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Time for APA (Faanno), TDF (Tegaru Youth) and OLA (Qeerro) to Work in Unison Against Salisawi Derg?

Post by OPFist » 15 Apr 2024, 00:48

Time for APA (Faanno), TDF (Tegaru Youth) and OLA (Qeerro) to Work in Unison Against Salisawi Derg?

No question that the dictatorial regime of Biltsigina (salisawi Derg) is slowly but surely losing power in Ethiopia. In Tigrai, it is no more on direct power, in Amara region it is limited only to big towns and in Oromia it already lost mass support. We like like it or not, APA (Amara popular Army), TDF and OLA are enjoying huge support of their respective nations. Biltsigina’s methode of inistigating conflict between these three mass movements is no more working. APA leaders are correcting their foolish rhetoric of making Onegawinet, “Galla migration” and Oromumma as their main enemies. They started to focus on OPDO rather than the Oromo and our vanguard organization – the OLF. TDF leaders have got already the necessary support from OLA during their two years war against Biltsigina. Now, the friendly approach of APA and TDF to each other is encouraging. These three forces need to work together in order to liberate Ethiopia from salisawi Derg and to be in control of their respective regions as a precondition to foster true and stable democratic federation based on free will of all nations in Ethiopia.
Read more: ... f-dr-abiy/

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Re: Time for APA (Faanno), TDF (Tegaru Youth) and OLA (Qeerro) to Work in Unison Against Salisawi Derg?

Post by OPFist » 15 Apr 2024, 01:02

During the famous student movement of the 1960s, the Ethiopian youth at that time fought all together against the obsolete and oppressive monarchy of the era and we were successful. But, unfortunately, we had to live under three successiv brutal regimes (Derg, Woyane and Biltsigina) since that first revolution of 1974. The common denominator of the three regimes is fascism trying to hide behind one community and brutally oppressing others for the sake of devide and rule. Derg was dominated by Amara elites, Woyane being rule of Tegaru dictators, whereas Biltsigina trying to mask itself as Oromo regime. In reality, all the three are political traders instrumentalizing the ethnic emotion of elites they tried to hide behind, but never benefited the respective nations the claimed to represent. Despite their devide and rule machination, the youth of all nations fought together against qedamawi Derg and Woyane (dagimawi Derg) to make them history accordingly. Now, Biltsigina (salisawi Derg) is trying its best to survive by dividing the ATO (Amara-Tegaru-Oromo) triangle of Ethiopian politics. At first, it waged war against the Oromo by trying to get support of Tegaru and Amara elites. Then, it fought against Tegaru with the help of certain Amara and Oromo elites. Now, turn is the ongoing war against Amara with an attempt to bring Tegaru and Oromo elites to its side. The burning question we need to ask ourselves is then, whether we are as such morons to continue falling in such trap of the ruling dictators. I think it must be now a good time of deep thinking for the APA (Amara Popular Force) of Faanno, TDF led by moderate Tegaru youth like Getachew Reda and the OLA being supported by the whole Oromo Qeerro to come to their sense. APF should correct its bad rhetoric of fighting against Onegawinet, “Galla invasion” and Oromumma. TDF need to work with APA as it tried with the OLA. All genuine Oromo nationalists with the OLF mindset also have to clearly distance ourselves from the fascist Biltsigina, who tries to survive by hiding behind the Oromo mask in order to cooperate with the Faanno movement of APA and Tegaru youth of the TDF. I think only such inclusive struggle of APA, TDF and OLA can lead us to victory over the incumbent fascist regime of salisawi Derg so that we hopefully can foster a democratic common home of colourful multi-lingual Ethiopia for all of us.

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Re: Time for APA (Faanno), TDF (Tegaru Youth) and OLA (Qeerro) to Work in Unison Against Salisawi Derg?

Post by Noble Amhara » 15 Apr 2024, 01:05

I prefer PP over racist Shibertanyaw Budin welega oneg

Last time you used Oromara to take central power in the country

After 9 months of Abiy rule you began to declare Amhara under genocidal terms of neftegna

You abducted Amhara university students and did countless massacres in welega

Fool me once shame on you

Fool me twice shame on me
Last edited by Noble Amhara on 15 Apr 2024, 01:11, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Time for APA (Faanno), TDF (Tegaru Youth) and OLA (Qeerro) to Work in Unison Against Salisawi Derg?

Post by OPFist » 15 Apr 2024, 01:07

Otherwise, the cvnning Amara elites used to dominate Ethiopian politics by hiding themselves behind Ethiopian Army, the ideology of Ethiopiawinet (Ethiopianism) and the religion of christian Orthodoxy. They used to instrumentalize these three areas in order to suppress all nations in Ethiopia, especially to fight against the Oromo and Oromumma. One of the best successes of the OLF is the demasking work it did on Amara elites in the last 50 years. It wanted that they come out of their hiding and declare themselves as Amara, be it they want to conftont the Oromo or cooperate with the Oromo. Now, they literally fell in to the trap and came out as Amara elites supporting Fanno movement and fighting against Oromumma. Being blinded by their hatred against Oromumma, they considered Ethiopian army as Oromo army and became literally an enemy of Ethiopian defence force, which they used to instrumentalize in order to crack down on every liberation movement of nations in Ethiopia for the last 150 years. What a wonderful success! Additionally, the OLF took away from them both Ethiopiawinet and Orthodoxy, behind which they tried to hide their identity and ideology of Amaranet in order to camouflage their assimilation and domination action against all nations in Ethiopia. Slowly but surely both Ethiopiawinet and Orthodoxy are now becoming beautiful and colourful multi-lingual entities rather than the mono-colour and monotoneous only one identity of Amaranet.

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Re: Time for APA (Faanno), TDF (Tegaru Youth) and OLA (Qeerro) to Work in Unison Against Salisawi Derg?

Post by OPFist » 15 Apr 2024, 06:32

It is really wonderful to observe how the OLF infiltrated OPP and liberated Dr. Abiy from the neo-Naftagna forces, who systematically hijacked the PM and tried to use him, just as they did to Mengistu H/Mariam. It is clear that the Naftagna forces used to hide behind the Army, Ethiopiyawinet and the Orthodoxy. Being behind these huge institutions, they could ride all Ethiopian nations, braged about their narrated heroism and appeared to be invinsible. Now, the OLF took away the three hiding areas so that the Naftagnas are nacked to be seen clearly and be beaten efficiently. That is why they lost the successiv battles and of course the war they waged against Oromumma (Oromo identity). Good job the beloved bilisumma mindset of the Oromo, i.e the OLF!

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Re: Time for APA (Faanno), TDF (Tegaru Youth) and OLA (Qeerro) to Work in Unison Against Salisawi Derg?

Post by OPFist » 15 Apr 2024, 06:47

According to the mythology, which I dare to buy, after the biblical flood, Noah gave birth to Ham – Kush – Melketsedik – Ethiopis – Oromo! The Amara are the Solomonized Oromo (the main stalk of all cushitic nations like Agaw, Somali, Sidama and Afar), who started to speak Amarigna, instead of Afaan Oromo since 1270. Accordingly, all Ethiopians are children of Ethiopis in general and that of Oromo in particular. Unfortunately, the self-denying Amara ruling elites tried to alienate the Oromo and cursed the whole people as barbaric immigirants of 16th century and tried to destroy the nation. Thus, the Oromo used to hate Ethiopia and Ethiopiawinet. Thanks to the OLF, the vector started to change 50 years ago and now Ethiopia is more Oromo-philic than Oromo-phobic. Accordingly, no wonder when the Oromo start to love Ethiopia and Ethiopiawinet in our terms.

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Re: Time for APA (Faanno), TDF (Tegaru Youth) and OLA (Qeerro) to Work in Unison Against Salisawi Derg?

Post by OPFist » 15 Apr 2024, 06:57

I think, regarding Ethiopia and Ethiopiawinet, both the Abesha elites and Oromo elites are only past oriented, not yet future oriented. They do have only the dying Oromo-phobic Ethiopia in mind: thus Abesha elites love it and Oromo elites legitimately hate it. Actually, thanks to Oromo liberation movement, new Orom-philic Ethiopia is slowly, but surely emerging. When we have this Ethiopia and Ethiopiawinet in mind, the reverse can happen: Abesha elites hate it and Oromo elites love it. The dying Abyssinian dominated Ethiopia is anti-Oromo, whereas the coming Oromian led Ethiopia now promoted by Dr. Abiy will be pro-Oromo. Originally, Ethiopiawinet (Kushawinet) belongs to the Oromo, but later being hijacked and misused by the Abesha elites. Thus, we, the Oromo, need to clean Ethiopiawinet from the dirt (Habeshawinet) and promote both Ethiopiaphilic Oromiawinet and Oromiaphilic Ethiopiawint on the grave of Ethiopiaphobic Oromiawinet and Oromiaphobic Ethiopiawinet.

– Ethiopiaphilic Oromiawinet is the vision of federal union and Oropia (Oromumma led Ethiopia) I am promoting, which tries to equate all aspects of true Ethiopiawinet (Kushawinet) from its ancient history to the modern identity with an inclusive Oropiawinet, which consists of the Oromo proper (who now idetify ourselves as Oromo) and the Oromo progeny (decendants of Kush/Oromo root, who now consider themselves as non-Oromo). This Oropiawinet includes almost all in Oromia (Ethiopia).

– Oromophilic Ethiopiawinet is what few pro-unity Ethiopianists, who accept and respect the presence of Oromia as Oromo national area are showing nowadays; e.g are some in AG7 of Dr. Berihanu Nega and Vision Ethiopia of Dr. Getachew Begashaw.

– Ethiopiaphobic Oromiawinet is reflected in the atitude and rhetoric of some Oromo nationalists, who want to liberate exclusively Oromia demarcated by the OLF of Galaasa Dilbo and show rejection of any relation with Ethiopian identity; almost all pro-independence Oromo, who seem to reduce Oromo’s question to that of a minority nation at periphery, have this position.

– Oromophobic Ethiopiawinet is the conviction of most Abesha elites, both from the ruling Tigrean elites and the opposition conservative Amhara elites. They antagonize the two identities: Ethiopiawinet and Oromumma; so, according to their position, for the Ethiopiawinet to survive, Oromumma must at least be supressed or at best be dismissed.
Last edited by OPFist on 15 Apr 2024, 09:25, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Time for APA (Faanno), TDF (Tegaru Youth) and OLA (Qeerro) to Work in Unison Against Salisawi Derg?

Post by union » 15 Apr 2024, 07:57

Two agames talking to eachother :lol:

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Re: Time for APA (Faanno), TDF (Tegaru Youth) and OLA (Qeerro) to Work in Unison Against Salisawi Derg?

Post by OPFist » 15 Apr 2024, 09:26

The good method to deal with the last two approaches is to promote awareness regarding their destructive aspects for the future healthy relationship between nations in the country, be it we may live as neighbours or in one common home. Both are instrumentalized by the TPLF in order to sow discord among and between the anti-TPLF forces on the ground, so that no effective alliance against the regime will take place. The first two ideologies are good and can complement each other; i.e promoting them means an optimal win-win solution for all nations in Oropia!

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Re: Time for APA (Faanno), TDF (Tegaru Youth) and OLA (Qeerro) to Work in Unison Against Salisawi Derg?

Post by OPFist » 15 Apr 2024, 10:08

The best solution is of course to equate both Ethiopia and Oropia as being the same to Kushland, thus Oropia = formerly Ethiopia as defined here – ... he-center/ – is a union in which the following five points (FADOB-score) will be implemented: F = Freedom from the system of domination; A = Afan Oromo as a working language of federal government; D = Democracy as rule of game in the union; O = ‘Oropia’ instead of ‘Ethiopia’ as name of the union; and B = Black-Red-White as Cushitic flag of the union. This Upper Nile country called ‘Oromia’ by the native owners of the land is used to be named as ‘Abyssinia’ by the Portuguese; ‘Kush’ by the Jews; ‘Alhabesh’ by the Arabs; ‘Punt’ by the Egyptians; and ‘Ethiopia’ by the Greeks.

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Re: Time for APA (Faanno), TDF (Tegaru Youth) and OLA (Qeerro) to Work in Unison Against Salisawi Derg?

Post by OPFist » 15 Apr 2024, 10:34

The current demand of the OLF led by Ob. Dawud asking nagotiation in the presence of third party seems to be not timely. Such demand is appropriate to talk with Ethiopian government led by Abesha elites like Meles Zenwáwi, but inappropriate for the negotiation with Oromo led administration of Dr. Abiy. If at all third party is needed for the dialogue between Ob. Dawud and Dr. Abiy, then it must be only that of Abbaa-Gadaas like Ob. Beyene Sanbatoo! I would like to encourge the OLF to join and support OPP (new Oromo Prosperitan Party) in contrast to the dead OPDO of TPLF) of Dr. Abiy to promote formation of an Oromo- & Oromophilic Ethiopiawinet on the grave of the hitherto Oromo- & Oromophobic Ethiopiawinet of the TPLF.

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