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Cobra Isaias is judged by God to be sallowed by Abiy!

Post by Axumezana » 25 May 2024, 18:36

Meles was too soft on the cobra Isaias and that was a grave strategic mistake which has been culminated to the genocide of Tigray. Oromia elites believe that they have to chop the head of Isaias to bring FANO to the negotiation table in order to stabilize Ethiopia and to deny Egypt a proxy foothold! Same is also true from TPLF side. The war is going take three months and it is going to be bloody but Isaias shall be toppled and Eritrea will be with out government at the mercy of the Ethiopian government and Tigray. Tigray war generals will play the critical role to finish Isaias!

ቀደም፥ነበረ፥ እምበር፥ ህውነት፥ ምኽባርዬ
ህዚዶ፥ ይሄይሽ፥ ደኒንካ ምብካዬ
እንዳዛህላይ ማህላይ፥ እንዳ ሃላይ ምላይ
ደጊም፥ ያኣኽላካ ምስታይ ውስኪ ፅራይ፤