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Re: The EU’s Shame Is Locked Away in Libya

Post by Awash » 14 Nov 2019, 22:06


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Re: The EU’s Shame Is Locked Away in Libya

Post by Awash » 14 Nov 2019, 22:08

Watch "Lampedusa tragedy: the struggle for a better life" on YouTube

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Re: The EU’s Shame Is Locked Away in Libya

Post by Awash » 15 Nov 2019, 01:11

Zmeselo wrote:
14 Nov 2019, 20:39
Eritrea to Hold Sate Burial for Lampedusa Victims

9 Oct 2013

Italy to Hold State Funeral for Lampedusa Victims, Eritrea Objects

The Eritrean Embassy in Italy today released an announcement reassuring the public that the Government of Eritrea will undertake a State funeral for the victims of the Lampadusa tragedy by covering all the transport and other necessary costs to Eritrea.

The letter states Eritrea is having talks with the relevant Italian authorities to make this happen at the earliest.

It also states that the Embassy, in collaboration with Eritrean communities in Italy, is committed to extend all the necessary assistance towards the dozens of Eritrean survivors.

However, Italy’s strange and possibly politically motivated announcement of granting posthumous citizenship for the dead victims will make Eritrea’s request unlikely.

For the hundred’s of the victims family and for the bereaved Eritrean people, a proper burial of these brothers and sisters at their homeland would comfort their grief.

Embassy statement PDF file... ... notice.pdf
I heard you say they were not Eritreans. Why does your Agame junta pretend to support a State Funeral for "African migrants"? Fessfass Agame.
Lampedusa shipwreck: Italy to hold state funeral for drowned migrants

Italian premier, Enrico Letta, shocked by bodies at morgue, as number of dead from migrants' vessel rises to 296

Tom Kington in Rome

Wed 9 Oct 2013 13.45 EDTFirst published on Wed 9 Oct 2013 13.45 EDT

Hundreds of victims of last week's migrant boat disaster off the Italian island of Lampedusa will be given a state funeral, the Italian prime minister, Enrico Letta, has said.

Letta visited the island with José Manuel Barroso, head of the European commission, who promised Italy €30m (£25m) in EU funds to help resettle migrants risking the 70-mile journey across the Mediterranean from Africa.


Divers on Tuesday continued to retrieve bodies from the boat, which sank after catching fire half a mile off the southern Italian island of Lampedusa last Thursday. The number of bodies found was reported to be 296. Of the 500 passengers packed on board, only 155 survived.

As they arrived on the island, Letta and Barroso were heckled by locals shouting "shame" and "assassins", while banners were raised and fishing boats sounded sirens in protest at a perceived lack of support from Rome and Brussels for migrants who reach the island, which is closer to Africa than mainland Europe.

After visiting the airport hangar housing the victims' bodies, Barroso said: "It's an image you cannot forget. There were coffins of children and their mothers. It shocked and saddened me."

Letta and Barroso also made an unscheduled visit to the island's overflowing migrant holding centre, where survivors were sleeping outdoors amid rain storms.

"I apologise for the inadequacies of our country in relation to a tragedy like this," Letta said.

This year more than 30,000 migrants have sailed to Italy, of whom 7,500 were Syrians fleeing their civil war, 7,500 Eritreans escaping a brutal regime and 3,000 avoiding violence in Somalia.


Barroso said the EU parliament would vote on a plan to build up a Mediterranean-wide search and patrol network to assist rickety, overloaded, migrant vessels. The EU's Frontex border agency currently relies on just four ships, two helicopters and two planes in the southern Mediterranean.

Italian opposition is growing to EU rules on refugees, which usually compel migrants to request asylum in the country where the request is made – Italy in the case of migrants making the sea crossing.

Barroso said Germany, France, Britain, Sweden and Belgium received 72% of the 330,000 asylum applications made in the EU in 2012, while Italy received just 16,000.

Many migrants arriving in Italy refuse to give their details, hoping to travel on to northern Europe to request asylum, a practice that is sometimes tacitly encouraged by Italian officials.

Letta said he considered it a disgrace that survivors of the disaster had automatically been placed under investigation thanks to the Italian law against clandestine migration, even if they would likely be eligible for asylum.

Thanks in part to instability in Africa following the Arab revolutions, almost all migrants making the crossing could now qualify for refugee status, and very few were economic migrants, a UN spokeswoman told Reuters.

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Re: The EU’s Shame Is Locked Away in Libya

Post by Zmeselo » 15 Nov 2019, 01:18

I said, YOU are not Eritrean. Huge difference.

Now, go & drown yourself

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Re: The EU’s Shame Is Locked Away in Libya

Post by Zmeselo » 15 Nov 2019, 01:36

The Scam of Fake Eritrean Refugees Who are Actually Ethiopians

21 Dec 2017

Ethiopians claiming to be Eritrean refugees to get political asylum

More than 100,000 migrants that reached Italy in the last four years claimed to be Eritreans but many were not. It is found that around 40% are Ethiopians, using fake Eritrean identity to obtain political asylum.

At the reception centres I have visited in the past year, at least one third of Eritreans are frauds. The majority of them are Ethiopians from the Tigray region, who speak the same language and have similar somatic traits to our own.
This is the disconcerting scam denounced by an asylum seeker from Asmara.

He adds,
In Africa, owing to corruption, they steal and sell our identities because we have a right to international protection, but we are surprised that this is tolerated in Italy.
Eritreans waiting to obtain asylum in our country are few now, 2.651 and arrivals are declining (6.386 in 2017). But from 2013, when the boom started after the terrible shipwreck in Lampedusa (368 deaths), 109,266 migrants reached Italy declaring to be Eritreans. Most of them travelled on to Switzerland, Germany or other Northern European Countries.

Over a third of them is actually of Ethiopian nationality, that is migrants for economic reasons who do not have a right to political asylum.

Two years ago Austrian Ambassador Andreas Melan denounced the catch claiming that
30-40 per cent of Eritrean refugees in Europe are actually Ethiopians.
Incidentally: between Ethiopia and Eritrea there’s no love lost, after the bloody war of 1998, which still hasn’t traced a defined border. The strong man of Asmara President Isaias Afewerki, is accused of being an authoritarian leader with little respect for human rights, even if recently the situation is allegedly improving. But young people continue to flee: in order not to be subject to the burdensome military service as well as for economic reasons, looking for a Western Eldorado.

Today the Eritrean Ambassador in Rome Mr. Pietros Fessahazion reiterated:
40 per cent of those who are granted political asylum are in fact Ethiopians.
Panorama inquired on this issue, bringing a mechanism to light based on theft of identity, which starts from the UN refugee camps in Ethiopia and Sudan, where crooked cultural mediators overlook the real nationality of migrants and characters like Eritrean don Mussie Zerai, capable of mobilizing sea rescues to retrieve boats off the coasts of Libya.

True Eritrean asylum seekers reveal the details themselves.

We have met them and know their identity, but in this article, they are indicated with made up names to avoid repercussions for them.
In the Mai Ayni refugee camp in Ethiopia, they stole my identity
explains Fasil, who arrived in Italy on a boat.
After waiting for years for relocation by UN to one of the available countries, I found out that another person had left using my name.

The countries who accept Eritreans through the UN are the Unites States, Canada, Australia, Norway, France and more recently Italy.

The young Eritrean, who is 27 years old, recalls the embarrassment of the Western officer of the UN Agency for refugees (UNCHR), who checked my name on the computer:
she was bewildered. My details were correct, but the photo of the person who had already left, thanks to the UN, was not mine. They had cheated me.
According to Eritreans, selling identities or documents in Africa, particularly to Ethiopians is an established business. The price of the full operation in local currency varies between 50,000 birr (1840 euro) to 150 thousand birr (ca. 5500 euro.) An Eritrean identity card is sold at 900 USD.

In the past four years there have been 12,916 asylum applications in Italy, but over 100 thousand migrants who arrived by sea declared themselves to be Eritreans when they disembarked.

In July, the Minister of Information in Asmara, Yemane Gebre Meskel, declared to the BBC that
the number of Eritreans leaving their Country has been exaggerated. Between 40 and 60 per cent are from Ethiopia or other Countries from the Horn of Africa.
Yosef, the oldest of the asylum seekers met by Panorama staff, tells us of how
fake Eritreans ask for details about my country or about the national anthem, to support their lies about their nationality. It happened to me at the Red Cross centre in via Ramazzini, now dismantled, and at the Cara centre in Bari.
Munir and Futsum, both of wiry appeal, who arrived in November, confirm:
in the reception centre of the capital, where we live, a fake Eritrean asked how many colours our flag has. He was an Ethiopian who had to be interviewed for his asylum application.
Different cultural mediators and interpreters turn a blind eye or even favour the “scam” of Eritrean refugees.
For 15 years, I worked as an interpreter in the Commissions for asylum recognition
tells an Italian-Eritrean lady.
So many Tigrinyans from Ethiopia obtained protection, saying they were fleeing from Asmara. I did not report anyone to the Embassy, but they accused us of being spies of the Eritrean Government: so they hired Ethiopian interpreters.
Don Mussie Zerai, the “Moses of migrants” as he is acclaimed in a book, has been a reference point for years, above all for Eritreans who arrive on boats. Since August he has been under investigation by the Police in Trapani on NGOs for “favouring illegal immigration”.

Zerai is part of a network of Eritrean activists in Europe who hopes for a regime change in Asmara.
When I was still in Eritrea, I heard that Zerai could help us reach Italy
explains another asylum seeker, who has been in Rome since 2016.
Before I left Libya there was talk of this priest who would send rescues.
A source of the Coast Guard stresses that
the requests of intervention from Zerai soon appeared as an anomaly repeated in time. The rescue warnings for boats that left Libya almost always came from him. The suspicion is that he is part of a system, of a well established network.
The priest denies allegations, claiming he always acted “in respect of the law for humanitarian reasons”. And secured himself a number of political covers. Starting from President [of the Chamber of Deputies] Laura Boldrini, who received him at the Chamber.

On 3rd October, then, during the commemoration of the Lampedusa shipwreck of 2013, he held the celebration, despite being under investigation, in front of the President of the Senate Piero Grasso (today also leader of Liberi e Uguali Political Party) and the Minister for Education Valeria Fedeli.

Lucio Montanino, Pietro Gallo and Christian Ricci, on board the Vos Hestia of Save the Children as safety officers started investigations on the NGOs of Trapani, also speaking about the warnings by an Eritrean priest.
On 10th October, a Save the Children manager showed the captain the precise coordinates of a boat that had left Libya, which could not be found
says Montanino.

In the Public Prosecutor’s office documents a telephone call between Gallo and Ricci explains the episode:
then I told them [the investigators] this story of these Eritreans, who said that a priest had sent the message.
And Gallo,
He got the message from the Eritrean priest and we went there and found the wooden barge (…) on board we had the Eritrean mediator.
Zerai (proposed as Nobel price candidate for peace) admitted he was advising various NGOs such as Doctors Without Borders, WatchTheMed and Sea Watch.

Gallo confirms to Panorama:
the Save the Children staff said the coordinates had arrived from an Eritrean priest in Switzerland.
Because don Zerai had been transferred from Rome to Fribourg, where a strong Eritrean community lives.

Gallo adds,
the impression was that the boat had been towed by traffickers in the middle of the sea, who then sent the coordinates to send the rescues.
Investigators of the Trapani inquiry inform that “after the holidays there will be news” on the ambiguous role of humanitarian ships.

Also an Italian source in Tripoli in the first line against the traffickers of human beings confirms:
Also in Libya it is known that many Eritrean migrants heading to Italy are in actual fact Ethiopians. They pretend to be Eritreans knowing that it is easy to obtain political asylum.
* Translated from Italian to English by Marilena Dolce

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Re: The EU’s Shame Is Locked Away in Libya

Post by Awash » 15 Nov 2019, 02:25

Watch "Lampedusa tragedy: the struggle for a better life" on YouTube

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Re: The EU’s Shame Is Locked Away in Libya

Post by Awash » 15 Nov 2019, 02:26

African migrant

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