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Ilhan Omar is in a hot chair again, her uni-std. daughter is suspected of antisemitism

Posted: 22 Apr 2024, 15:40
by DefendTheTruth
This woman touched Ethiopia and now being reciprocated from God, I guess. The same fate will wait for Isayas Afwuskii too.

Ilhan's daughter has been already suspended from the university due to "antisemitism protest" and disobedience.

ኢትዮጵያን የነካ የለዉም በረካ!

Re: Ilhan Omar is in a hot chair again, her uni-std. daughter is suspected of antisemitism

Posted: 22 Apr 2024, 16:02
by DefendTheTruth
She is wordless, cognizant of what she is in, willingly. I don't condone the way Israel is treating Palestinians but going as far as being suspected of antisemitism is way too much. Calling out Death to Israel and Death to America, while also being in the chair of American leaderships, something is fundamentally wrong.

Re: Ilhan Omar is in a hot chair again, her uni-std. daughter is suspected of antisemitism

Posted: 22 Apr 2024, 16:11
by DefendTheTruth

Re: Ilhan Omar is in a hot chair again, her uni-std. daughter is suspected of antisemitism

Posted: 22 Apr 2024, 16:11
by Somaliman
FYI, Ilhan's daughter has at least the guts to stand for what she believes and is not like you raw meat eating fuc'kers who kiss other people's

Guess what - you go pour petrol on you and burn up the out of you in New York and no one will ever talk about you.

As for President Isaias, he wiped out around a million of your Agame fuc'kers off the face of the earth and made destitute tantamount of them, and no one across the world had raised a fuc'king finger, apart from sending the usual international humanitarian food aid to Tigray. You shouted genocide in the streets in the West but no one paid attention to you. Afwerki is the god of Tigray and master of Ethiopia.