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List of name Amharu bombers on Tigray civilians and Debretsion is an enemy of Tigray within???

Posted: 20 Oct 2021, 14:38
by Halafi Mengedi
Debretsion you do not have any kind of moral ground to tell Tigrayans to prepare from air bombs, didn't you release a seasoned bomber to bomb Tigray again, what are you talking about Der'am Rehaxi???

Amharu criminals could not fight TDF, they killed civilians where ever they saw and now they are bombing them from air but your destination is no where but ICC.

Re: List of name Amharu bombers on Tigray civilians and Debretsion is an enemy of Tigray within???

Posted: 20 Oct 2021, 15:08
by Halafi Mengedi
Getachew Reda stop instructing us we know what we do but your do not have any iota what you are doing, if you are the one released the bomber pilot then resign, if it is Debretsion, he should resign now. Accountability starts right from you own desk and then goes down to your subordinates.

Re: List of name Amharu bombers on Tigray civilians and Debretsion is an enemy of Tigray within???

Posted: 20 Oct 2021, 15:14
by ethioscience

Moron Agame Halafi, We will give you a lesson that the coming Agame Generation would know them like bible!! Mark my word!!! This is a serious matter for us, no pity for backstabber Agames!!! Kill, burn and destroy everything related to Agames!!!