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Adios!! Adios!!! Adios!!!

Posted: 04 Nov 2019, 21:28
by ittuabafarda
I would like to say a word or two to all my dear countrymen/women. The old country has gone through so much in its contemporary history particularly since the 1970’s. It had managed to survive one calamity after another to get here. It had one ‘re-defining’ moment in the late 1980’s that culminated in its dramatic change a few years after that. By then the world had made up its mind including its former allies that it had to change. It looks it is facing the same scenario today. There are two leaders competing for legitimacy over the same country. When one is saying yes the other one will soon rebut that with a resounding no. When one says ‘let’s move on’ the other is right there to say ‘No because I have a lot to talk about the past’. When one says the people over there has shown the world how to live in harmony and the other one tells him that the people there were in constant conflict because of virtual colonial oppression. When one tries to attest that at the moment he is the leader but the other one tells him ‘not so fast!!’ When one tells the citizens that some individuals have broken the law, the other one come back telling him ‘So what! Others had broken the laws for many years in the past too. ‘I’m the leader! No you’re not! I’m the real leader and there is nothing, nothing you can do about! You better be careful! You are a sissy and I’m a battle hardened fighter. You wanna do something about it? Step right down and try me. You sissy!!! I have my hommies in your house from top down. It is not like the good ole days. I have the Sebhat’s, Debre’s and all their entourage in my pocket! You are only as good as a dead man walking!!! You just saw what our fearless fighters did to your books!!! You must feel very lucky that you are still alive and kicking!!!’ This seems to be the reality on the ground in the old country now.

Let’s face it. For all intents and purposes one region has already seceded. Politically there is no 'Region of Tigray but the ‘Republic of Tigray’ now. Now we should all be prepared to see another undeclared ‘Republic’ very, very soon. The preliminary work has been done already. The administration has been successfully infiltrated and snapped away from the very top all the way to the bottom by those on mission to facilitate the process. I have same feelings today that I had in 1989/90 that the world including the friendly ones had determined that the old country has to go thru fundamental changes. They have made up their mind already. Once again, the rehearsal is going on big time now. The animosity has been allowed to go on to the brink of beyond repair. That was very intentional for a planned excuse in the future. I might have been so naive to expect otherwise. I just want to advise you to prepare yourself. She will be gone as we know her today. The 2nd process is in full swing away from the cameras and watching eyes. A child born today will not know what it currently looks like 10-15 years from now. By then thankfully I may not be around to see it all unfolded already.

All it needs is some reaction, the last gasp so to say. All it is waiting for is for someone to come out and declare 'The New Republic is Here!!!'. There is no such thing as 'unified' armed forces since it seems to be successfully infiltrated. You must have noticed yourself already that there is no 'unified' security or intelligence unit since it has been infiltrated from top to bottom for those committed to the day of the 'Republic'. I just read the transcript of the latest speech by the young PM. All I find is begging and pleading. Whether intentional or not on his part, it shows that he either does not have a clue or have any plan of action. It was all a demeanor of despair and cop out.

I am starting to give up little by little. I will just keep that gem of the colored as it is today very close to my heart caressing it for whatever years left from my sunset phase of my life on this good earth.

Re: Adios!! Adios!!! Adios!!!

Posted: 05 Nov 2019, 13:45
by Ethoash
Dear Tutu,

like you age ur idea is old and outdated..

just because u live with your wife fifty years doesnt make it a successful marrage may u should have ask your wife why she stayed... in old time which u live on wife have no income and no right beside she have society pressure not to divorce so that is the gooooood old time.. today is totally different time

even so u wrote ur long article which i did not read fully suggested that Golden should not be Republic if they dare us he suggested Dr. Abiy should send his army and crush them ... u might be suffering from old age alzheimer's dementia otherwise ur dear father mengistu haile mariam tried and failed so why should we think we listen to you when u were young and able to defend mama Ethiopia u run away to America to safety... now u want other people children to wage war that u lost in 1991.. would u send your children to war front if Dr. abiy start war with Golden or you want the poor people children to die..

Golden have the Golden right to use article 39 to say good bye.. why do have to use war or pretended ... they dont hae to pretended as of now they r saying to the rest of Ethiopia we will not die for u .. u carry ur weight the golden did their part to keep the union now the duty is on oromo and amhara if the two fight what is the business of Golden to jump in to this fight ..

when the golden run the show u said give us the power they did now you have no right to ask them to help u.. all they have to do is protect their right die for their right the rest should do the same.. have a nice day..

i have totally respect for your age but what i dont have respect is for your old and outdated thought..

Re: Adios!! Adios!!! Adios!!!

Posted: 08 Nov 2019, 14:53
by ittuabafarda
Republic in the north, republic in the middle and the rest just bystanders for now!!!