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We need to know Gurage .. Kistane(Sodo), Sebat Bet, Welene, Muher, Chaha, Inor, Silte, Gumer, Ener, Kabeena, Masqan

Post by Misraq » 02 Nov 2024, 22:31

From my research so far Kistane(Sodo) are the most warrior type, overwhelmingly orthodox and with full of history. So one wonders on why the Galla chose to massacre Kistane (Sodo) than the rest of them.

FYI Birhanu Nega is 7-Bet.
Balcha Abanefso is Sodo (Kistane)
HabetGiorgis Dinegde is also Sodo (Kistane)

So the real gladiators and warriors are Sodo Kistane. They managed to resist both Ahmed Gragn and Galla invasions. They have also ancient monastries like Medre Kebd....etc

I am not sure if MareQo is pure Gurage or if it is a Galla hybrid. I would like to get the imput from esteamed gurage forumers

Horus is definatly not Kistane (Sodo) since he is a coward opportunist like his brother Birhanu Nega (7-Bet)
Dama is a muslim Gurage so he is defenitely not Kistane (Sodo) and that is why he was spewing hate on Orthodox and Amhara.

By the way Kistane means Christian which also shows the deep Christian tradition of the Sodo.

another point to remember is that during the Merkato burning, much of the shops burned was owned by Kistane (Sodo). That is why Horus didn't give a hoot about it as he is not kistane (sodo). Also, we have also seen how 40 Kistane (Sodos) were killed a few days ago by animalistic Gallas.

I have a feeling brother Odie is Kistane (Sodo). ... OPh_w0.jpg ... llel_3.jpg

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Re: We need to know Gurage .. Kistane(Sodo), Sebat Bet, Welene, Muher, Chaha, Inor, Silte, Gumer, Ener, Kabeena, Masqan

Post by union » 02 Nov 2024, 23:12

አገው misraq በአዴን aka ደረጀ :lol:

You told us you want to create a country called Amara out of Ethiopia and have agew control Amara. :lol: ማሞ ቂሎ

That is why you are busy dividing Ethiopians. Insulting Amara, insulting Gurage, insulting oromos and even eritreans. Your Agew a'ss is a wild dog :lol:

United Ethiopians is a nightmare for you. :lol:

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Re: We need to know Gurage .. Kistane(Sodo), Sebat Bet, Welene, Muher, Chaha, Inor, Silte, Gumer, Ener, Kabeena, Masqan

Post by Horus » 03 Nov 2024, 00:13

መስቃን የታላቁ አርበኛ ራስ ደስታ ዳምጠው ከተማ አገር! የክስታኔ ወንድም ሕዝብ !! የባለቅኔው በላይነህ ልጅ የትግስት 'የማይፈራ' የተሰኘው ድርሰቷል

ፈረስ ጫንም ተንሳ ልከው ናተዥነ ! ፈረስ ጭነህ ተነስ ልኩን እናሳየው

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Re: We need to know Gurage .. Kistane(Sodo), Sebat Bet, Welene, Muher, Chaha, Inor, Silte, Gumer, Ener, Kabeena, Masqan

Post by Misraq » 03 Nov 2024, 00:38

It is high time the semetic speakers rush to the rescue of Kristane Gurages from the savage Galla onslaught. From what I read, Kistanes resisted both Ahmed Gran and early Galla invasions but weakened in the 19th century where the gallas managed to weaken them and even selling a slave Market.

A lot of Kistane have migrated to Minjar, Meqi and other areas while the rest were subdued and forced to assimilate. There were documents suggesting their plea to King Sahle Selassie of Shoa Amhara in which their plea was heard and expeditions made to ease the enslavement. EMPEROR yohannes was also sad to see Kistane in slave market suggesting, these are our people and our race so that the slavery should end.

Now, the galla resumed what is halted 150 years ago. Save kistane from galla onslaught. Kistane dialect is the nearest to Amharic more than any gurage group. Amharas and Tegarus need to rush And save kistane.

I was wondering for long on the similarly of dress between Minjar Amharas and Kistanes, their dance moves and harvest dances. Now I got the clue. Kristane are our long lost relatives and that is why the Galla hates them

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Re: We need to know Gurage .. Kistane(Sodo), Sebat Bet, Welene, Muher, Chaha, Inor, Silte, Gumer, Ener, Kabeena, Masqan

Post by Horus » 03 Nov 2024, 00:43

ምስራቅ የምትባል የሴተኛ አዳሪ ልጅ! ልታብድ ነውኮ! አንተ የውሻ ልጅ የምኒልክ እናትኮ ጉራጌ ነች :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: We need to know Gurage .. Kistane(Sodo), Sebat Bet, Welene, Muher, Chaha, Inor, Silte, Gumer, Ener, Kabeena, Masqan

Post by Misraq » 03 Nov 2024, 00:54

የኦህዳድ ገረዱ ሆረስ ያለጥርጥር ማረቆ ነህ። ክስታኔ እንዳልሆንክ አውቀናል አንተ ባንዳ

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Re: We need to know Gurage .. Kistane(Sodo), Sebat Bet, Welene, Muher, Chaha, Inor, Silte, Gumer, Ener, Kabeena, Masqan

Post by Wedi » 03 Nov 2024, 01:02

Misraq wrote:
03 Nov 2024, 00:38
It is high time the semetic speakers rush to the rescue of Kristane Gurages from the savage Galla onslaught.
Savage and Godless Galla is the BIGGEST treat for the existnce of Christian Ethiopians.

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Re: We need to know Gurage .. Kistane(Sodo), Sebat Bet, Welene, Muher, Chaha, Inor, Silte, Gumer, Ener, Kabeena, Masqan

Post by almaze » 03 Nov 2024, 01:24

I have consistently stated that the Oromummaa terrorist group must be defeated and removed from Ethiopia, Their primary objective is to eradicate the Semitic people of Eritrea and Ethiopia from the face of the earth.

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Re: We need to know Gurage .. Kistane(Sodo), Sebat Bet, Welene, Muher, Chaha, Inor, Silte, Gumer, Ener, Kabeena, Masqan

Post by union » 03 Nov 2024, 06:08

አገው misraq aka ደረጀ aka almaz aka right

Everyone now agreed OLF Abiy must go, that is why ታላቁ Eskinder is supported by all Ethiopian people, but the question is why is your አገው a'ss going crazy like a wild dog trying to divide Gurages and Ethiopians is what Horus is asking you :lol:

almaze wrote:
03 Nov 2024, 01:24
I have consistently stated that the Oromummaa terrorist group must be defeated and removed from Ethiopia, Their primary objective is to eradicate the Semitic people of Eritrea and Ethiopia from the face of the earth.

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Re: We need to know Gurage .. Kistane(Sodo), Sebat Bet, Welene, Muher, Chaha, Inor, Silte, Gumer, Ener, Kabeena, Masqan

Post by Odie » 03 Nov 2024, 08:50

Before the down of modern adminstration, ጉራጌ በጣም decentralized የሆነ ማለትም አካባቢውን የሚያስተዳድር በ clan and region division ሲተዳደር የቆየ ህብረተስብ ይመስለኛል:: ለትልልቅ ጉዳዮች ተገናኝቶ የሚወስን በተረፈ ግን በአካባቢው መሪዎች የሚተዳደር እንደስሜኑ ህብረተስብ for strategic reason highland ላይ የሚኖር ህብረተስብ ነው ይባላል:: ፈረንጆቹ ከዚህ የተነሳ ጉራጌ የቋንቋ dialect ሊኖረው ቻለ ይላሉ:: የጉራጌ ታሪክ ያው እንደ ኢትዮዽያ ታሪክ ከፍ ዝቅ ሲል የኖረ ነው:: አገሪቱን የነኩ ጦርነቶች ሁሉ ነክቶታል:: ከትልልቆቹ መሃል 1. የአህመድ ግራኝ ወረራ (ይሄ ስው በአካባቢው አፀዶችና ቤተክርስትያኖችን እንዳጠፋ በግድ እንዳስለመ ስምቻለው) 2. የጋላ ጥፋት ( በጉራጊኛው ኧጋና ኢፋድ)::They call it ጥፋት because they just did not kill people but destroyed everything; pillaged everything.
That is why the name galla, although originally may not mean bad, became associated with their animal behavior and became derogatory. Unfortunately, these people have not changed and won’t. I am not going to mince the word to make some stupid liberal Ethiopians happy. That is what it is. Let us face it. Either they civilize or get dislodged!

I know Horus may b offended, who says he is a mix of 7bet and kistane, but the truth is 7bet is your typical pure gurage, pristine but now migrated everywhere and married with everybody including galla. My brothers wife is Oromo, we also have የንጉስ ዘር አማራ in family :lol: and even a very አፕረቲፍ family member-very mixed.
I am from 7 bet and Inor by my father and Geyta by mother ( another 7bet region). I belong to kind of leading and warrior clan (daredevil clan-they call them ኮረምቶ ወይም ደፋር in character; typical warriors in old days and some were feudal with ቀኛዝማች title. Inor has Orthodox christian’s as well as some muslims and now some protestants. Common orthodox churches are አሮቆጭ አቦ ማፌድ መድሃኔአለም ኤነር መድሃኔአለም also ድንቁላ እንደጋኝ:: ኤነር and እንደጋኝ are parts of Inor. The two are mostly orthodox. እንደጋኝ is typical Amhara culture. For that mater, don’t listen taliban Dama, gurage is amhara Isomet or copy in many ways; if you flip one it becomes the other. Let galla and ወያኔ burn!
ባጭሩ ክስታኔ እንደውም አምራን የሚያገባ ጁን ለአማራ የሚድር ነው:: የቅርብ ስው የማውቀው ቤተስቡ ሁሉ አማራ ነው! በርግጥ ሶዶ ጅዳ ክስታኔ ዶቢ መስቃን..these north and northeast gurage have a tendency to mix with galla and sometime you can’t separate them. They mix better with galla than even with 7bet. So they see them theirs. I believe they are the ones galla used to shoot down gurage rebellion and kilil question because they are scared of 7bet dominance. Inor is far west gurage the largest but less represented because it is far from addis. ሌሎቹ ለአዲስ ስለሚቀርቡ ስልጣን ልይይ ካለ ሁሉ ይሞዳሞዳሉ and they get spanked too. I used to like the old-a year or ago-Horus; now all his posts are from galla outlets. As a kistane he should have stayed with fano, rain or shine. My assessment, even if I offend him, i shall say this ones, is all his posts sound galla propoganda. Although I respect his right to his own view and respect him for his language (semitic) understanding, I don’t agree with his posts.
I don’t think abiy is going to protect or be pro gurage, tigre or Amhara. These group should team up as the dallas have been scared of the unity of these. Tigre has to switch its narrow ethnic brain as this is not going to take it anywhere in HoA.

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Re: We need to know Gurage .. Kistane(Sodo), Sebat Bet, Welene, Muher, Chaha, Inor, Silte, Gumer, Ener, Kabeena, Masqan

Post by Dama » 03 Nov 2024, 10:38

Odie the chimp attacks

I gave him many links to read on Gurage. He read none of them. Sick of his common sense butchery of Gurage stories.
Last edited by Dama on 03 Nov 2024, 12:21, edited 1 time in total.

Sadacha Macca
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Re: We need to know Gurage .. Kistane(Sodo), Sebat Bet, Welene, Muher, Chaha, Inor, Silte, Gumer, Ener, Kabeena, Masqan

Post by Sadacha Macca » 03 Nov 2024, 10:49

Tran.s gender sister miss rock aka almaze,

It's okay. You don't need to use gurages as a scapegoat to advocate and beg the Amara to unite with your tigrayan people.
Be a man, or he---she, and openly say that you, as a tigrayan nationalist pretending to be Amara, desperately want the Amara to help get tigray out of isolation and back to meneliks palace as rulers; hoping that the amara and oromo fight a massive war that'll weaken them both while debresion and getatyou reda do the circle gobez tegadalay tigrayan dance back to power in Addis ababa. That's what you are advocating for while hiding behind nonsensical stuff such as Semitic unity, saving gurages when you can't even save tigrayans your own people, etc.
All the other nonsense about Semitic this, Semitic that, is simply that: nonsense. Very few if any Ethiopians even categorize themselves in such ways.

Odie the tigrayan troll,
If you want to fight the Oromo as a whole, as opposed to fighting the ones that deserve to be fought (extremists) then feel free to go with your other tplf cyber troll tigrayan sister dama, fly to Ethiopia and fight then. Crying on an irrelevant and mostly unknown forum that is mostly populated by tplf cyber trolls who pretend to be gurage, amara, etc, and Eritreans from the Kebessa, ain't gonna accomplish anything.

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Re: We need to know Gurage .. Kistane(Sodo), Sebat Bet, Welene, Muher, Chaha, Inor, Silte, Gumer, Ener, Kabeena, Masqan

Post by ethiopianunity » 03 Nov 2024, 10:49

All you ER fake members, l know what you are up to. You are no Ethiopians, except maybe Union, you are a member of ER to spread your venom against Ethiopia that is your agenda and divide further by spreading hate. Your masters are foreigners, your teacher, who takes orders from your masters are In order: 1. Shabia aka Eplf aka Jebha whose main office is in Asmara and Cairo. 2. Tplf whose office is still Addis and Asmera but takes orders also from foreigners 3. Olf office is now Addis takes orders directly from foreigners due to its importance in controlling Addis but it is in connection with their secondary masters Tplf and Shabia. 4. Ehapa whose masters are Liberation Fronts, since the take over of Olf, they are gaining a bit of power. 5. Wahhabi convert Ethiopians who mainly gained wealth under cover through Arab Muslim brotherhoods during Tplf and the coming of Alamudi while Ethiopians including women were distracted and smitten by Alamudi for his wealth when in fact he collaborated with Tplf to join bleeding Ethiopias resources and economy. When Olf took over Ethiopia via pp, many convert Ethiopian Wahabis are agents of Muslim brotherhood. They now have become secret oligarch in Ethiopia.6.Ethiopian Protestants who also gained full power under Olfpp who take orders directly from their foreign masters against traditional Ethiopia .
7. Sub Groups have been established by the 7 groups above I n each region of Ethiopia that have Ethiopias patriotism, ancestors who fought foreigners and colonialists while they want to bring equality and grow the economy of Ethiopia and its people, but want to retain their faith, independence, tradition, basically be proud of who all Ethiopians who they are while taking the good from outside but discard the bad. These sub groups the 6 groups above are now directly attacking these populations all over Ethiopia economically, war, etc. they are being depopulated by all the sub groups like no other.

When l say foreigners of course l don’t mean the good wishers for Ethiopia but the colonialists, globalists who resent and want to destroy Ethiopia for its independence, unique culture and faith. Now they put all of these6 groups strategically in Ethiopia mainly to destroy Amara as still the retainer of our freedom flag green yellow red and language. None of these 7 groups are fighting with each other but act like they are fighting so that Ethiopians get distracted supporting one vs the other. The 7 groups they are tearing the Ethiopian population apart because of millions of their cadres in the region including ER members. The goal is to destroy Ethiopia by pretending they are pro vs ethnic groups, and pro vs Ethiopia.

So who are these ER members? They are factions of the 7 groups above given assignment to divide the society further. All of the ER members and sending info to their foreign masters who is who in Ethiopia, sending foreigners info who the targets should be which ones are the patriots etc, then Olfpp takes its orders to attack these patriots

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Re: We need to know Gurage .. Kistane(Sodo), Sebat Bet, Welene, Muher, Chaha, Inor, Silte, Gumer, Ener, Kabeena, Masqan

Post by ethiopianunity » 03 Nov 2024, 10:55

Sadacha Macca wrote:
03 Nov 2024, 10:49
Tran.s gender sister miss rock aka almaze,

It's okay. You don't need to use gurages as a scapegoat to advocate and beg the Amara to unite with your tigrayan people.
Be a man, or he---she, and openly say that you, as a tigrayan nationalist pretending to be Amara, desperately want the Amara to help get tigray out of isolation and back to meneliks palace as rulers; hoping that the amara and oromo fight a massive war that'll weaken them both while debresion and getatyou reda do the circle gobez tegadalay tigrayan dance back to power in Addis ababa. That's what you are advocating for while hiding behind nonsensical stuff such as Semitic unity, saving gurages when you can't even save tigrayans your own people, etc.
All the other nonsense about Semitic this, Semitic that, is simply that: nonsense. Very few if any Ethiopians even categorize themselves in such ways.

Odie the tigrayan troll,
If you want to fight the Oromo as a whole, as opposed to fighting the ones that deserve to be fought (extremists) then feel free to go with your other tplf cyber troll tigrayan sister dama, fly to Ethiopia and fight then. Crying on an irrelevant and mostly unknown forum that is mostly populated by tplf cyber trolls who pretend to be gurage, amara, etc, and Eritreans from the Kebessa, ain't gonna accomplish anything.

SadaCa Mecca

Just 6 years ago before pp took over, you were the advocate of anti Ethiopia, anti Amara. Less you forget. Amazing you turned 360 degree when you took over at the same time while you are eliminating right now, Ethiopian anti colonialists in pp! Who are you pretending to?

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Re: We need to know Gurage .. Kistane(Sodo), Sebat Bet, Welene, Muher, Chaha, Inor, Silte, Gumer, Ener, Kabeena, Masqan

Post by Sadacha Macca » 03 Nov 2024, 11:13

ethiopianunity wrote:
03 Nov 2024, 10:55
Sadacha Macca wrote:
03 Nov 2024, 10:49
Tran.s gender sister miss rock aka almaze,

It's okay. You don't need to use gurages as a scapegoat to advocate and beg the Amara to unite with your tigrayan people.
Be a man, or he---she, and openly say that you, as a tigrayan nationalist pretending to be Amara, desperately want the Amara to help get tigray out of isolation and back to meneliks palace as rulers; hoping that the amara and oromo fight a massive war that'll weaken them both while debresion and getatyou reda do the circle gobez tegadalay tigrayan dance back to power in Addis ababa. That's what you are advocating for while hiding behind nonsensical stuff such as Semitic unity, saving gurages when you can't even save tigrayans your own people, etc.
All the other nonsense about Semitic this, Semitic that, is simply that: nonsense. Very few if any Ethiopians even categorize themselves in such ways.

Odie the tigrayan troll,
If you want to fight the Oromo as a whole, as opposed to fighting the ones that deserve to be fought (extremists) then feel free to go with your other tplf cyber troll tigrayan sister dama, fly to Ethiopia and fight then. Crying on an irrelevant and mostly unknown forum that is mostly populated by tplf cyber trolls who pretend to be gurage, amara, etc, and Eritreans from the Kebessa, ain't gonna accomplish anything.

SadaCa Mecca

Just 6 years ago before pp took over, you were the advocate of anti Ethiopia, anti Amara. Less you forget. Amazing you turned 360 degree when you took over at the same time while you are eliminating right now, Ethiopian anti colonialists in pp! Who are you pretending to?
Tigrayan unity aka union,

What does what you're saying have to do with what I posted?

I never insulted amara as a whole. I did entertain oromia being independent and still do, because I believe the humans in a nation are more important than forced unity, or unity for unitys sake. If the people of the land cannot get peace except by going their own way and governing themselves, then so be it. States come and go, expand and detract, but what matters most is the lives of the humans within those states. When has Ethiopia ever been a good place for its people? How much longer until we realize that maybe just maybe it's a failed state? This is hard to say and comprehend for many, but it's based on truth.

That is my objective view, although a loosely federated Ethiopia in which every respective state elects their own leaders is preferable. And always will be. Also the fact is, Ethiopias problems are far too numerous and complicated to discuss here. All you and others have here are emotional, hate based proposals as solutions, such as the original poster who wants to beg Amaras to help tigrayans gang up on the Oromo, when in reality, if such a war broke out, he-she would be thousands of miles away from it.
That's what cowards do.

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Re: We need to know Gurage .. Kistane(Sodo), Sebat Bet, Welene, Muher, Chaha, Inor, Silte, Gumer, Ener, Kabeena, Masqan

Post by Odie » 03 Nov 2024, 20:53

Sadacha Macca wrote:
03 Nov 2024, 10:49
Tran.s gender sister miss rock aka almaze,

It's okay. You don't need to use gurages as a scapegoat to advocate and beg the Amara to unite with your tigrayan people.
Be a man, or he---she, and openly say that you, as a tigrayan nationalist pretending to be Amara, desperately want the Amara to help get tigray out of isolation and back to meneliks palace as rulers; hoping that the amara and oromo fight a massive war that'll weaken them both while debresion and getatyou reda do the circle gobez tegadalay tigrayan dance back to power in Addis ababa. That's what you are advocating for while hiding behind nonsensical stuff such as Semitic unity, saving gurages when you can't even save tigrayans your own people, etc.
All the other nonsense about Semitic this, Semitic that, is simply that: nonsense. Very few if any Ethiopians even categorize themselves in such ways.

Odie the tigrayan troll,
If you want to fight the Oromo as a whole, as opposed to fighting the ones that deserve to be fought (extremists) then feel free to go with your other tplf cyber troll tigrayan sister dama, fly to Ethiopia and fight then. Crying on an irrelevant and mostly unknown forum that is mostly populated by tplf cyber trolls who pretend to be gurage, amara, etc, and Eritreans from the Kebessa, ain't gonna accomplish anything.
Sadacha Macca,
First civilize your baboons who live and mate in the forrest, cannibalize and eat others too. Then let law take action including reparations. However there is no law as we know it in the Oromuma turf. So, self defence and revenge are best options untill law and order supervenes some time in the future. As far as I am concerned, I am done. No Oromo friends for me.

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Re: We need to know Gurage .. Kistane(Sodo), Sebat Bet, Welene, Muher, Chaha, Inor, Silte, Gumer, Ener, Kabeena, Masqan

Post by ethiopianunity » 06 Nov 2024, 11:05

Sadacha Macca wrote:
03 Nov 2024, 11:13
ethiopianunity wrote:
03 Nov 2024, 10:55
Sadacha Macca wrote:
03 Nov 2024, 10:49
Tran.s gender sister miss rock aka almaze,

It's okay. You don't need to use gurages as a scapegoat to advocate and beg the Amara to unite with your tigrayan people.
Be a man, or he---she, and openly say that you, as a tigrayan nationalist pretending to be Amara, desperately want the Amara to help get tigray out of isolation and back to meneliks palace as rulers; hoping that the amara and oromo fight a massive war that'll weaken them both while debresion and getatyou reda do the circle gobez tegadalay tigrayan dance back to power in Addis ababa. That's what you are advocating for while hiding behind nonsensical stuff such as Semitic unity, saving gurages when you can't even save tigrayans your own people, etc.
All the other nonsense about Semitic this, Semitic that, is simply that: nonsense. Very few if any Ethiopians even categorize themselves in such ways.

Odie the tigrayan troll,
If you want to fight the Oromo as a whole, as opposed to fighting the ones that deserve to be fought (extremists) then feel free to go with your other tplf cyber troll tigrayan sister dama, fly to Ethiopia and fight then. Crying on an irrelevant and mostly unknown forum that is mostly populated by tplf cyber trolls who pretend to be gurage, amara, etc, and Eritreans from the Kebessa, ain't gonna accomplish anything.

SadaCa Mecca

Just 6 years ago before pp took over, you were the advocate of anti Ethiopia, anti Amara. Less you forget. Amazing you turned 360 degree when you took over at the same time while you are eliminating right now, Ethiopian anti colonialists in pp! Who are you pretending to?
Tigrayan unity aka union,

What does what you're saying have to do with what I posted?

I never insulted amara as a whole. I did entertain oromia being independent and still do, because I believe the humans in a nation are more important than forced unity, or unity for unitys sake. If the people of the land cannot get peace except by going their own way and governing themselves, then so be it. States come and go, expand and detract, but what matters most is the lives of the humans within those states. When has Ethiopia ever been a good place for its people? How much longer until we realize that maybe just maybe it's a failed state? This is hard to say and comprehend for many, but it's based on truth.

That is my objective view, although a loosely federated Ethiopia in which every respective state elects their own leaders is preferable. And always will be. Also the fact is, Ethiopias problems are far too numerous and complicated to discuss here. All you and others have here are emotional, hate based proposals as solutions, such as the original poster who wants to beg Amaras to help tigrayans gang up on the Oromo, when in reality, if such a war broke out, he-she would be thousands of miles away from it.
That's what cowards do.
I rest my case. The danger is people like you sleeping cell in Ethiopia holding office is the most danger to Ethiopia than the obvious Tplf types. You are trying to finish what Tplf started which does not make you different from them. You are barking here now against Tplf because you want to make sure you retain the bread you snatched from Tplf. We know you still work with them
That is why pp and you as cadre keep tplf safe in ethiopia while jointly you killing Ethiopians.

Sadacha Macca
Senior Member
Posts: 12688
Joined: 22 Feb 2014, 16:46

Re: We need to know Gurage .. Kistane(Sodo), Sebat Bet, Welene, Muher, Chaha, Inor, Silte, Gumer, Ener, Kabeena, Masqan

Post by Sadacha Macca » 11 Nov 2024, 16:26

ethiopianunity wrote:
06 Nov 2024, 11:05
Sadacha Macca wrote:
03 Nov 2024, 11:13
ethiopianunity wrote:
03 Nov 2024, 10:55
Sadacha Macca wrote:
03 Nov 2024, 10:49
Tran.s gender sister miss rock aka almaze,

It's okay. You don't need to use gurages as a scapegoat to advocate and beg the Amara to unite with your tigrayan people.
Be a man, or he---she, and openly say that you, as a tigrayan nationalist pretending to be Amara, desperately want the Amara to help get tigray out of isolation and back to meneliks palace as rulers; hoping that the amara and oromo fight a massive war that'll weaken them both while debresion and getatyou reda do the circle gobez tegadalay tigrayan dance back to power in Addis ababa. That's what you are advocating for while hiding behind nonsensical stuff such as Semitic unity, saving gurages when you can't even save tigrayans your own people, etc.
All the other nonsense about Semitic this, Semitic that, is simply that: nonsense. Very few if any Ethiopians even categorize themselves in such ways.

Odie the tigrayan troll,
If you want to fight the Oromo as a whole, as opposed to fighting the ones that deserve to be fought (extremists) then feel free to go with your other tplf cyber troll tigrayan sister dama, fly to Ethiopia and fight then. Crying on an irrelevant and mostly unknown forum that is mostly populated by tplf cyber trolls who pretend to be gurage, amara, etc, and Eritreans from the Kebessa, ain't gonna accomplish anything.

SadaCa Mecca

Just 6 years ago before pp took over, you were the advocate of anti Ethiopia, anti Amara. Less you forget. Amazing you turned 360 degree when you took over at the same time while you are eliminating right now, Ethiopian anti colonialists in pp! Who are you pretending to?
Tigrayan unity aka union,

What does what you're saying have to do with what I posted?

I never insulted amara as a whole. I did entertain oromia being independent and still do, because I believe the humans in a nation are more important than forced unity, or unity for unitys sake. If the people of the land cannot get peace except by going their own way and governing themselves, then so be it. States come and go, expand and detract, but what matters most is the lives of the humans within those states. When has Ethiopia ever been a good place for its people? How much longer until we realize that maybe just maybe it's a failed state? This is hard to say and comprehend for many, but it's based on truth.

That is my objective view, although a loosely federated Ethiopia in which every respective state elects their own leaders is preferable. And always will be. Also the fact is, Ethiopias problems are far too numerous and complicated to discuss here. All you and others have here are emotional, hate based proposals as solutions, such as the original poster who wants to beg Amaras to help tigrayans gang up on the Oromo, when in reality, if such a war broke out, he-she would be thousands of miles away from it.
That's what cowards do.
I rest my case. The danger is people like you sleeping cell in Ethiopia holding office is the most danger to Ethiopia than the obvious Tplf types. You are trying to finish what Tplf started which does not make you different from them. You are barking here now against Tplf because you want to make sure you retain the bread you snatched from Tplf. We know you still work with them
That is why pp and you as cadre keep tplf safe in ethiopia while jointly you killing Ethiopians.

Tplf tigrayan unity,

You didn't make a case in the first place. All of that stuff that you type here is baseless, Nonsensical and devoid of substance.
It's just ranting.

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