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INTGRAL ETHIOPIA Not DIMIR Ethiopia ! መደመሩን ትተን እንተንገር !!!

Post by Horus » 11 Nov 2019, 23:35

I capitalized the title of my subject on purpose. I wanted to be loud and be heard!! I am one of the people who support and like both Abiye Ahmed and his idea of MEDEMER.

But Medmer, being a good party slogan or party platform, cannot be an IDEA that is capable of expressing the wholeness and wholesome Ethiopia. For example, Abiye has not studied the dozens of ancient traditional rooted and timeless systems of law, morality, social norms and customs that each ethnic group used for centuries.

Abiye never talked about adding these systems into one whole. Instead his NOTION of ASHARA (historical finger print) has to do with using the so-called Geda as GIND and adding or grafting all of us OTHERS onto this Geda. This is the central flaw and unachieveability of the idea of Medemer.

MEDEMER is neither a political ideology, methodology or a formula for practice that is based on the historical and current lives of the Ethiopian people and their 85 ethnic cultures and internal systems.

MEDEMER is the product of YE TOLO TOLO BET thinking.

This said, I can think of one BIG concept that Abiye and his party should and could have considered; that concept is called INTEGRAL!

THE idea of Integral Ethiopia is I believe what Abiye should presented to the Ethiopian political class. It is entirely possible to honestly and intelligently Integrate the beliefs, customs, systems, ideas, values and aspirations of the Ethiopian universe to enhance and promote the well-being and flourishing of all of us Ethiopians be it individual citizens or ethnics entities.


Let us not waste precious time and intellectual resource trying to make sense of or theorize about an essentially defective concept to begin with.

REPLACE MEDEMER with INTEGRAL - and see the difference !!!!
Last edited by Horus on 12 Nov 2019, 00:09, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Horus » 12 Nov 2019, 00:08

ከዚህ ቀደም ደጋግሜ እንዳልኩት መደመር (መጨመር) የሚለው ጽንሰ ቃል ወይም ጽንሰ ሃሳብ ትክክለኛ አጠቃቀሙ ለእድገት፣ ለማከል፣ ለመብለጥ፣ ለምጎዘፍ ወዘተ እንጂ ብዙና ልዩ ልዩ ነገሮችን፣ ህዝቦችን አንድ፣ ሁል አንድ ፣ ህብር ለማድረግ የሚፈይድ ጽንስ አይደለም ።

ማለትም ኢንተገሬሽን ወይም ሁል አንድነት የሌለው አንድ ነገር ምን ቢጎዝፍ፣ ምን ቢደመር አብሮ መቆም የማይችል ፍርክርክ ካብ ነው ። ዘሮች ሁል አንድ ይሆናሉ እንጂ አይደመሩም ። አንድ + አንድ = ሁለት ነው። ኦሮሞ + አማራ = አምራ + ኦሮሞ እንጂ ኢትዮጵያ አይሆኑም።

85 ጎሳዎች ኢተገሬት ሲሆኑ = ኢትዮጵያ ማለት ነው። 85 ጎሳዎች ቢደመሩ ያው 85 ጎሳዎች ናቸው፤ መንገድ የሚዘጉ፣ የማይተማመኑ፣ የሚጋደሉ፣ የሚፎጋገሩ !!

መደመሩን ትተን እንተንገር፣ ሁል አንድ እንሁን !!!
Last edited by Horus on 12 Nov 2019, 01:01, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: INTGRAL ETHIOPIA Not DIMIR Ethiopia ! መደመሩን ትተን እንተንገር !!!

Post by TGAA » 12 Nov 2019, 01:28

I agree with you that Medemer might not capture the essence of what Abiy has in mind. Actually, in his recent visit to Mosco, he used synergy to translate what medemer is. As you put it if Abiy meant to say that Geda system is going to be the pillar of the Medemer conception, but all the other social and cultural and political assets going to be added while Geda remains the pillar. That can't be medemer but it is Mekemer .So it is not going to work. All members of the Ethiopian society have to contribute whatever good assets they have to the greater good of the general society. Contribution to the general society depends on not on the statuses of the majority or the minority rather the only question that should be asked is Does it helps all stakeholders to progress to a better place, by helping them actualize their potential which in turn enhances all members of the society. Integral or synergy captures more the essence of what Abiy was not to capsulated in the word Medemer.

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Re: INTGRAL ETHIOPIA Not DIMIR Ethiopia ! መደመሩን ትተን እንተንገር !!!

Post by Horus » 12 Nov 2019, 02:08


Synergy is a better concept ant it literally means 'sem ergons' (it means same work in Greek and it means 'working together'. So if Medemer means working together (a strategy) it is perfectly clear. But strategy is not ideology. So there is no ideology called synergy.

ሲነርጂ ማለት ደቦ፣ ጅጊ፣ የስራ ትብብር ማለት ነው። it is not ideology. Integration means wholeness, Unity, Harmony, Oneness - it is extremely huge and deep concept. In this universe, in this Ethiopia, everybody is connected to everybody - hence we are one whole entity. There is ONE WHOLE and that is ETHIOPIA Everything, every tribe is a branch and only a part. That is INTEGRAL ETHIOPIANISM

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Re: INTGRAL ETHIOPIA Not DIMIR Ethiopia ! መደመሩን ትተን እንተንገር !!!

Post by TGAA » 12 Nov 2019, 02:19

In that case, I'm sold on the idea of INTEGRAL ETHIOPIANISM.

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Re: INTGRAL ETHIOPIA Not DIMIR Ethiopia ! መደመሩን ትተን እንተንገር !!!

Post by Horus » 12 Nov 2019, 02:37


ላንተና ለኔ ኢንተገራል ኢትዮጵያዊነት በቀላሉ ይገባናል፣ በወስጣችን ያለ ጽንስ ስለሆነ፤ ግን ለብዙ የዘመኑ ዘረኞች ከባድ ነገር ነው ። አቢይ ያንን እንደ ማስተማር አብሮ መስራት የሚለው organizational psychology & management concept from Service college አምጥቶ ነው ይህ ሁሉ ውጥንቅጥ የገባነው።

አቢይኮ መደመርን እየሰበከ ባለበት ወቅት ነው ቄሮ መንገድ ዘግቶ አንገት የሚቆርጠው ። አቢይ ወደ ነገሩ ስር መው ረድ አለበት ! ማለትም ኦሮሞ የኢትዮጵያ አንድ ቅርንጫፍ ከሆነ ይህ ሁሉ ድራማ ለምን? ያ ነው ኦፒዲኦ መመለስ ያልበት?

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Re: INTGRAL ETHIOPIA Not DIMIR Ethiopia ! መደመሩን ትተን እንተንገር !!!

Post by Horus » 12 Nov 2019, 02:37


ላንተና ለኔ ኢንተገራል ኢትዮጵያዊነት በቀላሉ ይገባናል፣ በወስጣችን ያለ ጽንስ ስለሆነ፤ ግን ለብዙ የዘመኑ ዘረኞች ከባድ ነገር ነው ። አቢይ ያንን እንደ ማስተማር አብሮ መስራት የሚለው organizational psychology & management concept from Service college አምጥቶ ነው ይህ ሁሉ ውጥንቅጥ የገባነው።

አቢይኮ መደመርን እየሰበከ ባለበት ወቅት ነው ቄሮ መንገድ ዘግቶ አንገት የሚቆርጠው ። አቢይ ወደ ነገሩ ስር መው ረድ አለበት ! ማለትም ኦሮሞ የኢትዮጵያ አንድ ቅርንጫፍ ከሆነ ይህ ሁሉ ድራማ ለምን? ያ ነው ኦፒዲኦ መመለስ ያልበት?

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Re: INTGRAL ETHIOPIA Not DIMIR Ethiopia ! መደመሩን ትተን እንተንገር !!!

Post by Horus » 12 Nov 2019, 02:37


ላንተና ለኔ ኢንተገራል ኢትዮጵያዊነት በቀላሉ ይገባናል፣ በወስጣችን ያለ ጽንስ ስለሆነ፤ ግን ለብዙ የዘመኑ ዘረኞች ከባድ ነገር ነው ። አቢይ ያንን እንደ ማስተማር አብሮ መስራት የሚለው organizational psychology & management concept from Service college አምጥቶ ነው ይህ ሁሉ ውጥንቅጥ የገባነው።

አቢይኮ መደመርን እየሰበከ ባለበት ወቅት ነው ቄሮ መንገድ ዘግቶ አንገት የሚቆርጠው ። አቢይ ወደ ነገሩ ስር መው ረድ አለበት ! ማለትም ኦሮሞ የኢትዮጵያ አንድ ቅርንጫፍ ከሆነ ይህ ሁሉ ድራማ ለምን? ያ ነው ኦፒዲኦ መመለስ ያልበት?

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Re: INTGRAL ETHIOPIA Not DIMIR Ethiopia ! መደመሩን ትተን እንተንገር !!!

Post by Horus » 12 Nov 2019, 02:37


ላንተና ለኔ ኢንተገራል ኢትዮጵያዊነት በቀላሉ ይገባናል፣ በወስጣችን ያለ ጽንስ ስለሆነ፤ ግን ለብዙ የዘመኑ ዘረኞች ከባድ ነገር ነው ። አቢይ ያንን እንደ ማስተማር አብሮ መስራት የሚለው organizational psychology & management concept from Service college አምጥቶ ነው ይህ ሁሉ ውጥንቅጥ የገባነው።

አቢይኮ መደመርን እየሰበከ ባለበት ወቅት ነው ቄሮ መንገድ ዘግቶ አንገት የሚቆርጠው ። አቢይ ወደ ነገሩ ስር መው ረድ አለበት ! ማለትም ኦሮሞ የኢትዮጵያ አንድ ቅርንጫፍ ከሆነ ይህ ሁሉ ድራማ ለምን? ያ ነው ኦፒዲኦ መመለስ ያልበት?

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Re: INTGRAL ETHIOPIA Not DIMIR Ethiopia ! መደመሩን ትተን እንተንገር !!!

Post by Horus » 12 Nov 2019, 02:37


ላንተና ለኔ ኢንተገራል ኢትዮጵያዊነት በቀላሉ ይገባናል፣ በወስጣችን ያለ ጽንስ ስለሆነ፤ ግን ለብዙ የዘመኑ ዘረኞች ከባድ ነገር ነው ። አቢይ ያንን እንደ ማስተማር አብሮ መስራት የሚለው organizational psychology & management concept from Service college አምጥቶ ነው ይህ ሁሉ ውጥንቅጥ የገባነው።

አቢይኮ መደመርን እየሰበከ ባለበት ወቅት ነው ቄሮ መንገድ ዘግቶ አንገት የሚቆርጠው ። አቢይ ወደ ነገሩ ስር መው ረድ አለበት ! ማለትም ኦሮሞ የኢትዮጵያ አንድ ቅርንጫፍ ከሆነ ይህ ሁሉ ድራማ ለምን? ያ ነው ኦፒዲኦ መመለስ ያልበት?

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Re: INTGRAL ETHIOPIA Not DIMIR Ethiopia ! መደመሩን ትተን እንተንገር !!!

Post by Horus » 12 Nov 2019, 02:37


ላንተና ለኔ ኢንተገራል ኢትዮጵያዊነት በቀላሉ ይገባናል፣ በወስጣችን ያለ ጽንስ ስለሆነ፤ ግን ለብዙ የዘመኑ ዘረኞች ከባድ ነገር ነው ። አቢይ ያንን እንደ ማስተማር አብሮ መስራት የሚለው organizational psychology & management concept from Service college አምጥቶ ነው ይህ ሁሉ ውጥንቅጥ የገባነው።

አቢይኮ መደመርን እየሰበከ ባለበት ወቅት ነው ቄሮ መንገድ ዘግቶ አንገት የሚቆርጠው ። አቢይ ወደ ነገሩ ስር መው ረድ አለበት ! ማለትም ኦሮሞ የኢትዮጵያ አንድ ቅርንጫፍ ከሆነ ይህ ሁሉ ድራማ ለምን? ያ ነው ኦፒዲኦ መመለስ ያልበት?

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Re: INTGRAL ETHIOPIA Not DIMIR Ethiopia ! መደመሩን ትተን እንተንገር !!!

Post by Horus » 12 Nov 2019, 14:06

እነዚህ የቂሮ ማጎሪያ ኮሌጅ ተቢይዎች መዘጋት ነው ያለባችሀው።

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Re: INTGRAL ETHIOPIA Not DIMIR Ethiopia ! መደመሩን ትተን እንተንገር !!!

Post by Ethoash » 12 Nov 2019, 16:02

Horus wrote:
11 Nov 2019, 23:35

But Medmer, being a good party slogan or party platform, cannot be an IDEA that is capable of expressing the wholeness and wholesome Ethiopia. For example, Abiye has not studied the dozens of ancient traditional rooted and timeless systems of law, morality, social norms and customs that each ethnic group used for centuries.

መደመር ማለት በጣም ቀላል አስተሳስብ ነው።
ለምሳሌ ሐይሌ ስላሴ አየር መንገድን መስረቱ ። ታድያ ሞኝነት አይደለም ወይ መንግስቱ እነሱ ስሩት በሎ አየር መንገድን ቢያፈርስ ። መንግስቱ ምንም ባይጨምርበት በተቻለው አቅም አየር መንገዳችን ላይ ጣልቃ ሳይገባ ለሚቀጥለው ትወልድ አስተላለፈው ። እንግዲያማ ወያኔዎች ሲመጡ ወርቃማው አየር መንገድ አደረጉት ።። በአለም ተወዳደሪ አረጉት ምንን ተጠቀመው ነው መደመርን። በነበርው መጨመር ።

አንድ ላይ መስራትንም ቢጠቀልል መደመር ግን አንድ ላይ መስራት አይደለም ስራው ከተስራ በኋላ የሚቀጥለው ትወልድ ሲመጣ በተስራው ላይ ሲቀጥል ነው።

ለምሳሌ አንተ ኮፒተር ብትሰራ ሌላው ደግሞ ማውዝ ቢስራ ሌላው ደግሞ ሶፍት ዌር ቢስራ አንዱ በአንዱ ላይ እየጨመር መሄድ ማለት ነው።

በዚህ ከተስማማን ወርቃማዎቹ ፈደራሊዝምን አምጥተውልናል። ፈደራሊዝምን የቆሻሻ ቅርጫት ውስጥ ከምንጠለው ምን ይጎደለዋል በለን አስበን በጎደል እየሞላን እየደመርንበት ከመቀነስ ይልቅ እየደመርንበት አሻሽለን የበለጥ ጥራቱን የጠበቀ ፈደራሊዝም ማረግ ማለት ነው። እንጂ ይህ ምንም አልስራም ብሎ ወድ ድሮው የአማራ ስራሀት መመለስ ሞኝነት ነው ።

አዎ ቡዙዎች ፈደራሊዝም ማለት የጎሳ ክልል ነው ይላሉ ግን የጎሳ ክልል ከሆን ታድያ ለምን ፰፬ ክልል አይኖረንም ያለን ፱ ክልል ብቻ ነው ታድያ ይህ የሚያሳየው የእንግሊዘኛው ትርጉም ጠፍቶብን ካልሆን እንጂ የኦሮሞ ክልል ማለት ኦሮሞዎች ብቻ የሚኖሩበት ማለት አይደለም ትግሬ ክልል ሲባል ትግሬዎች ብቻ የሚኖሩበት አይደለም ። ይህን መረዳት ብቻ መደመር ፍሎዞፊ ነው።

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Re: INTGRAL ETHIOPIA Not DIMIR Ethiopia ! መደመሩን ትተን እንተንገር !!!

Post by DefendTheTruth » 12 Nov 2019, 20:24

Horus wrote:
12 Nov 2019, 02:08

Synergy is a better concept ant it literally means 'sem ergons' (it means same work in Greek and it means 'working together'. So if Medemer means working together (a strategy) it is perfectly clear. But strategy is not ideology. So there is no ideology called synergy.

ሲነርጂ ማለት ደቦ፣ ጅጊ፣ የስራ ትብብር ማለት ነው። it is not ideology. Integration means wholeness, Unity, Harmony, Oneness - it is extremely huge and deep concept. In this universe, in this Ethiopia, everybody is connected to everybody - hence we are one whole entity. There is ONE WHOLE and that is ETHIOPIA Everything, every tribe is a branch and only a part. That is INTEGRAL ETHIOPIANISM
I think you are wrong again, else explain how there could be an ideology (or a strategy for that matter) that could be called integration (integral is an adjective, while synergy is a noun on the other hand) and yet there shouldn't be one that could be called synergy?

If I remember well on this forum your stand has been all along about the win-lose situation (the winner takes all, instead of being ready for a win-win situation).

I am not comfortable to comment about something that I have not yet got a chance to read and understand its content better. But like TGAA also said my understanding of the book so far from some of the comments made about the book has been that it is to change the idea of win-lose doctrine that dominated the Ethiopian political landscape for many decades with a win-win situation. In this case the idea of synergy (which is a resulting effect) describes the idea better than the integral you blabber about.

- If integration, then tell us the components that you are going to integrate. As far as I remember your position on this forum has been that your camp has to defeat and take over everything. That is not integration, rather replacement.

- If it is about synergy, which I think better describes the intention behind the content of the book and results from the idea of accumulation based on what has been already there, instead of removing the preceeding entity and starting from a scratch once again, then the idea of accumulation (which technically not necessarily equivalent with addition) should be perfectly okay, in my view at least.

I am pretty sure that you too, like me, have not yet read the book and try to understand the content before rushing to disqualify it. But the author of the book has said repeatdly that anybody is entitled and welcome, even encouraged, to scholarily refute the idea in the book and present its own alternative idea, and that is what we call progress.

You have been calling for a total distruction of those who you percieved as your opponents and could represent a big chunk of the country and feel yourself now about entitlement of rejecting the alternative and potentially more acceptable idea of the others. Get yourself a help.

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Re: INTGRAL ETHIOPIA Not DIMIR Ethiopia ! መደመሩን ትተን እንተንገር !!!

Post by sun » 12 Nov 2019, 20:32

Hmm... :mrgreen:

You love to rant non stop just for being seen and noticed. Otherwise no one will take your overinflated endless old shoe sole chewing and chewing pass time. You better come back and tell us about your INTGRAL Bvlsh!t nonsense when you are a significant world class leader. Fandiyya xooxxaa! :P
Horus wrote:
11 Nov 2019, 23:35
I capitalized the title of my subject on purpose. I wanted to be loud and be heard!! I am one of the people who support and like both Abiye Ahmed and his idea of MEDEMER.

But Medmer, being a good party slogan or party platform, cannot be an IDEA that is capable of expressing the wholeness and wholesome Ethiopia. For example, Abiye has not studied the dozens of ancient traditional rooted and timeless systems of law, morality, social norms and customs that each ethnic group used for centuries.

Abiye never talked about adding these systems into one whole. Instead his NOTION of ASHARA (historical finger print) has to do with using the so-called Geda as GIND and adding or grafting all of us OTHERS onto this Geda. This is the central flaw and unachieveability of the idea of Medemer.

MEDEMER is neither a political ideology, methodology or a formula for practice that is based on the historical and current lives of the Ethiopian people and their 85 ethnic cultures and internal systems.

MEDEMER is the product of YE TOLO TOLO BET thinking.

This said, I can think of one BIG concept that Abiye and his party should and could have considered; that concept is called INTEGRAL!

THE idea of Integral Ethiopia is I believe what Abiye should presented to the Ethiopian political class. It is entirely possible to honestly and intelligently Integrate the beliefs, customs, systems, ideas, values and aspirations of the Ethiopian universe to enhance and promote the well-being and flourishing of all of us Ethiopians be it individual citizens or ethnics entities.


Let us not waste precious time and intellectual resource trying to make sense of or theorize about an essentially defective concept to begin with.

REPLACE MEDEMER with INTEGRAL - and see the difference !!!!

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Re: INTGRAL ETHIOPIA Not DIMIR Ethiopia ! መደመሩን ትተን እንተንገር !!!

Post by Horus » 13 Nov 2019, 01:57

Defend the Truth,

I never said that that Integral X was any kind of philosophy. Yes, integral is the adjective form of integer (somethnig that is whole, undivided, unbroken, etc). Philosophy explains, explicates why somethnig is so. Abiy does not have and cannot have his own political philosophy because that matter has been dealt with for the last 3000 years.

The subject matter of political philosophy is to explicate or ask the fundamental question: what is the most just, best form of human government? World libraries are filled with millions of books treating this question in zillions of ways and cultural forms. So, let us leave that aside.

I had never said that Integral Ethiopia is an ideology - be it social or political. What is an ideology? Ideology is the science of ideas. Hence, a political ideology is the science of political ideas. Do you know what science means? Abiy is not a political scientist. In fact, I have yet to see an Ethiopian political scientist who is dealing with the current Ethiopian political state of affairs,

So what is Medemer? It is a Slogan, it is a political brand, it is name of a poliitcal framework and may be a political strategy and program of a specific party - EPP.

I have no issue with Medemer as a concept of Additivity- that is a concept of Improvement, Addition, growth, increament, increasement, so on. In fact, ethioash above has it to the point. Nobody with a right mind would object to the notion of additivity. It is a time honored notion of improvement, growth, Kai-Zen etc …

Hence, Medemer is a strategy, it is a methodology, it is how somethnig done, it is about development and growth.


I know this is one of Abiy's use of Medemer.

But Synergy is not medmer. Even synthesis is not synergy. The person grows to be 6 ft my means of let us say medemer or additivity. But two people increase their productivity and success for each one of them by means of synergizing their effort which we call Debo, jigi, wusaca, woje. These are strategies our people used since the beginning of time.

Now, my basic argument is this: Abiy himself characterized his idea of medemer as being Synergy. I like that. But the content of his concept is not synergy of Ethiopian poliitcal ideas and systems.

Here is a simple example. There is an Ethiopian researcher(አብዱልፈታ) who has researched, collected, described and documented the traditional social, moral, legal, administrative systems of many, many ethic groups including Afar, Somali, Oromo, Gurage, Sidama, Amara, wolaiyta etc, etc. Medemer as a synergy, as an articulation, as synthesis or unification these ancients systems into a modern day Ethiopian political, legal or social system is what one would call Medemer.

Coopting everybody to the idea of OPDO is not synergy - it is called cooptation and capture. such a procedure is neither a synergizing nor synthesizing let alone being a science of ideas or a philosophy of human government.
Last edited by Horus on 13 Nov 2019, 04:04, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: INTGRAL ETHIOPIA Not DIMIR Ethiopia ! መደመሩን ትተን እንተንገር !!!

Post by Horus » 13 Nov 2019, 03:07

አቢይ አህመድ ቢያንስ ይህን የበጎ ሰው ተሸላሚ አብዱል ፈታ አብደላን መጽሃፉ ምርቃት ላይ መጋበዝ ነበረበት ። ከመደመር መጽሃፍ ሺ ግዜ ይበልጥ ስለኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካዊ መደመር ምርምር ያረገ ይህ ሰው ነው !!!

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Re: INTGRAL ETHIOPIA Not DIMIR Ethiopia ! መደመሩን ትተን እንተንገር !!!

Post by Ethoash » 13 Nov 2019, 12:19

Horus wrote:
13 Nov 2019, 03:07
አቢይ አህመድ ቢያንስ ይህን የበጎ ሰው ተሸላሚ አብዱል ፈታ አብደላን መጽሃፉ ምርቃት ላይ መጋበዝ ነበረበት ። ከመደመር መጽሃፍ ሺ ግዜ ይበልጥ ስለኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካዊ መደመር ምርምር ያረገ ይህ ሰው ነው !!!

ጎደ ሊስትሮ
ታድያ ለምን የአማራ ካባ ታስለብስዋለህ። ካባ ሁሉም ባህል ሳይኖረው ስላማይቀር ይህ ፈልስፋ ተፈላስፎ ይደረስባትና ሁሉም ጎሳና ብሔር እሴት ይጠቃለል ባይ ነኝ። ውይ ደግሞ ኦሮሞም በበኩሉ የራሳቸውን ደግ ሰው እና ሴት ሽልማት አዘጋጅተው የኦሮሞን ካባ ማስለበስ አለባቸው።

ይህንን በማለቴ ጎጠኛ በለኝ ። ባህል ብሔር ይከበር በማለቴ። አንተ ሊስትሮ የአማራ ጫማ ጠራጊ

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