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ወሎ (ቤተ-አማራ)የመስዋዕትነቱን መስቀል ተሸክሞ የአማራነትን ማማ የዘለቀ - በየዘመናቱ ብቅ ላሉ ግፈኞች ለኢትዮጵያ የተጋፈጠ (ከዐፄ ዮሀንስ - ዐብይ አህመድ)

Post by Abere » 13 Aug 2022, 12:14

ወሎ (ቤተ-አማራ)የመስዋዕትነቱን መስቀል ተሸክሞ የአማራነትን ማማ የዘለቀ - በየዘመናቱ ብቅ ላሉ ግፈኞች ለኢትዮጵያ የተጋፈጠ (ከዐፄ ዮሀንስ - ዐብይ አህመድ)

ግፈኛ የነበሩ በየግዜው የኢትዮጵያን ህዝብ ሲያስለቅሱ የነበሩ መሪዎች ሁሉ የወደቁት በወሎ ህዝብ ወይም በወሎ ምክንያት ነው ቢባለ መሳሳት አይሆንም። የወሎ ህዝብ ገራም እውነት እንደ ወረደ ሳይደብቅ የሚናገር በመሆኑ የኢትዮጵያ የፓለቲካ ቀውስ ማያ መስታወት ነው። በተለምዶ ስለ አንድ መሪ የወደፊት የፓለቲካ እርባና ለማወቅ የወሎ (የቤተ-አማራ)እረኞች ምን ብለው ዘፈኑ (አሎ ሉሉ(በጎጃመኛ) ፡ በወሎ ደግሞ እልዎ) አሉ ይባላል።ይህ ደግሞ ከዐፄ ዩሀንስ እስከ መንግስቱ ሃይለማርያም ያለውን ብሶት ተደምጧል። I would exclude Emepror Menilik II era for I have never read any glaring complains except the fact that Minelik II era left out the credit that more than 90% of the cavalry army was from Wollo. የወሎ ፈረሰኛ ህዝብ ነው በዓድዋ የተዋጋው ልክ አሁን በዓብይ ዘመን ከወያኔ ጋር ተዋግቶ ኦሮሙማ ነው ድሉን የቀማው። በምኒልክ ዘመንም የወሎ ፈረስኛ ነው በአብዛኛው የተዋጋው።

Wollo is the heart land of Amhara and its language is very original, when it comes to analysis of Amharic language. As long as Ethiopia is based on ethnic federalism and language is the basis of political identity, there is no more Amhara than Wollo Amhara. Wollo is the foundation rock of Amhara. All the sacrifices they have been paying one oppressive leader after another is because it is geographically and culturally the heart land of Amhara. If there were no Wollo, there would not be Amhara. Recently, OLF funded fake Amhara are spreading divisive propaganda to weaken Amhara and eat one after the other, by just singling out and magnifying the problem of Wollo. It is true Wollo has been exceptionally mistreated during the Abiy Ahmed era, particularly. First, the opportunist Agegnehu Teshager sold out Wollo, after they made so much sacrifice. He did this to please Abiy Ahmed by blindsiding Wollo people. Orommuma Abiy Ahmed revenged Wollo people for the flashed their middle finger at him claiming Wollo is Amhara aginst his Orommuma dream of occupation is impossible he ;and his OLF thugs hunted Wollo people all over Oromia and massacred them. Now, the world is regarded Abiy Ahmed as wanted criminal for ethnic Amhara genocide. He officially has a target on his forehead - he can't clean himself from that crime. Thus, Wollo Amhara are the martyrs of all Amhara. They deserve to be applauded for they fought alone with bare hand against TPLF and OLF-ENDF for 6 months.

Wollo is Amhara and Amhara is Wollo:

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Joined: 20 Apr 2013, 20:24

Re: ወሎ (ቤተ-አማራ)የመስዋዕትነቱን መስቀል ተሸክሞ የአማራነትን ማማ የዘለቀ - በየዘመናቱ ብቅ ላሉ ግፈኞች ለኢትዮጵያ የተጋፈጠ (ከዐፄ ዮሀንስ - ዐብይ አህመድ)

Post by Ethoash » 13 Aug 2022, 14:06

እሱን ለሽኔ እና ለቄሮ ትነግራለህ፣ ወሎ ግማሹ የኦሮሞ ሕዝብ መሬት ነው። ኦሮሞ በስምምነት ወይም በጉልበቱ መሬታቸውን ያስመልሳሉ ፣ እማራ በዚህ ሱዳን በዚህ ትግሬዎች በዚህ ሽኔ በጫጭቆቹሁ ልካችሁን ያስገቡላች ዋል ይህንን ሁሉ ግፍና ድህነት በኢትዬዽያ ላይ ስላመጣች ሁ ሁለተኛ ስልጣን ለአማራ አይስጣቸውም። እንደፈረደበት ግማሽ ጎንደርን ይዛቹሁ ከክልላቹሁ ሳትወጡ አርፋቹ ተቀመጡ ፣ በተረፈ የቆጡን አወርድ ብላ የብብቷን ጣለች ይተረክባቹዋል

ለምን የዛሬን ቀን በደስታ አታሳልፍም መንና መሪያችንን በመከተልና ፣ የመለስን ወለታ በማስታወስ u know 89% bond bought by the golden people while the Amhara boycotting Nile dam during the golden regime

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Re: ወሎ (ቤተ-አማራ)የመስዋዕትነቱን መስቀል ተሸክሞ የአማራነትን ማማ የዘለቀ - በየዘመናቱ ብቅ ላሉ ግፈኞች ለኢትዮጵያ የተጋፈጠ (ከዐፄ ዮሀንስ - ዐብይ አህመድ)

Post by Abere » 13 Aug 2022, 15:18

ኣንተ የእርጎ ዝንብ ዝም ብለህ ትቀባጥራለህ። ሽሬ እና መቀሌ የኦሮሞ የሆኑ ዕለት ወሎ ቤተ-አማራ የኦሮሞ ይሆናል። ታለቀልቃለህ እንደ እወደድ ባይ ሽልንግ ለቃሚ ሴተኛ አዳሪ። :lol:

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Joined: 20 Apr 2013, 20:24

Re: ወሎ (ቤተ-አማራ)የመስዋዕትነቱን መስቀል ተሸክሞ የአማራነትን ማማ የዘለቀ - በየዘመናቱ ብቅ ላሉ ግፈኞች ለኢትዮጵያ የተጋፈጠ (ከዐፄ ዮሀንስ - ዐብይ አህመድ)

Post by Ethoash » 13 Aug 2022, 15:35

Abere wrote:
13 Aug 2022, 15:18
ኣንተ የእርጎ ዝንብ ዝም ብለህ ትቀባጥራለህ። ሽሬ እና መቀሌ የኦሮሞ የሆኑ ዕለት ወሎ ቤተ-አማራ የኦሮሞ ይሆናል። ታለቀልቃለህ እንደ እወደድ ባይ ሽልንግ ለቃሚ ሴተኛ አዳሪ። :lol:
የፈለገ በል ኦሮሞ ማለት ትግሬ ነው ትግሬ ማለት ኦሮሞ ነው። ሁለቱም በፈደረሽን ያምናሉ ስለዚህ መሬት ቀረ መጣ አያጣላም የሚያጣላው አማራ ለድህነት ብዙ መሬት መስብስብ ሲፈልግ ነው። ለምሳሌ ወርቃማዎቹ ትንሹዋን ጁቡቱ በኢኮኖሚ መሐከለኛ አለም ውስጥ አስገቡዋት ፣ ፈረንሳዬች ያልቻሉትን ለዘጠና አመት ትግሬዎች በሃያ አመት ወርቅ አረጉዋት፣ እንግዲህ ኤርትራኖች አንድ ሺህ ኪሎ ሜትር ይዘው ወደብ ምንም አልስሩበትም ሱማሌዎችም ሶስት ሺህ ኪሎ ሜትር ይዘው አልስሩበትም ። ትግሬዎች ግን አዲስ አበባን አበባ አረጉዋት ፣ዶክተሩም አሳበባት አማራ ምን ስራ እንደው ይህንን ስራ በለኝ ፣ ብጥብጥና ስልጣን ላይ ከመቀዳደም በስተቀር ምን ስሩ ፣ የትግሬዎቹ ስራ አውልታቸው የመለስ ሐውልቱ አብይ እውነተኛ ስው ቢሆን የአባይን ሐይቅ መለስ ሐይቅ ይለው ነበር ልክ ግብፆች የአስዋንን ግድብ ሐይቅ ናስር ሐይቅ እንዳሉት ። ግን አብይን አልፈርድበትም አማሮች ናቸው የያዙት ።

አሁን በጎሳ ከምትብላላ ግብፅ እንዳትወረን ፍራ ፣ ግብፅን ለማስቆም ለምን አባይ ዳር ዳሩ ላይ መሬት ለግብፅ ተስጥቶ ለምን አታርስበትም ፣ በድርቅ ተጠቃው ካለች እኛም ዘመናዊ እርሻ እንማር ነበር ግብፆች አርባ ቢሊዬን ደላር በእርሻ ላይ ቢያወሉ የአገራችን ስው ነው የሚስራው የሚጠቀመው እንዴት እንደሚስራም እንማር ነበር በዚህ ላይ ስላም እናወርድ ነበር ፣ በጠቅላላ ለአረብ አገሮች ምግብ እንመግብ ነበር ይህ ሁሉ አይሆንም ለምን እንደገና አሟራ አቃቂር አወጥቶ አረቦችን ማስገባት አይፈልግም። እንደው ጉሙዝ ጀግናዎች ሆነው አረቦችን በጠሩዋቸው ግብፆች ቢቀሩ አብታም አረቦች ለማረስ ዝጉጁ ናቸው። ምግብ ከኛ እንደሚመጣ ሁሉ አረብ ካወቀ የቤት ስራተኞቹን ወጡ ብለውም አያስቃያቸውም ነበር እኛም አንሔድም ነበር ግን አማራ እያለ ማን ንፁህ ወሃ ይጠጣል

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Joined: 15 Sep 2013, 16:00

Re: ወሎ (ቤተ-አማራ)የመስዋዕትነቱን መስቀል ተሸክሞ የአማራነትን ማማ የዘለቀ - በየዘመናቱ ብቅ ላሉ ግፈኞች ለኢትዮጵያ የተጋፈጠ (ከዐፄ ዮሀንስ - ዐብይ አህመድ)

Post by sun » 13 Aug 2022, 19:56

Abere wrote:
13 Aug 2022, 12:14
ወሎ (ቤተ-አማራ)የመስዋዕትነቱን መስቀል ተሸክሞ የአማራነትን ማማ የዘለቀ - በየዘመናቱ ብቅ ላሉ ግፈኞች ለኢትዮጵያ የተጋፈጠ (ከዐፄ ዮሀንስ - ዐብይ አህመድ)

ግፈኛ የነበሩ በየግዜው የኢትዮጵያን ህዝብ ሲያስለቅሱ የነበሩ መሪዎች ሁሉ የወደቁት በወሎ ህዝብ ወይም በወሎ ምክንያት ነው ቢባለ መሳሳት አይሆንም። የወሎ ህዝብ ገራም እውነት እንደ ወረደ ሳይደብቅ የሚናገር በመሆኑ የኢትዮጵያ የፓለቲካ ቀውስ ማያ መስታወት ነው። በተለምዶ ስለ አንድ መሪ የወደፊት የፓለቲካ እርባና ለማወቅ የወሎ (የቤተ-አማራ)እረኞች ምን ብለው ዘፈኑ (አሎ ሉሉ(በጎጃመኛ) ፡ በወሎ ደግሞ እልዎ) አሉ ይባላል።ይህ ደግሞ ከዐፄ ዩሀንስ እስከ መንግስቱ ሃይለማርያም ያለውን ብሶት ተደምጧል። I would exclude Emepror Menilik II era for I have never read any glaring complains except the fact that Minelik II era left out the credit that more than 90% of the cavalry army was from Wollo. የወሎ ፈረሰኛ ህዝብ ነው በዓድዋ የተዋጋው ልክ አሁን በዓብይ ዘመን ከወያኔ ጋር ተዋግቶ ኦሮሙማ ነው ድሉን የቀማው። በምኒልክ ዘመንም የወሎ ፈረስኛ ነው በአብዛኛው የተዋጋው።

Wollo is the heart land of Amhara and its language is very original, when it comes to analysis of Amharic language. As long as Ethiopia is based on ethnic federalism and language is the basis of political identity, there is no more Amhara than Wollo Amhara. Wollo is the foundation rock of Amhara. All the sacrifices they have been paying one oppressive leader after another is because it is geographically and culturally the heart land of Amhara. If there were no Wollo, there would not be Amhara. Recently, OLF funded fake Amhara are spreading divisive propaganda to weaken Amhara and eat one after the other, by just singling out and magnifying the problem of Wollo. It is true Wollo has been exceptionally mistreated during the Abiy Ahmed era, particularly. First, the opportunist Agegnehu Teshager sold out Wollo, after they made so much sacrifice. He did this to please Abiy Ahmed by blindsiding Wollo people. Orommuma Abiy Ahmed revenged Wollo people for the flashed their middle finger at him claiming Wollo is Amhara aginst his Orommuma dream of occupation is impossible he ;and his OLF thugs hunted Wollo people all over Oromia and massacred them. Now, the world is regarded Abiy Ahmed as wanted criminal for ethnic Amhara genocide. He officially has a target on his forehead - he can't clean himself from that crime. Thus, Wollo Amhara are the martyrs of all Amhara. They deserve to be applauded for they fought alone with bare hand against TPLF and OLF-ENDF for 6 months.

Wollo is Amhara and Amhara is Wollo:
Really? :lol: :lol:

“Liars make the best promises.” ~P. Brown

Now if:
- Agew (Lalibela area) number some 8 million
- Kimant Gondar area) some 6 million
- Oromo (Wello Kamise area) some 4 million
- Weito (Bahirdar area) some 3 million
- Shinasha (Gondar area) some 3 million
- Argoba (Wello area) 2 million
- Amhara (Mixed bete Amara) 2 million
* Research based data. A little bit old but the proportion is very realistic as can be observed from current demography on the ground.

So, why do you filthy extremist minority "amhara" baboons try to cause troubles all over the places for moderate and good amharas for whom I have great respect and who are ruling Ethiopia peacefully while your types of paranoid hate mongering extremist baboons try to make life impossible both for yourself and other Ethiopians.

How are ato kassie and Misqilqil N!gga doing in their wet caves?
We need to send Atse Bakkafa and his Oromo military forces to save these baboons from themselves, I mean if you don't mind. Have a banana or two so that you may see reality instead of your fake and fictional imagination.
:P :P

Noble Amhara
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Re: ወሎ (ቤተ-አማራ)የመስዋዕትነቱን መስቀል ተሸክሞ የአማራነትን ማማ የዘለቀ - በየዘመናቱ ብቅ ላሉ ግፈኞች ለኢትዮጵያ የተጋፈጠ (ከዐፄ ዮሀንስ - ዐብይ አህመድ)

Post by Noble Amhara » 13 Aug 2022, 20:10


Dont lie Menelik Cavalary was almost 80% Shewan from Gurage Amhara and Berara and Tulama. maybe 20% came from Gojjam and Wollo and Gondar

Fiyameta aka Sun Weyzero Dingai Tigryinya

1) Atse Bakafa was Amhara his birth name was MISSAH. it later was changed to Bakafa when he was kidnapped by Boranas and then got rescued by an amhara

Weyto is Welaytan Migrators and are not indigenous to Abysinnia/Amhara they do not number even 100,000 they settled in Lake Tana to hunt Hippotamos. and are outcasts who were never assimilated or welcomed by the Abyssinian Society

Weyto numbered 1,677 in Amhara Region not 3 Million

Argobba numbering 50,000 in Eastern Wollo are Bete Amhara Muslims that mixed with Arab Merchants hence the name Arebgebba-> Arogoba they are indgenous to Kemise and there land was stolen by keyan migrants "Galla" from Borana/Baranto who are not native to Abyssinia

Here we see perfect Amhara Cultural Cloth and Phenotype unlike Weyto

Shinasha are Gojame Abyssinian Highlanders that migrated from Debre Markos Gojjam into Metekel they are Amhara but speak Omotic Language of the Damot Kingdom which ruled Awi and Metekel for centuries.

Abysinnian Highalnder Agew are also Amhara

Amhara just means Abysinnian Highlander. Amhara is a Pan Abysinnian Highlander Identity.

for example you will not find amhara that look like this unless one has non amhara ancestors

Last edited by Noble Amhara on 13 Aug 2022, 21:06, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: ወሎ (ቤተ-አማራ)የመስዋዕትነቱን መስቀል ተሸክሞ የአማራነትን ማማ የዘለቀ - በየዘመናቱ ብቅ ላሉ ግፈኞች ለኢትዮጵያ የተጋፈጠ (ከዐፄ ዮሀንስ - ዐብይ አህመድ)

Post by sarcasm » 13 Aug 2022, 20:22

Abere, you never admitted that you are ጎንደሬ. Do you want the muslims in Wello to experience the life of Mulsims in Gondar?

መስቀል ተሸክሞ?

Last edited by sarcasm on 13 Aug 2022, 20:26, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ወሎ (ቤተ-አማራ)የመስዋዕትነቱን መስቀል ተሸክሞ የአማራነትን ማማ የዘለቀ - በየዘመናቱ ብቅ ላሉ ግፈኞች ለኢትዮጵያ የተጋፈጠ (ከዐፄ ዮሀንስ - ዐብይ አህመድ)

Post by sun » 13 Aug 2022, 20:24

Noble Amhara wrote:
13 Aug 2022, 20:10
Weyto is Welaytan Migrators and are not indigenous to Abysinnia/Amhara they do not number even 100,000 they settled in Lake Tana to hunt Hippotamos.

Weyto number 1,677 in Amhara Region

Just for your own good please stop demeaning, distorting and dismissing good and beautiful hardworking Ethiopians who have all the rights under the sun just like any body else. They were 3 million in the past but now they can be some 6 million at current rate. That is only blessing for the region and for Ethiopia because they can work hard and make themselves and Ethiopia great indeed. Just look at that beautiful Organic hairstyle and fantastic decorative colorful bead wears which can not be found even in the most fashionable styling companies of the "first world". RESPECT!!

Noble Amhara
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Re: ወሎ (ቤተ-አማራ)የመስዋዕትነቱን መስቀል ተሸክሞ የአማራነትን ማማ የዘለቀ - በየዘመናቱ ብቅ ላሉ ግፈኞች ለኢትዮጵያ የተጋፈጠ (ከዐፄ ዮሀንስ - ዐብይ አህመድ)

Post by Noble Amhara » 13 Aug 2022, 20:30

stupid tgrinya bxtch get the hell out of my ABYSINNIA u garbage with abesha culture why dont you join Rashaiada and BEJA you lowanderu RASHADIA NARA SCUM no different then A.GAME EDEN

Posts: 9324
Joined: 15 Sep 2013, 16:00

Re: ወሎ (ቤተ-አማራ)የመስዋዕትነቱን መስቀል ተሸክሞ የአማራነትን ማማ የዘለቀ - በየዘመናቱ ብቅ ላሉ ግፈኞች ለኢትዮጵያ የተጋፈጠ (ከዐፄ ዮሀንስ - ዐብይ አህመድ)

Post by sun » 13 Aug 2022, 22:10

Noble Amhara wrote:
13 Aug 2022, 20:30
stupid tgrinya bxtch get the hell out of my ABYSINNIA u garbage with abesha culture why dont you join Rashaiada and BEJA you lowanderu RASHADIA NARA SCUM no different then A.GAME EDEN
Have a nice dancing day so that you may find the truth and forget your habitual non stop lies. Okay? Okay!! :P

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Re: ወሎ (ቤተ-አማራ)የመስዋዕትነቱን መስቀል ተሸክሞ የአማራነትን ማማ የዘለቀ - በየዘመናቱ ብቅ ላሉ ግፈኞች ለኢትዮጵያ የተጋፈጠ (ከዐፄ ዮሀንስ - ዐብይ አህመድ)

Post by Abere » 13 Aug 2022, 22:28

Unless you wanted to play the religion card, there is no relationship. በስቅላት ሞት መቅጣት እኮ ቅድመ ክርስቶስ የነበረ ነው። በኢትዮጵያ ክርስቲያን ይሁን ሙስሊም የስቅላት ሞት ከተፈረደብት ተሰቅሎ ይሞታል። የመሰቅያውን ግንድ ተሼክሞ እንድሄድ ተገዶ በተሼከመው ግንድ ላይ ተሰቅሎ እንድ ገደል ማድረግ በተለይ ንጹህ ሰው ላይ ይዘገንናል። በቅርቡ ሻሼመኔ በኦነግ ቄሮዎች ተሰቅሎ የተገደለው ንጹህ ወጣት እኮ ሙስሊም ይሁን ክርስቲያን አልተጠየቀም ሃይማኖቱን ግን ተዘቅዝቆ ተሰቀለ። የወሎ ሙስሊሞች እኮ ወለጋ ውስጥ እንደ ክርስቶስ በድንጋይ ተወግረው ነው የተገደሉት። ሙስሊም በመሆናቸው መወገሩ አልቀረላቸውም።ግን ወያኔዎች በማጭበርበር እንዘልቀዋለን ያላችሁት አቀበት ቁልቁል እየነዳችሁ ነው።

sarcasm wrote:
13 Aug 2022, 20:22
Abere, you never admitted that you are ጎንደሬ. Do you want the muslims in Wello to experience the life of Mulsims in Gondar?

መስቀል ተሸክሞ?

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Re: ወሎ (ቤተ-አማራ)የመስዋዕትነቱን መስቀል ተሸክሞ የአማራነትን ማማ የዘለቀ - በየዘመናቱ ብቅ ላሉ ግፈኞች ለኢትዮጵያ የተጋፈጠ (ከዐፄ ዮሀንስ - ዐብይ አህመድ)

Post by Abere » 13 Aug 2022, 22:41

Noble Amhara,

You should know this very well ነገሥታቶቹ እኛ [We]እያሉ ብዙ የህዝብ ታሪክ በራሳቸው ስም እንድጽፉ ሁኗል። ከሼዋ ዖፈሰማያት ወታደር እና ፈረስ ትግራይ ዓድዋ ሂዶ አይደለም ጣልያን የተሼነፈው። በወሎ ፈረሰኛ እና ተዋጊ ነው። ንጉሱ ሼዋ ስለሆኑ እንጅ 2 ወር ከሼዋ ፈረስ እና ወታደር ተጉዞ አይደለም። በእርግጥ ስመጥሩ አርበኞች ከሸዋ ነበር በተረፈ ግን ዘጠና በመቶው ፈረሰኛ ተዋጊው የወሎ ህዝብ ነበር። የፈረስ እና የጉግሰኛ አገር ነበር ወሎ።በዓድዋ በአሥር ሽዎች ያለቀው በአብዛኛው ከወሎ ነው እንጅ ከሸዋ ብቻ አይደለም። The accurate history is like what I said.

Noble Amhara wrote:
13 Aug 2022, 20:10

Dont lie Menelik Cavalary was almost 80% Shewan from Gurage Amhara and Berara and Tulama. maybe 20% came from Gojjam and Wollo and Gondar

Fiyameta aka Sun Weyzero Dingai Tigryinya

1) Atse Bakafa was Amhara his birth name was MISSAH. it later was changed to Bakafa when he was kidnapped by Boranas and then got rescued by an amhara

Weyto is Welaytan Migrators and are not indigenous to Abysinnia/Amhara they do not number even 100,000 they settled in Lake Tana to hunt Hippotamos. and are outcasts who were never assimilated or welcomed by the Abyssinian Society

Weyto numbered 1,677 in Amhara Region not 3 Million

Argobba numbering 50,000 in Eastern Wollo are Bete Amhara Muslims that mixed with Arab Merchants hence the name Arebgebba-> Arogoba they are indgenous to Kemise and there land was stolen by keyan migrants "Galla" from Borana/Baranto who are not native to Abyssinia

Here we see perfect Amhara Cultural Cloth and Phenotype unlike Weyto

Shinasha are Gojame Abyssinian Highlanders that migrated from Debre Markos Gojjam into Metekel they are Amhara but speak Omotic Language of the Damot Kingdom which ruled Awi and Metekel for centuries.

Abysinnian Highalnder Agew are also Amhara

Amhara just means Abysinnian Highlander. Amhara is a Pan Abysinnian Highlander Identity.

for example you will not find amhara that look like this unless one has non amhara ancestors

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Re: ወሎ (ቤተ-አማራ)የመስዋዕትነቱን መስቀል ተሸክሞ የአማራነትን ማማ የዘለቀ - በየዘመናቱ ብቅ ላሉ ግፈኞች ለኢትዮጵያ የተጋፈጠ (ከዐፄ ዮሀንስ - ዐብይ አህመድ)

Post by Right » 14 Aug 2022, 10:51

So far, the Abiye Oromuma plan is working.
Ethiopia is now slowly weakened. A couple of years ago it was the Sidama killil, yesterday it was Gurage and today Wollo and Welayeta will dominate the news.
People are out of their mind. Identity politics is killing Ethiopia.
There is a good reason why Ethiopia is impoverished.
We are now becoming the stupidest people of the world.
Amahara, it is time to work on the alternative. Let the Oromuma deal with the south. Negotiate for the right of 30 million Amharas and their Autonomy right. Negotiate on Addis including dividing the city and move on. A bold decision has to be taken.

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Re: ወሎ (ቤተ-አማራ)የመስዋዕትነቱን መስቀል ተሸክሞ የአማራነትን ማማ የዘለቀ - በየዘመናቱ ብቅ ላሉ ግፈኞች ለኢትዮጵያ የተጋፈጠ (ከዐፄ ዮሀንስ - ዐብይ አህመድ)

Post by Abere » 14 Aug 2022, 14:50

You might think Abiy's Orommuma is working. But in reality it is a sinking ship. What we are witnessing now is the on set of the down fall of tribal federalism. Simply, all the 84 tribes now aspiring to be "Killil" shows tribal federalism has hit rock bottom. It is not they badly wanted it but they do not have any option. The failure of TPLF and OLF gives rise the birth of many powerful ethnic rivals this is an unintended consequence of the greed objective of TPLF and OLF. For instance, TPLF carved out ethnic states which it assumed could exploit forever but they rose and defeated TPLF. For instance, take Afar. Afar is now more powerful than Tigray. Afar effectively defeated TPLF and Afar still claims more territory from Tigray. Likewise, the feel of insecurity and existential threat from OLF forced many Southern tribes to have their own "Killil" for self-defenses against OLF's forceful invasion. The people of Gedio and Gurage, Welayta, etc. are good examples. When these kind of measures are adopted, then OLF will be checked and their aspiration of invasion will be cut short - this will lead Oromo to fight all 83 tribes except Tigre, because Tigray does not border with Oromo. By the way, I am saying because, Oromo are more like OLF for they never complained against the atrocities committed by PP-OLF or OLf, just like Tigres were reluctant for the last 27 years while TPLF was killing and harassing others. Most of us were begging to differentiate TPLF from Tigres in the past. Honestly, that political correctness hurt Tigray and put them in trouble now. Had we say Tigres are TPLF things might be different now. So, Oromos are now partners of OLF for they are fine and silent about what OLF-PP is doing.

Anyway,ካልደፈረሰ ኣአይጠራም ይባላል። This to me is the end of tribalism and the storm for revival of citizenship politics.

Right wrote:
14 Aug 2022, 10:51
So far, the Abiye Oromuma plan is working.
Ethiopia is now slowly weakened. A couple of years ago it was the Sidama killil, yesterday it was Gurage and today Wollo and Welayeta will dominate the news.
People are out of their mind. Identity politics is killing Ethiopia.
There is a good reason why Ethiopia is impoverished.
We are now becoming the stupidest people of the world.
Amahara, it is time to work on the alternative. Let the Oromuma deal with the south. Negotiate for the right of 30 million Amharas and their Autonomy right. Negotiate on Addis including dividing the city and move on. A bold decision has to be taken.

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Re: ወሎ (ቤተ-አማራ)የመስዋዕትነቱን መስቀል ተሸክሞ የአማራነትን ማማ የዘለቀ - በየዘመናቱ ብቅ ላሉ ግፈኞች ለኢትዮጵያ የተጋፈጠ (ከዐፄ ዮሀንስ - ዐብይ አህመድ)

Post by Right » 14 Aug 2022, 15:24

Abere, you have a good point. The union protected and preserved the smaller ethnic groups. Those small ethnic groups don’t appreciate it. They prefer to look inwards to their own tribe. They believe it is the Amhara's responsibility to safeguard Ethiopia. Some even are sympathetic to the Tigrains and Oromuma propaganda.

Society can’t continue like this. Endless war and brutality while the world is feeding the starving population. It got to stop. The Amharas have the ability to stop it.
Maybe a different approach is needed here.

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Re: ወሎ (ቤተ-አማራ)የመስዋዕትነቱን መስቀል ተሸክሞ የአማራነትን ማማ የዘለቀ - በየዘመናቱ ብቅ ላሉ ግፈኞች ለኢትዮጵያ የተጋፈጠ (ከዐፄ ዮሀንስ - ዐብይ አህመድ)

Post by Abere » 14 Aug 2022, 16:59

በዚች ዓለም ላይ ለሁሉ ነገር መጨረሻ ጊዜ አለው። ወደ ሰማይ የወጣ ሁሉ ወደ መሪት ተፈጥርቆ የመውደቅ ግደታ አለበት። ስለዚህ የጎሳ ስርዓትም እየሞተ ስለመሆኑ ማረጋገጫ ነው። በእኔ ዐይን ጥቂት የማይባሉ የደቡብ ኢትዮጵያ ጎሳዎች በእውነት ኢትዮጵያዊ መዐዛቸውን ጠብቀው ቆይተዋል። ከአማራ ክልል ውጭ የኢትዮጵያ ሰንደቅ ዓላማ የሚውለበለበው በደቡብ አካባቢ ነው። ኢትዮጵያዊነት የካዱት ኦሮሞዎች እና ትግሬዎች ናቸው። ሁለቱ ናቸው ለሌሎች ጫና ብቻ ሳይሆን ዕዳ ችግር የሆኑባቸው። አሁን እንደ ጅብ አው! ብለው ሊበሏቸው ስለሆነ ነው ክልል እንሁን ያሉት። ኣዎ አንዳንዶች መናጆ ጎሰኞች አሉ። ለማንኛውም ግን የግድ ምድር ጦር አምጭ ያለው ኦነጋዊ ኦሮሞ በደንብ ጦር መጣለት ማለት ይቻላል።
Right wrote:
14 Aug 2022, 15:24
Abere, you have a good point. The union protected and preserved the smaller ethnic groups. Those small ethnic groups don’t appreciate it. They prefer to look inwards to their own tribe. They believe it is the Amhara's responsibility to safeguard Ethiopia. Some even are sympathetic to the Tigrains and Oromuma propaganda.

Society can’t continue like this. Endless war and brutality while the world is feeding the starving population. It got to stop. The Amharas have the ability to stop it.
Maybe a different approach is needed here.

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