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Please someone find us affable formelrly known as sam

Post by Revelations » 06 Nov 2024, 16:11

I mean he said things that were clearly unnecessary and uncalled for. We just want to insure he survived the shellacking and he's well and alive. That's all! LOL
Affable wrote:
02 Nov 2024, 17:04

Revelations, I wish you will not have a heart attack at the result of the election. She is going to win, I believe, and she might win big. Your source of information is not reputable in “ knowing facts.” Those who do polling in Fox News are ok, but the rest, to put it politely, not good.
Nate Silver has never been confused like this year. He cannot understand his own polling.
Maybe the statistics he relied upon is outdated. I do not know. But his polling is no longer something rational people could look up to.
Affable wrote:
02 Nov 2024, 17:29

Revelations, I am not a pp cadre. Not a Fano member either. By the way how is your Eskinder doing ? Great ? That is not what I heard.
Whether Nate Silver will vote to Harris or not is not the question. I haven’t implied in my writing he is a Trump voter. What I clearly stated is his polling is not as good as it used to be.
To capture the whole demographic political sentiment, which is a moving target, is not easy. The polling method should strive to reflect the present facts. If wrong with the facts, the polling will not reflect the reality on the ground.
Fano is not doing ok, a female US president is coming soon, and somebody should watch revelations he might blow his head off with a bullet. I am joking. Revelations has no conviction to anything.
Last edited by Revelations on 06 Nov 2024, 16:57, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Please someone find us affable formelrly known as sam

Post by almaze » 06 Nov 2024, 16:29

The severity of the shellacking determines the outcome. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Please someone find us affable formelrly known as sam

Post by kebena05 » 06 Nov 2024, 20:09

Is that you? You agame women love to stream their cries live :lol:
almaze wrote:
06 Nov 2024, 16:36
:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Please someone find us affable formelrly known as sam

Post by sarcasm » 06 Nov 2024, 21:02

Sam said God the almighty is not able to get Abiy and TDF negotiate on a thread entitled "USA calls on the TDF, the Amhara regional forces, & ENDF to move towards a NEGOTIATED ceasefire" U.S. Embassy Asmara". Now we are celebrating 2 years anniversary of the signing of a negotiated deal.


sarcasm wrote:
15 Jul 2021, 21:36
Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
15 Jul 2021, 21:21
That is not going to happen. Here is why. TDF — I like TGAA’s observation about — is an insurgent group that takes its order from TPLF. Not quite long ago TPLF was designated a terrorist organization by Ethiopian parliament. Not US , even the Almighty cannot make those three to negotiate.
I think Abiy and TDF will eventually sit down and talk as they are not capable of annihilating the other one. But Amhara regional force may not have a chair in the table as Abiy would not allow that.

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Re: Please someone find us affable formelrly known as sam

Post by sarcasm » 06 Nov 2024, 21:14

Another of Sam's bet you with full confidence. What would he say when TPLF officials travel in Addis with full government protection 3 years after his bet with full confidence.

sarcasm wrote:
07 Jul 2023, 21:45
Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
07 Jul 2023, 20:49
ጦርነቱ ኢትዪጲያ የመረጠችው ሳይሆን የመጣባት ነው። አቢይ ህወሓት ያወጀውን ጦርነት ለመመከት የኢትዮጵያን ህዝብ መክት ማለቱ ትክክል ነው። ቅንጣት በዛ ተጠያቂ አይሆንም። ተጠየቂ መሆን ካለበት ሊሆን የሚችለው ህወሓትን መጨረስ በሚቻልበት ወቅት ለድርድር ወደ ፕሪቶርያ የቀድሞ የ EPDRF አባሎችን መላኩ ነው። የEPDRF ሰዎች ፣ ተጠፋፉተው የነበሩ የመለስ ትእዛዝ ተቀባይና አስፈጻሚዎች በ ኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ስም ድርድር አደረግን ያሉበት ድራማ ነው ተጠያቂ ሊያደርገው የሚችል።
አሁን እየተረዳን ያለነው መላውን ኢትዮጵያዊ ለማሳተፉ ያልጣረ ድርድር ከጅምሩ ሙት መሆኑን ነው።
ለምን ሱሬውን በኣንገቱ ማስወጣት ኣልቻለም? ነው ጥያቄህ። ኣልቻለማ! ወዶ ነው እንዴ ለ2 ኣመት የተዋጋው? በ2 /3 ሳምንት ልጨርሳቸው ነው ኣይደለም ለኣለም መሪዋች ያለው? ታድያ ለምን ሊጨርሳቸው ኣልቻለም? የማይቻል ነገር ስለሆነ። ኣራት ነጥብ። ለምን ሱሬውን በኣንገቱ ማስወጣት ኣልቻለም? ኣይቻለማ!

የድሮ ወጋችን ኣስታወስከኝ። የማይሆን ኣይሆንም የሚል ሙዚቃ ነበር? ኣላስታውሰውም።
sarcasm wrote:
07 Oct 2021, 18:52
Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
05 Sep 2021, 20:12
It is a matter of time, Eden, TPLF will not be allowed to exist in any form or shape.
I bet you that with full confidence.

What time frame are we talking? By 2021, 2031 or 2091? Also, the question you have not answered is, "Who will bell the Cat?" Remember that Isaias, Abiy, United Arab Emirates and Amhara Regional state all jointly tried and failed miserably!

Here is one of Aesop's old stories, for those who forgot the the story:

"The Mice in Council" Written by Aesop (620 and 564 BCE)

The Mice once called a meeting to decide on a plan to free themselves of their enemy, the Cat. At least they wished to find some way of knowing when she was coming, so they might have time to run away. Indeed, something had to be done, for they lived in such constant fear of her claws that they hardly dared stir from their dens by night or day.

Many plans were discussed, but none of them was thought good enough. At last a very young Mouse got up and said:

"I have a plan that seems very simple, but I know it will be successful.

All we have to do is to hang a bell about the Cat's neck. When we hear the bell ringing we will know immediately that our enemy is coming."

All the Mice were much surprised that they had not thought of such a plan before. But in the midst of the rejoicing over their good fortune, an old Mouse arose and said:

"I will say that the plan of the young Mouse is very good. But let me ask one question: Who will bell the Cat?"

It is one thing to say that something should be done, but quite a different matter to do it.

So, the question is: Who will bell the Cat?"

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Re: Please someone find us affable formelrly known as sam

Post by Affable » 06 Nov 2024, 22:02

Revelations, I am well and alive. Am I shocked with the result ? Of course. We will see together the “ bloodless second revolution” as one prominent MAGA put it “ if the democrats allow it.” If not, I don’t know what he has in mind. America is not Hungary. We will see together if making a dictatorship is easy in US as it is in Hungary.

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Re: Please someone find us affable formelrly known as sam

Post by Revelations » 12 Nov 2024, 07:34

When did you modify your reply?
Affable wrote:
06 Nov 2024, 22:02
Revelations, I am well and alive. Am I shocked with the result ? Of course. We will see together the “ bloodless second revolution” as one prominent MAGA put it “ if the democrats allow it.” If not, I don’t know what he has in mind. America is not Hungary. We will see together if making a dictatorship is easy in US as it is in Hungary.

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Re: Please someone find us affable formelrly known as sam

Post by sarcasm » 12 Nov 2024, 09:08

sarcasm wrote:
06 Nov 2024, 21:02
Sam said God the almighty is not able to get Abiy and TDF negotiate on a thread entitled "USA calls on the TDF, the Amhara regional forces, & ENDF to move towards a NEGOTIATED ceasefire" U.S. Embassy Asmara". Now we are celebrating 2 years anniversary of the signing of a negotiated deal.


sarcasm wrote:
15 Jul 2021, 21:36
Sam Ebalalehu wrote:
15 Jul 2021, 21:21
That is not going to happen. Here is why. TDF — I like TGAA’s observation about — is an insurgent group that takes its order from TPLF. Not quite long ago TPLF was designated a terrorist organization by Ethiopian parliament. Not US , even the Almighty cannot make those three to negotiate.
I think Abiy and TDF will eventually sit down and talk as they are not capable of annihilating the other one. But Amhara regional force may not have a chair in the table as Abiy would not allow that.
I am soooo gooooood! Aren't I? Loot at my reading of the politics back in July 2021. Misraq thinks I have state level intelligence analysts behind me :lol:

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Re: Please someone find us affable formelrly known as sam

Post by almaze » 12 Nov 2024, 21:23

Revelations wrote:
12 Nov 2024, 19:32

This isn't just a loss; it's a full-blown SHELLACKING! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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