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Halafi Mengedi
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Amhara is fighting for Addis Ababa Kill but arguing Sidama, Hadiya, wolaytta, Kefa should not???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 25 Jul 2019, 09:12

Debub Kililoch should have the right to decided their fate not Amhara to decide for them for Amhara interests.

All ethnics of southern people do not be trapped by the Amhara Shitar to advance Amhara interests, you must press your demand to be liberated like Deredawa and all other Kilils. You are the one should decide for your own fate than outsiders Amhara study groups.

If Gambela can be Kilil why not Sidama???

If Beneshangule can be Kilil why not Wolaytta???

If Deredawa can be Kilil why not Kefa???

If Afar can be Kilil why not Hadiya???

If Tigray can be kilil why not Gojjam???

If Somali can be Kilil why not Wollo???

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: Amhara is fighting for Addis Ababa Kill but arguing Sidama, Hadiya, wolaytta, Kefa should not???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 25 Jul 2019, 09:22

Just to remind all Debub ethnics, the only ethnic in the country opposes for your freedom to be Kilil is Amhara yet every ethnic of the south has been hosting Amhara ethnic yet Amhara became the real enemy of the host ethnic. Time to revise your relationship with Amhara because no southern ethnic live in Amhara Kilil but thousand of Amharu live in every ethnic regions of the southern part of the country but they are the enemy who feed them and allow them to live and become rich. Why on earth the people who sleep with you while eating your food and drinking your water and inhaling your pure clean air become your primarily enemy???

Halafi Mengedi
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Posts: 45846
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Re: Amhara is fighting for Addis Ababa Kill but arguing Sidama, Hadiya, wolaytta, Kefa should not???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 25 Jul 2019, 11:03

To correct my own mistake, Amhara is not the only one opposes southerns to form kilil also Gurage activists opposing them because Gurage cares about access to market than human suffering yet all the ethnics hosting Gurage in their kilil and exploiting and deceiving innocent Sidama and the rest of of Debub ethnics. Time all ethnics to burn their stores and ship them back where they came from no Gurage should live in your kilil they are your enemies.

Halafi Mengedi
Senior Member+
Posts: 45846
Joined: 30 May 2010, 23:04

Re: Amhara is fighting for Addis Ababa Kill but arguing Sidama, Hadiya, wolaytta, Kefa should not???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 25 Jul 2019, 13:23

Gurage and Amhara ethnics do not have any right to live in another ethnics like Sidama and Sidama has the right to tell non Sidama to leave their state.

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