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Tigray People
Posts: 9516
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

Ethiopia Was Colonized By Yemen For Thousands of Years:

Post by Tigray People » 06 May 2024, 20:53

The evil genociders Amhara have left no stones to distort the Tigray People 5000 Years history by fabricating lies as far is going Tigray People are "Yemen"

Hence let's just take their lies as truth for the sake of argument and to make our points which is the Tigray People are "Yemen" that means they colonized ethiopia for thousands of years.

This includes the recent history when the Tigray People/Yemen defeated the entire ethiopia, Amhara, Galla in 1991 to colonized Ethiopia for 27 years until they begged for mercy.

Until today ethiopia constitution, Flag, development were created by the Tigray People.

BTW the Yemen people are very beautiful compared to ugly faces Amhara from West Africa.

The Republic of Tigray People!!!

Tigray People
Posts: 9516
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

Re: Ethiopia Was Colonized By Yemen For Thousands of Years:

Post by Tigray People » 06 May 2024, 21:10

Ethiopia was colonized by Arab Yemen according to Amhara intellectuals, Amhara leaders, Amhara politicians in the hope to destroy the Tigray People ancient history.

We have told you the evil Amhara are the number one Liars, cowards, envious, lazy,and the children of the devil who are immigrants from bantu west Africa with no history squatting on Tigray People Lands.

The Republic of Tigray People!!!

Tigray People
Posts: 9516
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

Re: Ethiopia Was Colonized By Yemen For Thousands of Years:

Post by Tigray People » 06 May 2024, 21:59

The evil Amhara and the world knows the Tigray People ruled Yemen, Mideast, Egypt, Africa and beyond but they will do everything to destroy the Tigray People history.

Amhara and most Ethiopian Said 6 Years Ago the TPLF era " lived in darkness" they denied all the development done by the Tigray People that the world witnessed.

It is in the blood of Amhara and most disgraced Ethiopian to distort the Tigray People accomplishments and ancient history despite the world knows about it which is what it matters.

BTW after TPLF Left ethiopia to Tigray all the Amhara, Galla and Ethiopian were busy stealing the Tigray People accomplishments to develop Ethiopian that once they were against development of ethiopia.

The Republic of Tigray People!!

The Republic of Tigray People!!!

Tigray People
Posts: 9516
Joined: 04 Nov 2019, 19:44

Re: Ethiopia Was Colonized By Yemen For Thousands of Years:

Post by Tigray People » 06 May 2024, 22:31

The evil Amhara are the children of the devil the number one Liars, genociders, envious,lazy , Banda, Traitors evil culture that they will not work or let you work.

We warned you Amhara when you insult the Tigray People history and Tigray People we will hit you in the language you understand.

We are not like other Tigray People who tolerate or ignore your evil intentions we will leave no stones unturned to hit you hard.

The Republic of Tigray People!!

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