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Tigray People
Posts: 9635
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

To All Eritreans The Tigray People Liberated You & Gave You Independence To Be Baria Of Agame -Eritrea Leaders:

Post by Tigray People » 24 May 2024, 16:45

Atum Chenawi Banda Ascari Eritreans you have never never won any more wars in your entire miserable slaves history but being the slaves of evil fascist Italy Egypt Arab countries Turks Whites Amhara Galla until the Tigray People Saved you from Derg -Ethiopia army and Jebha -Eritrea Liberation Front Army and finally gave you ungrateful scumbag Eritreans independence on a silver platter.

Long Live the Tigray People!

Awet Nehafash Tigray People!

Republic of Tigray People!

Independence Of Tigray People!

Eternal Glory to Martyrs Tigray People!

Tigray People
Posts: 9635
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

Re: To All Eritreans The Tigray People Liberated You & Gave You Independence To Be Baria Of Agame -Eritrea Leaders:

Post by Tigray People » 24 May 2024, 17:48


The Tigray People giving independence to cursed Eritreans came at a great cost to the Tigray People fighters who fought in eritrea and the political costs the Tigray People suffered in ethiopia that they were hated for giving independence to Eritreans.

But the entire Tigray People should be proud of liberating Eritreans who didn't want to live with the evil Amhara and Savage ethnics in ethiopia.

We the Tigray People made a mistake choosing to live with the evil Amhara and Savage Ethnics in ethiopia who committed genocide on innocent defenseless Tigray People during the 17 years wars and 4 years ago.

At least Eritreans were spared from genocide by the evil Amhara, Galla and Ethiopians.

Eritrea independence is a failure not because they are not part of cursed ethiopia but do to their own evil envious culture and evil Shabia leaders.

Otherwise Eritreans wanting to be independence was very brave and the Tigray People gave them freedom and independence.

But they used their independence for evil intentions including to harm their master and liberators the Tigray People but to no avail.

The Republic of Tigray People!!!

Tigray People
Posts: 9635
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

Re: To All Eritreans The Tigray People Liberated You & Gave You Independence To Be Baria Of Agame -Eritrea Leaders:

Post by Tigray People » 24 May 2024, 19:23

Shabia and Eritreans Used to douce gasoline on Amhara, Galla, Ethiopian and burning them alive 40 years ago.

Eritreans not wanting to live with the evil Amhara, savage Galla, Ethiopian was very brave move and saved them from genocide like the Tigray People suffered 4 years ago and prior to that.

The entire Tigray People are now for independence of Tigray People Republic after we settled the unfinished business with the mortal enemies.

The Republic of Tigray People!!!

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