020 advance digital age and satellite age and Gps mapping ....

The American, the Icelandic company or any Western Nation doesn't give tool of production .. let even assumed oil exploration take 60 years.. how about geothermal energy plant that America and Icelandic company took them over 70 years.. and only produce 7MW Aluto Langano Geothermal Pilot Plant. will wasting billion of dollar but the next door Kenya give the project to China and the Chinese give them geothermal plant in just five years.. today Kenyan generating over 200mw vs 7 mw Ethiopia


look this fat British saying she try to dis the Geothermal energy which is totally green energy.. she saying the chemical from underground come with the water and destroying the plant around it.. that is fact but the Chinese in Kenya find a way to re inject the hot water back to ground to be recharge and to be used again and again and avoiding all the problem this fat British saying..

also mark my word and investigated all the oil that the America found the country is at war? the oil become cursed .... can u investigate this and come back to me .