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Less airlines means less competition & HIGHER ticket prices to Eritreans. Isaias's put more sanction on Eritrean people

Post by sarcasm » 26 Jul 2024, 15:17

Eritreans have to make trips outside of Eritrea for medical care, such as dialysis, due to dictator Isias's regime incompetence on building a capable health care system.

For those therapies, the majority of Eritreans travel to Ethiopia.

Eritreans will have to utilize other airlines, including Emirates, as Ethiopian Airlines is no longer allowed to travel to Eritrea.

This implies that Eritreans will have to pay a lot more for their journey and spend more time in the air because they will now have to travel out of Africa to Dubai first for layover and then return to Ethiopia.

How unfortunate that our people do not have a government that prioritizes their needs and welfare.

Eritrea really needs regime CHANGE right now!!


Less airlines means less competition and increased ticket prices to the Eritrean people. Isaias just put more sanctions on the Eritrean people.

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Re: Less airlines means less competition & HIGHER ticket prices to Eritreans. Isaias's put more sanction on Eritrean pe

Post by Axumezana » 26 Jul 2024, 21:54

The hyber jealous Ascaris only think the revenue loss of Ethiopian Airlines though they are the one to pay the high price!

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