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Is Ethiopia precipitating to collapse ? or could Fano knock the gates of Addis before things turn for the worse?

Post by Za-Ilmaknun » 01 May 2024, 18:43

State collapse occurs when a state is completely disintegrated, leaving an authority vacuum. Based on this understanding, we could safely assume that Ethiopia is currently in a fragile condition and has started the process of descent into state failure.

Some countries fail spectacularly, with a total collapse of all state institutions, as in Afghanistan after the Soviet withdrawal and the hanging of President Mohammad Najibullah from a lamppost, or during the decade-long civil war in Sierra Leone, where the government ceased to exist altogether.

Most countries that fall apart, however, do so not with a bang but with a whimper. They fail not in an explosion of war and violence but by being utterly unable to take advantage of their society’s huge potential for growth, condemning their citizens to a lifetime of poverty. This type of slow, grinding failure leaves many countries in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, and Latin America with living standards far, far below those in the West.

What are the reasons why Ethiopia is collapsing?

1-Lack of property rights
2-Forced labor
3-A tilted playing field
4-The big men get greedy
5-Elites block new technologies
6- No law and order
7-A weak central government
8-Bad public services
9-Political exploitation
10-Fighting over the spoils ... all-apart/

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Re: Is Ethiopia precipitating to collapse ? or could Fano knock the gates of Addis before things turn for the worse?

Post by Fed_Up » 01 May 2024, 19:33

Ethiopia is already a failed state. ምን ሲሆን ነው ግን እሚግባችሁ? እንደ ሁቱ እና ቱትሲ በግቆንጨራ ስትታጫጨዱ? ህ ወ ሃ ት ኢትዮጵያን እንበትናታለን እንዳሉ ከበታኞች ጋራ ሆነው እየበተኗት ነው::

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