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Greece was ejected out of the Euro-Zone! Is there any way else to handle the deviant Amhara region?

Post by gearhead » 01 Sep 2019, 13:27

Ejection is not possible by the constitution.unlike the Amhara, Greece actually had a psoitive disposion towards th european constitution. They just had difficulty following through with their fianacial obligations that caused the revocation of their votting rights!

Amhara however hate everything about the Union that the rest of the region either like or have learnt to live with it! Why then do we keep tolerating one region whose compliants never end, hating everything that doesnt come out of amhara? They wont change either unless we resolve to find an exit plan for them!

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Re: Greece was ejected out of the Euro-Zone! Is there any way else to handle the deviant Amhara region?

Post by Ethoash » 01 Sep 2019, 13:57


u r God sent, every one know me as NATO in here , i was asking for oromo Golden to form NATO.
about kicking those Amhara out of the union is the only solution if u ask me this can done only when the oromo and the Golden united and the other Ethnic all in sync... for to long this people drive us crazy..

if u know Amhara they talk in Code so if they when THEM to hear u, u must also talk in code..

i will show u few reverse psychology , that work on Amhara people

Question 1..we want to remove article 39.

if u dont know the Amhara , will start your best to convince them or they can pull you to their side in good faith .. but they dont play in good faith .. አውቆ የተኛውን መቀስቀስ ማለት ነው።

so when u use reverse psychology

u agree with them to remove article 39 before the breath a relief air, .. u punch them with left hook ... tell them we should replace article 39 by revocation fight right that give other 9 region to reject one of the stat among them kick kick them out from union... after u said this just dont add anything just aboseved the reaction ... they know they r checkmate no where to go....

question 2. TPLF CONSTITUTION must be canceled

Answer . first step agree with them to canceled the TPLF CONSTITUTION Then throw the left hook ... ask them to write the replacement first before we cancelled the old one.. once u said this just look at their face.....ሊጥ ውስጥ እንደገባች አይጥ ሲፈራገጡ

question 3. we must have one national language and it should be Amharic

A. when even wasting your time arguing with them , just agree with them 1000000% then left hook.. ask them if Amhara region and Addis Ababa willing to learn Afan oromia as second language .. trust me they dont even want to pay this small price for the Amharic to become a national language... they still think Ethiopia belong to them so they have the last say .. so why defend your case make them defend their case instead.

question 4. we dont want ethnic party we want citizen party

A. first step to agree with this logic and throw the left hook what language this citizen party speak .. dead silent

i can go and on the point is .. the oromo cant be trusted to form NATO IF THEY do it would be the end of the Amhara cry..

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Joined: 30 Aug 2016, 03:47

Re: Greece was ejected out of the Euro-Zone! Is there any way else to handle the deviant Amhara region?

Post by Dawi » 01 Sep 2019, 15:22

gearhead wrote:
01 Sep 2019, 13:27
Ejection is not possible by the constitution.unlike the Amhara, Greece actually had a psoitive disposion towards th european constitution. They just had difficulty following through with their fianacial obligations that caused the revocation of their votting rights!

Amhara however hate everything about the Union that the rest of the region either like or have learnt to live with it! Why then do we keep tolerating one region whose compliants never end, hating everything that doesnt come out of amhara? They wont change either unless we resolve to find an exit plan for them!
gearhead & Ethoash,

You descendants of pasturalists that invaded Ethiopia in the 16th century should learn your own history before you open your dirty mouth on those who created Ethiopia. I suggest you read what the Oromo historian Mohammed Hassan wrote about thy self first. Honor thy father & mother Amara!

For starters, take the following lecture with empty stomach and call me in the morning! :P

BTW, Part One video explains what the old Greek said about Amhara created Ethiopia. Check it out!


የዛሬው ኦሮምያ ክልል - #በሲዳማ #በሃዲያ እና #በሌሎች የደቡብ ብሄር ብሄረሰቦች እና ህዝቦች ጥንተ ርስት ላይ የተመሰረተ የደም ክልል ነው። በመሃል #ሸዋ እና #ደቡባዊ ኢትዮጵያ በብዛት የነበሩት #አማራዎች፣ #ሲዳማዎች፣ #ጋሞዎች፣ #ሃድያዎች፣ #ጉራጌዎች፣ #ማያዎች፣ #ከፋዎች፣ #ጃንጅሮዎች፣ #ጌድዮዎች ፣ #ወላይታዎች ነበሩ ። ከግራኝ አህመድ ጦርነት በፊት የኦሮሞ ሕዝብ በአካባቢው አልነበረም።

የሲዳማ ክልል መመስረት ያለበት የሲዳማ ታሪካዊ ግዛት አርሲ ፈጣገርን በማስመለስ ብቻ እና ብቻ መሆን አለበት::በመሰረቱ ደቡብ ኢትዮጵያ የኦሞቲኮችና የናይሎቲኮች ሀገር (home land) ነው።

ለመሆኑ ሲዳማን ከርስቱ የነቀለው ማን ነው?

ሲዳማን የሰለበው የኦሮሞ ሕዝብ ነው። ኦሮሞዎች ከ16ኛው መቶ ክፍለ ዘመን ጀምሮ በሲዳማ ሕዝብ ላይ የዘር ማጥፋት ወንጀል ፈፅመዋል።

ዛሬ ኦሮሚያ እየተባለ የሚጠራው ክልል የሲዳማ የሃድያ የከንባታ የከፋ የጉራጌ እና የሌሎችም ህዝቦች ደም ፈሶባታል። ሁሉም የደቡብ ኢትዮዽያ ህዝብ ታሪኩን ማወቅ እና በቀደመ ርስቱ ላይ የይገባኛል ጥያቄ ማንሳት አለበት።

ሲዳማን የሰለበውና ከቀየው ያፈናቀለው የኦሮሞ ወረራ ነው!ኦሮሞዎች በሲዳማ ሕዝብ ላይ የዘር ማጥፋት ወንጀል ሰርተዋል። የአሁኖቹ አርሲ እና ባሌ የሲዳማዎች እና ሃይዳይዎች ሀገር ነው። ሲዳማዎች እና ሃድያዎች ቁጥራቸው በዛን ዘመን ከአማራ ሕዝብ ቁጥር ይቀራረብ ነበር።ወላይታዎች ፣ሲዳማዎች እና ሃድያዎች ትላልቅ መንግሥታት ነበሯቸው።ሲዳማዎች፣ ሀዲያዎችና ከምባታዎች ከመኖሪያቸው ከባሌና ከአሩሲ ተፈናቅለው በደቡብ ምዕራብ ሸዋና ደቡባዊ ኢትዮጵያ በስደተኝነት አነስተኛ ቦታ ይዘው እንዲኖሩ ተደርገዋል ።

ከኦሮሞ ወረራ ከየትኛውም ነገድ ከግድያው የተረፉት በኦሮሞ የሞጋሣ ሥርዓት ሳይወዱ በግድ በጉልበት ኦሮሞ እንዲሆኑ ተደርገዋል። ኦሮሞ አንሆንም ያሉት ተሰደዋል።

አቶ አሰፋ ጫቦ ኦሮሞዎች ነባሩን ሕዝብ ጨፍጭፈው በተለይም #ሲዳማዎችን እና #ከንባታዎችን ገለው በ አርሲ ( #ፈጣገር) እንደሰፈሩ አስረድተዋል።

የታሪክ ሊቅ ፕሮፌሰር ኃይሌ ላሬቦ የኦሮሞን ወረራ እና የፈፀሙትን ወንጀል በመዘርዘራቸው ከስራቸው ሁሉ ለማባረር የኦሮሞ ፖለቲከኞች ከፍተኛ ዘመቻ አድርገው ነበር።

ኦሮሞዎች የሲዳማን ሕዝብ ሲዳምቲቲ እያሉ ጨፍጭፈውታል:: ከርስቱ ከፈጣገር (አርሲ) አሰድደውታል። አርሲ ላይ የሲዳማዎችን ብልት እየሰለቡ የሕፃናት መጫወቻ ያደርጉት ነበር። ሲዳማን ያልገደለ ኦሮሞ ፀጉሩን እንዳይላጭ በገዳ ስርዓት ደንግገው ነበር። በመሆኑም ኦሮሞዎች ፈሪ እንዳይባሉ በሕይወት ዘመናቸው ቢያንስ አንድ ሲዳማ ይገድሉ ነበር። የሲዳማን ብልት እየሰለቡ ራሳቸው ላይ ያደርጋሉ። የሴቶችን ጡትም ይቆርጡ ነበር። በጉጂ ይህ ባህል አሁን ድረስ አለ። ኦሮሞዎች ጠላታቸውን ሁሉ ሲዳማ እያሉ ነበር የሚጠሩት። በነሱ ዘንድ ሲዳማ "ሲዳምቲቲ" የሚለውን ቃል እንደ ስድብ እና ጠላትን መግለጫ ሁኖ ነው አሁን ድረስ የሚያገለግለው።

የሲዳማ ሕዝብ በአሁኑ ሰዓት ቁጥሩ ቢበዛ ከ 5-6 ሚሊዮን ነው። በ 16ኛው መቶ ክፍለ ዘመን ኦሮሞዎች ከመምጣታቸው በፊት ግን አብዛኛው ፈጣገር አሁን አርሲ የተባለው የሲዳማ ሀገር ነበር። አሁን በአርሲ ያሉ አብዛኛዎቹ ኦሮምኛ ተናጋሪዎች በሞጋሳ እና በጉዲፈቻ ኦሮምኛ ተናጋሪ የሆኑ ሲዳማዎች ናቸው።

በቅርቡ እንኳን ቄሮዎች #በጉጂ እና #አርሲ በሲዳማዎች ላይ እንዲሁም በ #ሻሸመኔ በጉራጌ እና ወላይታዎች ላይ፣ በ #ኢልባቡር ና #ወለጋ በአማራዎች ላይ በደብረዘይት እና ዝዋይ በወላይታዎች ላይ በ ቦረና እና ሐረርጌ በ ጋሪ ሶማሊዎች ላይ ጥቃት ሲሰነዝሩ ነበር። ያው ህውሃት የዘረጋው የጎሳ አደረጃጀት ውጤት ነው መንስኤው በሚል ብዙም ሳንናገረው አልፈናል እንጂ። የኦሮሞ ፖለቲከኞች ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ አባቶቻቸው የዘር ማጥፋት ጭፍጨፋ እንደሰሩ ማመን አለባቸው።

#የጉራጌም ሕዝብ ግዛቶቹን ሁሉ ተነጥቆ አሁን ጉራጌ ዞን በሚባል አነስተኛ ስፍራ ተወስኗል።

በዝዋይ ሐይቅ ደሴት አካባቢ ተወስነው የኖሩት በቀሥት የታወቁት #የሜያ ነገድም በኦሮሞ ወረራ ጦርነት ተመናምነው የት እንደደረሱ አይታወቅም።

#የጋፋት ነገድም ሙሉ በሙሉ ጠፍቷል።

#አርጎባዎች፣ #ቀቤናዎች መሬታቸውን በኦሮሞ ተነጥቀው ከፊሎቹም ተገለው አሁን የተወሰኑት #በወልቂጤ ዙሪያ ይገኛሉ። መሬታቸውን ወሮ ከሀገራቸው #ባሊ ያባረራቸው ኦሮሞ ሁኖ ሳለ ዛሬ ከኦሮሞ ወረራ ሸሽተው በሰፈሩበት ሸዋ የጉራጌ ህዝብን ከሀገሩ ወልቂጤ ውጣ እያሉ ይገኛሉ።

#ከፋዎች፣ #ወርጅዎች፣ #አላባዎች፣ #ዳውሮና የጋሞ ህዝቦች መሬታቸውተወስዶ የኦሮሞ ወረራ ሰለባ ሆነዋል:: በአሁኑ ሰዓት ቁጥራቸው ተመናምኖ ይገኛል። አሁን ላለው የእርስ በርስ ግጭት የህወሃትና ኦነግ የዘር ፖለቲካ ምክንያት ቢሆንም የቀደመው የኦሮሞ ወረራ የህዝቡን ኑሮ በማፋለሱ አሁን ላይ ላለው ችግር አስተዋጽኦ አድርጓል።

በጠቅላላው የኦሮሞ ህዝብ አባቶቹ ለፈፀሙት ተወዳድሪ ለሌለው የዘር ማጥፋት ወንጀል የአማራን የሲዳማን የከንባታን የወላይታን የሃድያን የከፋን የጉራጌን በጠቅላላው የኢትዮጵያን ሕዝብ ይቅርታ መጠየቅ እና ካሳ መክፈል አለበት!

ሲዳማ የራሱን ክልል መመስረት ያለበት አርሲ ፈጣገር ላይ ነው መሆን ያለበት::

የግርጌ ማስታወሻ
እውነተኛውን ታሪክ ነው ያስቀመጥኩት። ኦነጎች የዘሩት ዘረኝነት ተወግዶ ፍትህ ርትዕ ሰፍኖ በአንድነት ሁሉም ኢትዮጵያዊ በእኩልነትና ነፃነት ሊኖር ይገባል ። ከዛ ውጭ ግን ስለ መሬት ይገባኛል ከተነሳ የሲዳማን እና ሀድያን መሬትን የወረረው ኦሮሞ ነው። ደቡብ ኢትዮጵያ የኦሞቲክና ናይሎቲኮች ሀገር ነው። ሲዳማ ፈጣገር ላይ አሁን አርሲ የሚባለው ነው ጥንታዊ ግዛቱ። ባሊ አሁን ባሌ የተባለው ደግሞ የሀድያ ሀገር ነው። እውነታው ይህ ነው።

ሁንዱ ኬኛ ...አከሲ..... እዚህም ቤት እሳት አለ!!! (by Nigusu Worku)
Last edited by Dawi on 01 Sep 2019, 15:54, edited 1 time in total.

Digital Weyane
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Re: Greece was ejected out of the Euro-Zone! Is there any way else to handle the deviant Amhara region?

Post by Digital Weyane » 01 Sep 2019, 15:50

gearhead wrote:
01 Sep 2019, 13:27
Ejection is not possible by the constitution.unlike the Amhara, Greece actually had a psoitive disposion towards th european constitution. They just had difficulty following through with their fianacial obligations that caused the revocation of their votting rights!

Amhara however hate everything about the Union that the rest of the region either like or have learnt to live with it! Why then do we keep tolerating one region whose compliants never end, hating everything that doesnt come out of amhara? They wont change either unless we resolve to find an exit plan for them!
I like your idea of ሳይቀድሙን እንቅደማቸው:: Right now everyone in Ethiopia, and especially the Amara, want to see TPLF get ejected from EPRDF. We Digital Weyane will not let that happen to us. Our great leader Meles Zenawi used to say "ለምሳ ያሰቡን ለቁርስ አደረግናቸው።" So, ejecting the Amara kilil from the Ethiopian union not only will save TPLF, but it has the potential to put our TPLF leaders back to power in Ethiopia again. I like your idea. Thanks.

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Re: Greece was ejected out of the Euro-Zone! Is there any way else to handle the deviant Amhara region?

Post by Ethoash » 01 Sep 2019, 16:51

Digital Weyane wrote:
01 Sep 2019, 15:50

I like your idea of ሳይቀድሙን እንቅደማቸው:: Right now everyone in Ethiopia, and especially the Amara, want to see TPLF get ejected from EPRDF. We Digital Weyane will not let that happen to us. Our great leader Meles Zenawi used to say "ለምሳ ያሰቡን ለቁርስ አደረግናቸው።" So, ejecting the Amara kilil from the Ethiopian union not only will save TPLF, but it has the potential to put our TPLF leaders back to power in Ethiopia again. I like your idea. Thanks.

Digital W,

እወቅ ራስህን Digital means binary or yes, or no, 1 or zero .. so when Dr. Greer head telling let us reject buda it doesnt means one to one relationship
rejecting buda doesnt based on Golden interest but in the interest of the whole parties member interest ...

Greek kicked out because only Italy wanted it .. but the super majority members wanted it ...the same way Buda will be rejected only super majority member parties wanted it... anyhow since u r thinking only in two track line i dont think u will understand this logic.. stay where u r .. we r marching

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Re: Greece was ejected out of the Euro-Zone! Is there any way else to handle the deviant Amhara region?

Post by Ethoash » 01 Sep 2019, 17:49

Dawi wrote:
01 Sep 2019, 15:22
gearhead & Ethoash,

የግርጌ ማስታወሻ
እውነተኛውን ታሪክ ነው ያስቀመጥኩት። ኦነጎች የዘሩት ዘረኝነት ተወግዶ ፍትህ ርትዕ ሰፍኖ በአንድነት ሁሉም ኢትዮጵያዊ በእኩልነትና ነፃነት ሊኖር ይገባል ። ከዛ ውጭ ግን ስለ መሬት ይገባኛል ከተነሳ የሲዳማን እና ሀድያን መሬትን የወረረው ኦሮሞ ነው። ደቡብ ኢትዮጵያ የኦሞቲክና ናይሎቲኮች ሀገር ነው። ሲዳማ ፈጣገር ላይ አሁን አርሲ የሚባለው ነው ጥንታዊ ግዛቱ። ባሊ አሁን ባሌ የተባለው ደግሞ የሀድያ ሀገር ነው። እውነታው ይህ ነው።

ሁንዱ ኬኛ ...አከሲ..... እዚህም ቤት እሳት አለ!!! (by Nigusu Worku)
dr. Dawi,

that is why Greeckhead want the Amhara out of the union,,,,,አማራ አንደም ደህና ጭንቅላት ያለው የላትምና ነው።

Professor Haile Larebo

let us look South America

where colonizer they killed the native and they took over South America እንግዲህ ወደ ውስጥ ጠልቀን ሳንገባ ከላይ ላዩን ነው የምነግርህ ለምሳሌ ያህል እንጂ እንዥህ ባቻ ናቸው ማለቴ አይደለም ። ስለማይገባህ ማብራራት ስላለብኝ ነው።

in North America and the Caribbean islands

English, Spanish, and to a lesser extent French, to over the Northern America .. እንግዲህ ወደ ውስጥ ጠልቀን ሳንገባ ከላይ ላዩን ነው የምነግርህ ለምሳሌ ያህል እንጂ እንዥህ ባቻ ናቸው ማለቴ አይደለም ። ስለማይገባህ ማብራራት ስላለብኝ ነው።

my point is immigrant or colonizer took over the American and Caribbean islands so based on ሃይሌ ላሬሶ all this colonizer must go home or give the land back to the native..

i forget one Continent also Australian must give back the land to Aboriginals....

how about demarcation of Africa we have to redraw everything based on our beloved ሃይሌ ላሬሶ
how about demarcation of Korea forget about 38th parallel fake line we have to follow ሃይሌ ላሬሶ research own what
how about the two Germany and Berlin

i want dr. ሃይሌ ላሬሶ should study about Somalia where they should belong homeland Somalia or in Ethiopia .. even study Afar case too. because Afar found in Eritrea, Djibouti and Ethiopia i want Dr. ሃይሌ ላሬሶ to tell us where Afar belong to... why stop here also tell us where the oromo belong to because we have oromo in kenya and Ethiopia .. without forgetting Gambelle and South Sudan must have the same root that also must be study...

if we base what belong to what based on who colonized the last ..then TPLF colonized the whole Ethiopia the last in 1991 hence technically Ethiopia belong to Golden .... if dr. ሃይሌ ላሬሶ doesnt want to settled what belong to what then the main land Somalia must have right to wage war to retake their Somalian and their land back to Somalia mother land war should not be stopped until one win over the other .. if that the case ሃይሌ ላሬሶ favoring the Golden that all i can say about this ሃይሌ ላሬሶ ..

in concussion if Dr. Dawit want us to belive what one ሃይሌ ላሬሶ saying then i will bringing ten ሃይሌ ላሬሶ ሃይሌ ላሬሶ who will convince u the whole Ethiopia belong to Golden that time war will be the settler ..

the more i see it the more we have to kick out the Amhara fast the more we will have peace.. just because they r not in power they want to start civil war. even if we agree with ሃይሌ ላሬሶ ተረት ተረት why not start what belong to who from Amhara.. in my limited research 98% Amhara zone belong to Agaw, Raya, oromo and Argoba ethnic so let us give back the land to those native then only we will see if Amhara are really honest about Dr. ተረት ተረት story...

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Re: Greece was ejected out of the Euro-Zone! Is there any way else to handle the deviant Amhara region?

Post by Ethoash » 01 Sep 2019, 18:02

dear Dawit.

i try to explain to u some logic because i want to give u a benefit of doubt .. if u pulling other Dr. ተረት ተረት story...PHD ሃይሌ ላፒስ (phd haile Eraser)
phd. eraserhead can erase history and rewrite history as he want but his story and other story end her.. i will never discussed about phd eraserhead

we r talking about higher issue how to kick out Amhara region out of the union and promoting this idea..if the Amhara instead of asking forgivenss if they try to instigate Sidama in to fight with oromo then we will accelerate our revocation of Amhara and it will be official.. so dont try to waste my time with ur ph. ሃይሌ ላፒስ.... this kind of history students have no job ..he cant be hired and produced so he will end up teacher to keep on teaching antoher usless history students.. can phd ሃይሌ ላፒስ start his own business can he hire someone no.. all he can do is ponzi scheme where he teach 25 students .. when they guarantee they have no job so they will teach another 25 students their student also will teach another 25 student the cycle goes like this forever .. a prefect ponzi scheme( pyramid scheme)that is legal

as i told u we r laser focused about kicking Amhara out of union

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Re: Greece was ejected out of the Euro-Zone! Is there any way else to handle the deviant Amhara region?

Post by Dawi » 01 Sep 2019, 19:11

Ethoash wrote:
01 Sep 2019, 17:49
my point is immigrant or colonizer took over the American and Caribbean islands so based on ሃይሌ ላሬሶ all this colonizer must go home or give the land back to the native..

The distinguished Prof. Larebo isn't saying Oromo "must go"! He never said that. Not only that, he has explained that Oromos as gossa existed in Ethiopia before the 16 century invasion. No one has said they're strangers in Ethiopia.

In fact he has acknowledged that Oromos saved Ethiopia fighting WARS as Ethiopians many times; one big one was with Turks as great horse men. If they didn't defend Ethiopia then, we would not have been who we are today.

Oromos kept Ethiopia intact in other wars including the well known Adwa War. They have helped build the present Ethiopia as we know it.

In the following, he tells about Oromo Ethiopians role in Ethiopia; it is going to be at the end of the video. Around 35:00.


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Re: Greece was ejected out of the Euro-Zone! Is there any way else to handle the deviant Amhara region?

Post by Ethoash » 01 Sep 2019, 20:01


i dont care about who come first who saved who.. if u r born in Ethiopia u r an Ethiopian.. end of story.. i dont even care to hear anything we want a new deal.. that new deal is ethnic fed system or with same amendment to make Amhara happy.. if Amhara doesnt agree with this then the rest of 8 region have the right to kick out the Amhara and live in peace.. we cant allowed Amhara to hold us hostage they cant.. we r moving along ..

about this phd. ላፒሶ what is the point of telling us oromo saved Ethiopia and this and that .. everyone is equal is not phd ላፒሶ going to give oromo their citizenship or validated with his ተረት ተረት /// what the oromo people need is drinking water, food and cloth and job not ተረት ተረት .. we have no time .. if anyone obstacle to this noble idea should be kicked out of the union..

my dearest Dawit,

tell me one thing honestly what can phd. ላፒሶ beside reading his ተረት ተረት . even what he is saying the truth... beside u switched his poison ivy with rose and u want me to accept him.. የጭቃ ውስጥ እሾክ፤ እያሳሳቀ እኮ ነው የሚያስገባልህ። ውስጡን ለቀስ /// forget everything and tell me does his speech create a job .. can phd ላፒሶ proved job .. can he produce anything at all.. or he produce more ተረት ተረት for us to fight over ተረት ተረት always talk about the past..

i think those kind phd. ተረት ተረት must be banned from talking about the past... they should be jailed for treason.. so idiot who in the right mind study ተረት ተረት and wasted all his life..

u see dr. Dawit u successful switched the topic about Dr. ተረት ተረት then talking about kicking out the Amhaar from the union.. where is dr. sun where is ebollo when u need them .

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Re: Greece was ejected out of the Euro-Zone! Is there any way else to handle the deviant Amhara region?

Post by gearhead » 02 Sep 2019, 01:54

Haile Larebo is a never published historian! His myth wont hold water in any court of law; UN, AU or otherwise! The soon to be formed Oromo Anti-Defemation Council will handle these unpublished, myth p!mping, wollamo street historians in a way that they best understand!!

My argument has nothing to do with assumed successions of history! If it was the case, Greece could have better claims to remain in the Euro-Zone than the Amhara (whose existence itself is at question), citing its precedence in European History!

Alas, Greece was kicked out of the Euro-Zone pending its non-conformity to the laws in the here-and-now!! Congruently, I am proposing that the Amhara region that refuses to conform to the liking of the eight other regions be issued an ultimatum of ejection, if and when it fails to seeze-and-desist undermining the structure of ethiopian union!

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Re: Greece was ejected out of the Euro-Zone! Is there any way else to handle the deviant Amhara region?

Post by Abaymado » 02 Sep 2019, 02:22

Confused galla:
Look Greece are not the only country wanted to leave EU, what about Britain? All in all, the term EU will fade away. May be it is a fashionable word.
Regarding our country: galla have no right to exercise anything want in this country. We will follow everything possible to discredit them.\
Who the fk are you? You are trying to undermine professor Haile Larebo. Since all of these times, you are just village gossiper rather than academician. So how the hell do you want to measure others with your stupidity?

Answer to other agames: all we know agames are not capable of fending themselves, that is why they are making noise here and there.
We will not deal with agames any more!
ለቃቃሚ !

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Re: Greece was ejected out of the Euro-Zone! Is there any way else to handle the deviant Amhara region?

Post by Marc » 02 Sep 2019, 02:27

gearhead wrote:
01 Sep 2019, 13:27
Ejection is not possible by the constitution.unlike the Amhara, Greece actually had a psoitive disposion towards th european constitution. They just had difficulty following through with their fianacial obligations that caused the revocation of their votting rights!

Amhara however hate everything about the Union that the rest of the region either like or have learnt to live with it! Why then do we keep tolerating one region whose compliants never end, hating everything that doesnt come out of amhara? They wont change either unless we resolve to find an exit plan for them!
Who are Amharas? Greater Amhara includes almost every Ethiopians that account over 80% of the total population. Those that love Ethiopia as their nation (including most Oromos & Tigres), still embrace Amhara culture, and will ultimately join Amhara lead national movement. Day by day, racist ethnic extremists are hated by the people they think they represent.

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Re: Greece was ejected out of the Euro-Zone! Is there any way else to handle the deviant Amhara region?

Post by Ethoash » 02 Sep 2019, 03:23

Marc and Abaymado

what Greeckhead saying be like Great Britain leave before u get kicked out of EU, ETHIOPIAN UNION

do u remember the Eritreans asking for independent and they did not left . then they over stayed their welcome and they where deported unceremoniously drag out of Ethiopia crying ....ቅሌት ከሚከተላቹሁ በፊት በክብር ድምፅ ስታስሙ ወልቅ ብላችሁ ተጠረጉ ነው የሚላቹሁ።

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Re: Greece was ejected out of the Euro-Zone! Is there any way else to handle the deviant Amhara region?

Post by Abaymado » 02 Sep 2019, 03:35

we need our stolen lands!! then you can go to hellllll!!

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Re: Greece was ejected out of the Euro-Zone! Is there any way else to handle the deviant Amhara region?

Post by gearhead » 02 Sep 2019, 04:14

It appears that most of you have bought into Lidetu's distortion of proportion; his wonton fallacy of drawimg false equivalence!!

His assertion that there are two, insinuating a 50-50 split, contadictory political positions in Ethiopia is wrong. Rather, there is an 8:1 split where the amhara finds itself at odds with the other 8 regions popular vote for the constitution! I.e, it is only the amhara region, and places where amhara heritage dominates like addis that find themselves at polar opposite with the other regions of ethiopia!

Considering themselves a proportional equal, amhara are proceeding to hijack the upcoming election! If and when they do, what should the other 8 regions do to penalize them for the violation?

Please discuss the punitive measures with other than sebatenia amhara manners!

Thank you!

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Re: Greece was ejected out of the Euro-Zone! Is there any way else to handle the deviant Amhara region?

Post by gearhead » 02 Sep 2019, 04:22


Greece was a constituional soverign in a monetary union with europe, as is amhara a constitutional soverign in a monetary union with the rest of ethiopia!

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Re: Greece was ejected out of the Euro-Zone! Is there any way else to handle the deviant Amhara region?

Post by @@ » 02 Sep 2019, 06:44

አንተ ከብት ወላሞ ጋላ። አንተም ሰው ሆነህ ደግሞ አማራ ይውጣ ምናምን ትላለህ? የት የምታውቀውን ኢትዮጵያን ነው? ከብቶች ትምህርትም ቢማሩ ከብትነታቸውን አይተዉም። ወላሞ ጋላ! ኢትዮጵያ=አማራ አለቀ፤ ወስፋታም!
gearhead wrote:
01 Sep 2019, 13:27
Ejection is not possible by the constitution.unlike the Amhara, Greece actually had a psoitive disposion towards th european constitution. They just had difficulty following through with their fianacial obligations that caused the revocation of their votting rights!

Amhara however hate everything about the Union that the rest of the region either like or have learnt to live with it! Why then do we keep tolerating one region whose compliants never end, hating everything that doesnt come out of amhara? They wont change either unless we resolve to find an exit plan for them!

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Re: Greece was ejected out of the Euro-Zone! Is there any way else to handle the deviant Amhara region?

Post by Ethoash » 02 Sep 2019, 09:25

Abaymado wrote:
02 Sep 2019, 03:35
we need our stolen lands!! then you can go to hellllll!!
u also give back what u stolen, u cant take Agawa, Ray, oromo wollo, and Argob with u they will have all separate referendum... likewise all the land u claim also will have referendum to see they want to come with u.. we r done with u.. even Addis Ababa can have referendum to come with u... the detail of our to handle the out come of referendum i will come back to it in my second half answer once u agree to take your referendum with respect or kicked out like dog

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Re: Greece was ejected out of the Euro-Zone! Is there any way else to handle the deviant Amhara region?

Post by gearhead » 02 Sep 2019, 09:34

May the people of the 8 regions of ethiopia notice that ahya amara cant construct a single sentence of a political argument without them baking it with insults.

Why do these debased entities vouch that they become the baseline of definition for the eight other regions when they have been utterly defeated logically, scattered politically and castrated militarily?

Why? Well, as an ahya who judges his own streanth by the level of self-hypnosis that his own echo chamber of braying induces, so are these self-disillusioned idiots!

The a start, the 8 other regions penalizing the amhara when they soon decide to obstruct the upcoming elecrions!
Last edited by gearhead on 02 Sep 2019, 09:38, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Greece was ejected out of the Euro-Zone! Is there any way else to handle the deviant Amhara region?

Post by Abaymado » 02 Sep 2019, 10:10

Look this idiot stonehead: he is exposed and humiliated beyond repair.
Look how he is behaving, like I said he has no an iota of knowledge: he is just empty.

Through all of the past years, I haven’t seen a single sentence written by him worth notice.
የጋን መብራት!!

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