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Is Tigray Unravelling? The Transitional Government and TPLF at Each Other's Throat

Post by sesame » 12 May 2024, 22:56

It has been long in coming but the inevitable unravelling of the cursed killil is happening in real-time. No society can continue with business as usual after suffering the colossal disasters that Tigray suffered. There have been feverish attempts by TPLF leaders to assign blame for the catastrophe on others. But no one is buying that. They spurned all peaceful efforts and initiated the conflicts not once but three times. Their generals led the war effort disastrously. Their political leaders had no clue about their goals: Instead of stopping when they were ahead after taking Dessie, they charged forward to one of the greatest military debacles in history. They promised their people quick victory but delivered a most humiliating defeat. The scale of the disaster is unimaginable. A million souls perished making this war the most costly in human lives in the history of Africa. Tigray lost most of what was built by looted Ethiopian wealth.

Today, Tigray is a lawless jungle with competing forces at each other's throats. The defamation campaigns between the transitional government, led by Getachew Reda, and the old guard of the TPLF, led by Debretsion, are reaching alarming levels. They just indicted Getachew with treason by leaking a story that he travelled to and informed UAE leaders and the Sudanese Himeti that TPLF is fighting on the side of Al-Burhan. On the other side, there are reports that Getachew has engineered the arrest of Monjorno's brother, Dawit G/Egziabeher, by Interpol. Whatever the truth about these allegations may be, the fact that the two sides are now engaged in such destructive war of words does not bode well for that accursed land. The level of hatred being expressed by supporters of the opposing sides indicate that they are reaching a point of no return. In my view, the war of words will inevitably lead to blows and God have mercy on the unfortunate people of that unfortunate land!

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Agazi General
Posts: 648
Joined: 19 Aug 2018, 13:14

Re: Is Tigray Unravelling? The Transitional Government and TPLF at Each Other's Throat

Post by Agazi General » 12 May 2024, 23:19

sadly it may b tiem 4 ze agazi king Isaiasto send his strong forces 2 stabilize his adi abo. Zen annex it and appoint 1 of his trusted Hamazzien generals to administer it. Guaranteed zat zey wuld do betta zen z current leaders zat we having.

Posts: 6175
Joined: 28 Feb 2013, 17:55

Re: Is Tigray Unravelling? The Transitional Government and TPLF at Each Other's Throat

Post by sesame » 13 May 2024, 00:53

Ze fate of Tigray iz in the hands of Ze Tigray people. No one iz going to intervene to save Tigray. Ze only question is: Iz Tigray salvageable? Ze unravelling may not be ze worst case scenario. Tigrayans should be thinking of how to remake zemselves. Perhaps, dividing the ze kilil into three parts is ze best solution. But zat is for you to decide! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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