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@Walta TV: ለመሆኑ ዋልታ ቲቪ ስንት ከፍሎ ጠርቶ ነው ፕ/ር ሕዝቄልን የሚያሰቃየው? በግብዣ ጥር ብቻ ከሆነማ ክላሽ ደብቆ በቲቪ ከሚዋጋ ጋር መዳረቅ አይሻልም ነበር፡፡

Post by AbebeB » 01 Aug 2019, 14:42

በአማራ ሚዲያ ቀርበው የደም ፍላታቸው እንዲጨምር ምክንያት ለሚሹ የኦሮሞ ምሁራን መልዕክት አለኝ፡፡ ዱሮ ዱሮ የኦሮሞን ጉዳይ የሚዘግብ ሚዲያ ስላልነበረን ነው እነርሱ ጋር ቀርበን ፍዳችንን የምናየው፡፡ መቼም ሀብታችን በእኛ ሳይሆን በእነሱ አጅ ነው ያለውና፡፡

የሀበሻ ጋዘጤኛ ነኝ የሚሉት አብዛኛዎቹ ወደሙያው የገቡት በተለምዶ ከመሆናቸውና ደረቅ (arrogant) ከሆነው የሀበሻ ተፈጥሮ ጋር ተዳምሮ ተጠያቂን የሚጠይቁ ሳይሆኑ ክላሽ ከጀርባቸው ይዘው እኔ የምፈልገውን ማለት ይጠበቅብሃል የሚሉ ነው የሚመስሉት፡፡ ተጠያቂው ማስረዳት ቢሞክር እንኳ የሚገባቸው አይደሉም፡፡ በተያያዘው ቪድዮ ውስጥ ፕ/ር ሕዝቄል ስንት ጊዜ ልንገርህ እያለ ሲበሳጭ ይደመጣል፡፡ በፕ/ሩ ማስተማርያ ክፍል ውስጥ ቢሆን ይህ ጋዜጤኛ የሚገኘው እንኳን ሴሚስቴር ሳምንት የሚዘልቅ አይመስልም፡፡

ጥያቄው ታዲያ የኦሮሞ ምሁራን ምን ለማትረፍ ነው የሀበሻ ሚዲያ ጋር የምንቀርበው ነው?
ቢያንስ ከፍለው ካልጠሩን ላንተባበራቸው በጋራ እንውስን፡፡ ከራሳቸው ጋር ብቻ ይጩኹ፡፡

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Re: @Walta TV: ለመሆኑ ዋልታ ቲቪ ስንት ከፍሎ ጠርቶ ነው ፕ/ር ሕዝቄልን የሚያሰቃየው? በግብዣ ጥር ብቻ ከሆነማ ክላሽ ደብቆ በቲቪ ከሚዋጋ ጋር መዳረቅ አይሻልም ነበር፡፡

Post by Ethoash » 01 Aug 2019, 15:47


ስሜነህ ባይፈርስ is one cold blooded Amhara who ask question in bad faith..

i did not see the video it take 45 minute so i will watch it this evening...

but what i heard on the trailers

ስሜነህ ባይፈርስ ask stupid question in bad faith

like king menelik ii is half oromo, or he have oromo top general
like king haile selassie is half oromo and half gurage and his top general were oromo
so too mengistu haile mariam he was not an Amhara too

so ፕ/ር ሕዝቄልን should have answer this kind of question simply by answering question with question ..

first agree with ስሜነህ ባይፈርስ logic that king haile selassie or king menelik ii was not ethnically Amhara hence Amhara was not accused of dominating power.. once u make ስሜነህ ባይፈርስ agree with this logic

then u throw left hook and ask him is that means TPLF did not rule for last 10 years because PM Hailemariam Desalegn Boshe was not Tigray so Tigray did not rule Ethiopia at least for ten year ask ስሜነህ ባይፈርስ to agree with this logic .. this will answer his own question

after you hit him with left hook dont even try to correct him let him talk just watch him sink in his own Bs...

about mix ethnicity ..
what this people implying is if u r oromo and Amhara mix u should choice Amhara over oromo bu they dont say it ...

so ፕ/ር ሕዝቄልን, should have asked ስሜነህ ባይፈርስ so instead of asking mix child .. ask if he is not mix say the child is both mother and father are Amhara ... what language should the kid speak if their parent live in America ... if he said English then how about if this his parent live in oromia .. at this point let him murder himself no reply required what ever answer he give people will see thru him

the ask him if u r Amhaa and America mix and u live in USA what language does ur child speak .. of course it must be English if only one language the kid must select .. why he live in America .. now bring this home if u r mix and u live in oromia u must speak afan oromia regardless of your ethnicity because u live in oromia with 50 million people u dont live only with your family so u need common language that is afan oromia u speak it .. it doesnt matter how u r mixed .. u can be mix 100 time over if u live in french u speak french .. your mother language would be secondary ...

እስክንደር ላብ ላብ የሚል ጥያቄ ከጠየቀው ልክ ኦሮሞችን የሚያሳጣ ጥያቄ እንደሚጠይቀው።

ማን መረጠህና ነው ባላደራ የምትለው
አንተ በዱሪዬዎች ከተመረጥክ ታድያ ሌላውስ እራሱን ባላደራ ማለት ምን ይከለክለዋል
አረ ብዙ ብዙ ጥያቄዎች እክስክንደርን መጠየቅ ይቻላል ውሀ ጠማኝ እስከሚል ደረስ
ግን አያደርጉትም ስለዚህ ይህ ተግባር የኦሮሞዎች ሚድያ ነው እስክንድርን ፈልጎ መጠየቅ። እንቢ እንኳን ቢል በሚድያ ውጥቶ ማዋረድ ነው ። ጥርያችንን እንቢ አለ ብሎ። አረ በሄድበት ተክታትሎ ጥያቄ ማረግ ነው። ይህንን የኦሮሞ ሚድያ ካላደረግ ታድያ ለምን አማሮቹ ስራቸውን ሲስሩ ታለቅሳላቹሁ።
my last point is, i will call ስሜነህ ባይፈርስ a journalist if he called

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Re: @Walta TV: ለመሆኑ ዋልታ ቲቪ ስንት ከፍሎ ጠርቶ ነው ፕ/ር ሕዝቄልን የሚያሰቃየው? በግብዣ ጥር ብቻ ከሆነማ ክላሽ ደብቆ በቲቪ ከሚዋጋ ጋር መዳረቅ አይሻልም ነበር፡፡

Post by Abere » 01 Aug 2019, 22:12

ጋዜጠኛው በከንቱ ጊዜውን አጠፋ። ዕውቀት ያለው ሰው ፈልጎ ቢያወያይ ምን ነበረበት። ከኅዝቅዔል የ5ኛ ክፍል ተማሪ ይበልጣል። He is not smarter than a 5th grade. በእነኝህ ጋዜጠኞች በጣም ነው የማዝነው እንዴ ጁሃር እና ኅዝቅዔል ላሉት የአየር ግዜ እና እርባና መስጠት የእነርሱን የሙያ ክብር ዝቅ ማድረግ ብቻ ሳይሆን በአገር ጊዜ ላይ መጫወት ነው። The TPLF constitution is already null and void almost by more than 50% of the country's people. Why crying over a spilled milk.

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Re: @Walta TV: ለመሆኑ ዋልታ ቲቪ ስንት ከፍሎ ጠርቶ ነው ፕ/ር ሕዝቄልን የሚያሰቃየው? በግብዣ ጥር ብቻ ከሆነማ ክላሽ ደብቆ በቲቪ ከሚዋጋ ጋር መዳረቅ አይሻልም ነበር፡፡

Post by Dawi » 02 Aug 2019, 01:03

Ethoash wrote:
01 Aug 2019, 15:47
then u throw left hook and ask him is that means TPLF did not rule for last 10 years because PM Hailemariam Desalegn Boshe was not Tigray so Tigray did not rule Ethiopia at least for ten year ask ስሜነህ ባይፈርስ to agree with this logic .. this will answer his own question

after you hit him with left hook dont even try to correct him let him talk just watch him sink in his own Bs...
Ethoash - Let me play, Muhammad Ali! 'Float like a buterfly, sting like a bee'!! :P

You're assuming HD didn't add value? I think he added a lot of value and bought plenty of time for TPLF; HD was a student of Meles and was intelligent enough to prolong the TPLF era for several years & succeeded until he passed the torch to Abiy; there was nothing more he could have done because TPLF tied his hands to the point he had to give up and resign his post.

Bottom line, TPLF was too greedy to open up and offer more decision making positions to others in the government rank. Not only that, they claimed of owning EFFORT exclusively while canceling billions of loans the organization borrowed from government banks. The least they could have done was sharing the ownership with the rest of EPRDF. They were too greedy to do that. Now, TPLF decided to sell some of the businesses exclusively to Tigreans? How low can you stoop? Shameless!

Having said that, Menelik and HIM were further from "narrow nationalism" of all hues, definitely not of the worst kind; the decision makers were not exclusively "Amara" as you accuse ad nauseam in this forum. If anything, you may call them "Shoa" as I grew up there but, that is it! They mostly have mixed national origins. Amharic was created before Tigrigna after Geez, the Emperors including Yohannes used it because it was an advanced written & spoken language. That is a fact! Afan Oromo couldn't compete because it didn't have alphabet for one. That is how languages developed all over the world. Amharic was advanced in the African setting. I don't know why you keep having a problem with that? No one is forcing you to use it but, it is a practical language across the board in Ethiopia. Other languages need to be nurtured on their own merit but, not at the expense of the widely used language. What is the problem with you opposing that and sending the country to a primordial state where we can't communicate with each other; unless you want to use a foreign language like we do here. For what?

The system of Menelik/HIM/Mengistu failed for being a backward old systems not because of its ethnic origins. Today, Oromos are finding out Abune Petros was Oromo and so on and so forth; some are freshly learning that they have their hands all over the Ethiopian State. Abiy is the exception because he already knows! It is better late than never for the others!

Finally, one more thing; TPLF/EPRDF had an advanced system of DS but, failed because "ethnic" fragmentation of the country. That is a shame! The theory Meles developed in the African setting is still valid. Abiy is probably going to continue using it and get the best results unless the ODP fails by the same "ethnic" trap TPLF played.
Last edited by Dawi on 02 Aug 2019, 01:39, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: @Walta TV: ለመሆኑ ዋልታ ቲቪ ስንት ከፍሎ ጠርቶ ነው ፕ/ር ሕዝቄልን የሚያሰቃየው? በግብዣ ጥር ብቻ ከሆነማ ክላሽ ደብቆ በቲቪ ከሚዋጋ ጋር መዳረቅ አይሻልም ነበር፡፡

Post by Ethoash » 02 Aug 2019, 01:22


when u think u escaped my left hook i get u with upper cut

u r admitting that PM Hailemariam Desalegn Boshe PROLONG TPLF life.. that means regardless of his ethnic he work for TPLF ... THIS will answer people who were saying this or that guy was this or that ehtnic under Amhara rule ..

about the logic of since king Yohannes use Amharic we should use it .. fine king Yohannes also move his capital city to Golden city.. let move our fed. ctiy to golden city and we can also use Amharic we cant cheery pick..

Re{-Abune Petros was Oromo /// so what if Abune Petros was Oromo it doesnt mean nothing he was serving the power that is why it took 120 years to find out his ethnic because his ethnic was hiden unspoken at that time .. everyone was one ethnic at that time called Ethiopian ethnic

let me give u one example go to black life matter movement ... there are many black police officer who are more power abuser then the white police officer the black police officer have to prove themselves they belong to the groups so they act very aggressively and many of them took part in killing black kids .... we r talking about system not black or white .. even in TPLF rule they were many other ethnic who r more tplf then tplf so i dont see the point saying we have every ethnic in Amhara rule

look this other ethnic oppressive for more then 150 or 3000 years so they think they r Ethiopian or amhara they become Amharinzed and forget their ethinc to pass as amhara so they can advance in the soicity .. look the name of our past pm..Hailemariam Desalegn Boshe ... ask why he have an Amhara sounding name ... did u have any Amhara who have oromo sounding name u dont find .. because under Amhara rule Amharazition was going on and this is the process of making Hailemariam Desalegn Boshe amhara but TPLF COME AND STOP IT...

NOW IF THIS ስሜነህ ባይፈርስ Want to be called journalist

he must call እስክንደር and ላብ ላብ የሚል ጥያቄ ከጠየቀው ልክ ኦሮሞችን የሚያሳጣ ጥያቄ እንደሚጠይቀው። then only i will call him journalist

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Re: @Walta TV: ለመሆኑ ዋልታ ቲቪ ስንት ከፍሎ ጠርቶ ነው ፕ/ር ሕዝቄልን የሚያሰቃየው? በግብዣ ጥር ብቻ ከሆነማ ክላሽ ደብቆ በቲቪ ከሚዋጋ ጋር መዳረቅ አይሻልም ነበር፡፡

Post by Dawi » 02 Aug 2019, 01:59

Ethoash wrote:
02 Aug 2019, 01:22
Re{-Abune Petros was Oromo /// so what if Abune Petros was Oromo it doesnt mean nothing he was serving the power that is why it took 120 years to find out his ethnic because his ethnic was hiden unspoken at that time .. everyone was one ethnic at that time called Ethiopian ethnic

let me give u one example go to black life matter movement ... there are many black police officer who are more power abuser then the white police officer the black police officer have to prove themselves they belong to the groups so they act very aggressively and many of them took part in killing black kids .... we r talking about system not black or white .. even in TPLF rule they were many other ethnic who r more tplf then tplf so i dont see the point saying we have every ethnic in Amhara rule

That made Abune Petros, that great Oromo man,was an Ethiopian hero! That means a lot! Once the ignorant Oromo understand that Menilik/HIM/Mengistu are their own people, how could they think of removing the statues for purely "ethnic" reasons? They shall be forced to accept them as one of them with all their faults as the rest of us Ethiopians do.

No! You're wrong! Before Civil Rights, it was a "slavery" system. With all the draw backs, which is no more now black police are serving well!

Menelik/HIM were part of the "system" like the "black police" & chief of polices of today. It is unlikely that black police kill their own for no reason! Do you get my drift?

[even in TPLF rule they were many other ethnic who r more tplf then tplf so i dont see the point saying we have every ethnic in Amhara rule]

You've got to be kidding? What we are saying is there was no "Amara" rule? Why is it hard to understand? Language used by Yohannes was because it was advanced; at that time Yohannes was the Emperor of Ethiopia not Tigrai!

I rest my case!

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Re: @Walta TV: ለመሆኑ ዋልታ ቲቪ ስንት ከፍሎ ጠርቶ ነው ፕ/ር ሕዝቄልን የሚያሰቃየው? በግብዣ ጥር ብቻ ከሆነማ ክላሽ ደብቆ በቲቪ ከሚዋጋ ጋር መዳረቅ አይሻልም ነበር፡፡

Post by gurre » 02 Aug 2019, 06:45

Walta tv did a good job of turning the headlight on this pseudo oromo intelectual, thereby ending the free ride across tigrai media and university.
My goad, the professor failed every important question: the mixed ethnics, the rights of “zega politics”, “Amharic language”, the percentage of highest positions in “Amhara” versus woyane regimes, and decided for me, for you,...for everybody that ‘zega/unitary” politics is very very very bad.
I am really sorry for his oromo students! i don’t think others will register for his courses, unless forced.

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Re: @Walta TV: ለመሆኑ ዋልታ ቲቪ ስንት ከፍሎ ጠርቶ ነው ፕ/ር ሕዝቄልን የሚያሰቃየው? በግብዣ ጥር ብቻ ከሆነማ ክላሽ ደብቆ በቲቪ ከሚዋጋ ጋር መዳረቅ አይሻልም ነበር፡፡

Post by Ethoash » 02 Aug 2019, 07:04


i will not repeat what i said go back read my powerful reply to you if need be 1000 times until you understand

about golden Yohannes use Amharic because it was advanced langauge i agree with u, on the same token Golden Yohannes also move his capital to golden city because it was advice city with 3000 years civilization .. my question is should we move Addis Ababa to Golden city because the king did it..
now u cant cheery pick.. this answer i already give in my above reply.. but i am forced repeated it because u miss the whole point..even now u will tell me we have to use Amhara because Golden us it .. u dont see i am agreeing with we should use it... there is left hook keep reading

Sam Ebalalehu
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Re: @Walta TV: ለመሆኑ ዋልታ ቲቪ ስንት ከፍሎ ጠርቶ ነው ፕ/ር ሕዝቄልን የሚያሰቃየው? በግብዣ ጥር ብቻ ከሆነማ ክላሽ ደብቆ በቲቪ ከሚዋጋ ጋር መዳረቅ አይሻልም ነበር፡፡

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 02 Aug 2019, 08:43

Ethoash, your simplistic “ logic” might put you in trouble with the Sebhat dynasty. Down there in Mekele the guys did not claim the former prime minister, HD, was meant to serve only the interest of TPLF as you implied. He was groomed by Meles not because he was willing to serve the interest of TPLF at the expense of the other three EPDRF groups. Not at all. He was groomed so that the Amharas and Oromos would be denied the premiership. They are relatively seemed “unified” — according to the theory of Meles and colleagues — because the Oromos and Amharas use their own language. Well, that was the TPLF elites paranoia. I personally do not believe people who speak the same language share the same politics. Well, I am not alone. Many millions of Ethiopians believe that. So they groomed HD because the South , they believed, could not be united to be a dominant governing force. Well HD happened to be way more nationalist in his politics than the TPLF elites. His sudden resignation did let the road map for a change to unravel. Was HD unofficially part of the Lemma team ? I believe he has been.

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Re: @Walta TV: ለመሆኑ ዋልታ ቲቪ ስንት ከፍሎ ጠርቶ ነው ፕ/ር ሕዝቄልን የሚያሰቃየው? በግብዣ ጥር ብቻ ከሆነማ ክላሽ ደብቆ በቲቪ ከሚዋጋ ጋር መዳረቅ አይሻልም ነበር፡፡

Post by Ethoash » 02 Aug 2019, 11:17

Sam Ebalalehu

why u think u have answer for me when the top gun Dawit run away from avalanche higher thinking that i am throw at him...

it is amazing me , that the level of idiot people that amhara produce, when one goes another idiot replace his spot .. just like river of fool..

in what language should i tell u when Italy invasion of Ethiopia in 1895 happened the Italy did not come alone they use Eritrean army to join them so in your logic Eritrean also invaded us ? is that what u mean

when British rule the world they use Indian army and other colony army.. in India there were only 3000 British and control 170 million Indians why because they had Indian army too.

if u go to South African apartheid they also have black police to oppress the black

it doesnt matter if PM HD, work for TPLF OR EPRDF .. but that doesnt mean the South Rule Ethiopia .. still end up the TPLF rule Ethiopia the whole 29 years ....

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Re: @Walta TV: ለመሆኑ ዋልታ ቲቪ ስንት ከፍሎ ጠርቶ ነው ፕ/ር ሕዝቄልን የሚያሰቃየው? በግብዣ ጥር ብቻ ከሆነማ ክላሽ ደብቆ በቲቪ ከሚዋጋ ጋር መዳረቅ አይሻልም ነበር፡፡

Post by Abere » 02 Aug 2019, 12:00

Just in one word, Journalistስሜነህ executed Ato ሕዝቅኤል. That is what any one watching the interview can see. ሕዝቅኤል is good enough only for the Bale natives of Minnesota audience, he can't stand in par with hard ball because he is not intellectually matured enough to face off cross fire talks. Bu the journalist should have asked Ato ሕዝቅኤል questions of his level. Like:
1- ከዶሮ ወጥ ሱስህ እንዴት መላቀቅ ትችላለህ?
2- የአማራ ቆነጃጅት ለምን ፍቅር ነፈጉህ/ይንቁሃል?

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Re: @Walta TV: ለመሆኑ ዋልታ ቲቪ ስንት ከፍሎ ጠርቶ ነው ፕ/ር ሕዝቄልን የሚያሰቃየው? በግብዣ ጥር ብቻ ከሆነማ ክላሽ ደብቆ በቲቪ ከሚዋጋ ጋር መዳረቅ አይሻልም ነበር፡፡

Post by Ethoash » 02 Aug 2019, 12:53

Abere wrote:
02 Aug 2019, 12:00
Just in one word, Journalistስሜነህ executed Ato ሕዝቅኤል.
1- ከዶሮ ወጥ ሱስህ እንዴት መላቀቅ ትችላለህ? chicken come from oromia even so u do the cooking
2- የአማራ ቆነጃጅት ለምን ፍቅር ነፈጉህ/ይንቁሃል? oromo man are ረጅምና ወንዳውንድ ናቸው ፣ ከእንዲዬ አማራ ውንድ ፣ ቦርጫም ሁሉ። እስቲ እንድ ታዋቂ አማራ ጥራልኝ ረዝም የሆነ።
i agree ስሜነህ top journalist who is cold blood killer no expression ... not even one emotion pure kill machine .. i give u that but he only full fledged journalist had he invited ato እስክንደር ....did number on him then only he will be an Ethiopian journalist otherwise he is just another buda Amhara journalist... yes i agree with u he manged to drive ፕ/ር ሕዝቄልን crazy .. ፕ/ር ሕዝቄልን was not match for him ፕ/ር ሕዝቄልን try to explain in good faith but this idiot asking him idiot question ከእናትህና ከአባትህ ማን ይበልጣል, if ፕ/ር ሕዝቄልን would have been smart በማን ስማ ትጠራለህ በናትህ ውይስ ባባትህ ብሌት ነበር ማረል ... it doesnt matter your mother or your father ethnic what it matter is where u born ..if u r born in USA U MIGHT BECOME AMERICANIZED after 150 years u might even forget your heritage there are Indian in Waste they r not Indian from east they dont speak the language they look the same but their culture and character totally changed

Sam Ebalalehu
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Re: @Walta TV: ለመሆኑ ዋልታ ቲቪ ስንት ከፍሎ ጠርቶ ነው ፕ/ር ሕዝቄልን የሚያሰቃየው? በግብዣ ጥር ብቻ ከሆነማ ክላሽ ደብቆ በቲቪ ከሚዋጋ ጋር መዳረቅ አይሻልም ነበር፡፡

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 02 Aug 2019, 13:19

I agree the “ Golden’s” — melke tefu besem yedegfu — ruled for around twenty seven years. But not in the same vigor. Yes, they suffocated HD by appointing every Tigrean to advise him on something. That they denied him to breathe says something though.Their power was not as solid as it used to be. That omnipotent powe was buried along with ...

Sam Ebalalehu
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Re: @Walta TV: ለመሆኑ ዋልታ ቲቪ ስንት ከፍሎ ጠርቶ ነው ፕ/ር ሕዝቄልን የሚያሰቃየው? በግብዣ ጥር ብቻ ከሆነማ ክላሽ ደብቆ በቲቪ ከሚዋጋ ጋር መዳረቅ አይሻልም ነበር፡፡

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 02 Aug 2019, 13:19

I agree the “ Golden’s” — melke tefu besem yedegfu — ruled for around twenty seven years. But not in the same vigor. Yes, they suffocated HD by appointing every Tigrean to advise him on something. That they denied him to breathe says something though.Their power was not as solid as it used to be. That omnipotent powe was buried along with ...

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Re: @Walta TV: ለመሆኑ ዋልታ ቲቪ ስንት ከፍሎ ጠርቶ ነው ፕ/ር ሕዝቄልን የሚያሰቃየው? በግብዣ ጥር ብቻ ከሆነማ ክላሽ ደብቆ በቲቪ ከሚዋጋ ጋር መዳረቅ አይሻልም ነበር፡፡

Post by Degnet » 02 Aug 2019, 13:35

Abere wrote:
01 Aug 2019, 22:12
ጋዜጠኛው በከንቱ ጊዜውን አጠፋ። ዕውቀት ያለው ሰው ፈልጎ ቢያወያይ ምን ነበረበት። ከኅዝቅዔል የ5ኛ ክፍል ተማሪ ይበልጣል። He is not smarter than a 5th grade. በእነኝህ ጋዜጠኞች በጣም ነው የማዝነው እንዴ ጁሃር እና ኅዝቅዔል ላሉት የአየር ግዜ እና እርባና መስጠት የእነርሱን የሙያ ክብር ዝቅ ማድረግ ብቻ ሳይሆን በአገር ጊዜ ላይ መጫወት ነው። The TPLF constitution is already null and void almost by more than 50% of the country's people. Why crying over a spilled milk.
Why don't you oppose him in the right way,I found what he said is/was reasonable,hageritu yehulum nech,ahuns Abebe B.yalew tekekel yemesla though I dislike the man.

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Re: @Walta TV: ለመሆኑ ዋልታ ቲቪ ስንት ከፍሎ ጠርቶ ነው ፕ/ር ሕዝቄልን የሚያሰቃየው? በግብዣ ጥር ብቻ ከሆነማ ክላሽ ደብቆ በቲቪ ከሚዋጋ ጋር መዳረቅ አይሻልም ነበር፡፡

Post by Ethoash » 02 Aug 2019, 13:37

Degnet wrote:
02 Aug 2019, 13:35
Abere wrote:
01 Aug 2019, 22:12
Why don't you oppose him in the right way,I found what he said is/was reasonable,hageritu yehulum nech,ahuns Abebe B.yalew tekekel yemesla though I dislike the man.

u r right!
Wህይ ዶንእት ዮኡ ኦፕፖሰ ሂም ኢን ትሀ ሪግህት ዋይ፣ዒ ፎኡንድ ውሃት ሀ ሳኢድ ኢስ፨ዋስ ረኣሶናብለ፣ሃገሪቱ የሁሉም ነጭ

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Re: @Walta TV: ለመሆኑ ዋልታ ቲቪ ስንት ከፍሎ ጠርቶ ነው ፕ/ር ሕዝቄልን የሚያሰቃየው? በግብዣ ጥር ብቻ ከሆነማ ክላሽ ደብቆ በቲቪ ከሚዋጋ ጋር መዳረቅ አይሻልም ነበር፡፡

Post by Degnet » 02 Aug 2019, 13:40

Ethoash wrote:
02 Aug 2019, 13:37
Degnet wrote:
02 Aug 2019, 13:35
Abere wrote:
01 Aug 2019, 22:12
Why don't you oppose him in the right way,I found what he said is/was reasonable,hageritu yehulum nech,ahuns Abebe B.yalew tekekel yemeslal though I dislike the man.

u r right!
Wህይ ዶንእት ዮኡ ኦፕፖሰ ሂም ኢን ትሀ ሪግህት ዋይ፣ዒ ፎኡንድ ውሃት ሀ ሳኢድ ኢስ፨ዋስ ረኣሶናብለ፣ሃገሪቱ የሁሉም ነጭ

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Re: @Walta TV: ለመሆኑ ዋልታ ቲቪ ስንት ከፍሎ ጠርቶ ነው ፕ/ር ሕዝቄልን የሚያሰቃየው? በግብዣ ጥር ብቻ ከሆነማ ክላሽ ደብቆ በቲቪ ከሚዋጋ ጋር መዳረቅ አይሻልም ነበር፡፡

Post by Abere » 02 Aug 2019, 13:54

አታሞ ሌላ ሲይዘው ያምራል፣ በእራስ ሲሆን ያደናግራል ይባላል። ለአቶ ሕዝቅዔል ይኸን ቢያደርግ እና ቢል ጥሩ ነበር እያልህ ፈተና ገብተሃል። ዕውቀቱ እና ድፍረቱ ካለህ ለምን ጋዜጠኛ ስሜነህ ባያፈርስ እንድጋብዝህ አትጠይቀውም። የፈሰሰ ውሃ አይቀናም ስለ አቶ ሕዝቅዔል ለመበቀል ከፈለግህ ሂደህ መግጠም ነው። Yes, there are other Ethiopians who are best match or qualified for interview such as Eskindir Nega, Tewodros Tsegaye, Lidetu, Engineer Getnet, Ermias. They reason very well and know what is or what is not valid. ስሜነህ ጨምሮ መጠዬቅ የነበረበት ስንት ብር በኦነግ ስበብ ከባንክ ዘርፈሃል ነበር።

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Re: @Walta TV: ለመሆኑ ዋልታ ቲቪ ስንት ከፍሎ ጠርቶ ነው ፕ/ር ሕዝቄልን የሚያሰቃየው? በግብዣ ጥር ብቻ ከሆነማ ክላሽ ደብቆ በቲቪ ከሚዋጋ ጋር መዳረቅ አይሻልም ነበር፡፡

Post by Degnet » 02 Aug 2019, 14:09

be ante aemero endenemera new yemtefelegew telachan leteshet atmoker,ask Halafi Mengedi/sle westachew yemawkew yelem be mender new ante ke lelaw yemteshalew?

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Re: @Walta TV: ለመሆኑ ዋልታ ቲቪ ስንት ከፍሎ ጠርቶ ነው ፕ/ር ሕዝቄልን የሚያሰቃየው? በግብዣ ጥር ብቻ ከሆነማ ክላሽ ደብቆ በቲቪ ከሚዋጋ ጋር መዳረቅ አይሻልም ነበር፡፡

Post by Ethoash » 02 Aug 2019, 14:16

Abere wrote:
02 Aug 2019, 13:54
s Eskindir Nega, Tewodros Tsegaye, Lidetu, Engineer Getnet, Ermias. They reason very well and know what is or what is not valid. ስሜነህ ጨምሮ መጠዬቅ የነበረበት ስንት ብር በኦነግ ስበብ ከባንክ ዘርፈሃል ነበር።
r u saying Eskindir Nega, Tewodros Tsegaye, Lidetu, Engineer Getnet, Ermias. give interview to OMN ... THIS i want to see..

i think u missing my point i am agreeing with u ስሜነህ ባያፈርስ top class journalist ..,my beef is with his name ... what kind of name is that i dont know but that is his business next point is to be an Ethiopian journalist he should interview Eskindir Nega... and ask him if Eskinder is the 3rd gender because i am just worried that the TPLF might damaged his good while in jail... if he is not why he want to go to jail. and why he is not living with his wife.. may be no action at night ..

about u ask me to be interview by ስሜነህ ጨምሮ.... trust me i would be best match because i am 4 grade drop out who can speak dumb language just like ስሜነህ ባያፈርስ do.. so we will be understanding each other

እኔ ስሜነህን interview ብጠይቅው በድንብ አርጌ ነበር የማስተነፍስው።

ለምን በእናት ስም አትጠራም

እናትህ ወልዳህ ለምን በአባትህ ትጠራለህ

እናትህም አባትህም እኩል ከሆኑ ለምን በእናትህ አትጠራም

ለምን አባትህ ባይፈርስ ተባለ ።

አንት አጥር ነህ እንዴ የምትፈርስ

ለምንስ ስሜነህ ተባልክ

ስምህ ማን ነው ሲሉህ ማን ትላለህ ስሜነህ ነው የምትለው

ምን ያረጋል በይፈርስ ቢሉህ ስምህን አፈርስውታል; ስሜነህ ሲሉህ

ለመሆኑ ኢትዬዽያ የጋዜጠኛ ኮሌጅ ከሌላት እንዴ አንተ ጋዘጤኛ ሆንክ

ምንም አይቆጭህም በእናትህ ስም ብትጠራ ጥሩ ስም የምሆን አይመስልህም
ሰሜነህ ውርቅነሽ
Last edited by Ethoash on 02 Aug 2019, 14:49, edited 2 times in total.

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