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The small region which replaced America

Post by Deqi-Arawit » 22 Aug 2019, 06:27

To this Day, wedi medhin berad tried to legitimize his rule in Eritrea by claiming the world is after our existence. And given eritreans were backstabbed and deprived our independence in 1940 by America and the West, it is natural that People rallied behind The leadership. This siege mentality kept the dictator afloat and was given benefit of a doubt and free hand to rule and misgovern the nation as his personal property.

But as times goes, Layer after Layer of deception has been exposed and finally the dictator is [deleted] naked. 14 months after The arrival of Dr abiye to Asmara and signed the new peace deal in Saudi Arabia, nothing has changed in Eritrea, The fact is, things are getting worse rather than better. And Instead of evaluating past preformance and make The necessary changes and reform, wedi medhin berad is resorting to his old game which is, to find an enemey. This time, he lacks external enemies like a boggy man America or woyane which is decapitated and restricted in Mekele hotel to make Eritreans rally behind the leadership. What Does the morally deprived thug do instead? create an internal enemey. creating a narrative that only one region in Eritrea is against his rule while the rest are content with his dictatorship. how does he came to this conclusion is Every body's guess. But the purpose is to divide the Eritrean society so that he will keep conquering.

Echoing the dictator, some low IQ People are buying the stunt of wedi medhin berad and as the result, relentless campaign is conducted in social media against the region on which wedi medhin berad claimed is against him.

One moral-less mercenary by the name wedi Taba or Gahba is becoming a de facto spokes person of dictator in social media and he is spewing his venom against the region and turn Eritreans on each other throats. It is to be recalled that wedi gahba, before he was recruited by wedi medhin berad, he was a mercenary of woyane and before woyane, he was a snitch/jasus for the Derg.

In conclusion, ወዲ መድሕን በራድ እቲ ብድሕረይ ሳዕሪ ኣይትብቆላ ዝብሃል ፍላስፋ ናተይ ኢላ እያ ሒዛቶ ዘላ, ቀንዲ ዕላማኣ ክኣ ብሃገር ወይ ብህዝቢ ሓልያ ዘይኮነ ከም ነብሰ ጾር ምዓልታ እንዳ ሐለዎት ኣብ መጨርምሽታ ክአ ነቲ ስልጣን ኣብ ወዳ እያ ክትሕልፋ ትፍትን ዘላ.

ከም ሓደ ሰነፍ ዘይረብሕ ቁማረኛ (gambler) ምዓስ ጠጠው ከምዝብል ዘይፈልጥ, እንታይ ድኣ ዋላ በቲ ክዳኑ ለቢስዎ ዘሎ ዝጣላዕ, ናይዚ ሰኽራን ክኣ ካብኡ ዝፍለ ኣይኮነን. መርዛም ፕሊሲ ክንዛሕ ንርኢን ንሰምዕን ኣለና, እሱ ክአ, ነንሕድሕድና ክንታፈን, ከይንታኣማመን ንሕናን ንሳቶምን ንክንብልን እዩ. ኣብ ከምኡ ደረጃ እንተ በጺሕና እዞም ኩሎም ኣሽሓት ዝኸፈልናዮም ንብላሽ ተሰዊኦም ማለት እዩ.

In the End, let me finish this thread with the Poem Merhawi by solomon drar.

መርሃዊ ሞይቱ ዝብልዎ”

መኣስ ሞይቱ!
ካብ መሬቱ፡ ኣብ መሬቱ፡ ናብ መሬቱ
ኣብ ምድረበዳ ኣብ ጎልጎል
ኣብ ኣኽራናት ኣብ ገደል
ብሓመድ እምኒ ተጸቒጡ
ዋላ የጽቅጥ ብድቃስ ተዋሒጡ
መኣስ’ሞ ሞይቱ መርሃዊ!

ዝወለደቶ ማህጸን ኰሪዓ
ዘደቀሰላ መሬት ጠጢዓ
ዝናፍቕዎ ኣሓት ኣሕዋት
መላእ ሕብረተ-ሰብ ቀረባ ርሑቓት
ሳልኡ! ሳልኡ! ሳልኡ! እናበሉ
ኣብ ጐደና ሓርነት ሸናዕ ኪብሉ
ንሱ’ዶ’ይኰነን ህያውነት መርሃዊ!!

ጨው ሰሊና ኣይበልዖን ኣዕጽምቱ
ቀዝሒ ሮራ ኣይጨምደዶን ቆርበቱ
ምስጠሉ ኢዩ ዘሎ ደሙ
ናብ መትንታትና ልሒሙ
እነሀና’ንዶ ንወሳወስ
እንተዝመውት ድኣ ዘይንልዂሰስ?
እነሀና’ንዶ ንርኢ ነስተውዕል
እንተዝመውት ድኣ ዘይንዓውር?
መርሃዊ ሞይቱ ዝብል ድኣ መን’ዩ?
ካብ ንፋስ ሓርነት ዘየዳምጽ ድሃዩ።

በብራኹ እንተዘይኬድና
በዒንቱ እንተዘይተመራሕና
ቃሉ ብዘይምኽባር
ብጉዑ እንተወዲቁ ፍረና
ብህርፋን ስልጣን
ብኣድልዎ ወገን
ረሲኣን ኰይና ምስእንነዓዓቕ
ንጸላእቲ ምስእንፈጥር ፈቓቕ
ሞተ ማለት ሽዑ መርሃዊ
ብኣርባዕተ መኣዝን የእዊ

ከም ማይን ጸባን
ከም ኢድን ማንካን
ዋልታ ሓድነት ገቲርና
ቃሉ ምስዘይነዕብር
ሳቮያ እንተኢልና ንህንጸት ሃገር
ሎሚ ኣይሞተ፡ ጽባሕ ኣይመውት መርሃዊ
ህያው’ዩ ዘለኣለማዊ።

ናይ ሞልዮናት ኣዒንቲ
ናይ ኣዳራሽ መብራህቲ
ሓዘን ኣየድልዮን ፍትሓት
ህያው’ዩ በዓል ፋረ’ምበሳ
ጻድቕ’ዩ ዘይብሉ ኣበሳ።

መርሃዊ ሞይቱ ዝብል መን’ዩ?
ካብ ንፋስ ሓርነት ዘየዳምጽ ድሃዩ
መርሃዊ ዝብል ተጋግዩ
ብወርቃዊ ምህርቱ ወርትግ ህያው’ዩ

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Re: The small region which replaced America

Post by pushkin » 22 Aug 2019, 06:38

Ajaw Agame Get out of Eritrean Affairs! Why is it so hard for colonialist, neoliberals, capitalist and Ethiopian chauvinists & Agames to LEAVE ERITREA ALONE! Eritrea doesn’t care to hear about your ajewjew, we don’t trust your manufactured ideals of “democracy”. Eritrea will be built by Eritreans, at the pace of Eritreans.

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Re: The small region which replaced America

Post by eden » 22 Aug 2019, 07:53


I feel like you playing his game. Play your own game. Elevate the debate to a higher level.

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Re: The small region which replaced America

Post by Deqi-Arawit » 22 Aug 2019, 08:14

eden wrote:
22 Aug 2019, 07:53

I feel like you playing his game. Play your own game. Elevate the debate to a higher level.

ኣንቲ ሃመማ ዓጋመ, ኣብዘይ እእተወኪ ጦብሎቕ ጦብሎቅ ኣይትበሊ. እዘን ርእሲ ታንካ ዝኾና ተጋሩ ቁሩብ ነብሰ ክብረት ዝብሃል ካብዞም ኣምሓሩ, ኦሮሞ እንትዝምሃራ ከመይ ምስ ጥዓመ ነይሩ. ክብረት ወይ ደረጃ (class ) ቅድም ቀዳድም ንነብስኻ እዩ.

መቸን ኣነ ከምዝመስለኒ ዓለም ከይትጽምዎ ዝትፈጥረ ሰብ እንተ ኣሎ ዓጋመ ጥራይ ክኸውን ዘለዎ. ደረጃ ዓድጉ ጥራይ ኢና ክንብል ንኽእል. . እዚ ወደሓንኪ.. በሰሮ ቅሓር.

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Re: The small region which replaced America

Post by Deqi-Arawit » 22 Aug 2019, 12:42

Former woyane condom, former Derg snitch, current wedi medhin berad condom Wedi Gahba.

Who can really trust an opportunist wh0re who offer his service to the people or individual Who pays him higher.

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Re: The small region which replaced America

Post by Sabur » 22 Aug 2019, 12:55


Do not be fazed or distracted by the Blind Followers and Woyane Stooges.
Your indisputable writings are falling on the ears of many Eritreans and Eritreans are listening. Keep on and Keep it up.

Yes, the Emperor has long been Naked.
And now Eritreans are unequivocally saying "The dictator is Naked".

Keep on hammering the Truth about the egomaniac Dictator -ወዲ መድሕን በራድ - Isayas who does not care about Eritrea and Eritreans.
Eritreans are listening and following with open mind.

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Re: The small region which replaced America

Post by eden » 22 Aug 2019, 14:51

That's why we need mid and low level HGDEF affiliated Eritreans to stay as a party and check the future dictatorships such as Deqi and Sabur. Otherwise, it would be fromm dictatorship to an even worse dictatorship.

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Re: The small region which replaced America

Post by Hawzen » 22 Aug 2019, 17:59

Deqi-Arawit wrote:
22 Aug 2019, 08:14
eden wrote:
22 Aug 2019, 07:53

I feel like you playing his game. Play your own game. Elevate the debate to a higher level.

ኣንቲ ሃመማ ዓጋመ, ኣብዘይ እእተወኪ ጦብሎቕ ጦብሎቅ ኣይትበሊ. እዘን ርእሲ ታንካ ዝኾና ተጋሩ ቁሩብ ነብሰ ክብረት ዝብሃል ካብዞም ኣምሓሩ, ኦሮሞ እንትዝምሃራ ከመይ ምስ ጥዓመ ነይሩ. ክብረት ወይ ደረጃ (class ) ቅድም ቀዳድም ንነብስኻ እዩ.

መቸን ኣነ ከምዝመስለኒ ዓለም ከይትጽምዎ ዝትፈጥረ ሰብ እንተ ኣሎ ዓጋመ ጥራይ ክኸውን ዘለዎ. ደረጃ ዓድጉ ጥራይ ኢና ክንብል ንኽእል. . እዚ ወደሓንኪ.. በሰሮ ቅሓር.
Brother Deqi literally ra*ped the snake eden agame ..... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dedebit is always dedeb
R.I.P Abay Tigray and TPLF

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Re: The small region which replaced America

Post by Misraq » 22 Aug 2019, 23:03


Jimmy helped in counseling many rape victims. I have an open door policy so feel free to hope by my office at anytime.


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Re: The small region which replaced America

Post by Fed_Up » 23 Aug 2019, 00:28

eden wrote:
22 Aug 2019, 07:53

I feel like you playing his game. Play your own game. Elevate the debate to a higher level.
I know you are an Ugumsh but this time I gave the credit for driving but with little or no ajewejew. I mean with few phrases. You successfully crushed the agameW ajewejew thread without saying a lots of ajewejew.

Smirnoff is horrible pretender.

Hey we give the credit when it’s due.

I am just sayin

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