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The radical Oromo leaders signed a capitulation peace agreement with Fetawrari Habtemariam Dinegde (Abey) Degazmach Beke

Post by TGAA » 01 Oct 2019, 23:28

A couple weeks ago it was anounced that ODP and eight other Oromo parties parted ways to peruse their separate agendas. ODP evaluated all these jewar chicks and decided to part company because ODP as political party that shoulders a national agenda, a party that has a national vision could not be reverted back -by these sycophants -into its parochial womb. At individual level Prof Merara Gudina and couple of Oromo intellectuals understood the dead end where these radicals are leading the country and took stance that should be appreciated, as party though all were dancing to the jawars tune without missing the steps , in their foolhardy attempt to make Ethiopia in their own image. As the days has gone by it has became apparent to all so called Oromo parties ODP is going to win handedly without them , and if they stayed outside in the cold they will become soon irrelevant. So finally they come to their senses and signed the document and each of the agreements are detailed. if they break the rule they will be kicked out as a whole or as single political entity. Jewar is going to be irrelevant soon too, because those signed to this agreement at one point will be forced to choose between Jewar or ODP. No doubt as political animals they will choose their political survival more than anything else. The signing ceremony says it all though who is leading who; Abey and Obo Lema signed the agreement, Abey made a brief statement what the vision of the signing was all about and left behind the hate spewing big mouths like orphans. While the Oromo fanatics are in disarray, the panic in the wayane camp has become a high pitch groaning cause they put all their hopes and dreams to break up the country on the radical Oroms. EPDRF is now dead , all political groups are willing to work within the framework of the reform. The radical Oromos are deflated, and the woyane death messenger Kenmant will be dealt by cutting off Weyanes long hand. Peace will prevail in Ethiopia.
Revenge is for children and the emotionally retarded. ~ Frank Herbert

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Re: The radical Oromo leaders signed a capitulation peace agreement with Fetawrari Habtemariam Dinegde (Abey) Degazmach

Post by Horus » 01 Oct 2019, 23:59

Only those with little or no political experience fail to grasp the irreversible trajectory and momentum that the Abiye Agenda is riding. Folks can argue on the essence and scope of the philosophy of Medemer as a complete theory of action. Personally, Medemer is a good philosophy or concept of development but it is not a complete ideology or theory of political economy. Other than this emergent new idea, he is on a curse that no one can reverse because each day a section of the nation is joining the social peace. Nothing is more valuable than a social peace for the ordinary citizens of a country. ስለዚህ የነመራራ እስከ ጃዋር ያሉት ምርጫ ጨው ለራስህ ስትል እንዲሉ ነው። እንዲያውም ትልቁ ፈተናቸው የጎሳ ፌዴሬሽን ነው። የጎሳ ስራት እስካለ ድረስ ኦሮሞ ሺ ጊዜ ትልቅ ቢሆን በኢትዮጵያ ደረጃ የሚኖረው ሚና ይወሰናል ። በኢትይዮጵያ ደረጃ ለመሰማት ገና የጎሳ ር እዮት ለመተው ይገደዳሉ ። የጎሳ ፖሊቲካ ቁልቁል ጉዞ ገና መጀመሩ እንጂ ማብቂያው ላይ አይደለንም ።

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Re: The radical Oromo leaders signed a capitulation peace agreement with Fetawrari Habtemariam Dinegde (Abey) Degazmach

Post by TGAA » 02 Oct 2019, 00:58

You Bubblehead oromo fanatics are prone to miss the forest for a tree. You are fixated with anything Amhara , you associate everything and anything loved by Amharas as a threat to your existence, whoever loves Amhara is your enemy and whoever hates Amhara is your bosom friend. You are the most irrational beings walking upright on two legs. you philosophise in Amharic but you hate it from your gut, you enjoy the cousin but hate to express its deliciousness, you marry and have kids with Amhara lady but you call here suffaerri, As Achamelh put it aptly hating what Amhara likes is your moron politicking, nothing more and nothing less. ምንም የራሴ የሚያርብኝ ነገር የለም ለኔ ሁሉም ኢትዮጵያ ደግሞም ኢትዮጵያዊ በአስር ጣቴ ገብቼ የምፈተፍተው ጉዳይ ነው _ ጋባዥም ከልካይም የለኝም፡፡ when you focus on everything though you focused on nothing. So when it come to your anti-Ethiopian activity you foolishly think that it offends only Amharas, but all see you as a threat, not a friend or even a good neighbour. Politically speaking you did a disservice to the Great Oromo-Ethiopian community across the country. Abey is your only saviour if you wise up to listen to what he says. No in your muddy brain he is Menilik incarnate. your half-cooked political manoeuvring is going to cost dearly -- correction on your part is way overdue.

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Re: The radical Oromo leaders signed a capitulation peace agreement with Fetawrari Habtemariam Dinegde (Abey) Degazmach

Post by Horus » 02 Oct 2019, 01:12

"ለኔ ሁሉም ኢትዮጵያ ደግሞም ኢትዮጵያዊ በአስር ጣቴ ገብቼ የምፈተፍተው ጉዳይ ነው " በቃ እነዚህ ጸረ ኢትዮጵያ ቅዠቶች የሚያሻቸው ይህን መሰል መልስ ነው። በኢትዮጵያዊነት አልከበር ሲል ማለ ነው !! ግና እጅግ ብዙሃኑ የኔ ብጤ ኦሮሞ ባቢይ ኮርቶ በኢትዮጵያዊነቱ ዘና እያለ ነው ።

ኦሮሞ ምን ግዜም ኢትዮጵያዊ ሊሆን ይችላል፣ ነውም ግን በፍጹም እስከ አለም ፍጻሜ ኢትዮጵያን ሊተካ አይችልም ። ይህን ያለተገነዘቡ ጃዋራዊ ቅዠቶች እንላቸዋለን ። ደቡብ ሰሜን ቅብጥርስ ኢትዮጵያ የለችም፣ ኢትዮጵያ አንድ ነች፣ ምስራቅ ምራብ ሰሜን ደቡብ የሚባል መሬት ጅኦግራፊ አላት መሬት ስለሆነች ማለት ነው ።

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Re: The radical Oromo leaders signed a capitulation peace agreement with Fetawrari Habtemariam Dinegde (Abey) Degazmach

Post by TGAA » 02 Oct 2019, 01:13

Regarding Irrecha we will join you in the celebration but you need to learn that what is yours is mine by default and the same goes to you too. You can not send a mob to disturb my Meskle celebration and then turn around to invite me to come to celebrate irrecha with you. it takes two tangoo, bro. Happy Irrecha

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