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Dr. Léncô Latà: the Main and Specific Oromo Question not Yet Answered is Promotion of Afàn Oromo to Federal Language!

Post by OPFist » 03 Nov 2024, 11:08

Dr. Léncô Latà Should Have Said: the Main and Specific Oromo Question not Yet Answered is Promotion of Afàn Oromo to Primary Working Language of the Federation!

I heard one interview of Dr, Léncô Latà, in which he said that the not yet answered Oromo question is democratisation of the ethnic federation. I think this is not specific and unique question of the Oromo. It is an issue for all nations in Oropia (Oromumma led Ethiopia). The class struggle and self-administration of nations are not also unique to the Oromo. I think the only specific and unique question of the Oromo should be promotion of Afàn Oromo to the primary working language of the federation and of course this is not yet answered. It looks that Dr. Abiy and his Prosperitans are slowly coming back to their sense. ETV Afàn Oromô channel already started its 24 hour service. This is the right step towards the right direction as far as Oromo struggle is concerned. The struggle has achieved a lot during the hitherto changes step by step in the last 50 years. During the latest revolt of 2018, we could chase alien forces from Finfinne palace, but Oromo Prosperitans, who adore Amharigna / Amharanet at the cost of Afàn Oromô / Oromummà, took power and tried to appease Amhara elites, so they initially lost Oromo support. Now, Dr. Abiy is trying to come back to Oromummà camp and with that disappointed the Amharanet bloc. As I see, the only way Dr. Abiy and his Prosperitan party can reconcile with the Oromo is by promoting Afàn Oromô to its legitimate primary working language of the federation. That means, all federal institutions like the parliament, palace, cabinet, justice, military and security should use primarly Afàn Oromô of the 40% population instead of Amharigna of the only 10%. At the same time, the proportion of civil servants in all the institutions and organisations should be changed to 40% Oromo, 20% Agaw, 10% Amhara, 6% Somali, 5% Tegaru, 4% Sidama, 3% Garage, 2% Afar… etc, instead of the current 52% Amhara, 16% Oromo, 15% Tegaru and 17% others. Then, surely the Oromo can say, to some extent, that we have achieved the main goal of our liberation struggle. I think Dr Abiy is now persuaded to take a stepwise approach in promoting Afàn Oromô to a primary working language of the federation.
Read more: ... aa-oromia/

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Re: Dr. Léncô Latà: the Main and Specific Oromo Question not Yet Answered is Promotion of Afàn Oromo to Federal Language

Post by OPFist » 03 Nov 2024, 13:04

Simply put, there are 5 steps in Oromo’s political evolution:

1. Till the 1960s, Oromo elites were active in building a unitary Ethiopia dominated by Amharigna and Amharanet. These elites were proud of being Amharanized and were ready to die for such Ethiopia (unitary Amapia = Amaranet dominated Ethiopia). Is Abiy’s EPP striving to bring back such Ethiopia; is his move back ward to such country? All Oromo elites in “ye andient hayiloch” like EZEMA are moving at this level of the Oromo political evolution. Their Goals is an ‘assimilative unitary Amapia’.

2. A program to have autonomous Oromia under the federal government of dictatorial Ethiopia being dominated by Amaringa and Amaranet as it seems to exist now to some extent. Is Abiy trying to make such federation true and more genuine? All Oromo elites like those in EPP, who feel comfortable under the still existing domination of Amarigna and Amaranet, belongs to this phase of the evolution. Their aim is to keep the present ‘dictatorial Amaringa dominated federation’


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3. An attempt to forge an independent Gadaa republic of Oromia as envisioned by the OLF. All pro-independence Oromo elites with low level of political confidence are with the mindset of this phase. Their vision can be summarized as ‘an independent republics of national states.

4. To achieve autonomous Oromia with in democratic federal Ethiopia led by Oromiffaa and Oromummaa as planned by Oromo federalists like Leenco, Jawar, Mararaa, etc. These elites have got an intermediate political confidence. Their objektive being ‘a democratic Oromiffaa led federation’

5. To foster an integrative Oropia (Oromumma led Ethiopia) as advocated by Fayyis. Any Oromo individual entertaining this phase of the evolution has a high level of confidence that the Oromo can own and transform the whole Ethiopia to Oromia. Till now, there is no single Oromo org. persuing this vision. The vision here can be formulatef as ‘an integrative united Oropia’

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Re: Dr. Léncô Latà: the Main and Specific Oromo Question not Yet Answered is Promotion of Afàn Oromo to Federal Language

Post by OPFist » 03 Nov 2024, 14:33

It seems Abiy’s move is either back ward to the first phase of unitary Amapia or to keep the Amaringa dominated second phase in contrary to the forward move of Oromo federalist to the 4th state, where Oromiffaa will lead. It is also opposite to the forward move of Fayyis. We actually need to move forward to the 3rd, 4th or 5th step. Our mindset, the OLF, can lead us towards one of these goals. I think, it is an appropriate time now for the OLF to instrumentalize the name Ethiopia, the flag green-yellow-red, the concept of Ethiopiawinet, the ideology of Andinet (Ethiopian unity), the Orthodox christianity as well as to use Amarinya as second language in order to take over future leadership of the whole political community in Oropia and in the Horn. Simply put, it is time for utilitarian flexibility. More than enough has been written about an ultimate goal of the Oromo national liberation movement. Still, the necessary discussion on this issue is going on and the discord among Oromo nationalists regarding the known two objectives is also obvious. The OLF, who fought for an independent Oromia in the last more than 40 years went home from exil and forest life. But, with the same goal of forging Oromia or with new and better vision of fostering an integrative Oropia?

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Re: Dr. Léncô Latà: the Main and Specific Oromo Question not Yet Answered is Promotion of Afàn Oromo to Federal Language

Post by OPFist » 03 Nov 2024, 14:51

Here, I want to discuss in short on the ideas which are not new as such, but for the sake of continuity. Firstly, let’s ask ourselves: what is the common objective of the Oromo struggle? No question, we all may automatically reply that the objective of Oromo people is freedom from alien rule and to exercise self-determination on national future destiny. This being our common ground, yet we do observe among Oromo public that there are two specific post-freedom goals pursued by individuals and groups in Oromo community: an independent Oromia and an integrative Oropia – this second option being usually told as “democratization of Ethiopia”; i.e de facto Oropia.

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Re: Dr. Léncô Latà: the Main and Specific Oromo Question not Yet Answered is Promotion of Afàn Oromo to Federal Language

Post by OPFist » 03 Nov 2024, 15:27

To comprehend what I mean by the two concepts, I would like readers to look at the articles I wrote till now to define Oromia and Oropia. By Oromia, I just mean the map given by the OLF, which was also named as Oromoland in my previous opinions. Despite the intentions implicitly put in the hitherto articles, the concept of Oropia is rejected by all three political movements in the empire: Ethiopianists, Federalists and Oromianists. Ethiopianists vehemently oppose the name change (Ethiopia to Oropia) for they thought it is a “systematic way of deleting the glorious name of Ethiopia.” Federalists are not happy about the move for they are very cautious not to be suspected as the future authoritarians imposing Oromummaa on other nations. Oromianists are very suspicious for they thought that the suggestion is a subtle way of saving the empire from the indispensable disintegration.

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Re: Dr. Léncô Latà: the Main and Specific Oromo Question not Yet Answered is Promotion of Afàn Oromo to Federal Language

Post by OPFist » 03 Nov 2024, 15:37

Those who want to achieve an integrative Oropia actually tend to use the name Ethiopia as a trademark just as Abyssinians used to instrumentalize the name until now. The colonizers just named our Finfinnee as Addis-Ababa, and our Oromia as Ethiopia. Amara elites are still hiding their Amaranet behind Ethiopiawinet for more than 80 years, while Tigrean elites are doing the same masking of Tigrawinet behind Ethiopiawinet since 1991. Now, the dilemma for Oromianists is whether trading with the name Ethiopia like Abyssinians or whether boldly re-naming the whole country as Oropia, whatever risk it may entail. I do recommend using both: towards the international community and when approaching other nations in the empire, it is possible to make business using the name Ethiopia, whereas the concept – Oropia – is more palatable for Oromo nationals. So, it is necessary to weigh the advantage and disadvantage (calculate the benefit and cost) of using the name Ethiopia as a trademark. After all, common goal of Oromo nation is freedom to get chance for referendum on: independent Oromia vs integrative Oropia. The burning question yet to be answered is: did we now achieve this freedom with the new reformer adminsration of Dr. Abiy or should we continue to fight for freedom?

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Re: Dr. Léncô Latà: the Main and Specific Oromo Question not Yet Answered is Promotion of Afàn Oromo to Federal Language

Post by OPFist » 03 Nov 2024, 15:42

Anyways, the name Ethiopia is positively connotated for the oppressors, who enjoyed the privilege of power and profit within this political community, whereas it is negatively associated with all the variables of oppression for the subjugated people, who suffered under the empire’s system of domination. That is why the argument of some Oromo nationalists, who usually say “what matters is the content, not the name,” does not hold water. If the content is what matters, then Abyssinianists should have easily accepted the re-naming of Ethiopia as Oropia just for the sake of promoting unity and keeping territorial integrity. I think Oromo nationals should move further and rename not only the country, but also the whole of its institutions. For instance, we just can call ‘Oromian Airlines,’ instead of Ethiopian Airlines; ‘Oromian coffee,’ instead of Ethiopian coffee; ‘Oromian international sport team,’ instead of Ethiopian sport team, … etc. This re-naming is actually based on the fact that all the institutions are based in Finfinnee, Oromia. So, Oromo nationals should feel free and use this new re-naming just as we did use the name Finfinnee, despite the official name of Addisaba. We do not have to wait for any permission or recognition from Abyssinian authorities or from anybody else.

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Re: Dr. Léncô Latà: the Main and Specific Oromo Question not Yet Answered is Promotion of Afàn Oromo to Federal Language

Post by OPFist » 03 Nov 2024, 15:46

When we will be able to rename the whole country as Oropia without waiting for any permission or recognition, just as we did to Finfinnee, then we can clearly differentiate the past assimilative Ethiopia of Amhara elites and apartheid Ethiopia of Tigrean rulers from the future possibilities of an independent Oromia of the pro-independence Oromo or an integrative Oropia of the pro-unity Oromo, which can be achieved based on free will of the future free Oromo people and free other peoples in the Horn. The matter of fact that Oromo federalists tend to instrumentalize the name Ethiopia, instead of boldly accepting the demand of claiming Oromia should not confuse us here. The demand actually should come from pro-unity Abyssinians or other nations and the pro-independence Oromoians need to make the same offer, so that both the demand from Abyssinians and the offer from Oromians can match. To clarify the Babylonic confusion regarding the name and use of Ethiopia, we have to repeatedly look at the following seven definitions:

1) for ancient Greeks, the country called Ethiopia was the land where those with “burnt face” lived, i.e. land of blacks, which included the whole of Africa;

2) for Biblical Jews, it is the land of Cush located south of Egypt;

3) for international community now, it is the currently existing state in Horn of Africa;

4) to people like Prof. Megalommatis, Ethiopia is equivalent to non-Abyssinian part of Cushland;

5) for Abyssinian elites, Ethiopia simply means Abyssinia including its system of domination;

6) for nostalgic and conservative politicians of the empire, Ethiopia is same as being Amhara; and,

7) for Tigreans, Ethiopia was a mask for the TPLF’s colonial rule.

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Re: Dr. Léncô Latà: the Main and Specific Oromo Question not Yet Answered is Promotion of Afàn Oromo to Federal Language

Post by OPFist » 03 Nov 2024, 16:10

According to first definition, the whole blacks can claim to be called Ethiopians, thus the religion called Ethiopianism was black movement commenced in both North America and South Africa. Taking the second and fourth definitions into consideration, the name Ethiopia is more appropriate for the Oromo (Cushites) than Abyssinians, who claim to be from Semitic origin. Third definition was – which Jawar Mohammed regarded as an identity ‘imposed on the Oromo.’ The last three definitions are contaminations which made this name, Ethiopia, be seen as not appropriate, if we want to use it as a common identity for all nations in that empire. That is why the name is rejected by part of Oromo nationalists. When we talk about future possible Oromia, it actually means re-naming of Ethiopia as Oropia based on the future free will of peoples in the country. Till that decision of nations, Oromo nationals can call the country Oropia, whereas at the same time others call it Ethiopia. That a certain country does have two or more names at a time is not new. For instance, Germans call their country Deutschland, whereas Americans call it Germany and French people name it Allemagne … etc.

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Re: Dr. Léncô Latà: the Main and Specific Oromo Question not Yet Answered is Promotion of Afàn Oromo to Federal Language

Post by OPFist » 03 Nov 2024, 16:18

Be it that Oromo nationalists struggle for either an independent Oromia or an integrative Oropia, we needed an indispensable force to get rid of the ruling oppressive regime. To get such effective force, there was no better alternative to the imperative unity of purpose among Oromo nationalists as well as an important alliance with forces of other oppressed nations. In order to get such alliance, those who struggle for an integrative Oropia had more chance for their goal is the same as forging ‘a new federal democratic Ethiopia,’ which is the wish of most oppressed nations in the empire. If we really still opt for this version of liberation process, in which both unity and integrity of Oropia will be kept intact, we will definitely have basic decisions on five areas as shown below. Is the OLF for such move?

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Re: Dr. Léncô Latà: the Main and Specific Oromo Question not Yet Answered is Promotion of Afàn Oromo to Federal Language

Post by OPFist » 03 Nov 2024, 16:28

It is fact on the ground that despite this goal of Oropia, the campaign of Ethiopiawinet (Ethiopian nationalism) to dilute Oromummaa (Oromo nationalism) is a futile exercise. If keeping territorial integrity of the union will be chosen by Oromo people, then we need to move on and struggle to realize the following five important virtues: 1) freedom from any sort of national domination so that we can decide per referendum on independent Oromia vs integrative Oropia; 2) if we opt for the second, then Oromia (land of the braves) to be name of the future true federation, replacing Ethiopia (land of the burnt face); 3) democracy, including national self-determination, to be future rule of political game in the federation; 4) Afan Oromo to be primary working language of federal government in the union; 5) Odaa to be central part for flag of the union. Fulfillment of these five parameters can be a possible guarantee for the future long-lasting multinational federation. If other nations, including Abyssinians, fail to put this demand forward and/or Oromians fail to give this offer, further push for an independent republic of Oromia is inevitable. It is up to the pro-unity forces to choose and demand an integrative Oropia in order to avoid disintegration of the union, which will be caused by an eventual independent Oromia.

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Re: Dr. Léncô Latà: the Main and Specific Oromo Question not Yet Answered is Promotion of Afàn Oromo to Federal Language

Post by OPFist » 03 Nov 2024, 16:44

If all other nations agree on this concept of Oropia, all freedom fighters in the empire can cooperate on basic principles of freedom from national domination and democracy after freedom. For this purpose, let’s leave the past pre-Biltsigina events to professional historians and the future post-Biltsigina eventualities to the public verdict, so that we can concentrate now on how to make smooth transition. After the transition, Oromo nation surely will have two good alternatives from which we can choose: decolonization of Oromia and democratization of Oropia (“democratization of Ethiopia”). For Oromo people, there is no disadvantage in both options, as long as the decision will be made per Oromo’s public verdict. It is just as a choice between the first-class cars, if one does have enough money to buy one of the luxury cars, such as Mercedes or BMW. That is the reason for denouncing Oropianists as “betrayer Ethiopianists” was logically and morally wrong. Similarly, the OLF opting for Ethiopia (Oropia), instead of Oromia, can not be traitor of Kaayyoo, but can be considered as flexible organization to achieve the better version of sovereignty, i.e Oropia.

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Re: Dr. Léncô Latà: the Main and Specific Oromo Question not Yet Answered is Promotion of Afàn Oromo to Federal Language

Post by OPFist » 04 Nov 2024, 15:27

Last, but not least, be it that we will opt for either an independent Oromia or an integrative Oropia, now all Oromo nationals should agree on Oromia and Oromumma. Ethiopiawinet, in a sense of Habeshawinet (Abyssinian nationalism), which is opposing Oromumma, should be vehemently rejected. That is why we wholeheartedly supported the ‘Oromo first movement.’ This movement was actually a common project for both pro-independence and pro-union Oromianists. By the way, main carriers of the project were pro-union Oromo nationalists, whereas those who are most proud of the movement were pro-independence nationalists. That is why this project has classically and successfully shown how the two groups of Oromo nationalists do not actually have an irreconcilable conflict as they have usually tried to portray their image. I have personally never believed in such irreconcilability of the conflict, and I have always tried to show the common denominator of the two groups, i.e freedom from domination and self-determination of the Oromo nation per referendum. Again the quesion to be answered is: which type of sovereignty does the OLF persue, during this time, after moving back home. I suggest preference of Ethiopia (Oropia) and I hope the OLF is flexible enough to do it! Now, I just would like to conclude my opinion with my usual prayer: may Waaqa help us promote this common movement of Oromummaa as main component of Ethiopiawinet against Abyssinianism masked with Ethiopiawinet! Abiy’s back ward move must be stopped and we should push forward.

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