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የደብረ ዘይት ደመራን የክልሉ ፖሊሶችና ቄሮዎች አደናቅፈዋል

Post by Revelations » 28 Sep 2019, 15:19

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Senior Member+
Posts: 33713
Joined: 06 Jan 2007, 15:44

Re: የደብረ ዘይት ደመራን የክልሉ ፖሊሶችና ቄሮዎች አደናቅፈዋል

Post by Revelations » 28 Sep 2019, 15:34

ደብረዘይት ምን እየሆነ ነው?

ትናንት በደብረ ዘይት ከተማ የመስቀል በዓልን ለማክበር ሰንበት ተማሪዎች በለበሱት ልብስ ምክንያት ፖሊስ "መልበስ አትችሉም" በማለቱ በተፈጠረው ችግር ደመራ ሳይለኮስ ቀርቶ ነበር:: ይሁን እንጂ ማንነታችው የማይታወቁ ጎረምሶች ሌሊት 5:00 አካባቢ ካህናት እና ምእመናን በሌሉበት ደመራውን ለኩሰው አንድደውት አድረዋል::

የምሥራቅ ሸዋ ሀገረ ስብከት ሊቀጳጳስ የሆኑት ብጹእ አቡነ ጎርጎርዮስ በችግሩ መንስኤ ላይ እና በተፈጠረው ሥርዓት አልበኝነት ላይ ከክልሉ ባለሥልጣናት ጋር ለመወያየት ዛሬ ቀን ከ 7:00 ጀምሮ ከከንቲባ ጽህፈት ቤት እንደገቡ ሳይወጡ በመዋላቸው "አባታችንን ልቀቁልን" ከሚሉ ምእመናን ጋር ፖሊስ በድጋሚ መጋጨቱን አረጋግጬአለሁ::

ማንነታቸው በውል ያልታወቁ "ቄሮ ነን" የሚሉ ወጣቶች የሊቀጳጳሱን መፈታት ለመጠባበቅ በከንቲባ ጽህፈት ቤት ከተሰበሰቡ ምእመናን ጋር ምሽት ላይ ግብግብ በመፍጠራቸው የክልሉ ፖሊስ አስልቃሽ ጭስ በመተኮስ ምእመናንን የበተነ ሲሆን "ቄሮ ነን" ባዮቹን ጽህፈት ቤቱ ግቢ ውስጥ ሰብስቦ እንደዘጋባችውም ሰምቻለሁ:

ሊቀጳጳሱ ለውይይት ወደ ከንቲባዋ የመስተዳድር ቢሮ ሃያ ከሚሆኑ አገልጋዮች ጋር እንደገቡ እስከምሽቱ 1:00 ምክንያቱ በውል በማይታወቅ ሁኔታ ቆይተው የነበረ ሲሆን አሁን በስልክ እንደሰማሁት ግን ተለቀው ወደሀገረ ስብከታቸው ገብተዋል::


Senior Member+
Posts: 33713
Joined: 06 Jan 2007, 15:44

Re: የደብረ ዘይት ደመራን የክልሉ ፖሊሶችና ቄሮዎች አደናቅፈዋል

Post by Revelations » 28 Sep 2019, 15:53

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Senior Member+
Posts: 33713
Joined: 06 Jan 2007, 15:44

Re: የደብረ ዘይት ደመራን የክልሉ ፖሊሶችና ቄሮዎች አደናቅፈዋል

Post by Revelations » 28 Sep 2019, 15:59

ሰበር ዜና

በደብረ ዘይት ፖሊስ ምዕመናን ላይ አስለቃሽ ጭስ እየተኮሰ መሆኑ ተነገረ።

አማራ ሚድያ ማዕከል/አሚማ
መስከረም 17 ቀን 2012 ዓ.ም አዲስ አበባ ሸዋ

የምስራቅ ሸዋ ሀገረ ስብከት ሊቀ ጳጳስ አቡነ ጎርጎሪዎስ ከደብረዘይት ከተማ አስተዳደር ሀለፊዎች ጋር ለመወያየት ዛሬ ጠዋት የገቡ ሲሆን እስካሁን ከአስተዳደሩ ፅፈት ቤት አለመውጣታቸው እየተነገረ ነው።

ህዝቡም አቡኑ በመንግስት ታፍነው ነው በሚል ተቃውሞውን በሚያሰማበት ሰዓት የክልሉ ልዩ ኃይል አስለቃሽ ጭስ እየተኮሰ እንዲሁም ህዝቡን እየደበደበ ነውም ተብሏል።

አቡነ ጎርጎሪዎስ ከደብረዘይት ከተማ አስተዳደር ሀለፊዎች ጋር ለመወያየት ዛሬ ጠዋት የገቡ ሲሆን በአሁን ቅጽበትም ከደብረ ዘይት ከንቲባ ጽ/ቤት ወጥተው ወደ ሀገረ ስብከታቸው ተመልሰዋል የሚል መረጃም እየወጣ ነው።

Senior Member+
Posts: 33713
Joined: 06 Jan 2007, 15:44

Re: የደብረ ዘይት ደመራን የክልሉ ፖሊሶችና ቄሮዎች አደናቅፈዋል

Post by Revelations » 28 Sep 2019, 16:32

በደብረ ዘይት ከተማ በፀጥታ አካላት ከልካይነት የደመራና የመስቀል ባዓል ሀይማኖታዊ ስርዓትና ወጉን በጠበቀ መልኩ እንዳይከበር በመደረጉ ከፍተኛ ሀዘን እንደተሰማቸው የእምነቱ ተከታዮች ገለፁ።

አማራ ሚዲያ ማዕከል/አሚማ
መስከረም 16 ቀን 2012 ዓ.ም አዲስ አበባ ሸዋ

ስማቸው እንዲገለፅ ያልፈለጉ የደብረ ዘይት ነዋሪ እና የእምነቱ ተከታይ እንደገለፁት መስከረም 16 ቀን 2012 ዓ.ም ከደብረ መፅሔት ቅ/ኪዳነ ምህረት ቤተ ክርስቲያን የተነሱ ምዕመናን አረንጓዴ ቢጫ ቀይ ባንዴራ እና አልባሳት በመያዝ ወደ ደብረ ዘይት መስቀል አደባባይ ሲንቀሳቀሱ ባንዴራ ይዛችሁ አታልፉም በሚል በፀጥታ አካላት በመከልከላቸው ምዕመናን ባዓሉን ሳያከብሩ ተመልሰዋል።

"ቤተ ክርስቲያን ከጥንት ከአባታችን ከኖህ ቃል ኪዳን የተሰጠችውን የራሷን ሀብት አትጠቀምም" መባሏ አዘሳዛኝ ነው ያሉት ምንጫችን እንዲያውም ሌላ የፖለቲካ ሽፋን በመስጠት የአብንና የግንቦት ሰባት ባንዴራ ስለሆነ ይዛችሁ መውጣት አትችሉም ማለታቸውንም ገልፀዋል።

በትናንትናው እለት ደመራው ወደ ተሰራበት መስቀል አደባባይ ያቀናው ህዝበ ክርስቲያንም በመስቀል አደባባይ ፀሎትና ስብከት ካደረገ በኃላ በባንዴራ ምክንያት የተከለከሉት ምዕመናን እስካልመጡ ድረስ ደመራውን አንለኩስም በማለት በከፍተኛ ሀዘንና ለቅሶ ወደእየቤቱ መመለሱ ተወስቷል።

"መንግስት ሁሉንም እምነቶች እኩል እያየ አይደለም፤ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ህገ መንግስታዊ መብቷ ተገፏል" ያሉት ምንጫችን "በ2011 ዓ.ም ብቻ በርካታ አብያተ ክርስቲያናት ተቃጥለዋል፤ አባቶች ተገድዋል" በማለት መንግስት ሀላፊነቱን አለመወጣቱን በማስታወስ ወቅሰዋል።

ከሌሎች አብያተ ክርስቲያናት የወጣው ህዝበ ክርስቲያን ወደ መስቀል አደባባይ አቅንቶ ፀሎት እና ስብከተ ወንጌል ካደረገ በኃላ ደመራውን ሳይለኩስ የተመለሰ ቢሆንም የአካባቢው የፀጥታ አካላት ከቄሮዎች ጋር በመሆን ደመራውን ለኩሰውት ማደራቸውን ገልፀዋል።

ቦታውን ባናውቅም የቅ/ኪዳነ ምህረት አባት ታስረዋል የሚል መረጃ ደርሶናል ያሉት ምንጫችን ዛሬ መስከረም 17 ቀን 2012 ዓ.ም ከማለዳ ጀምሮ የሀይማኖት አባቶች ህዝበ ክርስቲያኑን በቤተ ክርስቲያን ጠዋት ካነጋገሩ በኃላ የከተማ አስተዳደሩን እና የፀጥታ አካላትን ለማናገር በሚል ያቀኑት አባት አለመመለሳቸውን ተናግረዋል።

ዛሬ ከቀኑ 11 ስዓት አካባቢም የፀጥታ አካላት በህዝበ ክርስቲያኑ ላይ አስለቃሽ ጭስ በመተኮስ ሲበትኑት አምሽተዋል፤ በአጠቃላይ የደመራ እና የመስቀል ባዓል በደብረ ዘይት ከተማ አልተከበረም ማለት ይቻላል ብለዋል።

በመጨረሻም "ትግላችን የእግዚአብሔር እና በእግዚአብሔር የተደገፈ ነው፤ መፍትሄም ይሰጠናል፤ ፀሎታችንም ነው።" በማለት መንግስት እየተደጋገመ ያለውን ግፍ ችላ ባይለው ጥሩ ነው ሲሉ መክረዋል።

በተለይም "ቅድስት ቤተ ክርስቲያን ሀገር ናት የሚል መንግስት ሀገር የሆነችን ቤተ ክርስቲያን የማይጠብቅ ከሆነ የተናገሩትን አልኖሩትም ማለት ነው" ሲሉ አስቸኳይ ማስተካከያ እንዲሰጥበት ጠይቀዋል።

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Joined: 15 Sep 2013, 16:00

Re: የደብረ ዘይት ደመራን የክልሉ ፖሊሶችና ቄሮዎች አደናቅፈዋል

Post by sun » 28 Sep 2019, 17:08

Revelations wrote:
28 Sep 2019, 15:19
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“The mind, at times, takes masochistic delight in suffering.” ~S. Katya

You proved yourself as an addicted cyber clown who keeps manufacturing fake news and helping yourself to become the new neurotic baboon only talking to himself in the hope of putting poor people against poor ignorant people so that they may slaughter each other Rwanda style and fulfill your sadomasochist (means giving or receiving pleasure from the receipt or infliction of pain or humiliation) sick psychological needs as you stand far away at a distance in a foreign country and enjoy the the possible tragedy of your own making.

A masochist's story:

A crackhead and a masochist in prison.
They both have life sentences for one reason or another and are pretty hopeless overall. One day the masochist chops his finger off and throws it out of the cell just because he is bored. Then a few minutes later he chops his arm up to the elbow and throws it out of the cell. He repeats this action of cutting and throwing out of the cell with a few more of his human parts. During all this time the crackhead carefully observes every movement of the masochist and is obviously amazed. Finally, he says: "Dude that is the smartest prison escape ever - part by part!" :P
Last edited by sun on 28 Sep 2019, 17:38, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: የደብረ ዘይት ደመራን የክልሉ ፖሊሶችና ቄሮዎች አደናቅፈዋል

Post by Revelations » 28 Sep 2019, 17:33

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Re: የደብረ ዘይት ደመራን የክልሉ ፖሊሶችና ቄሮዎች አደናቅፈዋል

Post by banebris2013 » 28 Sep 2019, 18:43

Revelations wrote:
28 Sep 2019, 15:19
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Hi Rev,
It can be a delayed news for you, but i did tell in the past that what happens in oromia is only those things that reflect true ethiopianism and oromuma, not the values of the political orthodox church. As you are aware most oromos are not followers of orthodox church, even those who are orthodox is abandoning it in millions. So it can be bad news for you, but it is fact that oromia will not be a place for promoting political orthodox church and the politics of nostalgia for Menelik time rule.

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Re: የደብረ ዘይት ደመራን የክልሉ ፖሊሶችና ቄሮዎች አደናቅፈዋል

Post by Degnet » 28 Sep 2019, 19:38

sun wrote:
28 Sep 2019, 17:08
Revelations wrote:
28 Sep 2019, 15:19
Please wait, video is loading...

“The mind, at times, takes masochistic delight in suffering.” ~S. Katya

You proved yourself as an addicted cyber clown who keeps manufacturing fake news and helping yourself to become the new neurotic baboon only talking to himself in the hope of putting poor people against poor ignorant people so that they may slaughter each other Rwanda style and fulfill your sadomasochist (means giving or receiving pleasure from the receipt or infliction of pain or humiliation) sick psychological needs as you stand far away at a distance in a foreign country and enjoy the the possible tragedy of your own making.

A masochist's story:

A crackhead and a masochist in prison.
They both have life sentences for one reason or another and are pretty hopeless overall. One day the masochist chops his finger off and throws it out of the cell just because he is bored. Then a few minutes later he chops his arm up to the elbow and throws it out of the cell. He repeats this action of cutting and throwing out of the cell with a few more of his human parts. During all this time the crackhead carefully observes every movement of the masochist and is obviously amazed. Finally, he says: "Dude that is the smartest prison escape ever - part by part!" :P
I dislike this person.He has no friend.

Posts: 821
Joined: 09 Apr 2013, 20:53

Re: የደብረ ዘይት ደመራን የክልሉ ፖሊሶችና ቄሮዎች አደናቅፈዋል

Post by banebris2013 » 28 Sep 2019, 19:51

Degnet wrote:
28 Sep 2019, 19:38
sun wrote:
28 Sep 2019, 17:08
Revelations wrote:
28 Sep 2019, 15:19
Please wait, video is loading...

“The mind, at times, takes masochistic delight in suffering.” ~S. Katya

You proved yourself as an addicted cyber clown who keeps manufacturing fake news and helping yourself to become the new neurotic baboon only talking to himself in the hope of putting poor people against poor ignorant people so that they may slaughter each other Rwanda style and fulfill your sadomasochist (means giving or receiving pleasure from the receipt or infliction of pain or humiliation) sick psychological needs as you stand far away at a distance in a foreign country and enjoy the the possible tragedy of your own making.

A masochist's story:

A crackhead and a masochist in prison.
They both have life sentences for one reason or another and are pretty hopeless overall. One day the masochist chops his finger off and throws it out of the cell just because he is bored. Then a few minutes later he chops his arm up to the elbow and throws it out of the cell. He repeats this action of cutting and throwing out of the cell with a few more of his human parts. During all this time the crackhead carefully observes every movement of the masochist and is obviously amazed. Finally, he says: "Dude that is the smartest prison escape ever - part by part!" :P
I dislike this person.He has no friend.
How do you know he has no friend? Do you know him? Ante ijig betam denkoroo fitur silehonk internet lante ihonim. Deddeb neh.

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Re: የደብረ ዘይት ደመራን የክልሉ ፖሊሶችና ቄሮዎች አደናቅፈዋል

Post by Degnet » 28 Sep 2019, 19:54

banebris2013 wrote:
28 Sep 2019, 19:51
Degnet wrote:
28 Sep 2019, 19:38
sun wrote:
28 Sep 2019, 17:08
Revelations wrote:
28 Sep 2019, 15:19
Please wait, video is loading...

“The mind, at times, takes masochistic delight in suffering.” ~S. Katya

You proved yourself as an addicted cyber clown who keeps manufacturing fake news and helping yourself to become the new neurotic baboon only talking to himself in the hope of putting poor people against poor ignorant people so that they may slaughter each other Rwanda style and fulfill your sadomasochist (means giving or receiving pleasure from the receipt or infliction of pain or humiliation) sick psychological needs as you stand far away at a distance in a foreign country and enjoy the the possible tragedy of your own making.

A masochist's story:

A crackhead and a masochist in prison.
They both have life sentences for one reason or another and are pretty hopeless overall. One day the masochist chops his finger off and throws it out of the cell just because he is bored. Then a few minutes later he chops his arm up to the elbow and throws it out of the cell. He repeats this action of cutting and throwing out of the cell with a few more of his human parts. During all this time the crackhead carefully observes every movement of the masochist and is obviously amazed. Finally, he says: "Dude that is the smartest prison escape ever - part by part!" :P
I dislike this person.He has no friend.
How do you know he has no friend? Do you know him? Ante ijig betam denkoroo fitur silehonk internet lante ihonim. Deddeb neh.
Bezih ewneteken new internet le endante aynetu ahya new bezih esmamalehugn,some people say,devil created.I don't hate any land but trash.Revelations because he lies.I want to tell you one more time,I am a Christian.You can't take this from me.I am just different,kehadi aydelehum.
Last edited by Degnet on 28 Sep 2019, 20:01, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 821
Joined: 09 Apr 2013, 20:53

Re: የደብረ ዘይት ደመራን የክልሉ ፖሊሶችና ቄሮዎች አደናቅፈዋል

Post by banebris2013 » 28 Sep 2019, 20:00

Degnet wrote:
28 Sep 2019, 19:54
banebris2013 wrote:
28 Sep 2019, 19:51
Degnet wrote:
28 Sep 2019, 19:38
sun wrote:
28 Sep 2019, 17:08
Revelations wrote:
28 Sep 2019, 15:19
Please wait, video is loading...

“The mind, at times, takes masochistic delight in suffering.” ~S. Katya

You proved yourself as an addicted cyber clown who keeps manufacturing fake news and helping yourself to become the new neurotic baboon only talking to himself in the hope of putting poor people against poor ignorant people so that they may slaughter each other Rwanda style and fulfill your sadomasochist (means giving or receiving pleasure from the receipt or infliction of pain or humiliation) sick psychological needs as you stand far away at a distance in a foreign country and enjoy the the possible tragedy of your own making.

A masochist's story:

A crackhead and a masochist in prison.
They both have life sentences for one reason or another and are pretty hopeless overall. One day the masochist chops his finger off and throws it out of the cell just because he is bored. Then a few minutes later he chops his arm up to the elbow and throws it out of the cell. He repeats this action of cutting and throwing out of the cell with a few more of his human parts. During all this time the crackhead carefully observes every movement of the masochist and is obviously amazed. Finally, he says: "Dude that is the smartest prison escape ever - part by part!" :P
I dislike this person.He has no friend.
How do you know he has no friend? Do you know him? Ante ijig betam denkoroo fitur silehonk internet lante ihonim. Deddeb neh.
Bezih ewneteken new internet le endante aynetu ahya new bezih esmamalehugn,some people say,devil created.I don't hate any land but trash.Revelations because he lies.
Anbibo meredat yemichil chinkilat sitageng temeliseh na. At the moment you are only BADOO KORKORO, that makes sound when it hit with something..

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Posts: 25078
Joined: 16 Feb 2013, 11:48

Re: የደብረ ዘይት ደመራን የክልሉ ፖሊሶችና ቄሮዎች አደናቅፈዋል

Post by Degnet » 28 Sep 2019, 20:03

banebris2013 wrote:
28 Sep 2019, 20:00
Degnet wrote:
28 Sep 2019, 19:54
banebris2013 wrote:
28 Sep 2019, 19:51
Degnet wrote:
28 Sep 2019, 19:38
sun wrote:
28 Sep 2019, 17:08
Revelations wrote:
28 Sep 2019, 15:19
Please wait, video is loading...

“The mind, at times, takes masochistic delight in suffering.” ~S. Katya

You proved yourself as an addicted cyber clown who keeps manufacturing fake news and helping yourself to become the new neurotic baboon only talking to himself in the hope of putting poor people against poor ignorant people so that they may slaughter each other Rwanda style and fulfill your sadomasochist (means giving or receiving pleasure from the receipt or infliction of pain or humiliation) sick psychological needs as you stand far away at a distance in a foreign country and enjoy the the possible tragedy of your own making.

A masochist's story:

A crackhead and a masochist in prison.
They both have life sentences for one reason or another and are pretty hopeless overall. One day the masochist chops his finger off and throws it out of the cell just because he is bored. Then a few minutes later he chops his arm up to the elbow and throws it out of the cell. He repeats this action of cutting and throwing out of the cell with a few more of his human parts. During all this time the crackhead carefully observes every movement of the masochist and is obviously amazed. Finally, he says: "Dude that is the smartest prison escape ever - part by part!" :P
I dislike this person.He has no friend.
How do you know he has no friend? Do you know him? Ante ijig betam denkoroo fitur silehonk internet lante ihonim. Deddeb neh.
Bezih ewneteken new internet le endante aynetu ahya new bezih esmamalehugn,some people say,devil created.I don't hate any land but trash.Revelations because he lies.
Anbibo meredat yemichil chinkilat sitageng temeliseh na. At the moment you are only BADOO KORKORO, that makes sound when it hit with something..
This is what the devil knows,to destroy,the only thing that the devil knows is to destroy.I will never see this website again.

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Joined: 06 Jan 2007, 15:44

Re: የደብረ ዘይት ደመራን የክልሉ ፖሊሶችና ቄሮዎች አደናቅፈዋል

Post by Revelations » 28 Sep 2019, 20:08

September 28, 2019

Authorities in Debre Zeit (Bihsoftu), a town just 44 kilometers southeast of the capital Addis Ababa, which is in Oromia region of Ethiopia reportedly detained Archbishop Abune Gorgorios III for several hours.

Bishotu (Debrezeit) Horaarsidi lake is where the tradition Oromo religion,Wakefena, yearly ritual takes place. Believers of Waqefena call the the ritual “thanks giving” or Irreecha.

Abune Gorgorios is in charge of East Shewa diocese of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

What is known about his detention so far is that he went to the Mayor’s Office of Bishoftu around 1 p.m. local time to appeal that Church choir who were waving the Ethiopian flag, which is also widely used in the Ethiopian church, were stopped by a group of the mob as they were making procession to the city’s Meskel Square.

Part of Meskel celebration in the tradition of the Ethiopian church is a Bonfire. In Debrezeit (Bishoftu), the pyre like structure prepared for the Bonfire was ablaze weigh before the celebration by a group believed to be radical Oromo ethnic nationalist youth, also known as Qeerroo.

And the Meskel celebration in the city was canceled.

Borkena news writer reached out to a credible source with insider information. The sources confirmed that the incident happened, and Meskel celebration, which was celebrated across the country, did not happen in Debre Zeit.

The source also confirmed that Abune Gorgorios III went to the mayor’s office and “was not let out of the office for several hours” after he spoke with the mayor.

However, his apparent detention was not ordered by the Mayor sources told borkena. Groups, perhaps in government offices, who overpowered the mayor might have ordered the detention.

Related reports on social media say that Abune Gorgorios personally asked to leave and to meet “with his children [spiritual children] but the groups were not willing to do so.

At this writing, the Abune Gorgorios is not under detention.

What seems to be Bishoftu city administration supported detention of the archbishop and cancellation of Meskel holiday celebration in the city came at a time when Ethiopian government is claiming that it is working to address the demands of Ethiopian orthodox church.

Followers of the Ethiopian church took to the street repeatedly demanding an end to orchestrated attacks on the Ethiopian church. They accused the government of not protecting the right to freedom of religion and worship which is a constitutional right.

The Ethiopian church has become targets of radical ethnic nationalists, especially in the Oromia region of Ethiopia, among other regions.

Posts: 9324
Joined: 15 Sep 2013, 16:00

Re: የደብረ ዘይት ደመራን የክልሉ ፖሊሶችና ቄሮዎች አደናቅፈዋል

Post by sun » 28 Sep 2019, 20:47

Revelations wrote:
28 Sep 2019, 20:08

September 28, 2019

Authorities in Debre Zeit (Bihsoftu), a town just 44 kilometers southeast of the capital Addis Ababa, which is in Oromia region of Ethiopia reportedly detained Archbishop Abune Gorgorios III for several hours.

Bishotu (Debrezeit) Horaarsidi lake is where the tradition Oromo religion,Wakefena, yearly ritual takes place. Believers of Waqefena call the the ritual “thanks giving” or Irreecha.

Abune Gorgorios is in charge of East Shewa diocese of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

What is known about his detention so far is that he went to the Mayor’s Office of Bishoftu around 1 p.m. local time to appeal that Church choir who were waving the Ethiopian flag, which is also widely used in the Ethiopian church, were stopped by a group of the mob as they were making procession to the city’s Meskel Square.

Part of Meskel celebration in the tradition of the Ethiopian church is a Bonfire. In Debrezeit (Bishoftu), the pyre like structure prepared for the Bonfire was ablaze weigh before the celebration by a group believed to be radical Oromo ethnic nationalist youth, also known as Qeerroo.

And the Meskel celebration in the city was canceled.

Borkena news writer reached out to a credible source with insider information. The sources confirmed that the incident happened, and Meskel celebration, which was celebrated across the country, did not happen in Debre Zeit.

The source also confirmed that Abune Gorgorios III went to the mayor’s office and “was not let out of the office for several hours” after he spoke with the mayor.

However, his apparent detention was not ordered by the Mayor sources told borkena. Groups, perhaps in government offices, who overpowered the mayor might have ordered the detention.

Related reports on social media say that Abune Gorgorios personally asked to leave and to meet “with his children [spiritual children] but the groups were not willing to do so.

At this writing, the Abune Gorgorios is not under detention.

What seems to be Bishoftu city administration supported detention of the archbishop and cancellation of Meskel holiday celebration in the city came at a time when Ethiopian government is claiming that it is working to address the demands of Ethiopian orthodox church.

Followers of the Ethiopian church took to the street repeatedly demanding an end to orchestrated attacks on the Ethiopian church. They accused the government of not protecting the right to freedom of religion and worship which is a constitutional right.

The Ethiopian church has become targets of radical ethnic nationalists, especially in the Oromia region of Ethiopia, among other regions.

Rev, 8)

You are an incurable pathological Judas super liar screaming and chanting for power sinfully using religion and the word of God as your Trojan horse. Otherwise the great egalitarian Oromos and their friends are the best of the best good people who love and respect all the peoples in Ethiopia, the Horn, Africa and the whole world. To prove that in practice they have closed all the jails and concentration camps in the country, freed all political and other prisoners from jail so that they can all go and freely fly like the birds in the sky and do whatever they wish by night and by day.

But evil Judas like you hate such great unseen freedoms, love and great human liberty because the ugly jails and the lots of suffering prisoners were the evil hand work of your close buddies who were missing those torture chambers where they used to cram together lots of farmers.

Think also about the Ethiopian women who were accepted as equal partners through the equal distribution of Ministerial posts, all for the first time in 3000 years of Ethiopian history.

Again you and your filthy renegade buddies hate because you want to restrict women to be only in the kitchen to serve your chest pumping baboon king. Soon we need understanding motherly women patriarch of peace and equality in Orthodox church instead of SOME of these aggressive anti peace conflict generating and promoting octogenarians making you dance naked in the rain and let you feel wet and the pain.

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Re: የደብረ ዘይት ደመራን የክልሉ ፖሊሶችና ቄሮዎች አደናቅፈዋል

Post by Lakeshore » 28 Sep 2019, 22:08

The orthodox has overcome many many chalages like now by many idol worshipers like yodit gudit, islam during gragn mohamed who burned many many churches and holly scriptures and later on during coumunist derge aslo the church faced many chalanges. However, the orthodox religion and ethiopia come out to be the winner and the as you witnesed today the celebration orthodx holly days more glamerous and vibrant that before. The idol worshipers who are the gust in ethiopia definitly will be made to submit and baptized like before and become christians with out any dought. This happned after the defeat of gragn mohamed, semi harrar, welega, shoa and wollo converted to christian and they are christian still. Some of the stunch advocate of the communism repent and converted back to christianity in jail or in freedum. The same goes the agames. priminister tamirat layne and many OLF gala also saw the the light and acept christianity. Since this is satans world heards like Queero who are idol worshipers will exist untill satan is chained. For orthodox this is not new this the way how satan operate and the orthodox church and followers will definitly come out traphant.

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