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Jawar says he lost his security guards

Posted: 22 Oct 2019, 19:25
by Revelations

Re: Jawar says he lost his security guards

Posted: 22 Oct 2019, 19:41
by Revelations

Re: Jawar says he lost his security guards

Posted: 22 Oct 2019, 19:57
by Revelations

Re: Jawar says he lost his security guards

Posted: 22 Oct 2019, 20:04
by Ethoash

actually i want to see this film ending ..

one matchstick can start forest fire..

only one man started Arab spring

so i am waiting to see the end of this movie

Syrian revolution started on street dancing and singing

now i dont know what benefit u drive from this i really dont know..

ሞኝ ይስቃል ብልጥ ያለቅሳል የአሞሌ ክምር ሲፈርስ ወይም ሲናድ

u r happy that the Jawar is in trouble . but did u ever thought about what will happened next.. okay let see the movie both of us are in safe place ...i will see u after the movie

if Dr. Abiy doesnt want Jawar he must give him የማርያም መንገድ and tell him to get the hell out of Ethiopia and safe himself arresting him and causing more harm ... they should be separated peacefully .. four point ..

Re: Jawar says he lost his security guards

Posted: 22 Oct 2019, 20:09
by Dahgol
It would be the betrayal of the century, if Abiy was to hurt the brilliant political scientist of the century Dr Jawar Mohammed...
Hell will break

Re: Jawar says he lost his security guards

Posted: 22 Oct 2019, 20:20
by Za-Ilmaknun
Why would he be accorded guards paid by tax payers money to begin with? He can afford to pay for his own security guards who can pamper him all day long. He must have over stayed his welcome and took things for granted. Let's see how the parallel government of his would professionally coordinate a security detail that is at par with what is accorded to Royals. Smh !

Re: Jawar says he lost his security guards

Posted: 22 Oct 2019, 20:24
The government must have a pile of information to put this midget out of commission. What the government needs to do is -- enumerate his involvement in instigating violence in a different part of the country, provide the evidence to America government, and pass him over. Americans will take care of the rest. his hooligan kerros can have a talk with Americans. The Ethiopian government should not make a hero out of this empty suit by keeping him in an Ethiopian jail. As American let the America law give him a VIP treatment.

Re: Jawar says he lost his security guards

Posted: 22 Oct 2019, 20:24
by Ethoash
Za-Ilmaknun wrote:
22 Oct 2019, 20:20
Why would he be accorded guards paid by tax payers money to begin with? He can afford to pay for his own security guards who can pamper him all day long. He must have over stayed his welcome and took things for granted. Let's see how the parallel government of his would professionally coordinate a security detail that is at par with what is accorded to Royals. Smh !
when Dahgol worried what would happened when Dr. Abiy touch Jawar.. it never occurred to you that the oromo youth might rise up and start revolution or u dont care. that is the only thing i want to know ...if u really never thought about what is next

Re: Jawar says he lost his security guards

Posted: 22 Oct 2019, 20:32
by Maxi
This is more likely FAKE NEWS by J-War!!!

Re: Jawar says he lost his security guards

Posted: 22 Oct 2019, 20:33
by Za-Ilmaknun
If the Oromo youth are so jittery to start a revolution for a reason that Jawissa is no more given security details, then they don't seem to have enough cause to start with. I know this could be one more opportunity for TPLF to sneak in and start some havoc disguised as Jawarian youth. In any case, whether he is protected or not, his life isn't more valuable than any street Joe. He should be given the chance to take responsibility for his actions and mature as a politician.

Re: Jawar says he lost his security guards

Posted: 22 Oct 2019, 20:40
by Maxi
ከፍተኛ ጥንቃቄ ለአማሮችና ኦሮሞ ያልሆናችሁ ኢትዮጵያዊያን

በአዲስ አበባ ውስጥና አካባቢው ያላችሁ አማሮችና ኦሮሞ ያልሆናችሁ ኢትዮጵያዊያን፣ ከኢትዮጵያ ታሪካዊ ጠላቶች ከነግብፅ በተከፈለው ከፍተኛ መጠን ያለው ዶላር ህዝብ እያጫረሰና አገር እያሸበረ ያለው ጀዋር መሀመድ ጥቃት ሊደርስብኝ ተከብቤያለሁ በማለት የኦሮሞ ቄሮዎችን ስሜት በመቀስቀስ ረብሻና ነውጥ የሚያስነሱ አደገኛ መልዕክቶችን ለቄሮ እያሰራጨ ስለሆነ ከፍተኛ ጥንቃቄ አድርጉ!

መንገዶች እንዲዘጉ፣ ቄሮ አዲስ አበባን እንዲወርና በኦሮሚያ ያሉ አማሮች ላይ ጥቃት እንዲፈፀም የኦሮሞ ብሄርተኞች በስፋት እየቀሰቀሱ ነው!

በኦሮሚያና በአዲስ አበባ ዙሪያ ያላችሁ አማሮችና ኦሮሞ ያልሆናችሁ ኢትዮጵያዊያን ቦቅቧቃው ቄሮ ደፍሮ ከመጣ በማንኛውም መንገድ ተዘጋጅታችሁ በመጠበቅ የማያዳግም የአፀፋ እርምጃ ለመውሰድ ሁሌም ተዘጋጅታችሁ በንቃት ጠብቁ! በተቻለ መጠን ታጠቁ! መረጃ ተለዋወጡ! ከፍተኛ ጥንቃቄና ዝግጅት ይደረግ!!! አማራነት ያሸንፋል....!!!

Re: Jawar says he lost his security guards

Posted: 22 Oct 2019, 21:11
by Revelations
Jawar has sent a video that negates his own statement of being surrounded by security forces. How wise is it to scream fox when there's none?!

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Re: Jawar says he lost his security guards

Posted: 22 Oct 2019, 22:05
by Revelations
Jawar has also provided these pics. No security forces are among this crowed either.

Re: Jawar says he lost his security guards

Posted: 22 Oct 2019, 22:53
by Revelations
OK. This video shows us the Oromia police singing and dancing with qeroo. Why is Jawar scared of this?
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Re: Jawar says he lost his security guards

Posted: 22 Oct 2019, 23:05
by Revelations
Jawar must be sitting in a dark room. It's already morning in Ethiopia.
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Re: Jawar says he lost his security guards

Posted: 23 Oct 2019, 00:00
by Revelations

Re: Jawar says he lost his security guards

Posted: 23 Oct 2019, 01:04
by Revelations
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Re: Jawar says he lost his security guards

Posted: 23 Oct 2019, 02:22
by Revelations
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Re: Jawar says he lost his security guards

Posted: 23 Oct 2019, 03:28
by fasil1235
Burn his jawars residency down with the unemployed youth of finfenee

Re: Jawar says he lost his security guards

Posted: 23 Oct 2019, 09:30
by Revelations