የጨነቀው እርጉዝ ያገባል
ይጨቀ ለት!
የጉድ አገር!
ድሮም 3 ቱ ሽሌዎች አንድ ናቸው የተባለው ለዚህ ነበር::
ሽሌ ቁጥር አንድ ጅል መሮ
ሽሌ ቁጥር ሁለት ጅል ሲኒ
ሽሌ ቁጥር 3 ጅል አብዮት
ወያኔ የሾመቻቸው አገው ገዱ አገው ደመቀች ለጅሎች ሽጠውን ሄዱ!!
በህልማችን ይሁን በውናችን አይታወቅም መውጫው የማይታይ ማጥ ውስጥ አብረን እያማጥን ነው!!
የሻውያ የአውስንያ ሌዲ የመቶ አመት ሆምወርክ አላልቅ አለ!
እነሱም ከኛ ላይሻሉ አብረውን ጭቃ ሊያቦኩ በባዶ ሜዳ ጥጋብ ቀብትቶአቸው እንደ አህያ ያናፋሉ:: አህያ አህያ ነችና ምንም ለውጥ አያመጡም!!
https://rumble.com/v5wno2e--derenews-de ... src_v1_upp
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Re: ጃል ሲኒ አብይ አህመድ ጀነራል አድርጎት የወንበር ጠባቂው መከላከያ ልብስ አልብሶት ታየ!
Prosperity Party propagandists keep shooting themselves in the foot and snookering themselves
This reminds me of the Ethiopian Air Force pilot captured by TDF when his MIG was shot down. TDF later released him which caused uproar in TDF supporters. Prosperity Party propagandists later took pictures with him when he was back in Air Force treatment center forgetting that they were doing great validation of TDF's release and kind treatment of Ethiopian POWs to international community and Ethiopians.
This reminds me of the Ethiopian Air Force pilot captured by TDF when his MIG was shot down. TDF later released him which caused uproar in TDF supporters. Prosperity Party propagandists later took pictures with him when he was back in Air Force treatment center forgetting that they were doing great validation of TDF's release and kind treatment of Ethiopian POWs to international community and Ethiopians.
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- Posts: 2231
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Re: ጃል ሲኒ አብይ አህመድ ጀነራል አድርጎት የወንበር ጠባቂው መከላከያ ልብስ አልብሶት ታየ!
ችግሩ ሁለታችሁም ያው መሆናችሁ እኮ ነው::
ብልፅግና ከወያኔ አይደል ተወልዳ ጥርስ ነቅላ ተምራ ለዚህ የበቃችው?
Con artists!
ብልፅግና ከወያኔ አይደል ተወልዳ ጥርስ ነቅላ ተምራ ለዚህ የበቃችው?
Con artists!