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Beyond Envy: FANO's Resilience Amidst Gallas' Inferiority Complex"

Post by ethioscience » 28 Apr 2024, 09:12

In the shadows of inferiority complex, they lurk and they seethe,
Gallas who plot and conspire, with hearts full of grief.
Their target, FANO, bold and unyielding,
Yet their efforts to destroy, are fruitless, unfulfilling.

For fifty long years, Gallas‘ve harbored their hate,
But FANO stands strong, against their cruel fate.
Their envy, a burden, their inferiority complex,
But against FANO's spirit, they find no pretext.

Galla Psycho warriors, jealous and vain,
Their schemes and their plots, all in vain.
For FANO's resolve, like a flame burning bright,
Illuminates the darkness, dispels the night.

With courage and honor, FANO prevails,
Against envy and hatred, its banner unfurls.
For in the face of adversity, its spirit remains true,
And against all odds, it will continue to pursue.

So let the envious oromuma plot and conspire,
Their efforts to destroy, shall only backfire.
For FANO's strength lies not in the sword,
But in the resilience of its unwavering accord.