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How TPLF Leaders and Agame Activists Can Show their Faces after Sacrificing 500,000 is a Mystery. People with no Shame

Post by sesame » 14 May 2022, 13:02

Isn't it so remarkable that leaders who sacrificed 500,000 of their people can walk and bluster with no shame. In any other society, people who committed a tenth of such a disaster would either commit suicide or fade away. But Agames have absolutely no shame. What is more amazing is the TPLF thugs and their activists continue to boast and bluster as they beg for food. Not only that, but they demand that a 100 trucks should be coming to them daily. It is as if they think they have a right to be fed by the world.

I can only say that in the long miserable evolution of the Agame society, they have lost the gene that controls shame. :lol: :lol: That is why they loot, lie and back-stab with no restraint. For example, look at the picture which adorns Dedebit Media . Right in the middle, they display the picture of two female Eritrean fighters.