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Ethiopia abuses Panafricanism - remove Ethiopia from membership to African Union

Post by EthioRedSea » 22 Nov 2019, 02:04

Ethiopia has been against panafricanism. Ethiopia cannot be panafricanist because it is killing thousands of Ethiopians, who are africana and displacing millions of non-Amhara Ethiopians.
The victory at Adwa has nothing to do with panafricanism. It was a simple event between Menelik and Italy.
Menelik killed millions of Oromo ( an african tribe)
Haile Selassie killed hundres of thousands of Wollo Ethiopians and Tigray Ethiopians.
Mengistu killed millions of Ethiopians through starvation and war.
Mengistu was an incompetent soldier, who could not rule a country.
Meles Zenawi killed thousands of Ethiopians because they threatened his power.
Abiy Ahmed Ali is killing thousands of Ethiopians and displacing millions of them from their homes.
This has the leading principle of Ethiopia: kill those who do not support the government.

We call the African UNion to remove Ethiopia's membership.
Ethiopia is exploiting the African for pure financial motives.
African Union should be moved to another country where citizens are respected as human beings