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Jebha was buried by EPLF+ TPLF and Shabia shall be buried by ENDF + TDF!

Post by Axumezana » 24 Apr 2024, 15:21

Stay tuned!

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Re: Jebha was buried by EPLF+ TPLF and Shabia shall be buried by ENDF + TDF!

Post by Abere » 24 Apr 2024, 16:07

I do not trust your CPU machine (brain) performing the political algorithm well in making plausible predictions. Your thinking machine is highly corrupted since the Woyane system crashed in its Ember-Tegedaly Hula-hoop - since then you are in trauma and live in a total glitch.

First, at this point it is irrelevant to even talk about Woyane. In real terms there is no Woyane, it is dead. All the mama rat Woyane were eaten up by Amhara Force, any surviving orphaned Woyane kids could not be factored in at this stage. They can live in nostalgia, but the reality is they are bowing down and k!ssing feet of a very struggling Oromo extremist OLF/PP. Currently, OLF/PP lost control over Amhara region which demographically is the largest in Ethiopia. Amhara Fano is positioned close to the gate of Addis Ababa. Given, extremist Orommuma are enemy of Amhara and the baby Woyane rats are known as carriers of the black death (just like Seyoum Mesfin), without any question Amhara will align with Shabia – because baby rat Tigre woyane rats and OLF are existential threats to Amhara people. This means Shabia will have the most leverage to dismiss OLF Abiy Ahmed as well as catch the baby rat Woyanes in a matter of days not even weeks. Although, Shabia long term interest is known not to see a strong Ethiopia, the momentum now very well is in favour of Shabia.

The holla-hoop of orphaned baby rats is just like the weird infatuation affair of young rat to a beautiful mitten of a cat. The baby rat to be eaten up by the cat at last.

Tigray People
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Re: Jebha was buried by EPLF+ TPLF and Shabia shall be buried by ENDF + TDF!

Post by Tigray People » 24 Apr 2024, 16:41


The Tigray People are being humble saying Shabia participated to destroy Jebha -Eritrea Liberation Front Army.

The truth is it was the TPLF and Tigray People who crushed the Arab Slaves Jebha -Eritrea Liberation Front Army by fighting them in many different battlefield in Tigray and eritrea while the coward Shabia was hiding in nakifa.

The Tigray People and TPLF decided to destroy the Jebha -Eritrea Liberation Front Army do to its continued crimes on innocent defenseless Tigray People and supporting edu army and claiming Tigray lands.

And the Tigray People final battle to destroy the Jebha -Eritrea Liberation Front was fought in serreo led by Hayalom and other top TPLF commanders to destroy them from the face of the earth.And shabia was observing from a distance to save its man power.

But the Tigray People and TPLF humble culture have done them harmed by their enemies the savage Amhara, Galla, Ascaris who always steal the Tigray People accomplishments.

Shabia and Eritreans were coward who were Saved by the Tigray People and TPLF numerous times from being destroyed by the then the powerful derg-ethiopia army and Jebha -Eritrea Liberation Front Army.

The Republic of Tigray People!!!

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Re: Jebha was buried by EPLF+ TPLF and Shabia shall be buried by ENDF + TDF!

Post by Axumezana » 24 Apr 2024, 16:42


Axumezana forecasted in May 2021, that Isaias and Amhara extremists shall be the losers of the TIgray war! That was during the honeymoon season of Abiy, Isaias and Amhara extremists. Prepare yourself for the bad news !


"- Isaias is expected to be the main loser of this war. Military defeat by TDF and sanction by super powers will motivate the Eritrea people to rise against Isaias government and topple him.The new Eritrea will be democratic and friendly with it's neighbours including Tigray

- Amhara elites and their militia will be also the other main losers. Abiy will ultimately be forced to order the Amhara militia out of Tigray.The rivalry between Oromos and Amhara coupled with international pressure and the success of TDF will strain Abiy and Amhara elites alliance beyond elastic limit and break it."
Last edited by Axumezana on 24 Apr 2024, 16:49, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Jebha was buried by EPLF+ TPLF and Shabia shall be buried by ENDF + TDF!

Post by Axumezana » 24 Apr 2024, 16:46

Tigray People,

I agree with and even the ascaris know that it was TPLF that destroyed Jebha. I included EPLF not to exclude their meager contribution.

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