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Thomas H
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በሠለጠነ መንገድ እንወያይ : በኢሬቻ ዛፍ ለምን ቅቤ ይቀባል ?

Post by Thomas H » 29 Sep 2022, 07:27

እስኪ በቁም ነገር እንወያይ:: በኢሬቻ ዛፍ ለምን ቅቤ ይቀባል ? ቆሪጥ ማን ነው ? የቆሪጥ ሚና በኢሬቻ ምንድን ነው ? በሠለጠነ መንገድ ለምትወያዩ በቅድሚያ አመሰግናለሁ ::

Thomas H
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Posts: 12601
Joined: 27 Jan 2007, 16:30
Location: Kaliti

Re: በሠለጠነ መንገድ እንወያይ : በኢሬቻ ዛፍ ለምን ቅቤ ይቀባል ?

Post by Thomas H » 29 Sep 2022, 08:26

ዲያብሎስ ዳንኤል ክብረት ስለ ኢሬቻ ምን ይላል ?

Ethiopia the Kingdom of God/ኢትዮጵያ የእግዚአብሔር መንግሥት
ዳንኤል ክብረት

እሬቻ በምንም መልኩ ክርስቲያናዊ አይደለም!
"በወደዳችኋት የአድባር ዛፍ ታፍራላችሁና፥ " ኢሳ 1 : 29
ፖለቲካ እና ሃይማኖት መቀላቀሉን ትተን እውነት ከተነጋገርን-- እንዴት ነው ዛፍ ቅቤ መቀባት ክርስቲያናዊ የሚሆነው? እንዴትስ ነው ዛፍ ስር አረቄ መድፋት ክርስቲያናዊ የሚሆነው? ለዚሁ በዓል ሆራና ቢሸፍቱ የሚጣለው የስለት አረቄና የሚሰዉ እንስሳት ለማን ነው የሚገበሩት? በዓሉ በደረሰ ግዜ እዚሁ ዛፍ ስር የሚያጓሩትስ በመንፈስ ቅዱስ ነውን?
እኔ ግን እላለሁ ይሄ ሥርዓት ክርስቲያናዊ አይደለም:: ለኔ ነፍስን የሚሰብር አምልኮ ባዕድ ነው:: ወገኔ ሆይ በነፍስህ ቁማር አትጫወት !
ገና ለገና "ከፖለቲካው እጋጫለሁ" ወይም "የሚቀየመኝ ይኖራል" በሚል ፍርሃት የሃይማኖት አባቶቻችን በይፋ ወጥተው ለማውገዝ ቢሽመደመዱም እውነታው ግን አንድ ነው::
ይህ ስርዓት አምልኮ ባዕድ ነው::
ማንም የፈለገውን ማምለክ ይችላል:: መጽሃፍም እንዲል " እሳቱም ውሃውንም አቅርቤልሃለሁ ወደ ወደድከው እጅህን ክተት" ማንም ሰው ወደ ፈለገው መንገድ መጓዝ: የፈለገውን ማምለክ መብቱ ነው:: ግን አምልኮ ባዕድን አምልኮተ ክርስትና ነው እያልን ጨለማውን ብርሃን እሬቱን ማር ባንል ጥሩ ነው:: ለዚህ አድርብዬ ልፍስፍነታችን- ነገ ከፈጣሪ ዘንድ ዋጋ እንከፍላታለን::
አካፋን አካፋ አንበል::

Senior Member
Posts: 11096
Joined: 18 Jul 2019, 20:52

Re: በሠለጠነ መንገድ እንወያይ : በኢሬቻ ዛፍ ለምን ቅቤ ይቀባል ?

Post by Abere » 29 Sep 2022, 09:28

ይህ የቆሪጥ ስነ-ስርአት የቦረና አካባቢ ኦሮሞዎች የሚፈጽሙት ባዕድ አምልኮ ነው እንጅ በሁሉ አካባቢ በሚገኙ ኦሮሞዎች ዘንድ የሚታወቅ አይደለም። በመሰረቱ በበርካታ አካባቢ የሚኖሩ ኦሮሞዎች መሰረተ አማራ፤ ጉራጌ፤ ወላይታ ወዘተ እንጅ ጥንተ መሰረታቸው ኦሮሞ አይደሉም። ስለዚህ እሬቻ ወይም ቆሪጥ እንደ ሃይማኖት ይሁን ልማድ አያውቁትም - አሁን በፓለቲካ ምክንያት የተጣለባቸው ጉዳይ ነው። እንደ አሁኑ ሁሉ ነገር ፓለቲካ ሳይሆን እውነተኛ ኦሮሞዎች ከባህር-ገማ ወይም ከባህር ማዶ ነው የመጣነው ይላሉ። ይህ ደግሞ ወንዝ ተከትለው ወደ ኢትዮጵያ መግባታቸውን የቦረና ኦሮሞዎች የሚያደርጉት የውሃ አምልኮ ነው። በአገራችን ደግሞ ሰይጣን ወይም ጅን ወንዝ ውስጥ ይኖራል ይባላል። የጅን አምልኮ ነው።በጥንት ዘመን ሰዎች ይህ መደረጉ አይደንቅም በ21ኛው ክፍለ ዘመን ሲሆን ግን ጸያፍ ነው። ምን አይነት ትንሽ አእምሮ ነው።

Naga Tuma
Posts: 5536
Joined: 24 Apr 2007, 00:27

Re: በሠለጠነ መንገድ እንወያይ : በኢሬቻ ዛፍ ለምን ቅቤ ይቀባል ?

Post by Naga Tuma » 29 Sep 2022, 11:21

እሬቻን ባህላዊ እንጂ ክርስትያናዊ ያለ ኣለ?

ክርስትያናዊን ያለምንም ጥያቄ መቀበል ባህል ተጠንቶ ማደግ ኣይችልም ማለት ነዉ?

የኢትዮጵያ ኣዲስ ዓመት ክብር መሠረቱ ባህል ነዉ ወይስ ክርስትያናዊ?

የሳይንስ ምንጭ ባህል ነዉ ወይስ ክርስትና? እስቲ ይህቺን ቀላል ጥያቄ መልስ።


የቦረና ኦሮሞ ማለት የትግሬ ኣማራ እንደማለት ነዉ። ቦረና የኦሮሞ አባት ከሆነ የቦረና ኦሮሞ ትርጉም ዬለሽ ነዉ። ቦረና ቦረና ነዉ።

ባህል ተጠንቶ ሳይንሳዊ ያልሆነዉን በመተዉ ሳይንሳዊ የሆነዉ ማደግ ይችላል። ይህ ነዉ የኣዉሮፓ ህዳሴ መሠረት የሆነዉ። ቀላል ስራ ኣልነበረም። ግን እጅግ ዉጤታማ የሆነ ነዉ። ይህ ዉጤት ነዉ ያጠኑትን ባህል መሠረት ሳይደርሱበት የባህሉን ባለሃብቶች መናቅ የጃጃቸዉ።

Senior Member
Posts: 11096
Joined: 18 Jul 2019, 20:52

Re: በሠለጠነ መንገድ እንወያይ : በኢሬቻ ዛፍ ለምን ቅቤ ይቀባል ?

Post by Abere » 29 Sep 2022, 11:57

ነጋ ቱማ፤

---የኢትዮጵያ የዘመን መለወጫ መሰረቱ ሃይማኖታዊ ነው። እያንዳንዱ የዘመን መለወጫ አዲስ አመት ወንጌላዊ ስያሜ አለው - ዘመነ-ዮሀንስ፤ሉቃስ፤ማቴዎስ፤ ማርቆስ ተብሎ። ኢትዮጵያ ጥንታዊ አገር በመሆኗ ፈለገ-ክዋክብት ጥበብ ባለጸጋ ናት። የክርስቶስ መወለድን በክዋክብት ተመርተዋል፤ በስቅለት ዕለት እንድሁ የሰማይ አካላት ተናውጠዋል። በአጭሩ ለማስረዳት እንጅ ምስጢሩ እረቂቅ እና ጥልቅ ነው - መሰረቱ ሃይማኖት ነው። እስከ ቅርብ ጊዜ ድረስ በበለጸጉት አገራት ሳይቀር ሃይማኖት የመንግስታት መሰረት እና የህግ ምንጭ ነች።

---እሬቻ ለቦረና ኦሮሞዎች ልማድ ሳይሆን እምነት ነው። ይህ ጉዳይ እንደ እምነት አሁንም ቀጥሏል። ባዕድ አምልኮ ነው። አጼ ሃይለ ስላሴ የቅንድቡ ጸጉር የገጠመ ልጅ ፈልገው ደብረዘይት ሆራ መስዋዕት ለቆሪጥ ያቀርቡ ነበር የሚል ሃሜት አለ - አልጋቸው እንድረጋላቸው። ይህ እንግድህ የሰይጣን ስራ መሆኑ ነው - የሰይጣን አምልኮ።
Naga Tuma wrote:
29 Sep 2022, 11:21
እሬቻን ባህላዊ እንጂ ክርስትያናዊ ያለ ኣለ?

ክርስትያናዊን ያለምንም ጥያቄ መቀበል ባህል ተጠንቶ ማደግ ኣይችልም ማለት ነዉ?

የኢትዮጵያ ኣዲስ ዓመት ክብር መሠረቱ ባህል ነዉ ወይስ ክርስትያናዊ?

የሳይንስ ምንጭ ባህል ነዉ ወይስ ክርስትና? እስቲ ይህቺን ቀላል ጥያቄ መልስ።


የቦረና ኦሮሞ ማለት የትግሬ ኣማራ እንደማለት ነዉ። ቦረና የኦሮሞ አባት ከሆነ የቦረና ኦሮሞ ትርጉም ዬለሽ ነዉ። ቦረና ቦረና ነዉ።

ባህል ተጠንቶ ሳይንሳዊ ያልሆነዉን በመተዉ ሳይንሳዊ የሆነዉ ማደግ ይችላል። ይህ ነዉ የኣዉሮፓ ህዳሴ መሠረት የሆነዉ። ቀላል ስራ ኣልነበረም። ግን እጅግ ዉጤታማ የሆነ ነዉ። ይህ ዉጤት ነዉ ያጠኑትን ባህል መሠረት ሳይደርሱበት የባህሉን ባለሃብቶች መናቅ የጃጃቸዉ።

Senior Member
Posts: 11824
Joined: 04 Aug 2018, 13:15

Re: በሠለጠነ መንገድ እንወያይ : በኢሬቻ ዛፍ ለምን ቅቤ ይቀባል ?

Post by Selam/ » 29 Sep 2022, 12:47

When was the last time you put clarified but’ter in your food? These wasteful Oromos are beautifying their trees with bountiful but’ter while your dry & ashy woyane skin is cracking.
Thomas H wrote:
29 Sep 2022, 07:27
እስኪ በቁም ነገር እንወያይ:: በኢሬቻ ዛፍ ለምን ቅቤ ይቀባል ? ቆሪጥ ማን ነው ? የቆሪጥ ሚና በኢሬቻ ምንድን ነው ? በሠለጠነ መንገድ ለምትወያዩ በቅድሚያ አመሰግናለሁ ::

Naga Tuma
Posts: 5536
Joined: 24 Apr 2007, 00:27

Re: በሠለጠነ መንገድ እንወያይ : በኢሬቻ ዛፍ ለምን ቅቤ ይቀባል ?

Post by Naga Tuma » 29 Sep 2022, 14:29

Abere wrote:
29 Sep 2022, 11:57
ነጋ ቱማ፤

---የኢትዮጵያ የዘመን መለወጫ መሰረቱ ሃይማኖታዊ ነው። እያንዳንዱ የዘመን መለወጫ አዲስ አመት ወንጌላዊ ስያሜ አለው - ዘመነ-ዮሀንስ፤ሉቃስ፤ማቴዎስ፤ ማርቆስ ተብሎ። ኢትዮጵያ ጥንታዊ አገር በመሆኗ ፈለገ-ክዋክብት ጥበብ ባለጸጋ ናት። የክርስቶስ መወለድን በክዋክብት ተመርተዋል፤ በስቅለት ዕለት እንድሁ የሰማይ አካላት ተናውጠዋል። በአጭሩ ለማስረዳት እንጅ ምስጢሩ እረቂቅ እና ጥልቅ ነው - መሰረቱ ሃይማኖት ነው። እስከ ቅርብ ጊዜ ድረስ በበለጸጉት አገራት ሳይቀር ሃይማኖት የመንግስታት መሰረት እና የህግ ምንጭ ነች።

---እሬቻ ለቦረና ኦሮሞዎች ልማድ ሳይሆን እምነት ነው። ይህ ጉዳይ እንደ እምነት አሁንም ቀጥሏል። ባዕድ አምልኮ ነው። አጼ ሃይለ ስላሴ የቅንድቡ ጸጉር የገጠመ ልጅ ፈልገው ደብረዘይት ሆራ መስዋዕት ለቆሪጥ ያቀርቡ ነበር የሚል ሃሜት አለ - አልጋቸው እንድረጋላቸው። ይህ እንግድህ የሰይጣን ስራ መሆኑ ነው - የሰይጣን አምልኮ።
Naga Tuma wrote:
29 Sep 2022, 11:21
እሬቻን ባህላዊ እንጂ ክርስትያናዊ ያለ ኣለ?

ክርስትያናዊን ያለምንም ጥያቄ መቀበል ባህል ተጠንቶ ማደግ ኣይችልም ማለት ነዉ?

የኢትዮጵያ ኣዲስ ዓመት ክብር መሠረቱ ባህል ነዉ ወይስ ክርስትያናዊ?

የሳይንስ ምንጭ ባህል ነዉ ወይስ ክርስትና? እስቲ ይህቺን ቀላል ጥያቄ መልስ።


የቦረና ኦሮሞ ማለት የትግሬ ኣማራ እንደማለት ነዉ። ቦረና የኦሮሞ አባት ከሆነ የቦረና ኦሮሞ ትርጉም ዬለሽ ነዉ። ቦረና ቦረና ነዉ።

ባህል ተጠንቶ ሳይንሳዊ ያልሆነዉን በመተዉ ሳይንሳዊ የሆነዉ ማደግ ይችላል። ይህ ነዉ የኣዉሮፓ ህዳሴ መሠረት የሆነዉ። ቀላል ስራ ኣልነበረም። ግን እጅግ ዉጤታማ የሆነ ነዉ። ይህ ዉጤት ነዉ ያጠኑትን ባህል መሠረት ሳይደርሱበት የባህሉን ባለሃብቶች መናቅ የጃጃቸዉ።
የምድር እና የጨረቃን መሽከርከሮች የወለዳቸዉ ሃይማኖት ነዉ በለኛ። የኢትዮጵያም ሆነ የየትኛዉም ሃገር ዘመን መለወጫ ከነዚህ መሽከርከሮች የተለየ ነዉ በለኛ።

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Re: በሠለጠነ መንገድ እንወያይ : በኢሬቻ ዛፍ ለምን ቅቤ ይቀባል ?

Post by Abere » 29 Sep 2022, 15:02

ሰፋ አድርገህ ካየኸው ሃይማኖት ማለት በአርያም በሚኖረው ህያው አምላክ ማመን ከሆነ፤ ህያው አምላክ ደግሞ አለማትን የፈጠረ ነው። ስለዚህ እያንዳንዱ ድንቅ ነገር እግዚአብሄር ለአላማ እና ለተግባር የፈጠረው ነው። ውሃ እና ንፋስ ለፍጡራን የህይወት ምግብ እንደ ሆኑ ሁሉ ክዋክብትም እንድሁ ብዙ ተግባራት አላቸው የወቅት መፈራረቅ፤ የእግዚአብሄር ምስጢር መገለጫዎች ናቸው። ለምሳሌ ዓመተ-ምህረት እንላለን ይህ ማለት ሃይማኖታዊ ነው። እግዚአብሄር የአዳም እና የሄዋን በከይሲ ዲያብሎስ መሳሳት ካየ በኋላ የአዳምን ልብ ትካዜ ተረድቶ በኋለኛው ዘመን ከልጅ ልጅህ ተወልጄ በመልዕልተ መስቀል ተሰቅየ አድንህ አለሁ ከተባረርክባት ገነት እንደ ገና እመልስህ አለሁ ብሎ ቃል ኪዳን ሲገባለት የድርጊት ጊዜ ሰሌዳ ነበረው።
Naga Tuma wrote:
29 Sep 2022, 14:29

የምድር እና የጨረቃን መሽከርከሮች የወለዳቸዉ ሃይማኖት ነዉ በለኛ። የኢትዮጵያም ሆነ የየትኛዉም ሃገር ዘመን መለወጫ ከነዚህ መሽከርከሮች የተለየ ነዉ በለኛ።

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Re: በሠለጠነ መንገድ እንወያይ : በኢሬቻ ዛፍ ለምን ቅቤ ይቀባል ?

Post by Selam/ » 29 Sep 2022, 16:22

የኢትዮዽያ ዘመን አቆጣጠር መሰረቱ ፈጣሪ እግዚአብሄር ነው፣ በሙሴና ሄኖክ መጽሃፍ የተደገፈ ነው። መስከረም አንድ የኖኅ መርከብን ወደከፍ ያለ ቦታ መምጣት፣ የውሃ ሙላት ያቆመበት፣ የምድር ፍጥረታትና አእዋፎች ከተደበቁበት ወደህይወትና ወደብርሃን የተመለሱበት ወቅት ነው።

እንቁጣጣሽ አዲስ መወለድንና ተስፋን ይገልፃል። የዘመኑ ሰዎች እንቁጣጣሽ ማለት አይወዱም ዜና በደንብ ተከታትላችሁ ከሆነ በዓሉ አለማዊ እንዲሆን ስለሚፈልጉ።
እግዚአብሄር ይገስፃቸው።

Abere wrote:
29 Sep 2022, 15:02
ሰፋ አድርገህ ካየኸው ሃይማኖት ማለት በአርያም በሚኖረው ህያው አምላክ ማመን ከሆነ፤ ህያው አምላክ ደግሞ አለማትን የፈጠረ ነው። ስለዚህ እያንዳንዱ ድንቅ ነገር እግዚአብሄር ለአላማ እና ለተግባር የፈጠረው ነው። ውሃ እና ንፋስ ለፍጡራን የህይወት ምግብ እንደ ሆኑ ሁሉ ክዋክብትም እንድሁ ብዙ ተግባራት አላቸው የወቅት መፈራረቅ፤ የእግዚአብሄር ምስጢር መገለጫዎች ናቸው። ለምሳሌ ዓመተ-ምህረት እንላለን ይህ ማለት ሃይማኖታዊ ነው። እግዚአብሄር የአዳም እና የሄዋን በከይሲ ዲያብሎስ መሳሳት ካየ በኋላ የአዳምን ልብ ትካዜ ተረድቶ በኋለኛው ዘመን ከልጅ ልጅህ ተወልጄ በመልዕልተ መስቀል ተሰቅየ አድንህ አለሁ ከተባረርክባት ገነት እንደ ገና እመልስህ አለሁ ብሎ ቃል ኪዳን ሲገባለት የድርጊት ጊዜ ሰሌዳ ነበረው።
Naga Tuma wrote:
29 Sep 2022, 14:29

የምድር እና የጨረቃን መሽከርከሮች የወለዳቸዉ ሃይማኖት ነዉ በለኛ። የኢትዮጵያም ሆነ የየትኛዉም ሃገር ዘመን መለወጫ ከነዚህ መሽከርከሮች የተለየ ነዉ በለኛ።

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Re: በሠለጠነ መንገድ እንወያይ : በኢሬቻ ዛፍ ለምን ቅቤ ይቀባል ?

Post by Abere » 29 Sep 2022, 17:32

እግዜር ይስጥልን! ድንቅ ማብራርያ ነው። ለብዙዎች ጠቃሚ ትምህርት ነው። በርካቶች መሰረታዊ አመጣጡን በማሳሳት ሃይማኖታዊነቱን አውቀው ለማፋለስ ይታትራሉ።ትውፊት የመደምሰስ ሴራ ነው። ብዙ ጊዜ የሚገርመኝ ነገር ነው።
Selam/ wrote:
29 Sep 2022, 16:22
የኢትዮዽያ ዘመን አቆጣጠር መሰረቱ ፈጣሪ እግዚአብሄር ነው፣ በሙሴና ሄኖክ መጽሃፍ የተደገፈ ነው። መስከረም አንድ የኖኅ መርከብን ወደከፍ ያለ ቦታ መምጣት፣ የውሃ ሙላት ያቆመበት፣ የምድር ፍጥረታትና አእዋፎች ከተደበቁበት ወደህይወትና ወደብርሃን የተመለሱበት ወቅት ነው።

እንቁጣጣሽ አዲስ መወለድንና ተስፋን ይገልፃል። የዘመኑ ሰዎች እንቁጣጣሽ ማለት አይወዱም ዜና በደንብ ተከታትላችሁ ከሆነ በዓሉ አለማዊ እንዲሆን ስለሚፈልጉ።
እግዚአብሄር ይገስፃቸው።

Abere wrote:
29 Sep 2022, 15:02
ሰፋ አድርገህ ካየኸው ሃይማኖት ማለት በአርያም በሚኖረው ህያው አምላክ ማመን ከሆነ፤ ህያው አምላክ ደግሞ አለማትን የፈጠረ ነው። ስለዚህ እያንዳንዱ ድንቅ ነገር እግዚአብሄር ለአላማ እና ለተግባር የፈጠረው ነው። ውሃ እና ንፋስ ለፍጡራን የህይወት ምግብ እንደ ሆኑ ሁሉ ክዋክብትም እንድሁ ብዙ ተግባራት አላቸው የወቅት መፈራረቅ፤ የእግዚአብሄር ምስጢር መገለጫዎች ናቸው። ለምሳሌ ዓመተ-ምህረት እንላለን ይህ ማለት ሃይማኖታዊ ነው። እግዚአብሄር የአዳም እና የሄዋን በከይሲ ዲያብሎስ መሳሳት ካየ በኋላ የአዳምን ልብ ትካዜ ተረድቶ በኋለኛው ዘመን ከልጅ ልጅህ ተወልጄ በመልዕልተ መስቀል ተሰቅየ አድንህ አለሁ ከተባረርክባት ገነት እንደ ገና እመልስህ አለሁ ብሎ ቃል ኪዳን ሲገባለት የድርጊት ጊዜ ሰሌዳ ነበረው።
Naga Tuma wrote:
29 Sep 2022, 14:29

የምድር እና የጨረቃን መሽከርከሮች የወለዳቸዉ ሃይማኖት ነዉ በለኛ። የኢትዮጵያም ሆነ የየትኛዉም ሃገር ዘመን መለወጫ ከነዚህ መሽከርከሮች የተለየ ነዉ በለኛ።

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Re: በሠለጠነ መንገድ እንወያይ : በኢሬቻ ዛፍ ለምን ቅቤ ይቀባል ?

Post by Selam/ » 29 Sep 2022, 23:28

አላዋቂዎችና ፍንዳታዎች እያጨናበሩን ነው እንጂ እምነታችን የታሪካችን መሰረት ነው። ፈጣሪ ለኖህ ቃል የገባው በቀስተደመና አመላክቶ ነው። ደምቀው የወጡት ሶስት ቀለማት ዛሬ ክፉዎችን የሚያርገፈግፈውን የኢትዮዽያ ሰንደቅ ዓላማን ወለዱ። አረንጓዴው ፍጥረትን ወይንም መፈጠርን፣ ቢጫው የፈጣሪ ብርሃንንና ፍፁምነትን፣ ቀዩ ደግሞ የበጉን ደም ይወክላሉ። እነሱን ስናይ ከጥፋት ውኃ በኋላ የተደረልን ቃል ኪዳኑ ይታወሰናል፤ ከሶስቱ ስላሴዎችም ጋር ያስተሳስረናል፣ ከያሬድ ሶስት የዜማ ስርአቶች (ግዕዝ፣ እዝልና አራራይ) ጋራም ያዋህደናል። ህይወታችን ከዘፍጥረት እስከ ዮሐንስ ራዕይ ድረስ በነዚህ ህብረ ቀለማት ታስራለች።
Abere wrote:
29 Sep 2022, 17:32
እግዜር ይስጥልን! ድንቅ ማብራርያ ነው። ለብዙዎች ጠቃሚ ትምህርት ነው። በርካቶች መሰረታዊ አመጣጡን በማሳሳት ሃይማኖታዊነቱን አውቀው ለማፋለስ ይታትራሉ።ትውፊት የመደምሰስ ሴራ ነው። ብዙ ጊዜ የሚገርመኝ ነገር ነው።
Selam/ wrote:
29 Sep 2022, 16:22
የኢትዮዽያ ዘመን አቆጣጠር መሰረቱ ፈጣሪ እግዚአብሄር ነው፣ በሙሴና ሄኖክ መጽሃፍ የተደገፈ ነው። መስከረም አንድ የኖኅ መርከብን ወደከፍ ያለ ቦታ መምጣት፣ የውሃ ሙላት ያቆመበት፣ የምድር ፍጥረታትና አእዋፎች ከተደበቁበት ወደህይወትና ወደብርሃን የተመለሱበት ወቅት ነው።

እንቁጣጣሽ አዲስ መወለድንና ተስፋን ይገልፃል። የዘመኑ ሰዎች እንቁጣጣሽ ማለት አይወዱም ዜና በደንብ ተከታትላችሁ ከሆነ በዓሉ አለማዊ እንዲሆን ስለሚፈልጉ።
እግዚአብሄር ይገስፃቸው።

Abere wrote:
29 Sep 2022, 15:02
ሰፋ አድርገህ ካየኸው ሃይማኖት ማለት በአርያም በሚኖረው ህያው አምላክ ማመን ከሆነ፤ ህያው አምላክ ደግሞ አለማትን የፈጠረ ነው። ስለዚህ እያንዳንዱ ድንቅ ነገር እግዚአብሄር ለአላማ እና ለተግባር የፈጠረው ነው። ውሃ እና ንፋስ ለፍጡራን የህይወት ምግብ እንደ ሆኑ ሁሉ ክዋክብትም እንድሁ ብዙ ተግባራት አላቸው የወቅት መፈራረቅ፤ የእግዚአብሄር ምስጢር መገለጫዎች ናቸው። ለምሳሌ ዓመተ-ምህረት እንላለን ይህ ማለት ሃይማኖታዊ ነው። እግዚአብሄር የአዳም እና የሄዋን በከይሲ ዲያብሎስ መሳሳት ካየ በኋላ የአዳምን ልብ ትካዜ ተረድቶ በኋለኛው ዘመን ከልጅ ልጅህ ተወልጄ በመልዕልተ መስቀል ተሰቅየ አድንህ አለሁ ከተባረርክባት ገነት እንደ ገና እመልስህ አለሁ ብሎ ቃል ኪዳን ሲገባለት የድርጊት ጊዜ ሰሌዳ ነበረው።
Naga Tuma wrote:
29 Sep 2022, 14:29

የምድር እና የጨረቃን መሽከርከሮች የወለዳቸዉ ሃይማኖት ነዉ በለኛ። የኢትዮጵያም ሆነ የየትኛዉም ሃገር ዘመን መለወጫ ከነዚህ መሽከርከሮች የተለየ ነዉ በለኛ።

Thomas H
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Re: በሠለጠነ መንገድ እንወያይ : በኢሬቻ ዛፍ ለምን ቅቤ ይቀባል ?

Post by Thomas H » 30 Sep 2022, 20:21

ኢሬቻ በ1903 በቢሾፍቱ ( ነፍጠኞች ከተማውን ደብረዘይት ብለው ሰየሙት)

Posts: 9324
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Re: በሠለጠነ መንገድ እንወያይ : በኢሬቻ ዛፍ ለምን ቅቤ ይቀባል ?

Post by sun » 30 Sep 2022, 21:29

Thomas H wrote:
29 Sep 2022, 07:27
እስኪ በቁም ነገር እንወያይ:: በኢሬቻ ዛፍ ለምን ቅቤ ይቀባል ? ቆሪጥ ማን ነው ? የቆሪጥ ሚና በኢሬቻ ምንድን ነው ? በሠለጠነ መንገድ ለምትወያዩ በቅድሚያ አመሰግናለሁ ::
Hmm... :P :P

Some times down here ignorant is considered as wisdom and wisdom as ignorance.

Otherwise Trees are essential parts of life. Tree symbolism plays a vital role since time immemorial. For instance, it gives nourishment, medicines that cure deadly sicknesses and are the breathing lungs of the world. Importantly, it forms home for many organisms. Likewise, trees make the environment friendly, fertile, productive and beautiful to the physical and spiritual identities. They can symbolize many things, including strength, love, peace, humble beginnings, among others. Some trees were also sacred and divine in some cultures. For instance, they would perform the rite of passage, sacrifices, and rituals under some particular trees. They believe those trees hold some supernatural power and could protect them from evil. Why not, if some people believe that dead ancestors and other dead entities can protect them from evil.

What Can I learn From Tree Symbolism
Tree symbolism in life teaches us to be patient. Look at how long a tree takes to grow, but it doesn’t give up. Also, a tree survives all the storms, and so shall we in life. We must learn to be strong and adaptive, to be self-regenerating. Indeed not every trial that comes our way will kill us, and some will only test our faith. Of importance is the ability of a tree to stand tall. This represents pride and confidence. Just like the tree, believe in yourself, continue building yourself up with new knowledge, expand your territories of experience and exercise all the freedom as egalitarian Oromos have known for centuries and rightly paying respect to the trees.

Bible Meaning of Trees
Biblically, trees have been used symbolically to represent life, healing, death, etc. For instance, Jesus Christ mentions that a tree that does not bear fruit is cut and burnt. In Christian life, you have to be productive; teaching people the word of God is like bearing spiritual fruits. Also, in the bible, trees of life represent salvation and eternal life. Another good example is where Jesus is referred to as the true vine, it means that Jesus is the connection between God and us, and we are the branches and God in the garden. These are just a few examples where trees symbolize spirituality, whether true or not.

The Symbolism Behind Trees
Trees often grow upwards above the earth’s surface. It signifies strength, growth, uniqueness, and empowerment. In life, everyone is striving to be outstanding and more significant. So be it in business, academics, and relationships. Thus this tree symbolism teaches us to continue growing, gain experience, etc. Likewise, the roots of a tree always grow deep into the water table. It accepts nourishment from far and wide. Thus, this lesson teaches humankind that you must learn to be persistent, spread your wings, and don’t be lazy in life. Besides, the roots represent the beginning; always be humble if you want to reach greater heights in life.

What Tree Symbolizes Life And Death
Trees of life is often a biblical statement that means restoration and forgiveness. The ash tree represents healing, while the Italian cypress represents mourning; it is a tree of death. The baobab tree is sacred in the African culture since it holds the spirits of the dead people. In addition, it was believed to have magical properties. The Christmas tree has a Christian significance.

Tree Symbolism and Meanings
When many people think of symbolism, they think about how animals can relate to people. For example, mother bears are just as protective as human mothers. However, it’s not just animals that have symbolism. Plants and even ideas can have their symbolism!

All the parts of the tree are essential to the plant’s symbolic meaning. The roots, trunk, branches, leaves, and fruits are all-important physically and metaphorically. Frankly, the tree adds a certain amount of symbolism to the plant. Besides, all trees have this basic symbolism in them.

The roots of a tree can represent how a person can be rooted in one spot. Trees rarely move from where you plant them. It can only move due to human activities. So the tree stands in its place globally, even if the humans around it aren’t. The trunk of the tree can symbolize all of the strength that lies within the tree. The trunk needs to hold up the weight of the tree if the plant is to survive.

Another vital part of the tree is the plant’s branches. They often symbolize family and home. Many animals make their homes in the branches of trees; bird often builds their nests in the high branches to stay away from predators. The branches also can symbolize family because of the way that humans draw out family trees. Family trees branch off into different directions, just like the physical trees. In many western societies even to today lots of lonely and depressed persons go out in to the forest and hug trees, talking to them for several hours after which time their depression may even get cured and or significantly improved.

Why not because even going to the psychiatrist paying lots of money means that the psychiatrist's role is just for listing to the problems until the patient himself/herself come to recognize the cause of own problems through own monologue in the presence of an expert. The tree can also patiently listen to your heart beats when you hug and talk to it helping find solutions to your own problems by yourself. So respect the tree as much as you respect the psychiatrist also in this particular instance.

Leaves and needles are also important. Trees with leaves can symbolize the circle of life and death rather well because of how the tree loses its leaves in the winter and grows them back in the spring. Trees with needles somewhat represent eternal life or, at least, persistence. They don’t lose their needles just because of the changing of the seasons. This can also help to symbolize the strength of the tree. Lastly, the fruit that grows on trees can represent new life and closeness to nature. Subsistence is what we can get from these fruits, and it is also what can be symbolized by these foods.

The Lucky Peach
The Chinese find the peach tree as a lucky symbol. The peach tree parts carry different symbolic meanings in Chinese culture. For instance, the wood symbolizes longevity. The petals of peach symbolize blossoming love, while the fruits represent perpetual vitality.

The Plum Tree Symbolism
The plum tree often symbolizes thriving beauty, love, and fruitfulness. Also, in Japanese culture, the plum tree is a symbol of protection from evil.

Apple Trees can provide their symbolism as well. The apple tree is terrific in many regards. It is excellent at producing fruit in many seasons, depending on what kind of apple tree. The apple tree is said to be related to the female form and everything feminine. Because of this fact, the apple tree is excellent at symbolizing motherhood, fertility, romance, and beauty.

Willow Trees also have important individual symbolism. Centuries ago, the willow tree was used in many cultures and ceremonies often held at night, relating the tree with night. Because of all of these things, the willow tree symbolizes night, imagination and mystery.

Delving into the symbolic realm of a tree opens your mind to an endless world of exciting things about trees. Among the moral lessons from trees are living, growing, patience, perseverance, and change. Indeed, in life, tree symbols urge us never to stop growing, always stand firm, and keep aiming higher. Trees stand firm at all seasons; therefore, always stand grounded even when you are facing challenges.

So because of all these generous broad based gifts to humanity from the trees, Oromos should have rvbbed or fed bvtter to the trees even every single day, not only once a year, simply because humans exist because trees exist.

Senior Member
Posts: 11824
Joined: 04 Aug 2018, 13:15

Re: በሠለጠነ መንገድ እንወያይ : በኢሬቻ ዛፍ ለምን ቅቤ ይቀባል ?

Post by Selam/ » 30 Sep 2022, 23:32

Sun - All good what you said. My question to you is this: do you worship God?
sun wrote:
30 Sep 2022, 21:29
Thomas H wrote:
29 Sep 2022, 07:27
እስኪ በቁም ነገር እንወያይ:: በኢሬቻ ዛፍ ለምን ቅቤ ይቀባል ? ቆሪጥ ማን ነው ? የቆሪጥ ሚና በኢሬቻ ምንድን ነው ? በሠለጠነ መንገድ ለምትወያዩ በቅድሚያ አመሰግናለሁ ::
Hmm... :P :P

Some times down here ignorant is considered as wisdom and wisdom as ignorance.

Otherwise Trees are essential parts of life. Tree symbolism plays a vital role since time immemorial. For instance, it gives nourishment, medicines that cure deadly sicknesses and are the breathing lungs of the world. Importantly, it forms home for many organisms. Likewise, trees make the environment friendly, fertile, productive and beautiful to the physical and spiritual identities. They can symbolize many things, including strength, love, peace, humble beginnings, among others. Some trees were also sacred and divine in some cultures. For instance, they would perform the rite of passage, sacrifices, and rituals under some particular trees. They believe those trees hold some supernatural power and could protect them from evil. Why not, if some people believe that dead ancestors and other dead entities can protect them from evil.

What Can I learn From Tree Symbolism
Tree symbolism in life teaches us to be patient. Look at how long a tree takes to grow, but it doesn’t give up. Also, a tree survives all the storms, and so shall we in life. We must learn to be strong and adaptive, to be self-regenerating. Indeed not every trial that comes our way will kill us, and some will only test our faith. Of importance is the ability of a tree to stand tall. This represents pride and confidence. Just like the tree, believe in yourself, continue building yourself up with new knowledge, expand your territories of experience and exercise all the freedom as egalitarian Oromos have known for centuries and rightly paying respect to the trees.

Bible Meaning of Trees
Biblically, trees have been used symbolically to represent life, healing, death, etc. For instance, Jesus Christ mentions that a tree that does not bear fruit is cut and burnt. In Christian life, you have to be productive; teaching people the word of God is like bearing spiritual fruits. Also, in the bible, trees of life represent salvation and eternal life. Another good example is where Jesus is referred to as the true vine, it means that Jesus is the connection between God and us, and we are the branches and God in the garden. These are just a few examples where trees symbolize spirituality, whether true or not.

The Symbolism Behind Trees
Trees often grow upwards above the earth’s surface. It signifies strength, growth, uniqueness, and empowerment. In life, everyone is striving to be outstanding and more significant. So be it in business, academics, and relationships. Thus this tree symbolism teaches us to continue growing, gain experience, etc. Likewise, the roots of a tree always grow deep into the water table. It accepts nourishment from far and wide. Thus, this lesson teaches humankind that you must learn to be persistent, spread your wings, and don’t be lazy in life. Besides, the roots represent the beginning; always be humble if you want to reach greater heights in life.

What Tree Symbolizes Life And Death
Trees of life is often a biblical statement that means restoration and forgiveness. The ash tree represents healing, while the Italian cypress represents mourning; it is a tree of death. The baobab tree is sacred in the African culture since it holds the spirits of the dead people. In addition, it was believed to have magical properties. The Christmas tree has a Christian significance.

Tree Symbolism and Meanings
When many people think of symbolism, they think about how animals can relate to people. For example, mother bears are just as protective as human mothers. However, it’s not just animals that have symbolism. Plants and even ideas can have their symbolism!

All the parts of the tree are essential to the plant’s symbolic meaning. The roots, trunk, branches, leaves, and fruits are all-important physically and metaphorically. Frankly, the tree adds a certain amount of symbolism to the plant. Besides, all trees have this basic symbolism in them.

The roots of a tree can represent how a person can be rooted in one spot. Trees rarely move from where you plant them. It can only move due to human activities. So the tree stands in its place globally, even if the humans around it aren’t. The trunk of the tree can symbolize all of the strength that lies within the tree. The trunk needs to hold up the weight of the tree if the plant is to survive.

Another vital part of the tree is the plant’s branches. They often symbolize family and home. Many animals make their homes in the branches of trees; bird often builds their nests in the high branches to stay away from predators. The branches also can symbolize family because of the way that humans draw out family trees. Family trees branch off into different directions, just like the physical trees. In many western societies even to today lots of lonely and depressed persons go out in to the forest and hug trees, talking to them for several hours after which time their depression may even get cured and or significantly improved.

Why not because even going to the psychiatrist paying lots of money means that the psychiatrist's role is just for listing to the problems until the patient himself/herself come to recognize the cause of own problems through own monologue in the presence of an expert. The tree can also patiently listen to your heart beats when you hug and talk to it helping find solutions to your own problems by yourself. So respect the tree as much as you respect the psychiatrist also in this particular instance.

Leaves and needles are also important. Trees with leaves can symbolize the circle of life and death rather well because of how the tree loses its leaves in the winter and grows them back in the spring. Trees with needles somewhat represent eternal life or, at least, persistence. They don’t lose their needles just because of the changing of the seasons. This can also help to symbolize the strength of the tree. Lastly, the fruit that grows on trees can represent new life and closeness to nature. Subsistence is what we can get from these fruits, and it is also what can be symbolized by these foods.

The Lucky Peach
The Chinese find the peach tree as a lucky symbol. The peach tree parts carry different symbolic meanings in Chinese culture. For instance, the wood symbolizes longevity. The petals of peach symbolize blossoming love, while the fruits represent perpetual vitality.

The Plum Tree Symbolism
The plum tree often symbolizes thriving beauty, love, and fruitfulness. Also, in Japanese culture, the plum tree is a symbol of protection from evil.

Apple Trees can provide their symbolism as well. The apple tree is terrific in many regards. It is excellent at producing fruit in many seasons, depending on what kind of apple tree. The apple tree is said to be related to the female form and everything feminine. Because of this fact, the apple tree is excellent at symbolizing motherhood, fertility, romance, and beauty.

Willow Trees also have important individual symbolism. Centuries ago, the willow tree was used in many cultures and ceremonies often held at night, relating the tree with night. Because of all of these things, the willow tree symbolizes night, imagination and mystery.

Delving into the symbolic realm of a tree opens your mind to an endless world of exciting things about trees. Among the moral lessons from trees are living, growing, patience, perseverance, and change. Indeed, in life, tree symbols urge us never to stop growing, always stand firm, and keep aiming higher. Trees stand firm at all seasons; therefore, always stand grounded even when you are facing challenges.

So because of all these generous broad based gifts to humanity from the trees, Oromos should have rvbbed or fed bvtter to the trees even every single day, not only once a year, simply because humans exist because trees exist.

Thomas H
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Location: Kaliti

Re: በሠለጠነ መንገድ እንወያይ : በኢሬቻ ዛፍ ለምን ቅቤ ይቀባል ?

Post by Thomas H » 01 Oct 2022, 01:07

እኔ በበኩሌ ዛፍ ቅቤ ቀባ ቢሉኝ ይሄንን ዛፍ ደህና አድርጌ ነበር የምቀባው

Posts: 1505
Joined: 30 Sep 2018, 07:07

Re: በሠለጠነ መንገድ እንወያይ : በኢሬቻ ዛፍ ለምን ቅቤ ይቀባል ?

Post by Jirta » 01 Oct 2022, 03:19

መቼም የእኛ ሃሳብ የነፍጠኛ ነው ሊባል ይችላል::ማስረጃ በእሬቻ ካደገው::እሬቻ መዘዙ ለራሱ ለኦሮሞ ሲሆን ዳፋው ግን ለሌሎችም ይተርፋል::ሲያጡ ሌላውንምመስዋእት ብለው ማረዳቸው አይቀሬ ነው::

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Posts: 11824
Joined: 04 Aug 2018, 13:15

Re: በሠለጠነ መንገድ እንወያይ : በኢሬቻ ዛፍ ለምን ቅቤ ይቀባል ?

Post by Selam/ » 01 Oct 2022, 08:29

Thomas Hagos the woyane leech - You have no ዛፍ, no ቅቤ & no faith. But if you had a tree, you could rub it with the innocent blood that you have been shedding for the last five decades. So, shut the fvck up. KIFFU!
Thomas H wrote:
01 Oct 2022, 01:07
እኔ በበኩሌ ዛፍ ቅቤ ቀባ ቢሉኝ ይሄንን ዛፍ ደህና አድርጌ ነበር የምቀባው

Posts: 9324
Joined: 15 Sep 2013, 16:00

Re: በሠለጠነ መንገድ እንወያይ : በኢሬቻ ዛፍ ለምን ቅቤ ይቀባል ?

Post by sun » 01 Oct 2022, 22:06

Thank you for your question but who is God? Did humans create God or God created humans?
Selam/ wrote:
30 Sep 2022, 23:32
Sun - All good what you said. My question to you is this: do you worship God?
sun wrote:
30 Sep 2022, 21:29
Thomas H wrote:
29 Sep 2022, 07:27
እስኪ በቁም ነገር እንወያይ:: በኢሬቻ ዛፍ ለምን ቅቤ ይቀባል ? ቆሪጥ ማን ነው ? የቆሪጥ ሚና በኢሬቻ ምንድን ነው ? በሠለጠነ መንገድ ለምትወያዩ በቅድሚያ አመሰግናለሁ ::
Hmm... :P :P

Some times down here ignorant is considered as wisdom and wisdom as ignorance.

Otherwise Trees are essential parts of life. Tree symbolism plays a vital role since time immemorial. For instance, it gives nourishment, medicines that cure deadly sicknesses and are the breathing lungs of the world. Importantly, it forms home for many organisms. Likewise, trees make the environment friendly, fertile, productive and beautiful to the physical and spiritual identities. They can symbolize many things, including strength, love, peace, humble beginnings, among others. Some trees were also sacred and divine in some cultures. For instance, they would perform the rite of passage, sacrifices, and rituals under some particular trees. They believe those trees hold some supernatural power and could protect them from evil. Why not, if some people believe that dead ancestors and other dead entities can protect them from evil.

What Can I learn From Tree Symbolism
Tree symbolism in life teaches us to be patient. Look at how long a tree takes to grow, but it doesn’t give up. Also, a tree survives all the storms, and so shall we in life. We must learn to be strong and adaptive, to be self-regenerating. Indeed not every trial that comes our way will kill us, and some will only test our faith. Of importance is the ability of a tree to stand tall. This represents pride and confidence. Just like the tree, believe in yourself, continue building yourself up with new knowledge, expand your territories of experience and exercise all the freedom as egalitarian Oromos have known for centuries and rightly paying respect to the trees.

Bible Meaning of Trees
Biblically, trees have been used symbolically to represent life, healing, death, etc. For instance, Jesus Christ mentions that a tree that does not bear fruit is cut and burnt. In Christian life, you have to be productive; teaching people the word of God is like bearing spiritual fruits. Also, in the bible, trees of life represent salvation and eternal life. Another good example is where Jesus is referred to as the true vine, it means that Jesus is the connection between God and us, and we are the branches and God in the garden. These are just a few examples where trees symbolize spirituality, whether true or not.

The Symbolism Behind Trees
Trees often grow upwards above the earth’s surface. It signifies strength, growth, uniqueness, and empowerment. In life, everyone is striving to be outstanding and more significant. So be it in business, academics, and relationships. Thus this tree symbolism teaches us to continue growing, gain experience, etc. Likewise, the roots of a tree always grow deep into the water table. It accepts nourishment from far and wide. Thus, this lesson teaches humankind that you must learn to be persistent, spread your wings, and don’t be lazy in life. Besides, the roots represent the beginning; always be humble if you want to reach greater heights in life.

What Tree Symbolizes Life And Death
Trees of life is often a biblical statement that means restoration and forgiveness. The ash tree represents healing, while the Italian cypress represents mourning; it is a tree of death. The baobab tree is sacred in the African culture since it holds the spirits of the dead people. In addition, it was believed to have magical properties. The Christmas tree has a Christian significance.

Tree Symbolism and Meanings
When many people think of symbolism, they think about how animals can relate to people. For example, mother bears are just as protective as human mothers. However, it’s not just animals that have symbolism. Plants and even ideas can have their symbolism!

All the parts of the tree are essential to the plant’s symbolic meaning. The roots, trunk, branches, leaves, and fruits are all-important physically and metaphorically. Frankly, the tree adds a certain amount of symbolism to the plant. Besides, all trees have this basic symbolism in them.

The roots of a tree can represent how a person can be rooted in one spot. Trees rarely move from where you plant them. It can only move due to human activities. So the tree stands in its place globally, even if the humans around it aren’t. The trunk of the tree can symbolize all of the strength that lies within the tree. The trunk needs to hold up the weight of the tree if the plant is to survive.

Another vital part of the tree is the plant’s branches. They often symbolize family and home. Many animals make their homes in the branches of trees; bird often builds their nests in the high branches to stay away from predators. The branches also can symbolize family because of the way that humans draw out family trees. Family trees branch off into different directions, just like the physical trees. In many western societies even to today lots of lonely and depressed persons go out in to the forest and hug trees, talking to them for several hours after which time their depression may even get cured and or significantly improved.

Why not because even going to the psychiatrist paying lots of money means that the psychiatrist's role is just for listing to the problems until the patient himself/herself come to recognize the cause of own problems through own monologue in the presence of an expert. The tree can also patiently listen to your heart beats when you hug and talk to it helping find solutions to your own problems by yourself. So respect the tree as much as you respect the psychiatrist also in this particular instance.

Leaves and needles are also important. Trees with leaves can symbolize the circle of life and death rather well because of how the tree loses its leaves in the winter and grows them back in the spring. Trees with needles somewhat represent eternal life or, at least, persistence. They don’t lose their needles just because of the changing of the seasons. This can also help to symbolize the strength of the tree. Lastly, the fruit that grows on trees can represent new life and closeness to nature. Subsistence is what we can get from these fruits, and it is also what can be symbolized by these foods.

The Lucky Peach
The Chinese find the peach tree as a lucky symbol. The peach tree parts carry different symbolic meanings in Chinese culture. For instance, the wood symbolizes longevity. The petals of peach symbolize blossoming love, while the fruits represent perpetual vitality.

The Plum Tree Symbolism
The plum tree often symbolizes thriving beauty, love, and fruitfulness. Also, in Japanese culture, the plum tree is a symbol of protection from evil.

Apple Trees can provide their symbolism as well. The apple tree is terrific in many regards. It is excellent at producing fruit in many seasons, depending on what kind of apple tree. The apple tree is said to be related to the female form and everything feminine. Because of this fact, the apple tree is excellent at symbolizing motherhood, fertility, romance, and beauty.

Willow Trees also have important individual symbolism. Centuries ago, the willow tree was used in many cultures and ceremonies often held at night, relating the tree with night. Because of all of these things, the willow tree symbolizes night, imagination and mystery.

Delving into the symbolic realm of a tree opens your mind to an endless world of exciting things about trees. Among the moral lessons from trees are living, growing, patience, perseverance, and change. Indeed, in life, tree symbols urge us never to stop growing, always stand firm, and keep aiming higher. Trees stand firm at all seasons; therefore, always stand grounded even when you are facing challenges.

So because of all these generous broad based gifts to humanity from the trees, Oromos should have rvbbed or fed bvtter to the trees even every single day, not only once a year, simply because humans exist because trees exist.

Posts: 9324
Joined: 15 Sep 2013, 16:00

Re: በሠለጠነ መንገድ እንወያይ : በኢሬቻ ዛፍ ለምን ቅቤ ይቀባል ?

Post by sun » 01 Oct 2022, 22:12

Who is God? Did God create humans or Humans created God?

Selam/ wrote:
30 Sep 2022, 23:32
Sun - All good what you said. My question to you is this: do you worship God?
sun wrote:
30 Sep 2022, 21:29
Thomas H wrote:
29 Sep 2022, 07:27
እስኪ በቁም ነገር እንወያይ:: በኢሬቻ ዛፍ ለምን ቅቤ ይቀባል ? ቆሪጥ ማን ነው ? የቆሪጥ ሚና በኢሬቻ ምንድን ነው ? በሠለጠነ መንገድ ለምትወያዩ በቅድሚያ አመሰግናለሁ ::
Hmm... :P :P

Some times down here ignorant is considered as wisdom and wisdom as ignorance.

Otherwise Trees are essential parts of life. Tree symbolism plays a vital role since time immemorial. For instance, it gives nourishment, medicines that cure deadly sicknesses and are the breathing lungs of the world. Importantly, it forms home for many organisms. Likewise, trees make the environment friendly, fertile, productive and beautiful to the physical and spiritual identities. They can symbolize many things, including strength, love, peace, humble beginnings, among others. Some trees were also sacred and divine in some cultures. For instance, they would perform the rite of passage, sacrifices, and rituals under some particular trees. They believe those trees hold some supernatural power and could protect them from evil. Why not, if some people believe that dead ancestors and other dead entities can protect them from evil.

What Can I learn From Tree Symbolism
Tree symbolism in life teaches us to be patient. Look at how long a tree takes to grow, but it doesn’t give up. Also, a tree survives all the storms, and so shall we in life. We must learn to be strong and adaptive, to be self-regenerating. Indeed not every trial that comes our way will kill us, and some will only test our faith. Of importance is the ability of a tree to stand tall. This represents pride and confidence. Just like the tree, believe in yourself, continue building yourself up with new knowledge, expand your territories of experience and exercise all the freedom as egalitarian Oromos have known for centuries and rightly paying respect to the trees.

Bible Meaning of Trees
Biblically, trees have been used symbolically to represent life, healing, death, etc. For instance, Jesus Christ mentions that a tree that does not bear fruit is cut and burnt. In Christian life, you have to be productive; teaching people the word of God is like bearing spiritual fruits. Also, in the bible, trees of life represent salvation and eternal life. Another good example is where Jesus is referred to as the true vine, it means that Jesus is the connection between God and us, and we are the branches and God in the garden. These are just a few examples where trees symbolize spirituality, whether true or not.

The Symbolism Behind Trees
Trees often grow upwards above the earth’s surface. It signifies strength, growth, uniqueness, and empowerment. In life, everyone is striving to be outstanding and more significant. So be it in business, academics, and relationships. Thus this tree symbolism teaches us to continue growing, gain experience, etc. Likewise, the roots of a tree always grow deep into the water table. It accepts nourishment from far and wide. Thus, this lesson teaches humankind that you must learn to be persistent, spread your wings, and don’t be lazy in life. Besides, the roots represent the beginning; always be humble if you want to reach greater heights in life.

What Tree Symbolizes Life And Death
Trees of life is often a biblical statement that means restoration and forgiveness. The ash tree represents healing, while the Italian cypress represents mourning; it is a tree of death. The baobab tree is sacred in the African culture since it holds the spirits of the dead people. In addition, it was believed to have magical properties. The Christmas tree has a Christian significance.

Tree Symbolism and Meanings
When many people think of symbolism, they think about how animals can relate to people. For example, mother bears are just as protective as human mothers. However, it’s not just animals that have symbolism. Plants and even ideas can have their symbolism!

All the parts of the tree are essential to the plant’s symbolic meaning. The roots, trunk, branches, leaves, and fruits are all-important physically and metaphorically. Frankly, the tree adds a certain amount of symbolism to the plant. Besides, all trees have this basic symbolism in them.

The roots of a tree can represent how a person can be rooted in one spot. Trees rarely move from where you plant them. It can only move due to human activities. So the tree stands in its place globally, even if the humans around it aren’t. The trunk of the tree can symbolize all of the strength that lies within the tree. The trunk needs to hold up the weight of the tree if the plant is to survive.

Another vital part of the tree is the plant’s branches. They often symbolize family and home. Many animals make their homes in the branches of trees; bird often builds their nests in the high branches to stay away from predators. The branches also can symbolize family because of the way that humans draw out family trees. Family trees branch off into different directions, just like the physical trees. In many western societies even to today lots of lonely and depressed persons go out in to the forest and hug trees, talking to them for several hours after which time their depression may even get cured and or significantly improved.

Why not because even going to the psychiatrist paying lots of money means that the psychiatrist's role is just for listing to the problems until the patient himself/herself come to recognize the cause of own problems through own monologue in the presence of an expert. The tree can also patiently listen to your heart beats when you hug and talk to it helping find solutions to your own problems by yourself. So respect the tree as much as you respect the psychiatrist also in this particular instance.

Leaves and needles are also important. Trees with leaves can symbolize the circle of life and death rather well because of how the tree loses its leaves in the winter and grows them back in the spring. Trees with needles somewhat represent eternal life or, at least, persistence. They don’t lose their needles just because of the changing of the seasons. This can also help to symbolize the strength of the tree. Lastly, the fruit that grows on trees can represent new life and closeness to nature. Subsistence is what we can get from these fruits, and it is also what can be symbolized by these foods.

The Lucky Peach
The Chinese find the peach tree as a lucky symbol. The peach tree parts carry different symbolic meanings in Chinese culture. For instance, the wood symbolizes longevity. The petals of peach symbolize blossoming love, while the fruits represent perpetual vitality.

The Plum Tree Symbolism
The plum tree often symbolizes thriving beauty, love, and fruitfulness. Also, in Japanese culture, the plum tree is a symbol of protection from evil.

Apple Trees can provide their symbolism as well. The apple tree is terrific in many regards. It is excellent at producing fruit in many seasons, depending on what kind of apple tree. The apple tree is said to be related to the female form and everything feminine. Because of this fact, the apple tree is excellent at symbolizing motherhood, fertility, romance, and beauty.

Willow Trees also have important individual symbolism. Centuries ago, the willow tree was used in many cultures and ceremonies often held at night, relating the tree with night. Because of all of these things, the willow tree symbolizes night, imagination and mystery.

Delving into the symbolic realm of a tree opens your mind to an endless world of exciting things about trees. Among the moral lessons from trees are living, growing, patience, perseverance, and change. Indeed, in life, tree symbols urge us never to stop growing, always stand firm, and keep aiming higher. Trees stand firm at all seasons; therefore, always stand grounded even when you are facing challenges.

So because of all these generous broad based gifts to humanity from the trees, Oromos should have rvbbed or fed bvtter to the trees even every single day, not only once a year, simply because humans exist because trees exist.

Senior Member
Posts: 11824
Joined: 04 Aug 2018, 13:15

Re: በሠለጠነ መንገድ እንወያይ : በኢሬቻ ዛፍ ለምን ቅቤ ይቀባል ?

Post by Selam/ » 01 Oct 2022, 23:49

Thank you, Sun. Question answered.

Some people venerate trees, stones, bodies of water while others worship owls, eagles & cows. Our Wollega brothers call this kind of practice idolatry, zoolatry or cult. Did humans create those objects & animals or they came out of thin air as a result of a Big Bang? Lol!
sun wrote:
01 Oct 2022, 22:12
Who is God? Did God create humans or Humans created God?

Selam/ wrote:
30 Sep 2022, 23:32
Sun - All good what you said. My question to you is this: do you worship God?
sun wrote:
30 Sep 2022, 21:29
Thomas H wrote:
29 Sep 2022, 07:27
እስኪ በቁም ነገር እንወያይ:: በኢሬቻ ዛፍ ለምን ቅቤ ይቀባል ? ቆሪጥ ማን ነው ? የቆሪጥ ሚና በኢሬቻ ምንድን ነው ? በሠለጠነ መንገድ ለምትወያዩ በቅድሚያ አመሰግናለሁ ::
Hmm... :P :P

Some times down here ignorant is considered as wisdom and wisdom as ignorance.

Otherwise Trees are essential parts of life. Tree symbolism plays a vital role since time immemorial. For instance, it gives nourishment, medicines that cure deadly sicknesses and are the breathing lungs of the world. Importantly, it forms home for many organisms. Likewise, trees make the environment friendly, fertile, productive and beautiful to the physical and spiritual identities. They can symbolize many things, including strength, love, peace, humble beginnings, among others. Some trees were also sacred and divine in some cultures. For instance, they would perform the rite of passage, sacrifices, and rituals under some particular trees. They believe those trees hold some supernatural power and could protect them from evil. Why not, if some people believe that dead ancestors and other dead entities can protect them from evil.

What Can I learn From Tree Symbolism
Tree symbolism in life teaches us to be patient. Look at how long a tree takes to grow, but it doesn’t give up. Also, a tree survives all the storms, and so shall we in life. We must learn to be strong and adaptive, to be self-regenerating. Indeed not every trial that comes our way will kill us, and some will only test our faith. Of importance is the ability of a tree to stand tall. This represents pride and confidence. Just like the tree, believe in yourself, continue building yourself up with new knowledge, expand your territories of experience and exercise all the freedom as egalitarian Oromos have known for centuries and rightly paying respect to the trees.

Bible Meaning of Trees
Biblically, trees have been used symbolically to represent life, healing, death, etc. For instance, Jesus Christ mentions that a tree that does not bear fruit is cut and burnt. In Christian life, you have to be productive; teaching people the word of God is like bearing spiritual fruits. Also, in the bible, trees of life represent salvation and eternal life. Another good example is where Jesus is referred to as the true vine, it means that Jesus is the connection between God and us, and we are the branches and God in the garden. These are just a few examples where trees symbolize spirituality, whether true or not.

The Symbolism Behind Trees
Trees often grow upwards above the earth’s surface. It signifies strength, growth, uniqueness, and empowerment. In life, everyone is striving to be outstanding and more significant. So be it in business, academics, and relationships. Thus this tree symbolism teaches us to continue growing, gain experience, etc. Likewise, the roots of a tree always grow deep into the water table. It accepts nourishment from far and wide. Thus, this lesson teaches humankind that you must learn to be persistent, spread your wings, and don’t be lazy in life. Besides, the roots represent the beginning; always be humble if you want to reach greater heights in life.

What Tree Symbolizes Life And Death
Trees of life is often a biblical statement that means restoration and forgiveness. The ash tree represents healing, while the Italian cypress represents mourning; it is a tree of death. The baobab tree is sacred in the African culture since it holds the spirits of the dead people. In addition, it was believed to have magical properties. The Christmas tree has a Christian significance.

Tree Symbolism and Meanings
When many people think of symbolism, they think about how animals can relate to people. For example, mother bears are just as protective as human mothers. However, it’s not just animals that have symbolism. Plants and even ideas can have their symbolism!

All the parts of the tree are essential to the plant’s symbolic meaning. The roots, trunk, branches, leaves, and fruits are all-important physically and metaphorically. Frankly, the tree adds a certain amount of symbolism to the plant. Besides, all trees have this basic symbolism in them.

The roots of a tree can represent how a person can be rooted in one spot. Trees rarely move from where you plant them. It can only move due to human activities. So the tree stands in its place globally, even if the humans around it aren’t. The trunk of the tree can symbolize all of the strength that lies within the tree. The trunk needs to hold up the weight of the tree if the plant is to survive.

Another vital part of the tree is the plant’s branches. They often symbolize family and home. Many animals make their homes in the branches of trees; bird often builds their nests in the high branches to stay away from predators. The branches also can symbolize family because of the way that humans draw out family trees. Family trees branch off into different directions, just like the physical trees. In many western societies even to today lots of lonely and depressed persons go out in to the forest and hug trees, talking to them for several hours after which time their depression may even get cured and or significantly improved.

Why not because even going to the psychiatrist paying lots of money means that the psychiatrist's role is just for listing to the problems until the patient himself/herself come to recognize the cause of own problems through own monologue in the presence of an expert. The tree can also patiently listen to your heart beats when you hug and talk to it helping find solutions to your own problems by yourself. So respect the tree as much as you respect the psychiatrist also in this particular instance.

Leaves and needles are also important. Trees with leaves can symbolize the circle of life and death rather well because of how the tree loses its leaves in the winter and grows them back in the spring. Trees with needles somewhat represent eternal life or, at least, persistence. They don’t lose their needles just because of the changing of the seasons. This can also help to symbolize the strength of the tree. Lastly, the fruit that grows on trees can represent new life and closeness to nature. Subsistence is what we can get from these fruits, and it is also what can be symbolized by these foods.

The Lucky Peach
The Chinese find the peach tree as a lucky symbol. The peach tree parts carry different symbolic meanings in Chinese culture. For instance, the wood symbolizes longevity. The petals of peach symbolize blossoming love, while the fruits represent perpetual vitality.

The Plum Tree Symbolism
The plum tree often symbolizes thriving beauty, love, and fruitfulness. Also, in Japanese culture, the plum tree is a symbol of protection from evil.

Apple Trees can provide their symbolism as well. The apple tree is terrific in many regards. It is excellent at producing fruit in many seasons, depending on what kind of apple tree. The apple tree is said to be related to the female form and everything feminine. Because of this fact, the apple tree is excellent at symbolizing motherhood, fertility, romance, and beauty.

Willow Trees also have important individual symbolism. Centuries ago, the willow tree was used in many cultures and ceremonies often held at night, relating the tree with night. Because of all of these things, the willow tree symbolizes night, imagination and mystery.

Delving into the symbolic realm of a tree opens your mind to an endless world of exciting things about trees. Among the moral lessons from trees are living, growing, patience, perseverance, and change. Indeed, in life, tree symbols urge us never to stop growing, always stand firm, and keep aiming higher. Trees stand firm at all seasons; therefore, always stand grounded even when you are facing challenges.

So because of all these generous broad based gifts to humanity from the trees, Oromos should have rvbbed or fed bvtter to the trees even every single day, not only once a year, simply because humans exist because trees exist.

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